Forspoken contains 70 Pieces of Equipment (25 Cloaks, 15 Necklaces, 30 Nails). Finding all Equipment Pieces unlocks the Kit and Caboodle trophy and achievement.
Two Equipment Pieces are missable from Quests/Events during the story: Necklace “Nemeni Prisaha” in Chapter 7 & Necklace “Naee Aasha” in Chapter 10.
The missables are pointed out under the first heading below and highlighted in red. The trophy description says that equipment from sub-events is not needed so it shouldn’t affect the trophy. However, what has been tested and 100% confirmed is when you get the missables and also get everything else the trophy does unlock. So just to be safe, it’s best to get the missables.
Other than those two, everything else comes either automatically from the story or from Collectibles. All Collectibles are still accessible after the story in free roam so you can’t miss those.
You can keep track of your equipment from your Gear Menu or from the Archive. Nails aren’t listed in the equipment menu but they are needed for the “Kit and Caboodle” trophy!
Collectibles Overview:
Missable Equipment (Detours/Events):
- Necklace – Nemeni Prisaha [CHAPTER 7]: Reward for completing Detour “Sila’s Pact”, unlocks in Chapter 7 in the capital city “Cipal”. You start it in the north of town, by talking to Johedy in the archives (enter via the door below the stairs where people pray). It will be marked by a yellow (“!”) icon on the map.
- Necklace – Naee Aasha [CHAPTER 10]: In Chapter 10, after the story makes you go to the archives in Cipal, talk to Johedy inside the archives (this is during objective “Head to Junoon”, just before leaving Cipal). She will be marked on the map as an event (“?” icon). *As per the trophy description for
Kit and Caboodle the equipment pieces from sub-events are not needed, so this should not be necessary for the trophy. Just to be safe it’s recommended to get this (that’s what has been tested and confirmed to unlock the trophy).
Automatic Story Rewards:
- Cloak – Hooded Cloak: Automatic during Chapter 3
- Nail – Slay: Automatic during Chapter 3
- Nail – Blue Flash: Automatic during Chapter 3
- Nail – Aftershock: Automatic during Chapter 5, dropped from an enemy in objective “The Fall of Tanta Sila – Enter the Castle”
Purchased from Merchants:
- Pelerine – Bought from Trader in the center of Cipal, trade for 1 Poppet (found from Chasing Cat detours) – see Forspoken All Detours Guide.
- Strainith – Bought from Trader in the center of Cipal, trade for 1 Poppet (found from Chasing Cat detours) – see Forspoken All Detours Guide.
- Cloak: Unbroken – Buy Sewing Kit from Curiosity Shop in Visoria > Inner Visoria. Then interact with Crafting Table in a Refuge. Costs 3 Fluteblossoms (found in chests), 3 Bumbershoot (found in chests), 3 Lucid Garlands (dropped by some yellow-glowing enemies inside storms, can be farmed in Junoon > Farcoast Terrace, on your way to one of the Abomination bosses).
- Necklace: Home Sweet Hell – Sewing Kit crafting item – Buy Sewing Kit from Curiosity Shop in Visoria > Inner Visoria. Then interact with Crafting Table in a Refuge. Costs 3 Fluteblossoms (found in chests), 3 Bumbershoot (found in chests), 3 Lucid Garlands (dropped by some yellow-glowing enemies inside storms, can be farmed in Junoon > Farcoast Terrace, on your way to one of the Abomination bosses).
Drops from Abomination Bosses:
- Nails: Fatale – Dropped by “Abomination: Gigas” in Praenost > Mount Garrison.
- Nails: Spectrum – Dropped by “Abomination: Deinosuchus” in Avoalet > The Moulderings.
- Nails: Honor – Dropped by “Abomination: Amphicynodon” in Visoria > South Plateau.
- Nails: Escalate – Dropped by “Abomination: Apsaravis” in Junoon > Nowhere.
Points of Interest (Collectibles):
- Necklace: Orison – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: East in “Junoon: The Barren Plains”.
- Necklace: Balle Balle – Reward for completing The Place of Prayer in “Junoon: The Sacred Peaks”.
- Nails: On Point – Reward for completing Abandoned Merchant Convoy in “Junoon: The Sacred Peaks”.
- Nails: Clutch – Reward for completing Village: Reeve in “Junoon: The Blessed Plains”.
- Cloak: Divers – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Hill in “Junoon: The Blessed Plains”.
- Necklace: Phool Sa – Reward for completing Village: Thane in “Junoon: The Blessed Plains”.
- Cloak: Valorous – Reward for completing Village: Ligare in “Praenost: The Guardians’ Way”.
- Nails: Dig Deep – Reward for completing Fort Wielki in “Praenost: The Guardians’ Way”
- Cloak: Lief – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Barrier in “Praenost: The Guardians’ Way”.
- Cloak: Dauntless – Reward for completing Cave: Brass Cavern in “Praenost: Brass Hollow”.
- Nails: III – Reward for completing Kloros Guild in “Praenost: Middle Praenost”. Fly through the window of the tower upstairs by using L3+R3 flying ability, unlocked after the story.
- Necklace: Nadezhda – Reward for completing Village: Vivus in “Praenost: Middle Praenost”.
- Nails: Ignite – Reward for completing Ruins of Zelenina in “Praenost: The Path of Glory”.
- Cloak: Puissant – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Cliff in “Praenost: The Citadel”.
- Necklace: Sarka – Reward for completing Ruin: Ruins of Pagus in “Praenost: The Citadel”.
- Necklace: Shrift – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Mountain in “Praenost: Pioneers’ Plain”.
- Nails: Nightshade – Reward for completing Ruins of Lepsi in “Praenost: Fields of the Fallen”.
- Cloak: Unstoppable – Reward for completing Militis Academy in “Praenost: The Mustering Ground”.
- Nails: Passion – Reward for completing Fort Optima in “Praenost: Mount Garrison”.
- Nails: Blessed – Reward for completing Village: Chichek in “Avoalet: The Water Garden”.
- Cloak: Judicious – Reward for completing Village: Gyuzel in “Avoalet: The Water Garden”.
- Necklace: Aslani – Reward for completing Shoal Pond in “Avoalet: The Water Garden”.
- Nails: Twisted – Reward for completing Ruins of Eskii in “Avoalet: The Fountainfields”.
- Necklace: Yavuz Gagnant – Reward for completing Village: Colline in “Avoalet: The Fountainfields”.
- Cloak: Fain – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Mountain Base in “Avoalet: The Fountainfields”.
- Nails: Amped – Reward for completing Ruins of Calme in “Avoalet: The Untrodden Forest”.
- Cloak: Faultless – Reward for completing Molybdos Guild in “Avoalet: The Untrodden Forest”.
- Necklace: Troth – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Depths in “Avoalet: The Untrodden Forest”.
- Nails: Jet – Reward for completing Ruins of Sommay in “Avoalet: Golden Hills”.
- Cloak: Infallible – Reward for completing Village: Kabosharr in “Avoalet: Golden Hills”.
- Nails: Heavy – Reward for completing Village: Perle in “Avoalet: Samum Coast”. You can use the L3+R3 flying ability (unlocked after story) from Samum Coast: Western Belfry to fly from one floating rock to the next until you reach the village on the big flying mountain.
- Nails: Bounce – Reward for completing Brome Guild in “Avoalet: The Moulderings”. Can use Glide ability (unlocked after Chapter 8) to surf across the lake in Samum Coast, then walk up the mountain to reach this.
- Nails: Grit – Reward for completing Cave: Plateau Hollow in “Visoria: Shepherd’s Hollow”.
- Necklace: Oithur – Reward for completing Ruins of Austur in “Visoria: The Windy Hills”.
- Cloak: Bonifate – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Field in “Visoria: Humble Plain”.
- Nails: Frostbite – Reward for completing Fort Sestina in “Visoria: Visorian Plateau”.
- Cloak: Audacious – Reward for completing Ruins of Mercador in “Visoria: Visorian Plateau”.
- Cloak: Whilom – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: West in “Visoria: Visorian Plateau”.
- Cloak: Boundless – Reward for completing Cave: Redclaw Cavern in “Visoria: Academy Hills”.
- Necklace: Tesouro de Athia – Reward for completing Village: Fruegel in “Visoria: Academy Hills”.
- Nails: Beaucoup – Reward for completing Ruins of Alda in “Visoria: Inner Visoria”.
- Nails: Lit – Reward for completing Village: Zakto in “Visoria: Tanta’s Demesne”.
- Necklace: Sooth – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: South in “Visoria: Homestead Hills”.
- Cloak: Unsurpasable – Reward for completing Niccoline Guild in “Visoria: South Plateau”.
- Nails: Flaunt – Reward for completing Fort Gabb in “Visoria: Yonder Cape”.
- Cloak: Veriment – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: North in “Visoria: Visorian Ishtmus”.
- Nails: Savage – Reward for completing Village: Upril in “Visoria: Visorian Isthmus”.
- Nails: Hope – Reward for completing Fort Chahiye in “Junoon: Crosstide Coast”.
- Nails: Tease – Reward for completing Ruins of Teharnaa in “Junoon: Nearcoast Terrace”.
- Cloak: Fearless – Reward for completing Oxys Guild in “Junoon: Farcoast Terrace”.
- Cloak: Monsterful – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Forest in “Junoon: The Wolfwoods”.
- Cloak: Incomparable – Reward for completing The Forbidden Meadow in “Junoon: The Harvest Lands”. The gate to this castle is locked. To get inside, you have to complete “Altar of Aasaan” a few meters/yards south-east. Clear out the enemies at the altar, then walk up the stairs at the altar to the archway, a purple portal will appear when you get close to it. Step through the portal, it teleports you inside The Forbidden Meadow.
- Nails: Wired – Reward for completing Village: Biichu in “Junoon: The Blossomwoods”.
- Cloak: Forfend – Reward for completing Locked Labyrinth: Castle in “Junoon: Cipalian Way”.
- Cloak: Gracious – Reward for completing Bhulna Villa in “Junoon: Physic Garden”.
- Nails: Wisdom – Reward for completing Fort Laayak in “Junoon: Physic Garden”.
That’s all of the Equipment in Forspoken.
For all other collectible types refer to Forspoken All Collectible Locations.
NL_the_godfather says
I can confirm the two missables are not required for the kit and kaboodle trophy!
Abdullah AlMubarak says
I confirm too that missable aren’t required