Forspoken has 54 Monument Locations. Visiting 50 Monuments unlocks the Pilgrimage: Adept trophy and achievement. They also increase your stats and make you stronger.
There are two similarly named Monument types called Tanta’s Familiar Monuments and Monuments to Wisdom, but they count as a different collectible category altogether. For those other types refer to Forspoken Tanta’s Familiar Monuments and Forspoken All Monuments to Wisdom (Flashback) Locations.
This guide covers specifically the “regular” 54 Monuments that give stat increases and count towards trophy Pilgrimage: Adept.
None of the Monuments are missable, you can still find all of them after the story in free roam. Simply hit the crystals around the monument and you will get a stat increase. Most of them require a little bit of platforming. After the story you will unlock the L3+R3 teleport ability, with it you can reach every place easily. Holding to do a High-Jump (unlocked in Chapter 11), then floating with
and pulling yourself up walls with
is also useful.
The monuments are marked by a yellow icon on the map . They get revealed when unfogging the map. A quick way to destroy the crystals around the monument is to do a charge
slice attack with Sila’s magic, they will be destroyed in 1 hit.
Collectibles Overview:
Region: Near Cipal
The Barren Plains
Monument #1
The Sacred Peaks
Monument #2
Monument #3
The Pilgrims’ Path
Monument #4
The Blessed Plains
Monument #5
Monument #6
Monument #7
Dead Man’s Ledge
Monument #8
Region: Praenost
The Guardians’ Way
Monument #9
Monument #10
Dianthus Wood
Monument #11
Brass Hollow
Monument #12
Home of Heroes
Monument #13
Middle Praenost
Monument #14
The Citadel
Monument #15
Pioneers’ Plain
Monument #16
Opal Hills
Monument #17
The Mustering Ground
Monument #18
Monument #19
Mount Garrison
Monument #20
Region: Avoalet
The Water Garden
Monument #21
Monument #22
Trout Mountain
Monument #23
The Fountainfields
Monument #24
The Misty Shore
Monument #25
The Untrodden Forest
Monument #26
Samum Coast
Monument #27
Monument #28
The Moulderings
Monument #29
Golden Hills
Monument #30
Monument #31
Monument #32
Region: Visoria
Shepherd’s Meadow
Monument #33
The Windy Hills
Monument #34
Monument #35
Humble Plain
Monument #36
Monument #37
Visorian Plateau
Monument #38
Monument #39
Homestead Hills
Monument #40
South Plateau
Yonder Cape
Monument #41
Academy Hills
Monument #42
Inner Visoria
Monument #43
Monument #44
Visorian Isthmus
Monument #45
Region: Junoon
Crosstide Coast
Monument #46
Farcoast Terrace
Monument #47
The Harvest Lands
Monument #48
Monument #49
The Blossomwoods
Monument #50
Monument #51
Monument #52
Cipalian Way
Monument #53
Physic Garden
Monument #54
That’s all 54 Monuments in Forspoken.
For all other collectible types refer to Forspoken All Collectible Locations.
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