This page contains all Talismans in God of War (2018, PS4) with their unique abilities. Talismans are accessories Kratos can equip to boost certain stats. They also unlock unique active combat skills that you can trigger manually by pressing +
. Talismans are equipped in the armor section.
A few Talismans are from crafting but the majority comes from completion-based tasks, from the story, side quests, bosses, and legendary chests. Knowing what talismans are in the game and what skills they unlock can help you prepare and strategize for difficult encounters. The active Talisman skills have a cooldown time.
This list is in order of rarity.
Common Talismans:
- Talisman of Resolute Might (Level 1 – 4 Strength, 2 Defence): Grants a short boost to STRENGTH when Kratos’s Health drops to a critical level.
- Talisman of Concentrated Vitality (Level 1 – 2 Defence, 4 Vitality): Gain a burst of Health.
- Talisman of Resolute Protection (Level 1 – 2 Defence, 4 Vitality): Grants an invincible barrier for several seconds when Kratos’s Health drops to a critical level.
- Talisman of Rejuvenating Fury (Level 2 – 6 Strength, 2 Defence, 4 Cooldown): Release a shockwave that inflicts a moderate amount of STUN damage to nearby enemies. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that restores a small amount of health every time an enemy is Stun Grabbed.
- Talisman of Eternal Fury (Level 2 – 6 Strength, 4 Defence): Gian a Rage Burst. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that increases the amount of Rage gained from combat as well as the duration of Spartan Rage.
Rare Talismans:
- Talisman of Betrayal (Level 1 – 2 Defence, 4 Cooldown): Activate while aiming to slow down time. Ranged attacks in this mode are more powerful.
- Amulet of Kvasir (Level 2 – 4 Defence, 6 Vitality): A last-second doge activates Realm Shift, temporarily slowing down surrounding enemies. Upgrading this item increases the duration of Realm Shift.
- Golden Talisman of Protection (Level 2 – 6 Strength, 10 Defence): Activate immediately after being hit to recover faster. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that increases the timing window on parries, and greatly increases DEFENCE when blocking.
- Talisman of Unbound Potential (Level 3 – 8 Runic, 6 Defence): Refresh all Runic Attack cooldowns. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that increases RUNIC when a Runic Attack is on cooldown.
- Horn of Heimdall (Level 3 – 10 Defence): Unleash a powerful attack that inflicts STUN damage and knocks back nearby enemies. Also has a PASSIVE EFFECT that reduces this Talisman’s cooldown on successful blocks and parries.
Legendary Talismans:
- Sinmara’s Cinder (Level 5 – 10 Strength, 8 Defence, 6 Vitality): Summon a raging Muspelheim maelstrom that prevents Kratos’s attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes, and inflicts normal and BURN damage to all nearby enemies.
- Hvergelmir Stone (Level 6 – 13 Defence, 16 Vitality, 11 Luck): Summon a cleansing fog that restores a small amount of Health, and increases the amount of time Kratos can stay in the Cursed Mist of Niflheim.
Epic Talismans:
- Aegir’s Protection (Level 4 – 8 Defence): Create a small defensive zone that prevents Kratos’s attacks from being interrupted, and reduces the amount of damage he takes. When upgraded, it restores a small amount of Health as well.
- The Charm of Infinite Storms (Level 4 – 12 Runic, 8 Defence, 4 Cooldown): Summon a storm of ice that prevents Kratos’s attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes, and inflicts normal and FROST damage to all nearby enemies.
- Talisman of Cursed Power (Level 5 – 8 Runic, 16 Defence): Unleash a wave of Cursed Mist that instantly WEAKENS all surrounding enemies by lowering their overall Stats.
- Shattered Gauntlet of Ages (Level 6 – 8 Defence): An ancient relic of Hel deemed too powerful to remain whole, fragments of its former strength lie scattered throughout the realms…
- Talisman of the Realms (Level 6 – 8 Strength, 13 Defence, 14 Cooldown): Summon a Realm Shift that temporarily slows down surrounding eenmies. Upgrade to increase the duration of Realm Shift.
That’s all the Talismans in GOW!
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