Ghost of Tsushima has 19 Haiku Locations (+3 in Iki Island). Finding all Haiku is needed for the Body, Mind, and Spirit trophy. This guide shows all their locations.
None of the Haiku Collectibles are missable! It doesn’t matter what dialogue choices or what ending you pick during the story. You can still get all Haiku after the story in free-roam. You can reveal them on the map as question marks by liberating all of the Occupied Mongol Territories.
However, Haiku #10 at Hiyoshi Springs does not get marked on the map with a question mark. If you’re missing a Haiku it’s likely the hidden one at Hiyoshi Springs. The first two Haiku come from the story and aren’t marked either. The last Haiku comes from a Side Tale and likewise won’t show on the map.
To complete the Haiku you must interact with their marked position in the world and then pick from 3 poetry options (doesn’t matter which ones you pick). Haiku are a type of Japanese poetry. Each one of them also unlocks a Vanity Gear item (except the story/quest related ones). Two are automatic from the story, one is from Side Tale “The Proud Do Not Endure”.
Automatic Story Haiku
Haiku #1 – Automatic from story, obtained during main tale “Ghosts from the Past” in Act 2 (unmissable).
Haiku #2 – Automatic from story, obtained during main tale “The Tale of Lord Shimura” in Act 3 (unmissable).
Region 1: Izuhara
Haiku #3: Tsutsu Haiku
Haiku #4: Azamo Haiku
Haiku #5: Komatsu Haiku
Haiku #6: Kashine Haiku
Haiku #7: Ariake Haiku
Haiku #8: Komoda Haiku
Haiku #9: Hiyoshi Haiku
Haiku #10: Hiyoshi Springs – talk to the NPC at the northern edge of Hiyoshi Springs settlement (the village with lots of hot springs, location image below), he will unlock this Haiku. It’s not marked on the map as a question mark. If you’re missing a Haiku after having done everything else in the game, it’s likely this one.
Region 2: Toyotama
Haiku #11: Akashima Haiku
Haiku #12: Umugi Haiku
Haiku #13: Otsuna Haiku
Haiku #14: Kushi Haiku
Haiku #15: Kubara Haiku
Region 3: Kamiagata
Haiku #16: Kin Haiku
Haiku #17: Sago Haiku
Haiku #18: Jogaku Haiku
Side Tale Haiku
Haiku #19 – obtained during Side Tale “The Proud Do Not Endure” (Yurio Tale 2 of 2). The quest starting location is shown below. It becomes available after Main Tale “Ghosts From the Past” (Act 2).
Iki Island Region (DLC)
The following are only available with the Iki Island DLC Expansion and are not needed for main game trophies.
Haiku #20: Waterfall Haiku
Haiku #21: Mountainside Haiku
Haiku #22: Wisteria Haiku
That’s all of the Haiku Locations in Ghost of Tsushima.
For all other Collectible Types, check out the full Ghost of Tsushima Collectible Guide.
rake says
I found all the haiku on the map and now 18 are completed and one is incomplete. I did everything I could to get the quest, but is there any chance I haven’t renewed it to a bug?
PowerPyx says
Did you get the one at Hyisohi Springs? #10 in this guide.
It’s not marked on the map, easy to overlook that one.
Ash says
Same I’ll only end up having 18 when I’m finished and I’ve done both of the tales with the old lady.. don’t know what do!
JAC_Elite says
There’s a tutorial haiku and hot spring in Hiyoshi Springs use guiding winds vanity & it’ll point you to the right direction.
Spaceknight says
Haiku #10 awards the Headband of Serenity, if that’s a simpler way to figure out if you’re missing that one spot or some other.
Bothersome says
I have all the haikus on the map done (yes #10 as well) but the trophy still hasn’t popped for me. And I have the trophy for doing all the side tales so I KNOW I did the one with Yuriko. This trophy’s gotta be glitched :/
kevin werschnik says
i did everything all haikus , but nothing happens and it shows me only 18/19 i go through them but i have all , but i dont know if yurio missable is ??
PowerPyx says
Have you finished the story yet? You’re probably missing a story-related one or #10 which isn’t marked on the map, or #19 from side quest.
Charles Johnston says
I’m 100% of the game and I would be okay but I’m missing it too. It’s a bug
Chrikker says
I doubt it’s bugged as there was another haiku in the final story quest, and the trophy popped for me there.
Lul29 says
If you do the side quest before you complete the main mission, you will only get 18. It’s bug for me as well, I did all and still have 18/19. Haha, great the only time I want to plat, this happens. I doubt sucker punch will patch this, it’s a problem for all of us who finish all before main story
PowerPyx says
That’s not true, I know people who did all side quests before completing the story and got the Haiku trophy in the last story mission.
But many people have reported problems with this trophy so definitely something seems off for some players.
Lul29 says
I guess I’m one of the unlucky ones ?….
Christian says
It is 100% glitched. I’ve gone through the list. Still 18/19 yet I’ve completed all 19 on my map. Also the “wind of vanity” will no longer let me use it. So the game knows I have all 19 yet the counter messed up. I’ve feared this would happen to me at some point with a game and it did. Trust me I’ve complete Yurikos tales and did both Hitoshi. Fucking glitched.
ben snyder says
I have 18/19 and finished all tales think this trophy may be bugged I went back and double checked I had them all and I’m still one short
Frank C says
You have to finish the very level, “the Tale of Lord Shimura”, in order to get the last Haiku.
Tenzi says
I swear to god everyone needs to know this. The haiku’s themselves wont give the trophy. you also need to do all the: hot springs, bamboo strikes and the haiku’s. stop thinking the trophy is glitched smh…
Lul29 says
First of all, we know that you need to complete all the others. The trophy is glitched for some. I have completed all side tales, completed all location of haiku, all other world locations, and it it still bugged at 18/19. Just because it didn’t happen to you, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen to me. The trophy is glitched and i am not the only one who is facing this. You are just lucky you are not facing this.
Me says
the trophy is glitched, I have done everything and its say 18/19 complete.
Me says
the trophy is glitch 18/19 finished it says on collections and i have done all of them. This has nothing to do with the trophy popping because of the bamboo and stuff. This is not registering one of them and its glitched
Gary says
Mine was 18/19
Until I did the Yuriko tale! She has a haiku!!!
Luka says
there is no glitch
I was think like that
Number 2 of haiku
You will got it at the end of story
You should complete the story
Manny says
Finished story and completed all side tales and have 18/19 and have all the headbands. Definitely a glitch
realsuperspeed21 says
So I’m not sure if people are having a bug or not, but maybe they are missing one and don’t see it, or they just haven’t done the main mission which is Haiku #2. If it’s not that one and they did get that one, and also did the other main mission one along with the side mission one and the one hidden at the Hotsprings. That would mean they are indeed missing one that can be found when exploring.
For me it shows 19/19 maybe this is a bug for some people where it some how didn’t pick up that the haiku was completed. It’s a weird one, I think people might want to double check and even write down the ones they see here (not including the two stories and side mission) then cross out the ones they see on their map as they go down the list.
Rob says
It is 110% glitched for some people. I’ve done EVERYTHING there is to do in the game. I have every trophy except the platinum and the one for getting all the collectibles (including the haiku). It may not be glitched for everybody, but you clowns saying it’s not a glitch at all are completely wrong.
Ivan says
Thought this was glitched until I realized the Hiyoshi Haiku is different from the Hiyoshi Springs Haiku. Not saying the game def isn”t glitched for others but I’d encourage checking this just to be sure.
Feiertag Erik says
What Hiyoshi and Hiyoshi Springs Haiku you’re talking about???????
PowerPyx says
It’s Haiku #10 (says this in the intro and in the text/image section). Check the images under #10. Alternatively, you can refer to #10 in the video that’s linked at the top of the guide which shows it in action
My Name is Jeff says
I was 18/19 in the haiku’s as well. I went one by one and checked all the haiku’s (using the images powerpyx provided) and Iseem to have them all completed. I went ahead and did the final quest “The Tale of Lord Shimura” and there is a haiku to be completed at the end of the quest. The trophy popped up for me shortly after. Hope that helps some with the issues.
Little Red Fox says
Main story complete, Hiyoshi Haiku done, still at 18/19 Haikus. Is it possible one didn’t register?
Richard says
Cant believe this is still a glitch in 2022, have 21/22.
Matthew Johnson says
Not sure if its the same for you but mine showed 21/22 as well and i checked every map and they were all done. After that i did the mission ‘The Proud Do Not Endure’ and it popped after i did the haiku in that tale.
Katalina says
Not only are the haikus glitched, but so are the shinto shrines. I’ve gotten them all, but under exploration, it says I’m missing one. Glad I came here to see these comments and realize wasting my time on even trying to get plat on this game is pointless with those glitches happening. So, I’ll just finish the game and be done with it… how disappointing.
Wwagz says
They’re not glitched….I got the plat in the game.