Gongaga contains 28 World Intel Locations (Regional Data) in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This walkthrough will guide you to all the world intel collectibles in Gongaga Region. Nothing is missable, everything can still be completed via Chapter Select which is unlocked after the story. If collecting via Chapter Select it’s best to do everything in Chapter 13 because you have access to everything in the open world at this point. Finding 100% all World Intel in all regions is mandatory for the trophy “Materia Completionist” to develop all of Chadley’s Materia.
Gongaga Overview: 28 Total
- Chocobo Intel: 0
- Activation Intel (Towers): 5
- Fiend Intel (Combat Assignments): 6
- Divine Intel (Summon Crystals): 3
- Expedition Intel (Lifesprings): 6
- Secret Intel: 3 (2 Excavation, 1 Classified Enemy – unlocked from collecting Expedition Intel)
- Moogle Intel (Moogle Emporiums): 1
- Phenomenon Intel (Protorelics): 4
All Intel in Gongaga region is accessible as soon as you advance Chapter 9 to story objective “Freeflier Pilot” (when the south gate in Gongaga village unlocks, which lets you explore the south-west part of the region). You will automatically unlock the Chocobo from the Chapter 9 story, by the time the south gate unlocks you will automatically have the Chocobo. The Chocobo is needed to reach many locations that require jumping on mushrooms or grinding over roots.
World Intel Overview:
Gongaga World Intel (Regional Data)
#1 – Activation Intel 1: Midriver Isle Tower
In the north-west of Gongaga region. You can go over the bridges north-east of the location, then go downstairs and swim through the water near the tower.
#2 – Activation Intel 2: Old Pipeline Tower
This is along the path you have to take during the story to reach the Reactor. South-east of Gongaga Village. Climb the rope hanging from the tower to reach the console on top.
#3 – Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower
After you advance the story to objective “Freeflier Pilot”, you can go through the south gate in Gongaga Village, leading you towards the Airstrip. Along the path you can find this on a hill. Must use the Chocobo on the mushrooms to jump up (chocobo is automatic story unlock in Gongaga).
#4 – Activation Intel 4: Gongaga Ruins Tower
To reach this area, start by going south-east of Activation Intel 3 and slide over the long root with the chocobo. This will lead you to the Observation Tower. From there go west and downhill and you’ll see the tower in front of you. To get up this tower, you must slide over the roots directly south of the tower using the chocobo. You must go up the hill path directly behind the tower, then turn around and you’ll see the root.
#5 – Activation Intel 5: Fungi Forest Tower
You must use the mushrooms slightly south-east of the tower to jump to it. Start by swimming through the water directly south of the tower, go up the stairs on the small island, then go slightly east to find the mushroom on the cliff. Use the chocobo to jump on the mushroom.
#6 – Fiend Intel 1: A Croaking Chorus
Objectives: Stagger an enemy / Don’t turn into a frog / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Play as Barret and fight at distance. Cloud will draw the enemies’ attention. Whenever the frogs use “Toadfrog Tune” you will see a green glowing mist, immediately get away from this mist or else you’ll be turned into a frog. Your teammates will automatically dodge this, just focus on playing Barret (you can also use Classic Combat Style in game options and it will dodge automatically when not pressing buttons). To stagger the enemies, shoot them with Barret’s default attack by holding . If they die too quick you’ll have to attack with Tifa’s
attack instead. Other than that just finish the fight quickly, which shouldn’t be a problem on easy difficulty.
#7 – Fiend Intel 2: Mean Green Mother
Objectives: Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit / Defeat the enemies before they fully evolve
This is found along the path you take to reach the Reactor in the story. Play as Cloud, hold in Operator Mode to use his sweeping attacks that hit all enemies. To finish them off quick use the Braver ability.
#8 – Fiend Intel 3: Shake the Earth
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
To reach this, jump on the mushroom on the hill that’s leading up to Activation Intel 3, then another mushroom on the right. It will catapult you over to the fiend intel. Use Cloud’s “Braver” ability when an enemy is blocking, this will pressure it. Rinse and repeat to stagger the enemy. Using Tifa’s Divekick when it blocks also works well, and Tifa’s regular attacks are good at increasing Stagger.
#9 – Fiend Intel 4: Maddened by Mako
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
This is found in the ruins in the south-west of Gongaga, from Activation Intel 4 go north to reach this area. Use Cloud’s “Braver” ability when an enemy is blocking, this will pressure it. Rinse and repeat to stagger the enemy. Using Tifa’s Divekick when it blocks also works well, and Tifa’s regular attacks are good at increasing Stagger. Most abilities will work to stagger it. Just always use an ability whenever the opponent blocks to keep it pressured and quickly stagger it after.
#10 – Fiend Intel 5: A Two-Pronged Assault
Objectives: Interrupt an enemy while they are using Concentrate / Stagger an enemy / Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
To reach this you can either climb the ropes on the hillside directly west of the fiend intel, or jump the mushroom at the broken road slightly south-west. Increase the enemy’s stagger gauge and it will automatically use the “Concentrate” attack. When it uses this, shoot 2 Fire Spells one after the other to interrupt it.
#11 – Fiend Intel 6: Reactor Royalty
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
This is found inside a tunnel, the entrance is at the road slightly south-west of the fiend intel. Use Cloud’s “Braver” ability when the enemy uses “Ambush” to pressure it. Then keep spamming attacks and Braver to quickly stagger and kill the enemy.
#12 – Divine Intel 1: Kujata Sanctuary α
Approach this location from the river to the east. Then climb up the rope at the end of the path at the waterfall to reach the Sanctuary.
#13 – Divine Intel 2: Kujata Sanctuary β
Approach this location from the south where you’ll find a Chocobo Stop. To the left of the Chocobo Stop is a mushroom you can jump on with your chocobo, this catapults you to the Sanctuary.
#14 – Divine Intel 3: Kujata Sanctuary y
Approach this location from the ruins to the north-east. You’ll find stairs leading up, follow the path upstairs all the way until you reach a rope you can climb. Then you reach the Sanctuary on top of the mountain.
#15 – Expedition Intel 1: Clearwater Lifespring
In the northern half of Gongaga, out in the open. South of Izo’s Smithery.
#16 – Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring
After climbing down to the lower part of Gongaga, this is found at a waterfall. You can either swim to it from the east and go uphill, or walk to it from the north.
#17 – Expedition Intel 3: Valefloor Lifespring
Go to Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower. Stand directly under the tower and turn east to see a mushroom you can jump with the chocobo. This will catapult you directly to the Expedition Intel.
#18 – Expedition Intel 4: Grotto Lifespring
Found inside a cave in the very south of Gongaga. Approach the location from the west, jump over the mushrooms and follow the bird. Inside the cave you need to swim a little bit to reach the Lifespring.
#19 – Expedition Intel 5: Holy Ruins Lifespring
Approach the location from the north, you must swim through the water and go up the stairs on the north side of the island.
#20 – Expedition Intel 6: Cavern Lake Lifespring
Approach the location from the west, there is some water you can swim through and follow the bird.
#21 – Excavation Intel 1: Mako-Laden Canyon
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 1+2. This is accessible in the lower area of Gongaga, you can climb down the rope to the north to reach it. You must dig up two treasures, one is at the cave entrance on the left, the other is in the cave on the left next to a torch. You must ride the chocobo, hold and look in the direction indicated on the screen, then follow the scent trail and dig up the treasure with
#22 – Classified Intel: The Sultan of Stench
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 3+4. Approach the area and hold to summon the enemy. You must defeat a Great Malboro. It is weak to Ice damage. A good tactic is to use Tifa to quickly stagger the enemy, then increase the stagger % using Tifa, and use Ice Spells with the other two characters.
#23 – Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 5+6. You must dig up 3 treasures using the chocobo. One is in the first ruin on the left, which also has an enemy inside. One is in the back left corner of the area, behind the ruins by some bushes. One is on the right side, upstairs in a ruin. You must go around the ruin to find the stairs on the back.
#24 – Moogle Intel 1: Woodland Moogle
Found a little bit south-east of Activation Intel 5, along the main road. Out in the open, easy to see. You’ll need to herd some Moogles, just like with previous Moogle Intel. The only difference is that there’s now a 4 minute time limit.
#25 – Phenomenon Intel 1: Training Facility V-B (Turks Training)
In the very south of Gongaga you find a harbor/facility area. In the south-west corner of this harbor building area (in the corner), walk through the open gate and go downstairs. The icon location on the map looks like it’s on a mountain but it’s actually underground and accessed through the harbor area directly east of the icon. For this Protorelic you must complete a VR battle consisting of 3 rounds.
#26 – Phenomenon Intel 2: Training Facility A-D (Dissident Destruction)
From Activation Intel 2 go straight north. There’s a path leading uphill, either jump the mushroom or climb the rope or go up the hillpath in the edge of the area. On top you’ll find a rope you can slide down, leading to the underground facility where this intel is found. Complete the 3 rounds of VR fights.
#27 – Phenomenon Intel 3: Training Facility W-T (His Personal Escorts)
In the very north-east edge of the region. From the beach head east and jump over the mushroom to reach this. Again you must defeat 3 waves of enemies.
#28 – Phenomenon Intel 4: Training Facility B-T (The Deadliest Game)
This can be accessed from the Chocobo Stop directly south of the intel. Jump across the mushrooms to the right of the Chocobo Stop.
That’s 100% of the Regional Data World Intel you can find in Gongaga in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Next Up: Cosmo Canyon
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Intel Guide.
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