Missing Children is a side quest in Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Remake. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Missing Children Side Mission (Odd Job) and where to find the Children Locations.
Missing Children becomes available in Chapter 14 after the first scene at Aerith’s House and completed “Kids on Patrol” side quest (Child Search in Chapter 8).
Side Quest: Missing Children
Chapter: 14
Area: Sector 5 Slums – Center District
Quest Giver: Ms. Folia
Requirement: Beginning of Chapter 14 & did Side Quest “Kids on Patrol” side quest (Child Search in Chapter 8)
Reward: Time Materia, Hp/MP restored, Manuscript: Way of the Fist Vol. X (Hard Difficulty Only)
Mission Info: The Leaf House kids went off on patrol, and they still haven’t come back. Help the teacher out by finding them.
- Find the missing children
- Defeat the two Phantoms
Starting Location: Missing Children
Find the missing children
Another round of Children Search awaits. Maybe the teacher should spend less time ‘working’ as a Honeybee and more caring after her orphans. Anyway, head northeast of the Sector 5 Slums to the Slum Public Cemetery. Here, you’ll find Oates, he is the only Child you need to locate in this quest. You already visited this place in Side Quest “Angel of the Slums” in Chapter 8.
Defeat the two Phantoms
After talking with Oates, you’ll automatically be in a battle with two Phantoms, who are slightly stronger variants of the Ghosts you fought in Chapter 11. They’ll go down easily with Fire magic and physical attacks. Try and learn the ‘Spirit Siphon’ Enemy Skill from them by having the Enemy Skill Materia equipped and letting them use their attacks against you. It’s one of the four enemy skills you must learn for Master of Mimicry trophy (the required ‘Enemy Skill Materia’ was from doing Chadley’s Battle Intel Reports).
After you win, you automatically get a scene and the kids give you the Time Materia and restore your HP/MP.
This finishes Missing Children side quest in Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Next Up: Corneo’s Secret Stash
For all other Side Quest Walkthroughs, check out our complete Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Walkthrough.
ProtoFenix says
is there another Area to encounter Phantoms besides this side quest?because i missed it.
PowerPyx says
There are some phantoms in Chapter 11 but I think they are slightly different from these. They don’t show up again in the rest of the story. You can use Chapter Select though (unlocked after story) to quickly redo the quest.
Rudi says
Im on this mission right now and that part of the map (picture in this article) is not on my Sector 5 Slums map :-/ so I cant find that area and complete the misaion. You should show the location on the map while zoomed out
PowerPyx says
Replaced it with a screenshot that’s further zoomed out. Thanks for your feedback
larry says
in hard mode this quest gave me tifa’s manuscript