Ghost Recon Wildlands Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50-60h
- Offline Trophies: 41 (30
, 8
, 3
- Online Trophies: 3
, 1
(Teamwork!, Finished the Job, Master of the Wildlands)
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 12 (Pull!, Shotguns Fanatic, Handgun Fanatic, Submachine-Gun Fanatic, Light Machine-Gun Fanatic, Sniper Rifle Fanatic, Assault Rifle Fanatic, A Better Mousetrap, Cluster Bomber, Long Shot, No Better Rebel, Mission Master) – All these trophies are obtainable but can glitch out for a small amount of players.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
Step 1: Beat All Story Missions
Welcome to the Ghost Recon Wildlands Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
Start by beating all of the main story missions. When you scroll over a region on the world map it says how many missions have been completed and how many are missing. One thing that’s special about this game is that the missions can be done in any order you like. You could do the hardest regions first or go for the easy ones. It doesn’t matter. You can play all of it in co-op or offline solo.
There is nothing missable and nothing to look out for. Do the trophies in whatever order you like. Pick up any collectibles you run into, complete side quests and buy skills as you see fit. Play the game how you want and enjoy it. You can still do all side activities later (such as collectibles).
You can also follow this YouTube Playlist along the way to grab miscellaneous trophies as early as possible: Ghost Recon Wildlands Trophy Guide Playlist
Step 2: Get All Collectibles & Do one of every Side Mission
There are the following collectible types:
- Kingslayer Files (divided into Documents and Legends)
- Weapon Cases
- Accessory Cases (Not needed for trophies!)
- Skill Points
- Bonus Medals
Kingslayer files are revealed when discovering named map areas / when going near them. Everything else is revealed on the map by reading intel files. Intel automatically gets marked on the map. Collectibles are very easy to find and the game marks them all for you, so no need for a collectible guide. Furthermore, they are all in named map areas (enemy bases, villages etc.). Do keep in mind that Accessory Cases are not needed for trophies and can be skipped.
For the trophy “Spice of Life” you must have completed one of every type of side mission. They also get marked on the map by reading intel files. The game really takes you by the hand with the collectibles.
Step 3: Reach Max Level / Max XP / Buy All Skills
This is for the trophies “The Champion” and “Only the Best”. Should you still be missing XP, replay main missions to farm for it. Press Triangle-Button on the world map to replay any of the main missions as often as you want. Level 30 is the maximum.
Step 4: Mop-Up
You might still be missing a few miscellaneous trophies, such as “A Better Mousetrap” for killing 7 enemies with one mine explosion. If you are still missing anything feel free to do it now.
Glitch Warnings:
- Trophy Bugs & Possible Fixes: It seems that just about any trophy in this game can glitch randomly. There are glitch reports of all types of trophies but some are isolated incidents without further reports. Other trophies such as “Pull!” and the weapon collectables are known to glitch more often. All these trophies are obtainable, it comes down to luck. Maybe they glitch on you, maybe they don’t. If they do glitch out, reinstall the game and try solo & with a co-op partner. If a trophy doesn’t pop in co-op do it solo. If it doesn’t pop solo try in co-op. Back up your save games frequently, especially before finishing all story missions in case the trophy for it glitches. If reinstalling the game doesn’t cut it, also delete all save games and start a brand new playthrough. All areas are accessible from the beginning, so most trophies can be done right away.
- Progression Bugs: There is a progression bug which keeps mission intel from spawning. Sometimes when you go to a new region it won’t trigger the yellow intel files, thus you cannot play the missions of that region. A fix is to have a co-op partner trigger these missions for you (your partner shouldn’t have been to the region before / shouldn’t have triggered any of the missions and intel files). Your friend can also start a new game or make a new PSN account to help you out (this guarantees that no missions have been triggered). You can go to all regions from the beginning.
- Collectible Bugs: Some Collectible Trackers in the game are wrong. Documents are sometimes in different regions than the tracker shows. Furthermore, the trophies for finding all weapons cases are known to glitch out frequently.
Ghost Recon Wildlands Trophy Guide
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Master of the Wildlands Collected all the trophies. |
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Unlock all other trophies to earn platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Fearless Skydived 10 times. |
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Buy the parachute skill (it’s listed under the items skill section). Now jump out of a helicopter or plane and activate the parachute to land safely. Repeat this 10 times over the course of the game. Helicopters can be found at certain enemy bases. Some airfields always have one of them (there are also planes related to side missions that always spawn in the same places). | ||
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Pull! Shot an enemy chopper out of the air with a mortar. |
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First you must get the “Mortar” rebel skill, which is an unmissable unlock in one of the first few main quests of Itacua province (starting province). The quest is called “Rebellion Rising” and cannot be missed. Now go to one of the rebel side quests in which you must steal a helicopter. There are plenty of those throughout the game. Two of them are in Itacua region. They pop up when investigating intel, or you can head straight to the location from the video and mark the helicopter with your binoculars to trigger it. If your timing is right it will shoot the helicopter out of the air. If you fail, let the enemies kill you or quit out to main menu and retry. |
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Road Warrior Drove a vehicle for 100 km. |
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This trophy counts together the total driving distance from all vehicles used. You do not have to do this using the same vehicle. If you drive 1 km with a car and then 1 km with another it will be added together. This should come naturally if you use cars and motorcycles a lot. The fastest way to “farm” it is in Koani region in the north-west of the map. There is a huge dried up salt lake. Take the fastest car you can find and drive up and down the salt lake, or use rubber bands on your controller to drive automatically (the Lamborghini Aventador replica is the fastest).
Farming it really isn’t necessary; it’s just in case you want this as fast as possible. You’ll probably drive more than 1000 km while going for the other trophies, so don’t worry about this too much. |
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Deadly Curious Interrogated 20 sources. |
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Sources are certain informants during main missions that you can interrogate as well as lieutenants that can be grabbed in the open world and provide you with collectible locations.
This will come automatically while doing all main quests. You’ll have to interrogate more than 20 sources over the course of the game (probably 30 from main missions alone). If you play in co-op make sure that you are the one doing the interrogations. |
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Serious Collector Found 50% of the documents in the game. |
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See trophy “The Whole Story”. | ||
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The Whole Story Found all documents. |
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Documents are a sub-category of Kingslayer Files. They are marked on the world map by this icon: ![]() There are 21 regions and each one of them contains Kingslayer Files. Some of the Kingslayer files are normal documents needed for this trophy and some are legends needed for “Legendary Hunter”. They are all at named map locations (enemy bases / outposts / checkpoints / villages etc.). Simply discover the named locations and they will be revealed on the world map. To discover named locations you best use a helicopter or plane. Look for outlines of buildings on the map, those hint at named locations. Fly close to those settlements. Then they will get marked on the world map which reveals the documents with the None of them are missable. You can get them at any time in the open world. They are very easy to find and don’t require a collectible guide. Just go to all named locations and they will pop up on the map. You can also pick them up while playing co-op. All regions are accessible from the beginning. When scrolling over a region on the map it says how many “Kingslayer Files” you have found. Pressing Square on the map lets you view these collectibles. All the Kingslayer files with a unique name are required (everything that isn’t called “LEGEND”). *There are reports of the trophy popping early. Some people got it even though they were missing a few people (up to 7 documents missing and the trophy popped anyway). *Several of the document counters / trackers are wrong. The documents are often missing in the regions they should be in, and instead are in different regions. For example, in Media Luna it shows 10 documents but there are only 9. There is an extra one in the neighboring region P.N. De Agua Verde, but picking it up doesn’t add a document to any region counter (still, it does add to the trophy progress). There are multiple glitched documents like that. If a document seems to be missing from a region double check the neighboring regions, especially near the region’s borders. The icons all show up on the map, just the trackers are not reliable. Again, keep in mind some people got lucky and popped the trophy early, so try to collect all other documents first and see if it unlocks the trophy. |
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Beat the Boss Defeated your first boss. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. | ||
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The End Finished the story. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. Clear all provinces and kill all bosses. | ||
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Smuggler’s Blues Completed the Smuggling operation. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. | ||
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Shut Down Completed the Production operation. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. | ||
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Broken Locks Completed the Security operation. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. | ||
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Bad Reputation Completed the Influence operation. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. | ||
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Mission Master Completed all Story missions. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. Clear all provinces and kill all bosses. When scrolling over a map you can see how many missions there are. | ||
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With a Pistol! Took out a sniper with a pistol. |
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Over the course of the game you will very often run into snipers. They are hiding in guard towers. When marking them with the binoculars or drone they have a different icon than normal enemies (orange crosshairs icon). |
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Teamwork! Completed 3 missions with another player. |
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*Online Co-Op Trophy*
This requires an internet connection! You can either invite a friend to your co-op session or join a public session with random players. Press Touchpad > Lobby to manage your co-op settings, join sessions or invite people. With one or more co-op partners in your session complete any 3 missions. You can also replay missions in case you’ve already beaten them all. Press Triangle on the world map to replay missions. |
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A Good Start Completed the first mission “Amaru’s rescue”. |
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Automatic story unlock, unmissable. | ||
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Eye in the Sky Marked 100 enemies with a drone. |
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To use the drone press D-Pad Up. Now aim the drone at enemies and it will automatically mark them. Use the drone before every enemy encounter and mark as many enemies as possible. The trophy will unlock in no time if you always do this. Also feel free to upgrade your drone by buying more skills for it. Those are very useful and let you use the drone for longer. Enemies respawn at all named locations, so it can be farmed this way. | ||
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Eagle-Eyed Marked 100 enemies with the binoculars. |
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To use the binoculars press D-Pad Down. Now aim at enemies and it will automatically mark them. Do this before every enemy encounter and mark as many enemies as possible. The trophy will unlock in no time if you always do this. Also feel free to upgrade your binoculars by buying more skills for it. Enemies respawn at all named locations, so it can be farmed this way. | ||
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Cluster Bomber Killed 7 enemies with a single C4 blast. |
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This requires the “C4” skill (category: item skills). The skill “Diversion Lure” is highly recommended! Not absolutely needed, but makes it easier to lure together some enemies. A great spot for the trophy is in main mission “The Deserter” (Montuyoc Province) If you still have trouble buy the Epic Skill “Explosion Radius” from the item category. You must buy the first upgrade of all item skills to get it. This increases the blast radius so you can hit more enemies at once (I’m not using this skill in the video, it’s completely optional). If something goes wrong, kill the guy with the yellow quest marker or let him escape – this will respawn you near the enemy group. |
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A Better Mousetrap Killed 7 enemies with a single mine. |
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This requires the “Mine” skill (category: item skills). The skills “Diversion Lure” and “Flashbang” are highly recommended! A great spot for the trophy is in main mission “The Deserter” (Montuyoc Province) Compared to other explosives the mine has a rather small explosion radius. If you have trouble buy the Epic Skill “Explosion Radius” from the item category. You must buy the first upgrade of all item skills to get it. This increases the blast radius so you can hit more enemies at once (I’m not using this skill in the video, it’s completely optional). If something goes wrong, kill the guy with the yellow quest marker or let him escape – this will respawn you near the enemy group. |
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Legend Hunter Discovered one legend. |
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See trophy “Legendary Hunter”. | ||
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Legendary Hunter Discovered all legends. |
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Legends are a sub-category of documents (see “The Whole Story” trophy). They are marked on the world map by this icon: ![]() There are 21 regions and each one of them contains Kingslayer Files. Some of the Kingslayer files are normal documents and some are legends needed for this trophy. They are all at named map locations (enemy bases / outposts / checkpoints / villages etc.). Simply discover the named locations and they will be revealed on the world map. To discover named locations you best use a helicopter or plane. Look for outlines of buildings on the map, those hint at named locations. Fly close to those settlements. Then they will get marked on the world map which reveals the legends with the None of them are missable. You can get them at any time in the open world. They are very easy to find and don’t require a collectible guide. Just go to all named locations and they will pop up on the map. You can also pick them up while playing co-op. All regions are accessible from the beginning. When scrolling over a region on the map it says how many “Kingslayer Files” you have found. Pressing Square on the map lets you view these collectibles. All the Kingslayer files named “LEGEND” are required. |
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Spice of Life Played each type of side mission. |
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There are the following types of side missions:
They get marked on the world map when:
The side quest locations are very easy to reveal. To start new main quests you have to infiltrate enemy bases and find major intel. There’s almost always a piece of normal intel nearby that reveals collectibles and side missions on the map. There are tons of these intel items and they are always at named map locations (enemy bases and other settlements). When interacting with intel you can choose whether to reveal collectible locations or side missions. Press D-Pad Left / Right to reveal the side missions. They will then show up on the map with green icons. Find more intel to reveal more side missions. |
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Highway Bandit Tagged 10 convoys. |
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There are plenty of convoy side missions. In them you must stop a convoy (by shooting it or using EMP drone) and then tag it for the rebels. You do this by walking up to the back of the convoy and pressing Square-Button. So basically just do 10 convoy side missions. They respawn every time you die.
They are marked by a green icon on the map. To reveal them you must read intel files, which are frequently found at named map areas (enemy bases, villages etc.). All convoys respawn when you die. Use this to your advantage to farm them over and over again. A few convoys can also be found in main missions, such as “Rebellion Rising” in Itacua (starting region). It’s unclear if those count or not. The trophy will unlock naturally over time while going through the convoy side quests. |
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Ultimate Skill Bought all the upgrades of a Skill branch. |
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See trophy “Only the Best”. | ||
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Only the Best Bought all upgrades. |
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To buy skills you need skill points and resources (gas, comms, medicine, food). There are several ways to earn skill points:
Clearing high level regions will earn you 15 skill points or more. You must also level up quite a bit to obtain enough additional points. Resources are obtained mostly from side quests (marked by green icons on map after reading intel files). They are also found at almost every enemy base (very few compared to side missions). Press Touchpad > Skills to view them and buy new skills. There are 5 skill categories:
Buying all skills unlocks the 3 trophies “Ultimate Skill”, “Only the Best”, “Top Drone”. |
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Top Drone Bought all drone-related upgrades. |
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See trophy “Only the Best”. | ||
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Heavy Medals Collected all the bonus medals. |
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Bonus medals are a type of collectible. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. |
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Rebel Sympathizer Unlocked a Rebel skill. |
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See trophy “No Better Rebel”. | ||
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Real Rebel Unlocked all the Rebel skills. |
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See trophy “No Better Rebel”. | ||
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No Better Rebel Maxed out each Rebel skill. |
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To max out rebel skills you must play side missions. Side missions are revealed on the map by reading intel files (which are always at named areas such as enemy bases). Upon picking up intel you must press D-Pad right to unlock all the rebel upgrade missions of the current region.
Only certain side missions provide rebel skills. When scrolling over a quest icon on the world map you can see what reward it will give. To see which rebel skills have been unlocked, press Touchpad > Skills > Rebel Support. There are 5 skills and each one has 3 strength levels + several cooldown levels:
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Shotguns Fanatic Collected all shotguns models. |
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Shotgun Models are a type of collectable weapon. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the world map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. A few weapons are loot from bosses. So you must also do the main missions in all regions and beat their respective bosses. There are a total of 80 weapons (50 weapons found in open world and 30 dropped by bosses). |
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Handgun Fanatic Collected all handguns models. |
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Handgun Models are a type of collectable weapon. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the world map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. A few weapons are loot from bosses. So you must also do the main missions in all regions and beat their respective bosses. There are a total of 80 weapons (50 weapons found in open world and 30 dropped by bosses). |
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The Champion Maxed out your XP and levels. |
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You gain XP by killing enemies and doing missions. The biggest XP rewards are gained from main missions. You can replay main missions to farm this (press Triangle-Button on world map to replay missions).
Level 30 is the maximum level. |
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Long Shot Hit a target more than 400m away. |
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Use a sniper rifle for this. One can be found in Itacua province (where the game starts) in the weapon case by the rally point “Itacua Echo”. That’s in the north of the province. Any other sniper rifle works, too. Just a little bit north of Itacua Echo is an enemy checkpoint (marked as “checkpoint” on map). There are a bunch of guard towers with snipers inside. Walk along the road or hill to get 400 meters away from them, then kill an enemy using the sniper rifle. To see the distance use binoculars and press Square (PS4) / X (XB1). This lets you place a distance marker on the enemy. |
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Death in the Dark Made a close-combat kill at night. |
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Ghost Recon Wildlands features day and night cycles. When it’s night-time, infiltrate an enemy base and press R3 to melee an enemy from up close. | ||
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Finished the Job Killed an enemy in close combat who was hurt by another player. |
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*Online Co-Op Trophy*
This requires an internet connection! You can either invite a friend to your co-op session or join a public session with random players. Press Touchpad > Lobby to manage your co-op settings, join sessions or invite people. Let another player shoot an enemy with a pistol. Now you run up to that enemy and perform a melee takedown (press R3). The enemy must be alerted; otherwise he dies in 1 pistol shot. You can shoot the upper body. It doesn’t matter what body part you shoot as long as they stay alive. The enemy will keep walking around after your teammate shot him. This can be a bit hectic so leave only one single enemy alive (the armored Unidad enemies work best). Tell your buddy to shoot the enemy once and then do the melee takedown. If you’re playing a public session with random people always rush towards the enemies and do one takedown after another. Eventually you’ll get lucky with it. |
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Death from Above Killed an enemy with a drone. |
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Step 1: Buy explosion drone skill (unlocks at level 15). |
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Black-out Boomer Destroyed a generator with a C4 blast. |
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A good spot for this is in Itacua province (where the game starts) in the enemy base “F.O.B. Armadillo”. This is a Unidad controlled military base in the east with a Power Generator. The generator respawns every time you fast travel. It’s not a problem if you previously destroyed it. Just fast travel there again and it will respawn. |
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Submachine-Gun Fanatic Collected all submachine-gun models. |
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SMGs are a type of collectable weapon. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the world map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. A few weapons are loot from bosses. So you must also do the main missions in all regions and beat their respective bosses. There are a total of 80 weapons (50 weapons found in open world and 30 dropped by bosses). |
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Light Machine-Gun Fanatic Collected all light machine-gun models. |
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LMGs are a type of collectable weapon. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the world map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. A few weapons are loot from bosses. So you must also do the main missions in all regions and beat their respective bosses. There are a total of 80 weapons (50 weapons found in open world and 30 dropped by bosses). |
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Sniper Rifle Fanatic Collected all sniper rifle models. |
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Sniper Rifles are a type of collectable weapon. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the world map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. A few weapons are loot from bosses. So you must also do the main missions in all regions and beat their respective bosses. There are a total of 80 weapons (50 weapons found in open world and 30 dropped by bosses). |
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Assault Rifle Fanatic Collected all assault rifle models. |
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Assault Rifles are a type of collectable weapon. To reveal their locations on the world map you must find intel. Intel is always found in named map areas (enemy bases or villages). There are tons of these intel items and they are very easy to find. In fact, the game leads you right to them – in order to unlock new main missions you must look for major intel and there’s almost always a piece of normal intel sitting right next to it. Upon investigating the intel press D-Pad Up. The collectibles are now marked on the world map via blue icons. Find more intel to unlock more collectible locations. These do not require a collectible guide as the game shows you where they are. Very easy to find and nothing is missable. A few weapons are loot from bosses. So you must also do the main missions in all regions and beat their respective bosses. There are a total of 80 weapons (50 weapons found in open world and 30 dropped by bosses). |
Thomas says
Can you replay main missions once do all main missions?
PowerPyx says
Yes (open map and press triangle — or join co-op session)
Victor says
Does that mean you can replay the same mission over and over to get the “Deadly Curious” trophy ?
Quink says
Hey PowerPyx i currently 100% the first area of the game. Does 10/10 kingslayer files mean both documents and legends?
PowerPyx says
TrueKnightFA says
Hey PowerPyx this is a well written guide and it actually makes me excited to buy this game and start working towards the Platinum trophy. Great Guide!
Quink says
Rebel upgrades need 9 side mission for each to upgrade them to maximum.
PowerPyx says
I’ll add it to the guide, thanks Quink.
Phil says
Killing a sniper with a pistol trophy is glitched, not popping even though internet connection is fine tested both cable and wifi. Popped in game not syncing with ps network.
PowerPyx says
I’m confused about the last part “Popped in game not syncing with ps network.”.
So did it unlock or didn’t it? Do you mean it unlock while playing offline (i.e. disconnect from PSN / without internet connection) OR that the trophy did pop in-game but won’t show on your trophy list?
Phil says
It did pop in-game but doesn’t show up in my trophy list.
PowerPyx says
Hmm that’s weird. Never heard of that type of issue o_O
A friend of mine reported the opposite issue – the trophy for 7 mine kills shows up in his trophy list but never popped in-game (he even has video footage and the trophy screenshot to prove it).
Are you on a beta firmware by any chance? Those are known to cause weird glitches.
I really have no explanation for this. Sounds more like a PS4 bug than a game specific bug. So far all trophies unlocked fine for me.
You should talk to Ubisoft support about it. They can investigate further and have better access to PlayStation tech support. There seems to be something odd going on with those trophies.
Phil says
Thanks for the info. I’m on ps4 pro and have never had this issue which is why i thought it was game related. I’m installing the new 4.50 update that just came out right now. I guess I’ll see if this update has any effect. Will update if resolved!
Phil says
Resolved! After installing the 4.50 update which came out today it showed up in my trophy list! Thanks for the help and the guide!
PowerPyx says
Nice, thanks for the update Phil
Glad it’s working now. Very weird issue… I can only imagine they made the latest game patch with firmware 4.50 in mind and that caused problems with older firmware.
Hussein mohamed says
I. Complete all mission ٪100
And didn’t open its gliached .?
Dave says
Great guide as always. I do have a question though.
I’m in the Libertad zone (SE corner of the map), and one of the Kingslayer collectibles isn’t registering as being picked up. It is the “Cake Relief” recording from the combat outpost just NW of the Viloma Cuatro Gas Field. The icon has been removed from my map, but it is not showing up as having been collected. I went back, and it is not there anymore.
I know there is collectible glitches, but this isn’t an issue with it being in another zone or anything. Will I be locked out of the Legendary Hunter or The Whole Story trophy (not sure which category it falls under)?
PowerPyx says
Hard to say. It’s my understanding that trophies have their own tracker in this game, separate from in-game region trackers. So it might still unlock.
Even though the collectible trackers for several regions are glitched, the trophies unlock just fine for most people. So I’d imagine it’s the same in your case. Hope you unlock it in the end. Always a bit of a gamble with Ubisoft games.
Ben says
0 Glitched trophies is a lie. I had to do the seven kills trophies multiple times and I never got the complete all story missions trophy at all. I couldn’t get the pull trophy in coop for some reason
PowerPyx says
Thanks for the feedback Ben! I haven’t heard any other reports of these trophies being glitched. However, on rare occasions trophies aren’t popping in-game, but show up in the trophy list. Maybe they stealth-popped on you?
I have heard glitch reports of many different trophies but all isolated incidents with no further confirmations. So it seems just about any trophy can glitch out randomly in this game. I will make a note of it at the start of the guide. Appreciate you taking the time to share this info!
Side note: It never said 0 glitched trophies in the guide. It said “nothing yet” as a placeholder until glitch reports are coming in (I didn’t experience any glitches personally). Updating it now
Kauppi says
I tried the helicopter mortar thing twice and didnt get the trophy:/ im gonna try it few more times not sure if i did something wrong ot is it glitched! Dunno if theres like a time in when u should put the mortar or whenever its in the air?
PowerPyx says
The helicopter has to lift off / fly in the air. I requested the mortar as soon as the guy jumped into the helicopter.
Another user left a comment saying the trophy wouldn’t unlock in Co-Op but worked in a solo game. So maybe try solo. It looks like this trophy is glitchy.
kauppi says
got the trophy few days ago, seems like it just randomly took about 5 tries before it worked:D all tries was in solo, maybe i did something wrong:DD
Arkhaine says
Pull! Is a currently glitched trophy, many people, including myself have managed to down an airborne chopper using the mortar and the trophy won’t pop.
PowerPyx says
Thanks for confirming Arkhaine. Will update it now.
whysteven says
Hey PowerPyx. Thanks for the guide as always. I’m about halfway through the game and have completed 6 provinces collecting everything. Then I got to Montuyoc and the main story missions won’t pop up and I never got the Bowman briefing like when you enter the other provinces. I’ve completed all side missions and collected everything and still no story missions. Did this happen to anyone else?
whysteven says
Found a solution if anyone is having a problem. I joined a friend’s game online who had never been to that province. When we entered he could see the yellow intel folders but I still couldn’t. He started a mission and I joined it then we finished it together. I went back to single player and the Deserter mission immediately unlocked for me which upon completing it the Bowman briefing unlocked.
shahrrri says
Do I need to get the “ubisoft” weapons like SIG556 Llama assault rifle to get the trophy?
I missed out the open beta.
PowerPyx says
No worries, that beta weapon is definitely not required.
The true og says
For collecting all the weapons. Do we have to buy the ones from the store in order to get the trophy?
nhamoda1 says
Hi , anyone having problem with the guns trophies ? i unlocked shotguns, handguns, sniper rifle, submachine-gun, light machine-gun, but none of the trophies pop up for me, is it glitched for me ?
Shimmy says
Did u complete story
nhamoda1 says
yes, all of it
Kent says
Also not popping for me. I’m 100% clear on the map as well. I really don’t wan’t to uninstall…
Kent says
I backed up my save, uninstalled and re downloaded. Pulled my save back down and still no luck.
I’ve noticed the trophies I’m missing, LMG, pistols, assault riffles and sniper have also not popped in the Ubisoft club. Maybe that has something to do with it?
Brett says
Did they fix the glitched trophies with the latest patch?
Thanks to Horizon, I’m getting started with this a week late. But after hearing the horror stories going around, I’m not sure if I should even waste my time, or just put it back on the shelf for a couple months.
Ubisoft is always pretty careless with this stuff, but I haven’t heard of one being this bad since AC Liberation on Vita.
PowerPyx says
Still glitched I believe.
For most people the trophies unlock fine. Maybe they will glitch, maybe they won’t… you just never know with this game.
Kane says
The No Better Rebel trophy is glitch for me :/ I’ve got power 3 on all, but no trophy… also mission intel doesn’t pop up
philip says
XP Bug.
Went from level 28 -29 and it shows me at level 29 in the tacmap but the XP bar is stuck on 28 and completely full. Found multiple threads about this on a ubisoft forum. They’re “investigating this”. This is insanely annoying because I can’t get my platinum trophy because of this. So there you go, the trophy for max level and XP is glitched. Classic Ubisoft.
abdulrahman says
Great guide as always.
nychris says
Great guide as always, PowerPyx!
I’ve completed all of the missions but the Mission Master trophy did not pop. The cartel destabilization is at 109% and all missions are showing as being completed. I suspect this may have something to do with the mission “Boat Ride”, under El Cerebro, because sometimes when I fast travel the soldiers have the conversation about that mission. I must have heard it 100 times now even though I finished it a long time ago and it shows as being completed. I’ve tried replaying that mission but it did not help. I’ve tried reinstalling the game but that did not help either. If anyone knows how to resolve this please let me know.
FYI, if I look at my Ghost profile online it says I’ve completed 105 missions. I asked someone who has this trophy what their profile says and their profile shows 106 missions completed so it seems that one of my missions (probably Boat Ride) isn’t registering for me.
nychris says
Thanks to VindettvhOG I was able to get both the Mission Master and platinum trophy in about 2 minutes. If you replay each mission one after the other the trophy will pop when you get to whatever mission(s) you are missing. You don’t have to actually play the missions, just replay each mission one after the other until you get it. Once I clicked replay mission for “El Pulpo’s Right Hand Man” the trophies popped.
cielnoir says
your guide for pull, better mouse trap & cluster bomber it’s help me a lot.
the hardest trophy for me now is finished the job.
coz’ i don’t have a friend to help me and playing with random is make me imposible to achieved it.
hope you can help me to achieved it
Browny says
Well my map is completely clear now. After using a workaround I managed to get my Story progress from 98% to 100% (opening every story mission again but quitting as soon as it saves). However my 3 collectibles achievements are bugged at 96%, 94% and 93%. I also have the submachine gun and sniper rifle fanatic bug.
Samy says
Please help me i finishid all story mission 100%%% but no colliected mission master trophie please help me
legolas says
mission master and hand gun fanatic is glitched another shit broken game
Tiago says
Hi there.
Mate I have done everything in the game and collected everything I have to collect in the game but the trophy legendary hunter won’t unlock? I think it’s glitched. I find it really frustrating spending so many hours completing the game and I can’t have the platinum cuz of that. Have you got any idea about what I can do to unlock the trophy? Thanks
Fkfkfkffk says
I have found all 206 kingslayer files and legends but it says i have found 96% of them. Do i have to do all of the special operations to count? I’ve done all uknown locations too but still no trophy. Done 106 story missions.
Storm says
Did they fixed all glitches? To get the Platinum trophy?
Please let me know my friend and I are trophy hunters and trying to get as many platinum.
Alex says
I want to know also, Storm!
xW4LMSL3Yx says
Looking at having some help with the “Finished the Job” trophy.
If anyone can help pls let me know, happy to help others get it as well, thanks.
Hunter says
I’m not sure if anyone still plays this but thought I’d post anyway. I think I found a work around for some of the glitched trophies. I’ve been chipping away at this game for a while and I can only speak on what worked for me. I started the game with a coop partner. With my coop partner I got some guns, finished missions and picked up collectibles. I completed the game solo and was “missing” everything I did with my coop partner. I started a new save and did everything solo that I completed with my coop partner. Trophies popped for me on 2nd play through in solo play. My belief is coop bugs out the trophies. Hope this helps.
Tricolor says
Wow, thanks Powerpyx for the awesome guide, it helped me a ton!
willytanger says
looking for someone to do Finished the Job trophy.
Ubiracy says
Id: platinandocoisas. Adciona lá. Tá
FlyByers says
looking for someone to do online trophies