The Saga of the Seaside Inn is a side quest in Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Rebirth. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Saga of the Seaside Inn Side Mission (Odd Job). It’s also known as Johnny’s Request. It requires you to help Johnny renovate his hotel.
The Saga of the Seaside Inn becomes available at the Costa del Sol Community Noticeboard after starting Chapter 7.
Side Quest: The Saga of the Seaside Inn
Chapter: 7
Area: Costa del Sol – Johnny’s Seaside Inn (available from Costa del Sol Community Noticeboard)
Quest Giver: Wavering Hero
Requirement: Available after starting Chapter 7
Reward: Access to Johnny’s Treasure Trove, Yuffie Relationship Strengthened, 10 Party EXP, Player EXP (scaled to your level), Queen’s Blood Card 134: J-Squad
Mission Info: Johnny’s Seaside Inn is currently undergoing a complete renovation to better cater to you, our beloved customers! And, uh… we could a little help. Help that isn’t me. And by “me” I mean “we.” And by “we” I mean… uh, it’ll be easier to explain when you meet the gang. And by “you” I mean my one true bro, Cloud! Don’t leave me hanging!
- Track Down the Johnnys at the Costa Falls
- Recover the Refurbishment Materials
- Deliver the Refurbishment Materials
- Track Down the Johnnys at the Factory Ruins
- Procure a Chocobo
- Obtain the Transmuter Chip
- Deliver the Boiler Valve
- Track Down the Johnny in the Desert
- Steal and Deliver the Tonberry King’s Crown
- Report to Johnny
Starting Location: The Saga of the Seaside Inn (Johnny’s Request)
You can accept the Odd Job from the Community Noticeboard in Costa del Sol, or you can go directly to the quest giver at Johnny’s Seaside Inn.
Track Down the Johnnys at the Costa Falls
Head to Costa Falls and talk to the Johnnys.
Recover the Refurbishment Materials
You will now need to search near the ziplines for bundles of refurbishment materials. You will need 4 to complete the quest, but all 8 for the best reward. There are 8 ziplines around this area, NC-1 through NC-8, and each one will have a bundle of Refurbishment Material right next to where you zipline down them. Each zipline will also give you a fast travel point on the map when you find them, so if you forget to pick one up at any zipline you can simply fast travel back.
Refurbishment Material Locations:
Deliver the Refurbishment Materials
Once you have all the materials, head back to Costa Falls and give them to the Johnnys.
Track Down the Johnnys at the Factory Ruins
Next you will need to head to the Johnnys at the Valve Factory Ruins and talk to them.
Procure a Chocobo
If you didn’t rent a chocobo already, you can get one from the Rent-a-Bird Stables directly outside Costa del Sol. Pay 300 gil for a Rent-a-Bird Membership and you’ll be set. If you complete Side Quest: Rendezvous in Costa del Sol, you will automatically unlock a Chocobo permanently.
Obtain the Transmuter Chip
You will need to find a Transmuter Chip, and in order to find the location of one, you will need to complete 2 of the 6 Expedition Intel lifesprings in Corel Region. These are revealed on the map by activating Remnawave Towers. After completing two of them, Chadley will relay the location for the Transmuter Chip at Excavation Intel 1: Valve Factory Ruins, right next to the Johnnys. Head to this location, then use your chocobo to sniff out the item by holding and dig for it with
Deliver the Boiler Valve
Once you acquire the Transmuter Chip for the Boiler Valve, you can transmute it with 2 Iron Ore, 2 Zinc Ore and 2 Amethyst. Iron Ore can be found in all regions while the other two can be found around the Corel Region. You should have enough already but if not you can run around looting materials nearby. Transmute the Boiler Valve, then give it to the Johnnys.
Track Down the Johnny in the Desert
Now head to the southwest to find the last Johnny on the outskirts of the desert.
Steal and Deliver the Tonberry King’s Crown
Before you are able to face the Tonberry King, you must first continue through the story until you reach Chapter 9 and have full access to the Corel Region. You will also need to complete all 6 Expedition Intel lifesprings in the region to unlock Classified Intel: Heavy Lies the Crown. Head over to it, and before you initiate the fight, make sure you have Steal materia equipped onto someone. If you don’t have a Steal Materia you can buy it from Vending Machines, for example at the Gold Saucer in Battle Square (unlocked in Chapter 8).
Dodge its attacks and inflict damage to pressure it, at which point the Pristine Crown will fall off and you will be able to steal it (using Steal Materia) before he picks it back up. If you don’t get the crown during the fight, you can always repeat the fight as often as you need (by holding in the area).
After the battle, return back to Johnny by the Borderland to hand it over.
Report to Johnny
Lastly, return to Johnny’s Seaside Inn and speak to him.
For all other Side Quest Walkthroughs, check out our complete Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Rebirth Walkthrough.
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