This page contains all Fortnite Rubber Duckie Locations for the weekly challenge ‘Search 10 Rubber Duckies’ (Season 4, Week 3).
All Rubber Duckies are found in water or pools. The maps below show all Rubber Duckie locations with a blue marker in a red circle. The blue marker shows the spot. Click the images below to enlarge them and zoom in for the exact locations. They are in order from north to south. Be sure to pick them up with (PS4) /
#1 – In the north of the map, in the area between Junk Junction and Anarchy Acres, rubber duckie is in the pool that doesn’t have water in it.
#2 – Haunted Hills, in the pool that doesn’t have water in it.
#3 – Loot Lake, at the boat bridge in the north of the lake. The rubber duckie sits between a small boat and the boat dock.
#4 – Loot Lake, south side of the lake. At the bottom of the waterfall behind some rocks.
#5 – Wailing Woods, in the water next to the big house.
#6 – Retail Row, the rubber duckie is hidden behind a gas tank by a fence at the edge of the area. You can destroy the gas tank with the axe.
#7 – Moisty Mire, in the water.
#8 – Fatal Fields, in the water at the south of the area
#9 – Under the bridge between Flush Factory and Lucky Landing.
#10 – At the very southern edge of the map, the duckie is located at the bottom of a waterfall where the map ends.
That’s all 10 rubber duckie locations you need for this challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale. You don’t have to find all 10 in one session. If you die continue in the next game. For correct tracking don’t leave the match instantly. Finish the match or let someone kill you and then quit out by holding /
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