Here you can find a full Final Fantasy VII Remake Walkthrough with a Missions List including all Side Quests. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 1 has 18 Main Chapters and 26 Side Missions (Odd Jobs).
This Walkthrough also points out the locations of important collectibles in each level. Completing all 26 Side Quests unlocks the Best in the Business trophy. In Chapter 9 you can only get 3 of 5 side quests in a single playthrough for the trophy. The remaining 2 you must do via chapter select. You cannot get all Side Quests in a single playthrough. Anything you have missed can be done through chapter select, which unlocks after beating the game for the first time on any difficulty.
Below are links to all Final Fantasy VII Walkthroughs (Side Quests indented):
- Chapter 1: The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
- Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters
- Chapter 3: Home Sweet Slum
- Chapter 4: Mad Dash
- Chapter 5: Dogged Pursuit
- Chapter 6: Light the Way
- Chapter 7: A Trap is Sprung
- Chapter 8: Budding Bodyguard
- Chapter 9: The Town That Never Sleeps
- Burning Thighs
- The Party Never Stops –> Cancels out “The Price of Thievery” & “Shears’ Counterattack” (must get these alternate quests in chapter select)
- A Dynamite Body –> Cancels out “The Price of Thievery” & “Shears’ Counterattack” (must get these alternate quests in chapter select)
- The Price of Thievery –> Cancels out “The Party Never Stops” & “A Dynamite Body” (must get these alternate quests in chapter select)
- Shears’ Counterattack –> Cancels out “The Party Never Stops” & “A Dynamite Body” (must get these alternate quests in chapter select)
- Chapter 10: Rough Waters
- Chapter 11: Haunted
- Chapter 12: Fight for Survival
- Chapter 13: A Broken World
- Chapter 14: In Search of Hope
- Chapter 15: The Day Midgar Stood Still
- Chapter 16: The Belly of the Beast
- Chapter 17: Deliverance from Chaos
- Chapter 18: Destiny’s Crossroads
More Guides:
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Hard Difficulty Guide, Tips & Tricks
- Final Fantasy VII Remake – All-in-One Collectible Guide
Dylan69777 says
Any update when youll get the estimated time to plat the game? Love your guides
PowerPyx says
Should be doable in 60-70 hours with guide for most players.
Joshua Wallace says
Is this walkthrough 100% complete?
PowerPyx says
Yes. The only thing at this point is that I still need to plug in the hard difficulty tips for bosses in last few chapters, which will be done by end of today (for first few chapters bosses are done including hard tips).
The Walkthrough also contains all Materia, Weapons, Music Discs, Side Quests, Armor, Accessories, Chests, and any other item pickups you can find. All Main Chapters and Side Quest pages are online at this point
Reaper says
So following this walkthrough will call out all trophies that one can pickup along the way? I don’t really like having a dozen pages open at once. =/
PowerPyx says
Yes the trophies are mentioned. The “semi-missable” ones are tied to minigames, so they are easy to recognize.
xJoker1982x says
For chapter replay decisions can you do them save exit chapter ? Or do you have too finish the chapter ?
PowerPyx says
You need to finish the chapter.
chrisfox says
this walkthrough covers all the collectibles and missables per chapter? (to minimise playthroughs)
PowerPyx says
Yes, that is correct
It includes all Collectibles, Items, Chests, Side Quests, Trophies. If you follow this, you’ll get everything that’s possible on the first playthrough. It also includes hard difficulty tips for bosses on the 2nd playthrough.
aditya mada prahasta says
damn! I thought that we’re gonna play through the whole story just like the one on PS1!
so we’re gonna play the midgar part?
no cid, yufie, nanaki, cait sith, vincent?
I’m truly disappointed
PowerPyx says
Correct, it’s only the Midgar part. But they expanded it with side quests.
Jojo says
Red xiii (aka nanaki) is rescued… if .. that…helps?
I too am saddened that it’s only midgar. I actually expected to at least gave time at the chocobo farm
JB says
All my questions were answered with the above.
So just a lil note to THANK YOU for putting this all together!
I hate missing stuff & unfortunately dont have the time to replay much, so this is epic ( I understand I will for a couple things via chapter select).
Cheers for the awesome work!
Brett says
Just as an FYI, for the final boss fight I ended up having Aerith and Tifa as my party members. Not sure what I did differently but it is certainly a possibility to have any pairing of party members for that fight. Thanks for the guide by the way, it’s truly been so helpful for me!
Helmsdeep29 says
If you miss the letter for the trophy Divine Gratitude how can you get it to reappear without redoing all sidequests? I can’t believe I missed it the first time.
Daniel says
I have the same question. I got the trophy for all missions completed but the note is not there.
Theresa says
There really is no other way, that I found, other than having to repeat the chapters. I had to fight Hell House five times, twice on hard because I messed up with the dresses, then with Devine Gratitude.
Theresa says
I have a question. Why is max level only 50? I got to level 50 on everyone on my first play through. But, when it stops at 50, exp points still mount up? First I thought I had to beat the game on normal, then when playing on hard the levels would continue past 50. But, that’s not the case. As is is now, I’m halfway through the game on hard (still stuck on hell house, and dreading I’ll have to do it twice!), and I have massive exp points just sitting doing nothing. I’m starting to wonder if all those extra exp points at being saved and will be used in the next installment of the game? And, isn’t it strange that any FF game would have a max level of 50?
Danielle says
Hopefully someone can help me. In my commands menu, I only have access to four items (potion, hi-potion, ether, and elixir) I can’t scroll to see the rest of my items, and I can’t access them from my inventory. How do I access all of my items? I’d like to use my grenades and phoenix downs, but I can’t use them!
Jubal Porter says
Hey, Danielle, are you playing on Hard? You can’t use items on Hard.
Ramona says
How to aim for Barrett to reunite with Tifa? Can’t kill nest.
Big dogg says
Thank you powerpyx! This is the best i always follow your trophy guides. Sometimes its a bit of a bitch to follow multiple things at the same time. This guide is perfection and i hope you’ll continue to make them like this. Doesnt even need to be this detailed. Just a nice timeline which collectible or side quest comes when. Since i assume this one took you a very long time.
Thank you!