Tracer No Tracing is a World Quest in Genshin Impact. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Tracer No Tracing World Quest.
Tracer No Tracing begins after talking to ??? in the Underground Lava River in the Ameyalco Waters.
Region: Natlan
Area: Ameyalco Waters
Quest Giver: ???, found in the Underground Lava River in Ameyalco Waters
Requirement: Automatically available when you reach the Natlan region
Recommended Level: 35
Reward: 200 People of the Springs Reputation EXP, 250 Adventure EXP, 30 Primogems, 20,000 Mora, 2 Hero’s Wit, 3 Mystic Enhancement Ore; *If you are Adventure Rank 60, you do not get Adventure EXP. Instead, you receive 2,500 extra Mora.
Mission Description: Help the mysterious woman find an “elixir to cure all injuries.”
- Talk to ???
- Defeat the opponents
- Investigate the ruins
- Search for the Unveiling Script(s)
- Integrate the Unveiling Script(s) into the Phlogiston Engraving
- Investigate the ruins
- Investigate the mechanism in the center
- Search for the Unveiling Script(s) (2)
- Integrate the Unveiling Script(s) into the Phlogiston Engraving
- Ride the Spiritway back to ground level
Starting Location: Ameyalco Waters
Talk to ???
To reach the quest giver, use the Statue of the Seven in the Ameyalco Waters region.
Look to the southeast to see a hole in the ground. Go down several layers.
You finally reach an underground ruin.
Head down the stairs to find the mysterious woman crouching in some tall grass.
The mysterious woman reveals herself to be Chikya. She also tells you that within these ruins is an “elixir to cure all injuries.”
Defeat the opponents
Head south until a Secret Source Automaton activates.
Defeat the automaton to continue.
Investigate the ruins
When you regain control, head east down the stairs. Jump over the lava. Be aware that the lava will damage you.
Soon you find a deep hole in the path. Jump down.
Shortly down the path, you confront several Pyro Slimes. Defeat them and open the chest that automatically unlocks.
Continue going deeper into the Lava River until you reach a locked door.
Chikya tells you about Phlogiston Engravings, like the one found right next to the door. She tells you to give it a read to see what is needed to open the door.
Search for the Unveiling Script(s)
Approach the lava and embody a Koholasaur.
Be aware that staying in the lava, even as a Koholasaur, will eventually start dealing damage. To avoid this, maintain a full bar of phlogiston. You can see your phlogiston amount in the curved glowing bar to the immediate right of your Koholasaur.
Then head east just a little bit to find some glowing runes on a stone at the lava’s edge.
Attack the runes.
Integrate the Unveiling Script(s) into the Phlogiston Engraving
Now, a red, glowing orb follows along with you. Return to the Phlogiston Engraving and activate it to open the locked door.
Investigate the ruins
Climb up through the door and continue down the path. Be aware that you need to use a Koholasaur again in the next room. Feel free to keep control of this one. If you don’t want to keep playing as the Koholasaur, hold Triangle to switch back to your characters.
You see a Teleport Waypoint when the path opens up. Be sure to activate it while you’re here.
Proceed down into the cavern.
Investigate the mechanism in the center
Approach the mechanism. Unlike the last one, this Phlogiston Engraving requires three Unveiling Scripts. To your benefit, one is already applied. So, you only need to find two more.
Search for the Unveiling Script(s) (2)
When your regain control, look to your immediate left.
Climb back up that short wall. Then, climb up the next short wall on your left.
The next Unveiling Script sits on the opposite side of the small lava pool in front of you.
When you approach it, two orbs shoot out from it. Then, two Iridescent Beams appears, one right next to you and one high up above you. The nearby Iridescent Beam starts shooting you.
There is a small amount of time while the Iridescent Beam charges up before it fires. Use that time to glide to the one next to you and interact with it to disable it.
To reach the second Iridescent Beam, you need to embody a Koholasaur. If you did not keep your Koholasaur from before, you can find more at the bottom level of the cavern.
In the same small pool you were just at, use the Koholasaur to swim to the ripples. This shoots you up into the air right next to the second Iridescent Beam.
When you reach the apex of your jump, interact with the Iridescent Beam to disable it.
Now, swim over to the Unveiling Script and attack it.
Feel free to either deliver the first Unveiling Script to the Phlogiston Engraving OR go and collect the second one.
Head to the southeast corner of the cavern to find the second Unveiling Script.
When you approach this one, a lava monster attacks you.
You can defeat it while embodying a Koholasaur, but the damage you do as one is miniscule and the lava monster hits very hard. Odds are that your Koholasaur will die and you’ll disembody it anyway.
Either way, dispatch the lava monster.
Again, you can find more Koholasaurs to embody in the lowest lava pool in the cavern.
You also cannot just attack the Unveiling Script while as your character. Doing so does nothing, unfortunately.
Use a Koholasaur to attack the second Unveiling Script.
Integrate the Unveiling Script(s) into the Phlogiston Engraving
Return to the Phlogiston Engraving. Interact with it to apply the Unveiling Scripts you have. When you do so, you automatically stop embodying the Koholasaur.
This creates a long Spiritway that goes from this cavern all the way out to above ground and beyond.
Ride the Spiritway back to ground level
Embody another Koholasaur and then jump into the Phlogiston Carving to ride the Spiritway back up to the surface.
Once on the surface, Chikya then wants to take a short break before going up into the Upper Sanctum.
Complete the cutscene to finish the Tracer No Tracing World Quest.
Next quest: Seeker No Finding
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