Corel contains 30 World Intel Locations (Regional Data) in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This walkthrough will guide you to all the world intel collectibles in Corel Region. Nothing is missable, everything can still be completed via Chapter Select which is unlocked after the story. If collecting via Chapter Select it’s best to do everything in Chapter 13 because you have access to everything in the open world at this point. Finding 100% all World Intel in all regions is mandatory for the trophy “Materia Completionist” to develop all of Chadley’s Materia.
Corel Region Overview: 30 Total
- Chocobo Intel: 0
- Activation Intel (Towers): 6
- Fiend Intel (Combat Assignments): 6
- Divine Intel (Summon Crystals): 3
- Expedition Intel (Lifesprings): 6
- Secret Intel: 3 (2 Excavation, 1 Classified Enemy – unlocked from collecting Expedition Intel)
- Moogle Intel (Moogle Emporiums): 2
- Phenomenon Intel (Protorelics): 4
The intel in the northern half of Corel region becomes available in Chapter 7. The southern half of Corel region becomes available in Chapter 9. At the start of Chapter 9 you can complete everything except the last 2 Protorelics, these become available in Chapter 12 after objective “Hightailing It”. This means the earliest you can 100% complete the region is at the end of Chapter 12. The unlock timing of each intel is noted below.
World Intel Overview:
Corel World Intel (Regional Data)
#1 – Activation Intel 1: Costa Port Tower
South of Costa del Sol. The console is on top of the tower. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7).
#2 – Activation Intel 2: Seashell Coast Tower
On top of the tower (becomes accessible in Chapter 7).
#3 – Activation Intel 3: Wasteland Tower
South of The Gold Saucer (becomes accessible in Chapter 9).
#4 – Activation Intel 4: Riverside Tower
South-east of Activation Intel 3 (becomes accessible in Chapter 9).
#5 – Activation Intel 5: Stonearch Tower
In the north-east part of the desert area (becomes accessible in Chapter 9).
#6 – Activation Intel 6: Ravine Tower
In the south-east edge of Corel Region (becomes accessible in Chapter 9).
#7 – Fiend Intel 1: Hit the Squids
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Use Fire Materia (Fire Spell) to pressure Shankhalopod. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7)
#8 – Fiend Intel 2: Seahorsing Around
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Use Ice Materia (Blizzard Spell) to stagger Heliopora Terpsicolt. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7)
#9 – Fiend Intel 3: Top of the Pecking Order
Objectives: Stagger an enemy / Don’t get stunned / Defeat all enemies within the time limit
Use Fire Materia (Fire Spell) to quickly pressure and stagger the 3 flying enemies. Especially when they use the attack “Thunderpeck” keep 1 ATB ready and immediately use Fire Spell to interrupt their attack or else they will stun you. Play as Barret to easily hit these flying enemies. Going into this with a leveled First Strike Materia can also be helpful to start with more ATB and immediately use Fire Spells, when the enemies are hit with Fire they fall to the floor and can’t attack. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#10 – Fiend Intel 4: Death from Below
Objectives: Stagger an enemy / Defeat the enemy without getting swallowed /Defeat the enemy within the time limit
This enemy is weak to ice, use Ice Materia (Blizzard Spell) to deal fast damage and stagger it. When it uses the “Swallow” attack you must dodge with . The easiest method is to activate Classic Combat Style in the game settings, don’t press any buttons and it will do it automatically for you (System > Options > Gameplay > Combat Style = Classic). This intel becomes available in Chapter 9.
#11 – Fiend Intel 5: Fish Out of Water
Objectives: Pressure an enemy / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
These enemies are buried in the sand. Attacking them when they jump out will pressure them, then will be just lay on the ground and can be attacked until staggered. An easy way is to use Cloud’s Spin attack by holding or using Barret to shoot the enemies. You can reach the location by approaching the mountain from the north, go up the path there, then walk past the containers in the middle of the path. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#12 – Fiend Intel 6: Unholy Union
Objectives: Exploit an enemy’s weakness / Stagger an enemy / Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
All 3 objectives should be completely pretty much automatically in this fight. The enemy’s weakness is when they use their own attack “Aquatic Beam”, they will pressure themselves when using it. The enemies are weak to fire. Just spam Cloud’s Firebolt Blade ability throughout the fight. The location is quite well hidden, to reach it you must follow the path behind Activation Intel 6: Ravine Tower. Follow that path all the way to the end until you reach a hilltop, then you must use the grappling hook to go even further up, there you’ll find the Fiend Intel. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#13 – Divine Intel 1: Alexander Sanctuary α
You must swim to this through the water to the north-east of where the intel icon is on the map (the north-east side of the mountain it’s in). From there you can swim all the way to the Divine Intel. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7)
#14 – Divine Intel 2: Alexander Sanctuary β
Approach the intel location from the north, there you will find a bunch of grappling hooks. Press L2 to use the grappling hooks and swing across to the cave entrance, which will lead to the Alexander Sanctuary. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#15 – Divine Intel 3: Alexander Sanctuary y
Approach the intel location from the north-west, where there’s a puddle of water around the mountain. Drive through the water to go uphill, then use the grappling points to swing across to the yellow climbable ledges. This leads to a cave entrance that goes down to the Alexander Sanctuary. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#16 – Expedition Intel 1: Secluded Grotto Lifespring
Follow the owl from the main road. The Lifespring is accessed through a cave directly north of the map icon, the cave entrance is on the side of the road. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7)
#17 – Expedition Intel 2: Gelncross Lifespring
On a hill. There are multiple ways to get up there, one way is to climb the yellow ledges on the east of the hill. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7)
#18 – Expedition Intel 3: Oasis Lifespring
Out in the open, at the foot of a mountain (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#19 – Expedition Intel 4: Watermain Lifespring
Inside a small water hole, you can get there by driving through the tube a little bit west, next to the Corel Desert Waypoint. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#20 – Expedition Intel 5: Stonebowl Lifespring
Slightly north-east of Activation Intel 5 is a cave entrance, follow this cave to the end to find the Expedition Intel. (becomes accessible in Chapter 9)
#21 – Expedition Intel 6: Rockspout Lifespring
Found in the south-east corner of the desert area (becomes accessible in Chapter 9). You must follow the path behind Activation Intel 6 to reach this.
#22 – Excavation Intel 1: Valve Factory Ruins
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 1+2. Ride your chocobo, hold when the blue “?” icon appears, turn in the indicated direction and follow the scent, dig up the treasure with
#23 – Excavation Intel 2: Deserted Village
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 3+4. Ride your chocobo, hold when the blue “?” icon appears, turn in the indicated direction and follow the scent, dig up the treasure with
#24 – Classified Intel: Heavy Lies the Crown
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 5+6. Enter the area and hold to start the fight. You should equip the “Steal” Materia before entering this fight. Evade Tonberry King’s attacks, then deal a lot of damage quickly to make him drop his crown. When he drops the crown, use the Steal Materia on it. You need this crown to complete Side Quest: The Saga of the Seaside Inn.
#25 – Moogle Intel 1: Tropical Moogle
Found north-west of the Training Gym, in the corner of the map. Follow the path uphill to reach it. You must then round up all mooglets and chase them back to the moogstool in the middle of the area. (becomes accessible in Chapter 7)
#26 – Moogle Intel 2: Wasteland Moogle
Found in the south-east corner of the desert area (becomes accessible in Chapter 9). You must follow the path behind Activation Intel 6 to reach this.
#27 – Phenomenon Intel 1: Treasure Protector G
Go to the Protorelic marker, once there you will get a cutscene and receive a Cactuar Statue.
After the cutscene hold to use the statue, it will point a light at a Cactuar Rock you must visit (see map image below). It’s on a hill slightly to the east of the Protorelic marker.
The entrance is on the north side of the mountain, drive up there and walk past the trailers blocking the path. Defeat the Cactuars in front of the rock, then interact with the rock, then go back to the Protorelic marker.
Now the door is unlocked, head inside and you’ll have to play a minigame of Cactuar Crush. The goal is to defeat as many Cactuars as possible in the time limit while playing Yuffie. Gladiatuars are weak to physical damage, Magituars are weak to Yuffie’s Ninjutsu magic. But if you want to keep it really simple just hold and spam that repeatedly for AOE damage and you should at least reach Rank 1 (1000 points) which is sufficient for the Relic.
#28 – Phenomenon Intel 2: Kid G’s Trial
Unlocked immediately upon completing the 1st Protorelic. Same as before, you get a Cactuar Statue when interacting with the locked door at the Relic location.
Hold it with to shine it at the destination (map image below).
You must climb up some yellow ledges to the north-east to reach the rock on a hill. Defeat the Cactuars, interact with the rock, return to the Relic location and beat Rank 1 of the minigame.
This minigame uses Aerith, you can cast Luminous/Shadow Ward with L2/R2. Then while standing inside the Ward can use light or dark magic. The bright Cactuars are weak to Luminous Ward, the dark Cactuars are weak to Shadow Ward.
#29 – Phenomenon Intel 3: Unfriendly Competition
Unlocked in Chapter 12, after completing main objective “Hightailing It”. You’ll have to advance the story, this can’t be done in Chapter 9 directly. Only after you reach the necessary story progress in Chapter 12 and completing Phenomenon Intel 1+2 this will appear on the map.
Same as before you must get the cactuar statue, hold it up to shine a light in the direction of the cacatuar rock. It’s found south-west of the intel location, by climbing up yellow ledges on a wall.
Then head back to the intel and complete the minigame.
#30 – Phenomenon Intel 4: Bladesman of Legend
Unlocked in Chapter 12, after completing main objective “Hightailing It”, and after having completed Phenomenon Intel 3. Just like before you must grab the Cactuar statue and hold it up to be pointed towards the Cactuar Rock.
It’s located directly east of the intel location, at the edge of the map. From Expedition Intel 6 head south to find a climbable wall with yellow ledges (slightly east of a chocobo stop). Climb up and follow the yellow ledges to reach the Cactuar rock.
Then head back to the intel and you’ll have to do another Cactuar Crush as Aerith. Afterward you have a miniboss fight which will complete the last relic piece.
That’s 100% of the Regional Data World Intel you can find in Corel region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Next Up: Gongaga
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Intel Guide.
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