Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has 6 Classified Intel Locations. They are part of the 169 World Intel collectibles. Finding all World Intel is required to craft all Materia from Chadley for the Materia Completionist trophy. There is one Classified Intel per region, except Meridian Ocean. They are special minibosses that drop materials needed for side quests. The Classified Intel are unlocked after doing 4-6 Expedition Intel Lifesprings in their respective region.
Nothing is missable, everything can still be completed via Chapter Select which is unlocked after the story. If collecting via Chapter Select it’s best to do everything in Chapter 13 because you have access to everything in the open world at this point.
Region Select:
For all other types of World Intel refer to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Intel Guide.
Grasslands Region
Classified Intel 1: Winged Lacertilian of Yore
Unlocked after collecting Expedition Intel 3+4 in Grasslands. Go to the location and hold to summon the enemy, defeat it.
Junon Region
Classified Intel 2: The Whisperer in the Darkness
Unlocked from completing Expedition Intel 1-4 in Junon. You can reach this location by swimming to it from the beach directly to the north. Then hold to summon the enemy. If you are having trouble with the enemy, you can lower the difficulty to easy in the gameplay options.
Corel Region
Classified Intel 3: Heavy Lies the Crown
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 1-6 in Corel. Enter the area and hold to start the fight. You should equip the “Steal” Materia before entering this fight. Evade Tonberry King’s attacks, then deal a lot of damage quickly to make him drop his crown. When he drops the crown, use the Steal Materia on it. You need this crown to complete Side Quest: The Saga of the Seaside Inn.
Gongaga Region
Classified Intel 4: The Sultan of Stench
Unlocked after finding Expedition Intel 1-4 in Gongaga. Approach the area and hold to summon the enemy. You must defeat a Great Malboro. It is weak to Ice damage. A good tactic is to use Tifa to quickly stagger the enemy, then increase the stagger % using Tifa, and use Ice Spells with the other two characters.
Cosmo Canyon Region
Classified Intel 5: The Wyvern Awoken
Unlocked after Expedition Intel 1-6 in Cosmo Canyon. This is found in a cave in the south-west of the region. You can easily access the cave from the desert area, below the mountain, south of Activation Intel 4. Hold to summon the Jabberwock. It’s weak to Fire. A good strategy is to use Tifa, use 2 x Unbridled Strength to charge up her “Rise and Fall” move and unleash it with
, this move will instantly refill most of the ATB bar, use Unbridled Strength again and keep looping through Rise and Fall attacks. When the opponent is staggered unleash Tifa’s Rise and Fall + Omnistrike (have 2 x Unbridled Strength activated before the stagger phase) to increase the Stagger %, then unleash strong Fire Spells or other abilities with your teammates.
Nibel Region
Classified Intel 6: Avian Tyrant
Unlocked from doing Expedition Intel 1-4 in Nibel. Approach the location from the south to enter the island. You must the “King Zu”, a flying bird enemy. It’s weak to Lightning damage. When it starts using “Swan Song”, immediately destroy both its wings. You can use the Command Menu to target the wings specifically, using strong Lightning Spells (Thundara/Thundaga) is best here. When both its wings are destroyed, the enemy becomes pressured, quickly stagger with with a character like Tifa. Then unleash your most powerful abilities/spells and Limit Break if it’s charged.
Meridian Ocean Region
No Classified Intel in this region.
That’s 100% of the Classified Intel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Intel Guide.
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