This guide will show the locations for all 123 Relics in Ghostwire Tokyo. Relics are collectible items scattered around Shibuya and Shibuya Underground, and collecting all of them is necessary for the Collector trophy. Relics can be traded in at the many Relic-Hunting Nekomatas around the map, who will in turn reward you both Meika and extra rewards such as Music Tracks, Outfits and Prayer Beads for trading in a certain amount that they request, as such collecting all Relics is also necessary for their respective trophies. At these Relic-Hunting Nekomatas you can also track each Relic that they request, which will put a yellow search area at the location for that Relic. Large search areas indicate the Relic is on ground level, whereas small search areas indicate the Relic is on a rooftop.
As the Relics are spread across the entire map, you will need to fully unfog the map by cleansing all of the Torii Gates, however you can collect as many as you come across while playing through the story. Some Relics are specific to mission areas, both Main Missions and Side Missions, however none of these missions are missable. None of the Relics are missable either, so you are free to collect these at your own pace.
You can use Spectral Vision with to see Relics outlined through objects, which can be helpful to pinpoint where some are located.
Shibuya Relics Map
Shibuya Relics Locations
Relic #1 – Azukiarai Netsuke
In the rear of a truck west of Hatsuike Shrine
Relic #2 – Shuriken (1)
On the roof of a building west of Hatsuike Shrine
Relic #3 – Uchide no Kozuchi
Inside a construction site northeast of Hatsuike Shrine
Relic #4 – Marbles
In a park north of Chishima Shrine
Relic #5 – Shuriken (2)
Stuck in a water tower on a rooftop northeast of Chishima Shrine
Relic #6 – Yayoi Pottery
In a small garden next to a house northeast of Chishima Shrine
Relic #7 – Kappa Netsuke
Inside a dry cleaners north of Shiratsuki Shrine
Relic #8 – Jomon Pottery
Amongst some trees outside an apartment complex northeast of Shiratsuki Shrine
Relic #9 – Model Minivan (1)
Underneath a bike stand north of Weapon Nerd Nekomata
Relic #10 – Kanzashi
Inside a dry cleaners north of Weapon Nerd Nekomata
Relic #11 – Daguerrotype Camera
On a bench in the park next to Chishima Shrine
Relic #12 – Straw Doll (1)
Pinned to a tree in the forest north of Kirigaoka Shrine
Relic #13 – Naoe Kanetsugu’s Kabuto
Inside a hut at Kirigaoka Shrine
Relic #14 – Kibori Kuma
Inside a dry cleaners northeast of Hitani Shrine
Relic #15 – Model Axolotl
On the roof of a bike rack west of Kirigaoka Shrine
Relic #16 – Model Minivan (2)
Inside a cement pipe east of Namihara Shrine
Relic #17 – Shuriken (3)
On the rooftop of the very tall tower west of Toyoi Shrine
Relic #18 – Daikon Mandrake (1)
On the back of a truck in a tunnel south of Toyoi Shrine
Relic #19 – Shuriken (4)
On a rooftop south of Toyoi Shrine
Relic #20 – Tin Goldfish
Outside a bathhouse west of Hitani Shrine
Relic #21 – Shuriken (5)
On a rooftop south of Hitani Shrine
Relic #22 – Ame-no-Habakiri (Replica)
Found inside Hitani Shrine
Relic #23 – Oban
Found underneath a bridge with some cats
Relic #24 – Magazine w/ Free Handbag
Inside Kirigaoka Building C Apartment 302, which you enter during “Blindness” Main Mission
Relic #25 – Straw Doll (2)
Pinned to a tree in a park south of Yamaki Shrine
Relic #26 – Taxidermy Crow
On a clothesline on a roof near Saihama Building Rooftop Torii Gate
Relic #27 – Zashiki-warashi Netsuke
On top of a gacha machine south of Shiratsuki Shrine
Relic #28 – Bizen Ware
On the balcony of a house east of Shiratsuki Shrine
Relic #29 – Wooden Fish
Inside the temple east of Momokane Building Rooftop Torii Gate, must complete “Art Imitates Life” Side Mission to access it
Relic #30 – Kodama Netsuke
On a bench in the park east of Tatsui Shrine
Relic #31 – Nurikabe Netsuke
In a bag in an alleyway south of Tatsui Shrine
Relic #32 – Tengu Netsuke
Behind some cars on the highway north of Kappagaike Torii Gate
Relic #33 – Marimo
On a bench next to Kappagaike Torii Gate
Relic #34 – Tsuchinoko
By the water’s edge at Kappagaike Torii Gate
Relic #35 – Japanese Sword
Top floor of construction site south of Kappagaike Torii Gate
Relic #36 – Kai-Awase Shells
At the entrance of a house south of Kappagaike Torii Gate
Relic #37 – Red Shoes
In the garage you enter during “Giants” Main Mission, in the corner behind some corruption
Relic #38 – Akabeko
In the garage you enter during “Giants” Main Mission, on a shelf in a room blocked by some corruption
Relic #39 – Haniwa
Inside Onten Shrine after cleansing it
Relic #40 – Dokyo
Next to the train tracks west of Onten Shrine
Relic #41 – Gara-Kei
Inside the building you access during “Nesting Evil” Side Mission, in the room behind the first Specter (building can be accessed from the rooftop after the side mission)
Relic #42 – Karakasa-kozo Netsuke
Inside the building you access during “Nesting Evil” Side Mission, next to the room you open with a key, climb up the rumble to find this in a safe (building can be accessed from the rooftop after the side mission)
Relic #43 – Kamaitachi Netsuke
On some gacha machines in a street east of Utagawa Shopping District Torii Gate
Relic #44 – Three Wise Monkeys
Outside a store north of Utagawa Shopping District Torii Gate
Relic #45 – Rikishi Netsuke
Inside a cardboard house east of the Musical Nekomata
Relic #46 – Model of Tokyo Tower
On the top floor of the construction site east of Matsumi Shrine
Relic #47 – Daikon Mandrake (2)
Outside a house west of Matsumi Shrine
Relic #48 – Furin
On a window sill south of Matsumi Shrine
Relic #49 – Shamisen
Inside a locker directly north of the Nostalgic Nekomata
Relic #50 – Small Wooden Dolls
Inside a locker in an alleyway south of Hirokawa Shrine
Relic #51 – Horagai
Inside Hirokawa Shrine
Relic #52 – Daikon Mandrake (3)
In an alleyway behind Shibuya Central Hospital
Relic #53 – Kokeshi
Found on a small delivery car just outside the Shibuya Central Hospital
Relic #54 – Paper Crane
4th floor of Shibuya Central Hospital, in a patient room you access during “Haunting Visions” Side Mission
Relic #55 – Shisa Statues
3rd floor of Shibuya Central Hospital, in an administration room you access during “Haunting Visions” Side Mission
Relic #56 – Tetsubin
Inside a locker in an alley north of Shibuya Central Hospital
Relic #57 – Akaname Netsuke
In an alleyway behind Sengoku Center Building
Relic #58 – Reiwa Placard
Inside a locker in the Sengoku Center Building that you access during “Pillar of Light” Main Mission
Relic #59 – Tortoiseshell Comb
On the roof of the Sengoku Center Building
Relic #60 – Hagoita
On a chair on a balcony of a building southeast of Utagawa Shopping District Torii Gate
Relic #61 – Black-Rimmed Glasses
On top of the massive billboard on Sports Avenue, can climb up via stairwells
Relic #62 – Tanuki Statue
Southwest of Mokubo Shrine, outside a store
Relic #63 – Biwa
Inside a house that contains a Zashiki-warashi yokai, southeast of Mikubo Shrine
Relic #64 – Rokurokubi Netsuke
In a small construction area south of Onten Shrine
Relic #65 – Jitte
Inside an open garage north of Sakano Shrine
Relic #66 – Incense Burner
In a graveyard southeast of Sakano Shrine
Relic #67 – Ubume Netsuke
On the roof of a building north of Shimokusa Shrine
Relic #68 – Nue Netsuke
In the back of a truck east of Shimokusa Shrine
Relic #69 – Hu-Mutt Mummy
Inside Kamio Shrine
Relic #70 – Pig Incense Burner
On the roof of a building northwest of Kamio Shrine
Relic #71 – Hanafuda
Upstairs in the construction site southeast of Antique Nekomata
Relic #72 – Unsettling Plushie
In a blue crate underneath some stairs south of Antique Nekomata
Relic #73 – Inro
On a highway west of Kamio Shrine, underneath a corruption tree
Relic #74 – Hokusai Ukiyo-e
24th floor of the Shibuya Kagerie Retail Complex, which can be reached by taking an elevator inside the mall on one of the lowest floors
Relic #75 – Portable Cassette Player
Inside the train in Shibuya Station
Relic #76 – Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle
On a tree east of Morite Shrine, across the large crossing
Relic #77 – Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (Replica)
Found at the Sky Garden roof, can be reached by gliding from the Shibuya Kagerie Retail Complex
Relic #78 – Portrait of a Spirit
On a wall inside Kuo Shrine
Relic #79 – Dotaku
South side of the Construction Labyrinth
Relic #80 – Ghastly Knife (1)
Inside portable toilet in southwest of Construction Labyrinth
Relic #81 – Super Shinji Sticker
Found on a metal beam with cats inside the construction site south of Yashin Shrine
Relic #82 – Shakokidogu
In a box at the construction site at Yashin Shrine
Relic #83 – Kite (1)
On the roof west of Yashin Shrine
Relic #84 – Randoseru
Roof across the street northeast of Namita Shrine
Relic #85 – Kite (2)
Found on a building directly east of Namita Shrine
Relic #86 – Bubble Era Folding Fan
On the roof of the 429 Building, on a stage, can be reached by grappling onto a tengu
Relic #87 – Utamaro Ukiyo-e
4th floor of the hotel during “Voice in the Wall” Side Mission
Relic #88 – Kagura Suzu
Found inside Akisawa Shrine
Relic #89 – Cursed Videotape (1)
Found in some blue crates a block west of Akisawa Shrine
Relic #90 – Daruma
Found inside KK’s Safehouse
Relic #91 – Lion Mask
Found in a locker in an alleyway south of the Enzan Neon District landmark
Relic #92 – Kite (3)
On the roof of the building west of KK’s safehouse, reached by grappling onto a tengu
Relic #93 – Cursed Videotape (2)
In an alleyway west of Namita Shrine
Relic #94 – Model Supercar
In the house you enter during “Deep Cleaning” Side Mission
Relic #95 – Kan’ei Tsuho
Outside building in southeast of Tsukinami Restricted Area
Relic #96 – Kenka Kiseru
Found on a rooftop south of the Karakasa-kozo Side Mission, use tengu to get up to the roof
Relic #97 – Shachihoko Statues
Inside a building southwest of Shiroyama Shrine, next to a Wind Jizo Statue
Relic #98 – Loose Socks
Bathroom stall in a public bathroom just southwest of Shiroyama Shrine
Relic #99 – Golden Tea Bowl
Near the western torii gate at Shiroyama Shrine
Relic #100 – Kendama
In a closet in the house during the “Zashiki-warashi” side quest
Relic #101 – Film Camera
Inside a tent north of Shiroyama Shrine
Relic #102 – Model Frilled Lizard
Found in a wardrobe upstairs in the house during “The Hoarder’s House” Side Mission
Relic #103 – Japanese Doll
Found inside the office building you visit during “And Then There Were None” Side Mission
Relic #104 – Kite (4)
On the ledge of a rooftop east of Shiroyama Shrine
Relic #105 – Sharaku Ukiyo-e
Inside a locker in an alleyway east of Shiroyama Shrine
Relic #106 – Sensu
On the back of a truck on the highway in the southeast of Shiroyama Shrine district, can be reached by grappling onto tengus and gliding over
Relic #107 – Onigawara
On the roof of a building south of Shiroyama Shrine
Relic #108 – Ghastly Knife (2)
Inside a toilet cubicle at the public bathroom in Tsukinami Dai-chi Park
Relic #109 – Kazarigoma
Sitting on a stool outside a store, east of Tsukinami Dai-chi Park
Relic #110 – Oni Netsuke
On the helipad of a massive tower, beneath a corruption tree, southwest of Akitsu Shrine
Relic #111 – Temari
In a park south of Akitsu Shrine
Relic #112 – Model Minivan (3)
Upstairs in a house near Akitsu Shrine where you hunt a Zashiki-warashi
Relic #113 – Koimari Dish
In front of a store southeast of Akitsu Shrine
Relic #114 – Soroban
Inside the basket of a bike next to Shibuara Park
Relic #115 – Ittan-momen Netsuke
On the roof of the building south of Kuo Shrine, reachable by gliding from Sky Garden
Relic #116 – Haunting Photo
Found outside the entrance to Occult Content Creator’s Apartment, which you enter during “A Full House” Side Mission
Relic #117 – Pocket Watch
On a table outside a store opposite Netsuke Collector Nekomata
Relic #118 – Model Restaurant Food
In front of a restaurant in the far southeastern corner
Shibuya Underground Relics Map
Shibuya Underground Relics Locations
Relic #119 – Maneki Neko
In the underground section where you will see 3 headless schoolgirl visitors in an arcade
Relic #120 – Ghastly Knife (3)
Found in a toilet cubicle next to the neko shop in the underground
Relic #121 – Chochin-obake Netsuke
Shortly after the previous one on the floor next to the subway
Relic #122 – Inugami Mummy
On the train tracks, instead of going left where it splits continue forward to find it in the rubble there
Relic #123 – Bottle Gourd
Still in the underground area, when you reach a big circular room with lots of stairs, head to the very bottom of it to find the relic
For all other Collectible Types check out the Ghostwire Tokyo Collectible Guide.
Jay says
So you say none of the relics are missable, meanwhile I just beat the story, and cleaning up now. I went to the location for (#41) Gara-Kei, and there is NO way to re-enter the building from the Nesting Evil mission.
Archavia says
That building can be re-entered from a door on the rooftop. I’ll make a note for those two relics stating this.
Obese says
“Relic #34 – Tsuchinoko” is not there for me. reinstalled the game and still not there. only 1 i’m missing.
iangator says
I was able to find it without any problems.
Arthur says
i see in the youtube, there are 6 possible location for this relic
Fred says
You have to find all “fake” Tsuchinoko’s before the real one appears. Go to the Occult Nekomata and mark the Tsuchinoko locations.
ShinRai says
I finished the main story and am missing 2 relics (Inugami Mummy and Bottle Gourd) from Shibuya Underground, but the game won’t let me get inside?
Any ideas on how to get to that circular chamber with stairs in the underground?
Archavia says
There are multiple entrances (marked on the map as an Entrance) that you should be able to access it from. The easiest one to access right next to Shibuya Scramble Crossing.
Jay says
Underground covers anything underground I marked the collectible on map the map and a yellow circle points to the location the bottle is in a construction site with has ladders down takes you to the spiral stairs that ipwas in a story missions it’s in the water at the bottom
taliesin2943 says
Someone in psnp missed the model frilled lizard and can’t get back into the house is their a Way back in?
taavi sepp says
I have collected all relics but still it doesn’t give trophy
Blagkxino says
Same here. I even went through all the list of the relics! Damn game with buggy trophy!