Grasslands contains 30 World Intel Locations (Regional Data) in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This walkthrough will guide you to all the world intel collectibles in Grasslands Region. Nothing is missable, everything can still be completed via Chapter Select which is unlocked after the story. If collecting via Chapter Select it’s best to do everything in Chapter 13 because you have access to everything in the open world at this point. Finding 100% all World Intel in all regions is mandatory for the trophy “Materia Completionist” to develop all of Chadley’s Materia.
Grasslands Overview: 30 Total
- Chocobo Intel: 1
- Activation Intel (Towers): 6
- Fiend Intel (Combat Assignments): 6
- Divine Intel (Summon Crystals): 3
- Expedition Intel (Lifesprings): 6
- Secret Intel: 3 (2 Excavations, 1 Classified Enemy – unlocked from collecting Expedition Intel)
- Moogle Intel (Moogle Emporiums): 1
- Phenomenon Intel (Protorelics): 4
The intel in Grasslands region becomes available after advancing Chapter 2 until you activate Bill’s Ranch Tower. This happens automatically in the story and can’t be missed. It’s highly recommended to do the Activation Intel first, they are the Remnawave Towers that mark all other Intel on the map.
World Intel Overview:
Grasslands World Intel (Regional Data)
#1 – Chocobo Intel: All Rounders of the Grasslands
Automatically completed from story during Chapter 2, can’t miss it.
#2 – Activation Intel 1: Bill’s Ranch Tower
Automatically completed from story during Chapter 2, can’t miss it. After this the other Intel in Grasslands becomes available.
#3 – Activation Intel 2: Eastern Seaboard Tower
In the east of Grasslands. Follow the road to reach it easily.
#4 – Activation Intel 3: Swamplands Tower
In the south of Grasslands. Follow the road to reach it easily.
#5 – Activation Intel 4: Plains Tower
In the north of Grasslands. On the side of a road.
#6 – Activation Intel 5: Kalm Outskirts Tower
In the west of Grasslands. From Kalm head west and then take the first turn right where the road is broken. From there head north into the desert where you’ll find this.
#7 – Activation Intel 6: Wastelands Tower
In the far west of Grasslands, in the desert. Follow the roads to reach this area, then ride into the desert. There is one road south of Kalm leading to the desert and another road west of Kalm.
#8 – Fiend Intel 1: Voracious and Venomous
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Avoid being poisoned.
Use Ice Materia (Blizzard Spell) to pressure Venorat. Deal damage quickly to stagger it and kill it fast before it uses poison.
#9 – Fiend Intel 2: Bearer of Grudges
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Use Fire Materia (Fire Spell) to pressure Enmidunk.
#10 – Fiend Intel 3: Keepers of the Burrow
Objectives: Pressure both fire- and ice-imbued enemies / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
The enemies will be surrounded by either ice or fire. Just check the ground immediately surrounding the enemies, the red ones are fire imbued and the blue ones are ice imbued. To fulfill the pressure requirement you must use Fire Materia (Fire Spell) on the blue enemy and Ice Materia (Blizzard Spell) on the red enemy.
#11 – Fiend Intel 4: Wailing Weed
Objectives: Prevent enemies from using Quick Nap / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
To defeat the enemies before they use Quick Nap, you’ll want to constantly keep all of them under attack. If you damage an enemy and then stop dealing damage it will use quick nap. This is a little bit tricky to pull off and requires a bit of luck. One way of doing it is to use Cloud in Punisher Stance to quickly fill up your ATB gauge. Kill the first enemy quick, then shoot the next enemy with 1-2 fire spells to instant kill it, then focus on the third enemy quickly. Sometimes your team will attack another enemy and then stop attacking and it goes to sleep. If that happens pause and restart the battle.
#12 – Fiend Intel 5: Picky Eater
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
To pressure Aggrevrikon use Fire Materia (Fire Spell).
#13 – Fiend Intel 6: Voltaic Canine
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
To pressure Thunderclaw use Poison Materia (Bio Spell).
#14 – Divine Intel 1: Titan Sanctuary α
Ride down the path to the beach. At the end of the beach path is a cave entrance, inside you’ll find this Titan Sanctuary. It will show you some buttons that you must then remember and press at the correct time.
#15 – Divine Intel 2: Titan Sanctuary β
First you must use a Chocobo to swim through the swamp. Look for a broken bridge, you must climb up the ledges on the side of the bridge (see second map image below for climbing point). After the climb turn right to find the Titan Sanctuary.
#16 – Divine Intel 3: Titan Sanctuary y
Located in the desert in the far west, in a big cave. You can reach it by riding/walking up the rocks north-west of the divine intel location. Then just keep going south over the rocky terrain until you reach the cave entrance.
#17 – Expedition Intel 1: Cragshade Lifespring
When going close to the location follow the owl, it will lead you to it.
#18 – Expedition Intel 2: Wetlands Lifespring
Follow the road until the end, then climb up the ledges at the end.
#19 – Expedition Intel 3: Morass Lifespring
In the swamp area. Use a Chocobo to swim through the swamp to land on the island (see second map image below). There is a staircase, go up and follow the owl.
#20 – Expedition Intel 4: Grasswastes Lifespring
Out in the open in a grassy area.
#21 – Expedition Intel 5: Mako Pipeline Lifespring
In the desert area, out in the open, south of the road.
#22 – Expedition Intel 6: Cavern Lifespring
In a cave in the desert area. From the road head south and walk/climb up the rocks.
#23 – Excavation Intel 1: Bygone Settlement
Unlocked after collecting Expedition Intel 1+2. Ride your chocobo through the area until you see a blue “?” icon above its head. Then hold and tilt the right stick in the direction indicated on the screen (or simply do a 360° turn). Then your chocobo will mark a blue scent line, follow it to the treasure. If there are obstacles in the way like walls, you may need to repeat this until you reach the end of the blue scent line. Then press
to dig up the treasure. There are 3 treasures total.
#24 – Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore
Unlocked after collecting Expedition Intel 3+4. Go to the location and hold to summon the enemy, defeat it.
#25 – Excavation Intel 2: Pipeline Depository
Unlocked after collecting Expedition Intel 5+6. Ride your chocobo through the area until you see a blue “?” icon above its head. Then hold and tilt the right stick in the direction indicated on the screen (or simply do a 360° turn). Then your chocobo will mark a blue scent line, follow it to the treasure. If there are obstacles in the way like walls, you may need to repeat this until you reach the end of the blue scent line. Then press
to dig up the treasure. There are 3 treasures total.
#26 – Moogle Intel: Prairie Moogle
Enter the moogle hut. Then you must herd 5 moogles to the building in the middle of the area. They will fly in the opposite direction from where you’re approaching. Approach them from behind to make them fly towards the middle. It doesn’t matter on which side of the Moogle Tree you bring them to, as long as they reach the grassy area on any side of the tree it will count.
#27 – Phenomenon Intel 1: Wild Bandit Chase
Found at the coast in the north-east. The entrance is blocked but you can crouch through the broken fence on the right side. Then climb the ledges on the front, defeat the enemies.
#28 – Phenomenon Intel 2: One Badass Barbecue
This one requires sneaking in stealth. Start by rolling forward ( ) when the patrolling enemy on the right is looking away. Then head left between the crates. There’s an enemy patrolling on the left and a couple standing in the middle. When the left enemy is walking in the direction you came from, and the on in the middle is looking in the direction you came from, you must quickly roll between the brown crates with
. This will get you past the guys in the middle. Enter the building behind them. Then after a cutscene you must climb upstairs to the roof, drop down from the roof and defeat the enemies.
#29 – Phenomenon Intel 3: Diversionary Tactics
Enter the building through the open door on its north side. Inside are 3 enemies, the correct one holding the relic is the left one called “Burke”. Then defeat all enemies. Afterward, call your Chocobo. Walk around until it shows a red “?” icon above its head. Then hold to tilt the right stick in the direction indicated on the screen. This will make a red scent line appear, follow it to the end and dig up the item with
while riding your chocobo.
#30 – Phenomenon Intel 4: Taking Care of Business
After doing the first 3 Protorelics you will get a key to the Businessman’s Hideout gate, east of Kalm. See the 2nd/3rd image below for this gate. You can easily reach it by fast traveling to the marker on the east of Kalm. After opening the gate, keep riding north all the way to the end until you enter a production hall. It will change the objective to “Wake up the Dead Businessmen”. To do this you must pull the lever in the front right corner inside the building. This will drop the box on the floor and the enemies will be revealed. Defeat them, then pay them 2,000 Gil. What dialogues you pick doesn’t matter here. At the end they’ll give you the Grasslands Protorelic.
That’s 100% of the Regional Data World Intel you can find in Grasslands in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Next Up: Junon
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Intel Guide.
Matt Willis says
Save often and on different slots. Phenomenon Intel 2: One Badass Barbecue is glitches for me and uncompletebale. To make matters worse the npc dialogue for this mission is on a constant loop so I can’t progress on the game without it completely ruining thr experience. Will need to load a 4 hour old save and redo the whol grasslands. Fuming is an understatement.
David Slade says
I know this might be obvious but you do NOT need to 3 star all the fiend intel for the plat! I spent so much time trying to 3 star those after tracking back. From what I can see you can get all the intel with 1-2 stars.