Subterranean Menace is a side quest in Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Remake. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Subterranean Menace Side Mission (Odd Job).
Subterranean Menace becomes available in Chapter 14 after the first scene at Aerith’s House.
Side Quest: Subterranean Menace
Chapter: 14
Area: Sector 6 Slums – Evergreen Park
Quest Giver: Wymer
Requirement: Beginning of Chapter 14
Reward: Wrecking Ball, HP and MP restored, Manuscript: Sharpshooter’s Companion Vol. X (Hard Difficulty Only)
Mission Info: Wymer has asked Cloud to drive off monsters that have taken over Shinra’s underground test site.
- Head underground and work your way through the lab
- Defeat the Type-0 Behemoth
- Return to Wymer
Starting Location: Subterranean Menace
Head underground and work your way through the lab
The entrance to the underground is right next to Wymer under the white dome. Head down, through the gate and keep following the linear path right to the end, until you come to a slightly open door covered in yellow tape. It’s on the floor “Underground Lab – B5”, see the map screenshot below with the yellow-taped gate next to it.
Defeat the Type-0 Behemoth
Head into this room, follow the corridor and come to a large area where you’ll face the Type-0 Behemoth, arguably your toughest challenge in the game thus far. This is a really fun optional boss. He has four main components; the Upper Body, the Lower Body, the Horn and the Behemoth itself.
Note: Type-0 Behemoth has a stealable accessory called “Enchanted Ring”. Equip the Steal Materia before this fight to steal it from him.
Firstly, don’t use magic at all until the Horn is destroyed, as he’ll repel it and hit you even harder. Your goal should be to defeat the Upper Body and Lower Body together so that he Staggers and drops to the ground. Cloud’s Mythril Saber (obtained from the Wall Market Weapons Shop) works wonders here if your magic attack stat is high. Once Staggered, focus on attacking the Horn with everything you’ve got to hopefully destroy it in one Stagger. If not, repeat the process and you’ll have crippled one of his main sources of damage.
If you destroy the horn, you can now use your strongest magic although physical attacks still work best. Aim to Stagger him again and attack the main body until he eventually falls. However, the battle is not over yet as he uses his Comet attack which rains rocks down from the ceiling. Keep using to dodge around the arena until it’s over and you win, claiming the Behemoth Horn in the process. The Behemoth horn is one of the medicinal ingredients needed for Side Quest “Secret Medicine“.
Return to Wymer
Hold to head out of the dungeon and talk to Wymer. He’ll reward you with a new weapon for Barret: Wrecking Ball.
This finishes Subterranean Menace side quest in Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Next Up: The Power of Music
For all other Side Quest Walkthroughs, check out our complete Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Walkthrough.
larry says
killing the behemoth in hard give u barrel’s manuscript
lol says
who tf is barrel?
Bogs says
You can also use poison on it