This Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectible Locations Guide shows all collectable items in chronological order (including all that are needed for trophies).
For individual Collectible Pages see these (all of them are included here in an All-in-One format):
- Materia – Spells you can use in combat, they are glowing orbs you find on the floor
- Accessories – Equipment found in Chests and as rewards
- Armor – Equipment found in Chests and as rewards
- Summons – Special Summoning Materia
- Johnny Incidents – From Discovery Events and Side Quests, for The Johnny Experience
- Weapons (Weapon Abilities) – From Chests, Quest Rewards, Merchants, for Weapons Expert
- Music Discs – Bought from Merchants, for Disc Jockey
Nothing in Final Fantasy 7 Remake is missable. After beating the story on any difficulty you unlock Chapter Select. This allows you to replay any chapter and get missing items. Everything carries over to New Game Plus, too!
Chapter 1:
- No Collectibles in this Chapter.
Chapter 2:
- Materia: Healing Materia – Chapter 2: Automatically given to you during Materia tutorial at start of Chapter 2.
- Materia: HP Up Materia – Chapter 2 / Objective: Evade Pursuers – After defeating the very first group of enemies in Chapter 2, backtrack on the street you came from and it will be behind a car on the road (2 human enemies and 1 dog are here). It’s the first collectable Materia in the game. This Materia looks like a purple item pickup. You must press
to pick it up. It also has a purple beam going in the air, making it easy to see. Materias always have a colored glow around them and a beam of light going upwards, but they appear in different colors (green, purple, yellow, red). So always watch out for these glowing objects going forward.
- Materia: Deadly Dodge – Chapter 2 / Objective: Evade Pursuers – After defeating the 1st group of enemies in this chapter (just after the last Materia), follow the main path towards next objective. It will be in plain sight on the right side of the street. There are 3 human enemies here. This one is also colored purple so watch out for something purple.
- Accessory: Power Wristguards – Chapter 2 / Objective: Evade Pursuers / Location: Loveless Street – After the very first combat encounter, defeat the next group of enemies on the main path and then take the next path to the left. At the end of the path open the chest to find the first accessory inside. It’s just before reaching the big market square where enemies arrive in helicopter.
- Armor: Iron Bangle – Chapter 2 / Objective: Evade Pursuers – Shortly after the big fight in the market square, and after climbing a ladder, there will be a chest that contains this armor piece. It’s better than your starting armor so equip this.
Chapter 3:
- Music Disc #3: Tifa’s Theme – Chapter 3 – Objective: Return to Base – Area: Residential Area – In Seventh Heaven Bar, after talking to Marlene (little girl cutscene). There will be a jukebox in the corner of the bar, interact with it for the first music disc.
- Music Disc #27: Hip Hop de Chocobo – Chapter 3 / Objective: Life in the Slums / Area: Residential Area – After you have slept in your room, before entering the Seventh Heaven bar, take the path to the right of the bar and you’ll reach a club with a radio playing music. Talk to the man by the radio and he gives you this song!
- Materia: Ice Materia – Chapter 3 / Objective: Life in the Slums / Area: Residential Area – Bought from the item shop that you visit with Tifa.
- Materia: Lightning Materia – Chapter 3 / Objective: Life in the Slums / Area: Residential Area – Bought from the item shop that you visit with Tifa.
- Music Disc #1: The Prelude – Chapter 3 / Objective: Life in the Slums / Area: Residential Area – Bought from the item shop that you visit with Tifa.
- Materia: Chakra Materia – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Scrap Boulevard – Automatic starting Materia for Tifa when she joins your party.
- Materia: Ice Materia – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Scrap Boulevard – In the cave at the start of the Scrap Boulevard.
- Weapon: Iron Blade (Cloud) – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Residential Area – Automatic story reward from Weapon Store, part of the story and unmissable.
- Materia: Assess Materia – Chapter 3 / Objective: Problem Solving / Area: Residential Area – Automatic story reward, given to you when talking to Chadley (first side quest giver) for the first time, cannot be missed.
- Accessory: Bulletproof Vest – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Residential Area – Bought from Weapon Store.
- Accessory: Earrings – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Residential Area – Bought from Weapon Store.
- Accessory: Talisman – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Residential Area – Bought from Weapon Store.
- Accessory: Revival Earrings – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job for the Neighborhood Watch / Area: Residential Area – Bought from Weapon Store.
- Materia: Cleansing Materia – Chapter 3 / Side Quest: Rat Problem – After completing the side quest “Rat Problem” for the Item Store Owner, talk to him and he’ll offer this Materia for only 300 Gil.
- Materia: Fire Materia – Chapter 3 / Side Quest: Nuisance in the Factory – During side quest “Nuisance in the Factory” you go to the Factory area that is otherwise inaccessible. When you enter the area you’ll probably see this Materia behind a yellow-taped fence. To reach it, interact with the button next to a roller door where some enemies are.
- Materia: Auto-Cure Materia – Chapter 3 / Side Quest: Chadley’s Report / Area: Residential Area – After completing Side Quest “Chadley’s Report“, talk to Chadley and he’ll sell you this Materia.
- Materia: Wind Materia – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job Well Done / Area: Residential Area – Complete Chadley’s Battle Intel Report #2 and he will sell you this (same location as above).
- Accessory: Revival Earrings – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job Well Done / Area: Residential Area – To the immediate left of where Chadley stands is a scoreboard that says “Fiends Slain This Month”. Talk to the woman in the yellow sports bra at the scoreboard and she’ll show you 3 rewards. Defeat 20 Fiends (Monsters) for the Revival Earrings. You should have gotten enough kills from side quests, if not you can farm this in the Scrap Boulevard (dusty area to the right of Chadley).
- Materia: MP Up – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job Well Done / Area: Residential Area – To the immediate left of where Chadley stands is a scoreboard that says “Fiends Slain This Month”. Talk to the woman in the yellow sports bra at the scoreboard and she’ll show you 3 rewards. Defeat 50 Fiends (Monsters) for the MP Up Materia. You should have gotten enough kills from side quests, if not you can farm this in the Scrap Boulevard (dusty area to the right of Chadley).
- Music Disc #4: Barret’s Theme – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job Well Done / Area: Sector 7 Undercity Station – After unlocking Side Quests, backtrack towards the train station where you arrived in Midgar City. Buy it from the Item Shop Owner there for 50 Gil.
- Accessory: Crescent Moon Charm – Chapter 3 / Discovery Encounter: Alone at Last / Area: Residential Area – After completing all 6 side quests in Chapter 3, you will get a purple “discovery” icon on the map where your bedroom is. Complete this discovery encounter and you get this Accessory as a reward.
- Johnny Incident #1 – Chapter 3 / Objective: A Job Well Done / Area: Residential Area – After you’re all done with the side quests, the next main objective marker leads you back to Seventh Heaven Bar. Outside you find a large crowd of people, when you get close to them a cutscene plays where you see Johnny for the first time. This is actually unmissable because it’s a main objective. You need all Johnny Encounters for trophy The Johnny Experience.
- *Note: After rescuing Johnny, you go back to the bar and get to play the Darts Minigame. If you get to the top of the Dart Leaderboards you’ll get the “Luck Up” Materia at the end of Chapter 4 from Wedge who has the standing Darts Highscore.
- Summon #1: Ifrit – Chapter 3 / Objective: Omnious Shadows / Area: Residential Area – Automatic story reward, cannot be missed. After defeating the Hoodlums (story-related), you have to go back to your bedroom and will receive the Ifrit Materia Summon automatically as part of the story, cannot be missed.
Chapter 4:
- Materia: Revival Materia – Chapter 4 / Objective: Return to the Slums / Area: Plate Edge – on your way back to the Slums (after having defeated Roche and squeezed behind some trucks), it will be in plain sight when entering the underground area, on the main path. It’s colored green.
- Materia: Luck Up – Chapter 4 – If you beat the highscore at the Darts Minigame in Chapter 3, then Wedge will automatically give you the Luck Up Materia near the end Chapter 4. You’ll come back to Seventh Heaven Bar in Chapter 4 and when you leave, Wedge gives you the Materia. If you haven’t beaten his highscore in Chapter 3, you can still do it right now while you’re in Seventh Heaven bar.
Chapter 5:
- Materia: Healing Materia – Chapter 5 / Objective: All Aboard for Sector 4 / Area: Passenger Car – At the start of the Chapter, after you go through the 2nd passenger car and a cutscene with a man accusing Barret, the Materia will be to your immediate left after that cutscene. It’s in plain sight and basically unmissable (green Materia).
- Accessory: Star Pendant – Chapter 5 / Objective: Find Stamp / Area: Railway Control C4 – You will run into a group of drones you need to defeat. After this, instead of going down the tunnel go up the stairs to the left to find a chest at the end of the hallway with some Wererats around it. Deal with them then open the chest to find a Star Pendant.
- Armor: Leather Bracelet – Chapter 5 / Objective: Check the Route / Area: Railway Control E3 – Inside a side room of the train tracks.
- Music Disc #28: Stamp – Chapter 5 / Objective: Secret Passageway / Area: Former Rail Yard – After you fight two flamethrower turrets you enter a corridor where you can open a door to a Vending Machine. It sells this Music CD.
- Materia: Poison Materia – Chapter 5 / Objective: Secret Passageway / Area: Former Rail Yard – Bought from the same vending machine as the above Music Disc (it’s a new Materia you haven’t gotten before, also available from Chapter 6 vending machines).
- Materia: Lightning Materia – Chapter 5 / Objective: Secret Passageway / Area: Former Rail Yard – After you fight two flamethrower turrets you enter a corridor where you can open a door to a Vending Machine playing Music Disc #28. To the left of the vending machine you find the Materia orb (green).
- Weapon: Metal Knuckles (Tifa) – Chapter 5 / Objective: Secret Passageway / Area: Former Rail Yard – Automatic story reward for defeating Crab Warden, cannot be missed.
Chapter 6:
- Materia: MP Up Materia – Chapter 6 / Objective: One Sun Lamp Down / Area: Plate Mid-Level (Section H Utility Access) – After climbing past the fans blowing air at you, there will be a cutscene where Tifa and Barret discuss restoring power to an elevator. Tifa will point out the big H-01 sign, use this as a point of reference. When you get to this point, there’s a vending machine marked on the map that you can buy this Materia from.
- Materia: MP Up Materia – Chapter 6 / Objectives: Three Sun Lamps Down / Area: Plate Mid-Level (Section H – Sun Lamp 3) – After taking an elevator down to Section H (watch out for big signs with letters H), there’s a ladder to the right of some containers that you can climb down. This leads you to two Queen Grashstrike enemies. Behind them is a control panel you can interact with and press
to lower a walkway. Lower it all the way to the bottom and you can grab this purple Materia off the ledge. The next Materia lies on the path behind the walkway.
- Materia: Elemental Materia – Chapter 6 / Objective: Three Sun Lamps Down / Area: Plate Mid-Level (Section H – Sun Lamp 3) – Same place where you found the above Materia, line up the walkway and cross over to the other site. There’s a purple discovery objective marked on the map where this Elemental Materia is at.
- Armor: Mesmeric Armlet – Chapter 6 / Objective: Three Sun Lamps Down / Area: Plate Upper Level (Section H – Sun Lamp 3) – Where you interact with the console to shut down the 3rd Sun Lamp, walk all the way to the right around the sun lamp walkway and it will be at the end of the path, in a chest.
- Music Disc #18: Electric de Chocobo – Chapter 6 / Objective: Power for the Platform / Area: Plate Upper Level (Plate Ventilation Facilities – Control Room) – After you return from turning off all 3 Sun Lamps you are supposed to use the big cargo elevator. But instead of doing so, head west from the cargo elevator to find a smaller elevator (direction where you had to climb past some fans that blow out air). See Screenshots 1-2 for starting location. Use the small elevator and it will take you to the side where the fans are. In the first room you find a vending machine that sells Music Disc #18 (Screenshot 3-4 show item location).
- Summon #2: Chocobo & Moogle – Chapter 6 / Objective: Power for the Platform / Area: Plate Upper Level (Plate Ventilation Facilities – Control Room) – After you return from turning off all 3 Sun Lamps you are supposed to use the big cargo elevator. But instead of doing so, head west from the cargo elevator to find a smaller elevator (direction where you had to climb past some fans that blow out air). See Screenshots 1-2 for starting location. Use the small elevator and it will take you to the side where the fans are. In the first room you find a vending machine that sells Music Disc #18. Next to it is a green control panel. Activate it to trigger a 1 minute timer to defeat the enemies in the next room. Do it in under 1 minute and hit the green panel at the exit door. This leads you behind one of the fans where you can pick up the “Chocobo & Moogle” Summon Materia. Unlocks “Cleanup Crew” trophy (Screenshot 3-4 show item location).
- Weapon: Light Machine Gun (Barret) – Chapter 6 – Automatic reward for completing the mission, unmissable.
Chapter 7:
- Armor: Bulletproof Vest – Chapter 7 / Objective: Reach Mako Storage / Area: Mako Reactor 5 – B7 (Reactor Core Lower Level – Left-Side Bridge) – On your way to the 2nd reactor core in a chest.
- Materia: Lightning Materia – Chapter 7 / Objective: Sentenced to Death / Area: Mako Reactor 5 – B7 (B7 Facilities) – In the next room after you found the first keycard story item.
- Weapon: Sonic Strikers (Tifa) – Chapter 7 / Objective: Sentenced to Death / Area: Mako Reactor 5 – B5 (Connecting Passageway) – After going through another room with Airbuster terminals, there will be a purple chest in plain sight in the passageway to the next room. It would be hard not to see this one, its purple color makes it stand out from other chests you have encountered so far.
- Materia: Magic Up Materia – Chapter 7 / Discovery: Waste Recovery (Objective: Storm the Gates) / Area: Front Gate (Security Ops) – When the story forces Cloud, Tifa, Barret to push 3 switches simultaneously in sync to open a door, there will be a purple discovery marker on the map. Use the terminal where the purple marker is. Then you have to use the 3 switches again and push them in sync for 4 times in a row. It will open the vault door to the Waste Recovery room, in there you find this purple Materia. You also earn “In Lockstep” trophy for doing this! The screenshot shows the terminal to interact with, the Materia is immediately behind this.
- Music Disc #2: Bombing Mission – Chapter 7 / Objective: Storm the Gates / Area: Front Gate (Gate Office) – After the story forces Cloud, Tifa, Barret to push 3 switches simultaneously in sync to open a door, it’s behind that door from a vending machine.
- Armor: Titanium Bangle – Chapter 7 – Automatic mission completion reward for defeating Airbuster boss, unmissable.
Chapter 8:
- *Note: At the start of the church there’s a yellow materia behind a wall of specters. This you cannot reach until Chapter 14, so ignore this for now.
- Accessory: Talisman – Chapter 8 / Objective: To the Attic / Area: Church – In the church after the railing of the balcony breaks off, go down the next staircase to find this in a chest.
- Materia: Prayer Materia – Automatic starting Materia for Aerith when she joins your party.
- Materia: Refocus Materia – Automatic starting Materia for Aerith when she joins your party.
- Weapon: Guard Stick (Aerith) – Automatic starting Weapon for Aerith when she joins your party.
- Music Disc #21: Cait Sith’s Theme – Chapter 8 / Objective: The Station / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Sector 5 Undercity Station) – When you reach the Train Station, it the Music Disc can be bought from the ‘Potions & Music’ vending machine.
- Armor: Calignious Bracelet – Chapter 8 / Objective: Around the Gate / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Twilight Valley) – A short while after pushing the container out of the way you’ll fight some Hedgehog Pie and have to climb up a ladder. Instead of going left (story path), go to the right to go up another ladder and you can climb to a chest containing this item.
- *Note: On your way towards Sector 5 Slums there will be a locked red/golden dragon gate with Materia glowing behind it. This you cannot open until Chapter 14 so ignore it for now.
- Music Disc #25: Tango of Tears – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – After Aerith drops off the flowers at the Leaf House, check the building left of the Leaf House where the old people are. There’s a Jukebox in there with the Music Disc.
- Music Disc #19: Costa del Sol – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from the Materia Store in the Slums.
- Materia: First Strike Materia – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel #3.
- Materia: Synergy Materia – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel #6, #7, #8, #9.
- Materia: Steal Materia – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel #6, #7, #8, #9.
- Materia: Provoke Materia – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel #6, #7, #8, #9.
- Materia: Steadfast Block Materia – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel #6, #7, #8, #9.
- Summon #3: Shiva – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel #3 (Shiva VR Mission).
- Accessory: Star Pendant – Chapter 8 / Objective: Leaf House Delivery / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Bought from the Weapons Store in the Slums.
- Music Disc #20: Gold Saucer – Chapter 8 / Objective: Requests for the Mercenary / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Bought from Moogle Shop.
- Weapon: Silver Staff (Aerith) – Chapter 8 / Objective: Requests for the Mercenary / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Bought from Moogle Shop.
- Accessory: Whistlewind Scarf – Chapter 8 / Objective: Requests for the Mercenary / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Bought from Moogle Shop.
- Accessory: Salvation Badge – Chapter 8 / Objective: Requests for the Mercenary / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Bought from Moogle Shop.
- Accessory: Protective Boots – Chapter 8 / Side Quest: Weapons on a Rampage / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Station Way) – Automatic Reward for completing Side Quest “Weapons on a Rampage“.
- Armor: Studded Bracer – Chapter 8 / Side Quest: Paying Respects / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Automatic Reward for completing Side Quest “Paying Respects“.
- Weapon: Nail Bat (Cloud) – Chapter 8 / Side Quest: Kids on Patrol / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Center District) – Automatic Reward for completing Side Quest “Kids on Patrol“.
- Accessory: Crescent Moon Charm – Chapter 8 / Side Quest: A Verified Hero / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Earn 20,000 points in the Whack-a-Box Challenge to get this item (can be repeated if you don’t get it first try).
- Accessory: Spectral Cogwheel – Chapter 8 / Side Quest: A Verified Hero / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Earn 30,000 points in the Whack-a-Box Challenge to get this item (can be repeated if you don’t get it first try).
- Challenge: Whack-a-Box “Normal Difficulty” – Chapter 8 / Side Quest: A Verified Hero / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Children’s Secret Hideout) – You unlock this Challenge as part of “A Verified Hero” Side Quest. You must reach 30,000 points to unlock trophy “Crate Annihilator”.
- Materia: MP Up Materia – Chapter 8 / Discovery: The Language of Flowers (Objective: Requests for the Mercenary) / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area (Aerith’s House) – After defeating the boss called “Rude”, Aerith will take you to her garden and it will be in plain sight in front of you, impossible not to see this.
Chapter 9:
- Materia: Binding Materia – Chapter 9 / Objective: Take the Shortcut / Area: Path through Fissure – In the 2nd minigame where you must use a mechanic arm to lift up Aerith, you can find this green glowing orb on the right side. Pick up the container and drop Aerith off on it, she’ll pick it up automatically then.
- Music Disc #22: Cosmo Canyon – Chapter 9 / Objective: Take the Shortcut / Area: Collapsed Expressway – Large Cave-In – After the 2nd minigame where you lifted Aerith with a mechanical arm, walk to the end of the path to find a vending machine. You can buy the music from there (before balancing over the green water).
- Materia: Magnify Materia – Chapter 9 / Objective: Beyond the Dead End / Area: Collapsed Expressway – Utility Tunnel – Found during third mechanical arm minigame. Lift Aerith on a container with the arm and she’ll grab the blue Materia.
- Music Disc #10: Honeybee Inn – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Bought from the Item Shop.
- Materia: Item Master Materia – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Complete Battle Intel #11 and give to Chadley at the market square. Then you can buy it from him.
- Materia: ATB Stagger Materia – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Complete Battle Intel #13, #14 and give to Chadley at the market square. Then you can buy it from him.
- Materia: ATB Assist Materia – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Complete Battle Intel #13, #14 and give to Chadley at the market square. Then you can buy it from him.
- Summon #4: Fat Chocobo – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Talk to Chadley in the market square and complete his VR Mission “Fat Chocobo” to get this summon.
- Johnny Incident #2 – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Head down the road south of Chadley and you will see Johnny running away from you (purple discovery icon). Chase after him and talk to him (in the dialogue I choose “Yeah” to agree with him).
- Music Disc #17: Farm Boy – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Head up the road north of Chadley and go up the first set of stairs you see (should be able to hear the music from afar). On top of the stairs you find a cowgirl, talk to her to get the music.
- Materia: Barrier Materia – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – From Chadley head up the road north of him and take the first left turn, then left again to get to a tight alley with lots of drunken people. At the end of the alley you find this green Materia.
- Music Disc #8: Under the Rotting Pizza – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Interact with the Jukebox on the street south of the hotel.
- Accessory: Headband – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – In the shower room of the Gym (street south of where Chadley stands).
- Music Disc #29: The Midgar Blues – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Talk to the karaoke singer in the bar across from the gym (street south of where Chadley stands). The singer hands you his music.
- Weapon: Hardedge (Cloud) – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Weapons Store (2000 Gil).
- Armor: Supernatural Wristguards – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Weapons Store (5000 Gil).
- Armor: Survival Vest – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Weapons Store (5000 Gil).
- Armor: Platinum Earrings – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Weapons Store (5000 Gil).
- Armor: Timeworn Talisman – Chapter 9 / Objective: To Corneo’s Mansion / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Weapons Store (5000 Gil).
- Materia: Luck Up Materia – Chapter 9 / Side Quest: Burning Thighs / Area: Wall Market – Complete the Side Quest “Burning Thighs” which automatically finishes the Trainee Squat Challenge. Then finish the Amateur Squat Challenge in the gym to get Luck Up Materia.
- Accessory: Champion Belt – Chapter 9 / Side Quest: Burning Thighs / Area: Wall Market – Complete the Side Quest “Burning Thighs” to unlock Squat Challenges. Beat all Squat Challenge at the Gym to unlock the Champion Belt.
- Johnny Incident #3 – Chapter 9 / Side Quest: The Party Never Stops / Area: Wall Market – Complete Side Quest “The Party Never Stops“. This quest makes you run around town with Johnny. I also talked to him in front of every quest objective / quest building (though it probably doesn’t affect it counting for the trophy).
- Weapon: Arcane Scepter (Aerith) – Chapter 9 / Side Quest: A Dynamite Body / Area: Wall Market – Reward for completing Side Quest “A Dynamite Body” or “Shears’ Counterattack“.
- *Note: Completing all Colosseum battles also gives various rewards including Accessories.
- *Note: While exploring the town you will notice some chests in alleys that are blocked off by NPCs. Those are unreachable until Chapter 14 so ignore those for now.
- Accessory: Star Pendant – Chapter 9 / Objective: Parting Ways / Area: S6-5 Road – Before returning to the dressed Aerith in the massage place, take the exit road in the north of Wall Market. Follow the road and shortly you come to some ruins on the left, in them is a chest with this item. After getting it you can backtrack to Wall Market.
- Music Disc #26: Let the Battles Begin! -REMAKE- – Chapter 9 / Objective: Aerith’s Plan / Area: Honeybee Inn – When the story takes you to Honeybee Inn, you will be offered by 3 Bee Ladies to play a dance tutorial. You must accept this and get a “Great” rating on all 10 button presses. This is the easiest to miss Music Disc! If you don’t get 10 Great button timings you can repeat the dance tutorial as many times as you want. When you got all 10 Great ratings, watch the right side of the screen during the next cutscene and you should see the item popup. Make a manual save game before entering Honeybee Inn, just in case you miss it you can go back.
- Music Disc #11: Don of the Slums – Chapter 9 / Objective: The Audition / Area: The Forbidden Room – After Cloud, Aerith and Tifa reunite, you can buy this music from the vending machine in the room they wake up in.
- Accessory: Fury Ring – Chapter 9 / Objective: Showdown with Corneo / Area: Corneo’s Mansion (Central Foyer) – After Corneo chose his bridge (Cloud) and Aerith/Tifa break free from the men, go downstairs and defeat the enemies. There you can squeeze through some shelves to find an item chest with this accessory.
Chapter 10:
- Weapon: Pair of Feathered Gloves (Tifa) – Chapter 10 / Objective: Follow the Waterway / Area: Aqueduct 1 – After draining the water in the first aqueduct, crouch under the sluice that has opened up. There is a purple chest with this weapon.
- Music Disc #9: The Oppressed – Chapter 10 / Objective: Follow the Waterway / Area: Aqueduct 1 – Just after draining the water in the first aqueduct, it’s in the next room you go through, bought from the vending machine.
- Materia: Poison Materia – Chapter 10 / Objective: Crossing the Sluice Gate / Area: Sector 7-6 (Main Aqueduct) – After climbing up the ladder next to a sluice gate in Sector 7-6 Main Aqueduct, turn around and it’ll be on the path behind you.
- Materia: Warding Materia – Chapter 10 / Objective: To the Sector 7 Slums / Area: Aqueduct 1 – Before proceeding to the Inter-Aqueduct Passage (where the objective marker is), explore the south section of the Aqueduct 1 too! This blue Materia is behind some metal bars.
- Accessory: Revival Earrings – Chapter 10 / Objective: To the Sector 7 Slums / Area: Aqueduct 1 – Before proceeding to the Inter-Aqueduct Passage (where the objective marker is), explore the south section of the Aqueduct 1 too! In the southernmost room you find this in a chest.
Chapter 11:
- Weapon: Mythril Rod (Aerith) – Chapter 11 / Objective: Someone’s There / Area: Switchyard 2 (Section C) – After walking through a train compartment, the story wants you to climb up a ladder on the left. Instead of doing so, take the path on the right through another train compartment to find a purple chest with this weapon. If you’ve reached a door where 2 Cripshays (scorpions) break through a door you’ve gone too far and must backtrack.
- Materia: HP Up Materia – Chapter 11 / Objective: A Train Wreck / Area: Switchyard 2 (Section B) – Shortly after squeezing through a train compartment and approaching the end of Switchyard Section B, check between two train compartments on a left path before climbing up a ladder.
- Armor: Gothic Bangle – Chapter 11 / Objective: Shadow in the Control Room / Area: Maintenance Hall – In the spooky maintenance hall after you step in the train and a crane lifts up another train compartment. You’ll need to head upstairs. From where you need to interact with the crane console, head all the way to the right and downstairs to find this armor piece in a chest.
- Music Disc #6: Let the Battles Begin! – Chapter 11 / Objective: Shadow in the Control Room / Area: Maintenance Hall – Bought from the vending machine outside of the control room (east entrance of control room). As usual you’ll hear the music loudly and it’s in plain sight on the main story path.
- Materia: Subversion Materia – Chapter 11 / Objective: Shadow in the Control Room / Area: Maintenance Hall – Automatic reward for defeating Ghoul boss.
- Weapon: Bladed Staff (Aertih) – Chapter 11 / Objective: Back Amongst Friends / Area: Freight Storage – Use “Steal” Materia on the boss “Eligor”. This is highly missable! If you trigger the fight by accident without having the Materia equipped, pause the game and choose to exit the fight and equip the Steal Materia. You can only steal it from the boss, no other way to obtain it.
Chapter 12:
- Armor: Magician’s Bracelet – Chapter 12 / Reno Boss Fight – Use “Steal Materia” on Reno Boss to steal this item from him (if you miss it, you can buy it in next chapter).
Chapter 13:
- Armor: Gothic Bangle – Chapter 13 / Objective: Words of Hope / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Center District) – Bought from Weapons Store.
- Armor: Magician’s Bracelet – Chapter 13 / Objective: Words of Hope / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Center District) – Bought from Weapons Store.
- Armor: Heavy-Duty Bracer – Chapter 13 / Objective: Words of Hope / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Center District) – Bought from Weapons Store.
- Armor: Sorcerer’s Armlet – Chapter 13 / Objective: Words of Hope / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Center District) – Bought from Weapons Store.
- Materia: Enemy Skill Materia – Chapter 13 / Objective: Words of Hope / Area: Sector 5 Slums (Center District) – Complete Battle Intel Report #16 and talk to Chadley next to the Materia Shop in Sector 5 Slums. Then you can buy it from him. Important: Keep this Materia equipped at all times, it allows you to learn enemy skills for trophy “Master of Mimicry”.
- Accessory: Mythical Amulet – Chapter 13 / Objective: Checking on Friends / Area: Aertih’s House 2nd Floor – In Aerith’s bedroom where you check on Marlene, open the chest there.
- Armor: Heavy-duty Bracer – Chapter 13 / Objective: Checking on Friends / Area: Collapsed Expressway, Lower Level (Bandit’s Den) – Before encountering the first human enemy in the tunnel you can take a side path to find this in a chest.
- Music Disc #15: On Our Way – Chapter 13 / Objective: Checking on Friends / Area: Evergreen Park – After going through the tunnel section you come to a new encampment with people in it (can’t miss it). Buy this from the Item Shop for 50 Gil.
- Weapon: Big Bertha (Barret) – Chapter 13 / Objective: Checking on Friends / Area: Evergreen Park – After going through the tunnel section you come to a new encampment with people in it (can’t miss it). Buy this from the Weapon Shop for 2500 Gil.
- Accessory: Healing Carcanet – Chapter 13 / Objective: In Solitude / Area: Underground Lab B4 (Researcher Access) – In the section where you play as Barret, after climbing up the 2nd ladder destroy the rocks on the left to find this in a chest.
- Materia: Ice Materia – Chapter 13 / Objective: Finding Wedge / Area: Underground Test Site B2 (Type-D Specimens Creche) – After Barret reunites with Tifa and after shooting some propellers it’s in one of the cages straight in front of you, in plain sight. Shoot the cage door with Barret.
- Materia: Warding Materia – Chapter 13 / Objective: Finding Wedge / Area: Underground Test Site B2 (Type-D Specimens Creche) – From the previous Materia head up the next stairs and it will be in the cage on the right.
- Music Disc #14: Main Theme of FFVII – Chapter 13 / Objective: Finding Wedge / Area: Underground Test Site B1 (Break Room) – Bought from vending machine on story path, in plain sight and impossible not to see (after fighting large swarm of bugs).
- Materia: Poison Materia – Chapter 13 / Objective: Finding Wedge / Area: Appendage Boss – Stealable from the Appendage Boss (use Steal Materia on it).
- Weapon: Mythril Claws (Tifa) – Chapter 13 / Objective: Finding Wedge / Area: Appendage Boss – Automatic reward for defeating the Appendage Boss, unmissable.
Chapter 14:
- Materia: Pedometer Materia – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Aerith’s House – After leaving Aerith’s house and having watched the cutscene with Tifa it will spawn straight in front of you, impossible to not see.
- Materia: AP Up Materia – Anywhere – Travel 5000 Steps with Pedometer Materia equipped. It will transform the Pedometer Materia into the AP Up Materia. You can do this anytime, anywhere.
- Materia: Parry Materia – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area – From Chadley for completing Battle Intel Report #12
- Summon #5: Leviathan – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area – From Chadley, for completing Battle Intel Report #15 which is the Leviathan VR Mission. Defeat Leviathan to unlock the summon.
- Summon #6: Bahamut – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area – From Chadley, after completing all 19 Battle Intel Reports you unlock a 20th Report which is the Bahamut VR Mission. Complete it to unlock Bahamut Summon. See How to Get All Battle Intel Reports.
- Materia: Skill Master Materia – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area – From Chadley for completing Battle Intel Report #17. It requires you to find 16 weapons and use their abilities in combat to reach maximum proficiency with each one.
- Materia: Time Materia – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Missing Children / Area: Sector 5 Slums (Center District) – Reward for completing Side Quest “Missing Children“.
- Johnny Incident #4 – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Tomboy Bandit / Area: Sector 5 Undercity Station – Accept and complete Johnny’s Side Quest “Tomboy Bandit“, which starts at the train station.
- Johnny Incident #5 – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Tomboy Bandit / Area: Sector 5 Undercity Station – After completing Johnny’s Side Quest “Tomboy Bandit“, bring back his purse to him. This is the last Johnny Incident, if you did all the others you now get trophy The Johnny Experience.
- Music Disc #23: Descendant of Shinobi – Chapter 14 / Area: Sector 5 Undercity Station – Next to where Johnny is standing.
- Weapon: Wrecking Ball (Barret) – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Subterranean Menace / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Evergreen Park) – Reward for completing Side Quest “Subterranean Menace“.
- Materia: Magic Up – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Wavering Heart / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Wall Market) – After completing Side Quest “Wavering Heart” in the gym of Wall Market, you can challenge Jay for a Pull Up Challenge. Win against him for this item.
- Accessory: Champion Belt – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Wavering Heart / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Wall Market) – After completing Side Quest “Wavering Heart” in the gym of Wall Market, you need to win the Pull Up Challenges against Jay and Jules (Pro difficulty challenge).
- Accessory: Crescent Moon Charm – Chapter 14 / Challenge: Whack-a-Box (Hard) – Go to the Children’s Secret Hideout in Slums 5 Area. Where you played Whack-a-Box before, talk to the girl and she will offer you a harder version of Whack-a-Box. Get 20,000 points to unlock this.
- Accessory: Transference Module – Chapter 14 / Challenge: Whack-a-Box (Hard) – Go to the Children’s Secret Hideout in Slums 5 Area. Where you played Whack-a-Box before, talk to the girl and she will offer you a harder version of Whack-a-Box. Get 30,000 points to unlock this.
- Weapon: Steel Pincers (Barret) – Chapter 14 / Area: Sector 5 Slums (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Bought from Moogle Merchant.
- Accessory: Enfeeblement Ring – Chapter 14 / Area: Sector 5 Slums (Children’s Secret Hideout) – Bought from Moogle Merchant.
- Materia: HP Absorption Materia – Chapter 14 / Area: Sector 5 Slums (Center District) – Bought from Chadley after completing Battle Intel Report #19.
- Materia: Prayer Materia – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Corneo’s Secret Stash / Area: Sector 5 (Steel Mountain) – Behind one of the red/gold dragon gates you go through in Side Quest “Corneo’s Secret Stash“. The gates cannot be opened without advancing this quest.
- Accessory: Circlet – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Corneo’s Secret Stash / Area: Sector 5 (Steel Mountain) – Behind one of the red/gold dragon gates you go through in Side Quest “Corneo’s Secret Stash“. The gates cannot be opened without advancing this quest.
- Accessory: Enchanted Ring – Chapter 14 / Side Quest: Subterranean Menace / Area: Sector 6 Slums (Evergreen Park) – Stealable item from Type-0 Behemoth, the boss enemy at the end of Side Quest “Subterranean Menace“. Must use Steal Materia on this enemy (the first screenshot shows the quest start).
- Materia: Chakra Materia – Chapter 14 / Area: Church – Found on the ground floor of the church in a room on right side. You may have seen this already at start of Chapter 8 but couldn’t reach it because it was gated behind some flying specters. Now the specters are gone and you can enter.
- Music Disc #7: Turk’s Theme – Chapter 14 / Area: Sector 6 (S6-5 Road) – On the road leading from Sector 5 to Sector 6 there’s a woman looking at water by some ruins. She gives you this music title.
- Music Disc #16: Good Night, Until Tomorrow – Chapter 14 / Area: Wall Market – Inside the Wall Market hotel talk to the old man next to the receptionist.
- Music Disc #12: Fight On! – Chapter 14 / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Souvenir Shop in the Colosseum entrance hall.
- Music Disc #30: Stand Up – Chapter 14 / Area: Wall Market – Talk to the girl in the alley left of the Honey Bee Inn Entrance.
- Accessory: Sorcerer’s Armlet – Chapter 14 / Area: Wall Market – Go behind the alley to the right of the Honey Bee Inn. There you find this in a chest.
- Weapon: Mythril Saber (Cloud) – Chapter 14 / Area: Wall Market – Bought from Wall Market Weapons Store.
- Music Disc #24: Wutai – Chapter 14 / Area: Sector 6 (Urban Advancement District) – South of the Wall Market Colosseum take the side path heading west. On that path you find a guy with this music.
- Accessory: Otherworldly Crystal – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Corneo’s Mansion (Underground Passage) – Go back to Corneo’s Mansion and enter the third door upstairs (the last one). Then go downstairs in that room to find this in a chest.
- Materia: Chakra – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Forbidden Room – After you meet Leslie, but before heading into the Sewers, turn around and walk back into Corneo’s Office. From there take the side door to the Dungeon below where you found a Juke Box earlier in Chapter 9. Kotch will be trapped there, free him to get this.
- Music Disc #13: The Case – Chapter 14 / Objective: The Hideout / Area: Aqueduct 4 – Continue with the main objective path into the sewers. On your way through the sewers you come through a tiny room with a vending machine that has the music. It’s impossible to not see, the story path forces you to walk into it.
- Materia: Poison – Chapter 14 / Objective: Recovering the Key / Area: Old Aqueduct 1 – In the southwest corner of Old Aqueduct 1, in plain sight when you walk through there.
- Armor: Protective Boots – Chapter 14 / Objective: Recovering the Key / Area: Former Disposal Area – In the room where you walk slowly towards the creature you’ve been chasing, it’s in a chest at end of left corridor.
- Armor: Enfeeblement Ring – Chapter 14 / Objective: Fateful Decisions / Area: Former Disposal Area – At the end of the Former Disposal Area (after defeating the Mischievous Shoat) you can pull a lever that drains the water. Then you see a cutscene how it drains the water behind a gate in the Former Disposal Area. Go to that gate to find some chests behind, one of them contains this item.
- Materia: Elemental Materia – Chapter 14 / Objective: Over the Wall / Area: Urban Advancement District – Complete ALL Side Quests and a unique item will spawn “Letter from the Guardian Angel”. It’s in plain sight just before going Over the Wall at the end of Chapter 14 (after returning from Sewers). It’s a letter on the floor with a blue sparkle around it. If it’s not there it’s because you haven’t done all side quests. It gives you this materia upon picking it up.
Chapter 15:
- Music Disc #5: Lurking in the Darkness – Chapter 15 / Objective: The Path to the Greater Heights / Area: Central Tower 1F – On the main path in plain sight is a vending machine that sells this music. Impossible to not see.
- Accessory: Enchanted Ring – Chapter 15 / Objective: The Path to Greater Heights / Area: 110M Above Ground Level (Central Tower – 8F) – After the 2nd Vending Machine, use the next 2 mandatory grapple points to go up a few floors in a building. On the floor after using the 2nd grapple, go to the west corner and there you can use a secret grapple point to reach a scaffolding and go down a floor to this chest.
- Armor: Magician’s Bracelet – Chapter 15 / Objective: The Path to Greater Heights / Area: 145M Above Ground Level (Collapsed Highway) – When you reach 145M Above Ground Level, you must squeeze through some rubble and balance across a metal beam. Then you can see this chest on a scaffolding. You’ll first need to kill the Byobapolis and a Cerulean Drake in the area, only then you can grapple up the scaffolding to the chest.
- Armor: Cog Bangle – Chapter 15 – Automatic reward from Valkyrie Boss.
Chapter 16:
- Weapon: Purple Pain (Tifa) – Chapter 16 / Objective: Acquiring the Keycard / Area: Lobby – When you play as Tifa solo (away from Cloud/Barret) you will climb over some lights and then fall down to the lobby. In the lobby hop on one of the cars and from there hop onto some walls to advance (story path). Instead of climbing up the first ladder, use the monkey bars on the right to reach this purple chest.
- Armor: Iron Maiden – Chapter 16 / Objective: Use the Elevator / Area: 3F Elevator Hall (Exhibition Hall) – After getting the Keycard with Tifa, go upstairs to the objective marker where you’re supposed to use the keycard on a door. Instead of using it on that door, use it on the door to the right to find a chest with this item.
- Weapon: EKG Cannon (Barret) – Chapter 16 / Objective: A Helping Hand / 62F Upper Level Corporate Archives – After talking to Mayor in his office, talk to the man “Hart” in front of his office. He asks you for 10,000 Gil. Pay him this money to get the EKG Cannon for Barret.
- Music Disc #31: Scarlet’s Theme – Chapter 16 / Objective: A Helping Hand / Area: Combat Simulator Lounge – To the right side of the combat simulator (story objective), there’s a jukebox you can interact with for this song.
- Armor: Cog Bangle – Chapter 16 / Objective: A Helping Hand / Area: Combat Simulator Lounge – Bought from item shop next to Combat Simulator + also won from Combat Simulator.
- Armor: Geometric Bracelet – Chapter 16 / Objective: A Helping Hand / Area: Combat Simulator Lounge – Bought from item shop next to Combat Simulator.
- Armor: Supreme Bracer – Chapter 16 / Objective: A Helping Hand / Area: Combat Simulator Lounge – Bought from item shop next to Combat Simulator + also won from Combat Simulator.
- Armor: Rune Armlet – Chapter 16 / Objective: A Helping Hand / Area: Combat Simulator Lounge – Bought from item shop next to Combat Simulator + also won from Combat Simulator.
- Materia: Gil Up Matera – Chapter 16 / Combat Simulator: Two-Person Team vs. High Flyers – Reward for completing this Combat Sim Challenge.
- Materia: EXP Up Matera – Chapter 16 / Combat Simulator: Three-Person Team vs. Team Ragbar – Reward for completing this Combat Sim Challenge.
- Accessory: Gotterdammerung – Chapter 16 / Combat Simulator: Defeat Pride and Joy in combat simulator (only available on HARD difficulty).
- Materia: HP Up Matera – Chapter 16 / Objective: Reconnaissance / Area: 64F Ceiling Air Conditioning Duct (Ventilation Duct) – While you have to crawl through the ventilation shaft as Cloud, you can take a left turn to find this.
- Armor: Timeworn Talisman – Chapter 16 – Stealable from the Boss “Noxious Expulsion (Specimen H0512)”. Use Steal Materia.
Chapter 17:
- Weapon: Reinforced Staff (Aerith) – Chapter 17 / Objective: A Way Out / Area: 65F Hojo’s Laboratory Sublevel (Specimen Enclosures) – In a purple chest in the starting room of this chapter.
- Weapon: Twin Stinger (Cloud) – Chapter 17 / Objective: Find the Others / Area: The Drum Level 3 (Passage C) – After XIII helps you to cross over the 2nd set of test pods, you’ll go through a room where you fight 3 waves of enemies (2 x Mark II Monodrives, 2 x Unknown Entities, 1 x M.O.T.H. Unit). Immediately after exiting this room there’s a purple chest left of some stairs you need to walk up as part of the story. It’s in plain sight and impossible to not see the chest.
- Materia: Time Materia – Chapter 17 / Objective: Use the Central Terminal / Area: Central Control Terminal – After switching from Tifa/Aerith back to Cloud/Barret you need to pull a lever to a console. Left to the console (story-related, must interact with it), there is the Materia on the ground.
- Armor: Force Bracelet – Chapter 17 / Objective: Find the Others / Area: The Drum Level 7 (3rd Ward – Piping System) – While playing Tifa/Aerith the 2nd time, it’s after pulling the lever to a shutter door straight in front of you (where you fight 2 x Zenene, a new enemy type).
- Armor: Astral Cuff – Chapter 17 / Objective: Find the Others / Area: The Drum Level 4 (2nd Ward – Biological Testing) – Playing as Cloud/Barret for the 2nd time, after Barret automatically shoots some bulletproof glass, it’s in the next room on the right.
- Armor: Chain Bangle – Chapter 17 / Objective: Find the Others / Area: The Drum Level 5 (2nd Ward – Control Deck) – After Hojo is talking to you for the 2nd time from behind bulletproof glass, there will be a cutscene. Enter the next room after this and find a chest in the right corner (room with green test tubes).
- Armor: Force Bracelet – Chapter 17 – Dropped by the Swordipede Boss, unmissable.
- Armor: Astral Cuff – Chapter 17 – Dropped by the Jenova Dreamweaver Boss, unmissable.
Chapter 18:
- No Collectibles in this final chapter. That’s all of them!
After Story / Chapter Select
- Materia: MP Absorption Materia – Chapter 14 / Objective: Intel Gathering / Area: Sector 5 Slums Area – From Chadley for completing Battle Intel Report #18. It requires you to fully level up all 12 types of Magic Materia (Green Materia). You can farm AP through Chapter Select after the story, e.g. by replaying the Colosseum in Chapter 14. Doing this on Classic Difficulty will make the AI play it for you.
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Xavier Groenvynck says
If u find a collectible, can u leave the chapter, or do you have to complete it?
awesome game
Ariel says
I cant free Kotch from the Forbidden room
Daniel says
Impressive guide, but there are two things you might want to add/change. During chapter 3, there is actually an attack not mentioned, because I was blocking and still took a lot of damage, I think you need to not be behind him, so on either side of him. It’s not one of the 2 longe range attacks, it looks a bit like a lightning attack and it’s not the one where he goes on the walls. Also, you say the first time to get poison materia is in chapter 6, but it can be gotten from the same vending machine you get Music Disc #28 just before the Crab Warden.
PowerPyx says
By “attack” do you mean Materia? Do you recall which one and where in Chapter 3?
I’ll look into the Poison one before Crab Warden. You can probably buy it from both vending machines, but yes if you can get it there earlier I’ll update this shortly (will check on my next playthrough tomorrow).
Appreciate it! =)
Daniel says
Whoops I meant chapter 4, not chapter 3, during the bike part with Roche.
PowerPyx says
Is that a Materia? In the air above ramps maybe?
Paul K says
Agreed! Just bought mine there now
mavin says
There’s also a poison materia in ch17 between the opportunity for the reinforced staff and twin stinger, on a little sidepath. Kinda insignificant at this point but missed in the guide
Mshari says
Is it fine if I sold the collectible after obtaining it or do I have to keep with me?
PowerPyx says
It’s okay to sell them.
The only trophy-relevant ones you can’t sell anyway.
PJ says
about the materia do you need to have them all even though some are duplicate or you just need 1 of each?
PowerPyx says
It’s beneficial to have duplicates, it allows for more tactical freedom on hard difficulty. Since you have 4 characters you may want duplicates to equip each character (e.g. Healing Materia, HP UP, MP UP are the most useful by far. I give each character 2 x HP Up & 2 x MP Up on hard).
Mshari says
In chapter 8 collectibles there’s a Star Pendant that I should buy. I already have one so does that count or I still need to purchase it? Thank you
PowerPyx says
No need to buy it again if you already have it, unless you want to equip it to a 2nd character.
Taylor says
In chapter 4, after you drop Wedge off and he showes you his cats, there is a Barrier Materia you can get from Tiffany if you return to her door.
Taylor says
Woops, Jessie*’s door. Chapter 4, If you return to Jessie’s door after Wedge showes you his cats, she’ll “pay you in full” with a Barrier Materia.
Theblackcat says
you forget the wind materia i think ?? For the Chadley Battle Intel Report number 2 I get it in Chapter 3 Because i killed weak ice,fire and Lightning monsters.
PowerPyx says
Updated that one, thanks
Theblackcat says
At Chapter 4 before i go to bed after wedge is home with the 3 cats, i go back to jessie and get a barrier Materia
Mshari says
Those items in the shops are pricey. How can one have such Gil for it all?
PowerPyx says
You get more Gil later in the game. There’s also a Gil Up Materia that increases the Gil you get (which is also late in the game). It’s better to save the money for the best items.
Jeff says
That yellow materia behind the wall of spectres in Ch.8 at the church can be gotten during Ch.8. Just wait until you do sidequests in the area when you can free roam and run back up there.
Craig says
I have yet to find all weapons yet I was able to get skill master materia during chapter 14 as the Intel only asked me to master 16 weapon skills not all weapon skills (which would be like 24 in total). Not sure why this occurred if it’s SUPPOSED to be post game acquisition only
PowerPyx says
I think the in-game description on the Battle Intel may be wrong. It says “ALL 16” weapons but there are 24. So the word “ALL” is likely a translation error from Japanese when they translated the game to English. I only accepted the report when I had already maxed out all 24 weapons (at which point it was auto-completed).
Eric says
You said battle intel 15 gets added after 12 for the summon materia VR fight, however I completed 12 and do not have 15 available at the moment. I have 13, 17 and 19 as the only ones incomplete at the moment.
PowerPyx says
Try doing 13 too. It’s possible you need everything leading up to #15 (or at least multiple ones are tied to it unlocking).
Fernando Batista says
you forgot the enchanted ring in chapter 15, it’s on the 3rd floor after the 2nd vending machine. there is a small grapple area to the left that takes you outside and down 3 flights of stairs to a chest.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added!
Cassie says
For Battle Intel Report #17 you actually just need to acquire 16 weapon abilities. The wording in the game makes it seem like there are only 16 weapons due to it saying “Acquire all 16 weapon abilities” but by the time you reach the end of Chapter 14 you should be able to have around 20 weapons total, 5 for each character.
Basically it doesn’t have to be an After Story/Chapter Select thing. It 100% can be done by/during Chapter 14.
That said I really appreciate your guide! It made it a lot easier for me to not miss anything during my first run through of the game! Thank you so much for creating it.
Cassie says
My mistake- I just saw that someone else also commented on the situation and you were already aware of the probable translation error.
PowerPyx says
I appreciate the double-confirmation
I’ve updated that the in-game wording is a bit off and it’s really only 16 not ALL weapons.
Chris Miranda says
That chakra Materia in ch 8 can be gotten later in the chapter if you backtrack.
Otherworldly crystal in don’s mansion in 9 can be gotten by stepping on the secret switch when you’re controlling Aerith going to save Cloud. No need to wait til ch 14 for either of these.
Corinthas says
Chapter 15. After balancing across the beam, there is a crate containing a magicians bracelet on some scaffolding dead ahead. Grapple up, drop down via the short (broken) ladder.
Chris Miranda says
Was just about to post the magicians bracelet, too lol.
Corinthas says
Chapter 17 after first item poison materia:
As you walk though the egg-like pods there is a part of the walkway broken leading to a path to the right, at the end of this is a green poison materia.
The_Blood_Hand says
The drum – level 1 (inner ring – SW ) quest “find the others”
bcsceo says
The first time you can obtain the MP UP materia is in chapter 3, near the weapon shop there’s a big board “Fiends slain this month” with a girl named Katie you can talk to. Simply defeat 30 enemies and you’ll receive the materia talking with the girl.
Marty says
In chaper 12 you can steal Heavy-Duty Bracer from Rude.
Marty says
In chpater 13 you can steal the poison materia from Appendage boss.
Bart says
In Chapter 15 there is one more chest on the scaffolding. After you cross that metal beam on the heights and you have to fight couple monsters just after that. Instead of ruining down as path leads you turn around and approach scaffolding, the grapple point should appear. There is Magician’s Bracelet inside.
rtql8d says
In Chapter 15, 145M Above Ground, right before the event where Valkyrie spots you there’s a bit of scaffolding that you can grapple to reach a Magician’s Bracelet.
pongkrit03 says
Thank you so much. This one is god sent ! and you are very kind enough to have all chapters in one page.
Raiyuk says
You missing a Magician’s Bracelet in Chapter 15. The chest is accessed by grappling hook southwest of the map in Collapsed Sector 7 Plate – 145M Above Ground Level.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, this has been added!
Kage says
Chapter 17. When Cloud got separated from the group and after finding Redxiii, you’ll hear Barrett fighting as you progress. You’ll join up fighting with him. Equip steal materia. You can steal Iron Maiden from M.O.T.H unit
Clutch_Lux says
good afternoon after checking out your guide to see if i missed anything i noticed you have missed a useful starter materia you can get in chaper 2 as soon as you finish your battles and collect your deadly dodge turn around and head back to the blockade of soldiers that your previously couldnt go through due to a game caution. their is a purple materia in site behind a van that you can get if you engage the few remaning guards here and their guard dog. in return the materia you pick up here is HP up materia which can be extremely useful. if you are unsure of where this blockade is i will be uploading a video to youtube twitter and various other social medias tonight to help any who may have missed this. i know in previous games this is a materia you have been able to purchase later on as ive just started the remake i was stoked to find this! hope this helps happy gaming everyone.
PowerPyx says
This was already in the guide… you can get it before the Deadly Dodge Materia.
TWIYJaded says
Always appreciate your work and pretty much owe my 60 Plats to you. Sooo, anyway we could get a truncated version of this, only showing items where items 1x, wherever most obtainable, up to every point of no return?
Or something like that. Regardless, thanks for the guides all these years.
Kris says
in chapter 12 you can also steal Heavy Duty Bracelet from Rude .
Steve says
you should add in chapter 4 after you walk Wedge home, then go to collect payment from Jessie she will give you the Barrier Materia. (Green). Great guide btw!!
Chrompto says
There’s a poison materia in chapter 17 in the maze like area with all the pods, just after cloud falls from leaping at sephiroth
Hasem Alnemari says
I’ve missed one collectible during chapter 16, and now I’m replaying chapter 14 to get the intel report for getting all types of green materia leveled up. After i finish those, can i skip straight to chapter 16 and get that final collectible, or do i have to play through them again?
PowerPyx says
Recollect everything from the point where you missed one.
Hasem Alnemari says
Do you mean from chapter 14 (after getting the last intel), or chapter 16 (after getting the missed collectible)?
PowerPyx says
From Chapter 14.
AA says
Yo appreciate ur hard work on this. Is this updated. Like everything is good now? Hope so as I’m following this guide to a T lol
PowerPyx says
Everything is included. Everything is still the same in the game, the collectible locations haven’t changed from patches.