Through the Maelstrom is the 61st main story quest in Final Fantasy 16 (XVI). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Through the Maelstrom main scenario chapter.
- Starting Location: The Naldia Narrow
- Requirement: Complete Full Steam
- Reward: None
- Quest Info: Mid’s claim of the Enterprise‘s unmatchable speed proves true as the ship soon takes over the Black Galleon and rams it, providing Clive with the opportunity to board the royalists’ flagship and find Jill while Joshua deals with Odin.
- Search the Einherjar for Jill
- Slay Barnabas
- Return to the hideaway
Search the Einherjar for Jill
After the scenes, you’ll now be on the Einherjar. You need to clear out the enemies on the deck before you can progress further. They are normal Waloed soldiers in this section, so nothing you haven’t seen before. After all of the enemies are dealt with (you’ll receive an XP reward for completing the fight) go to the opposite side of the deck from where you started to find a metal door you can go into.
Follow the stairs up to the top deck, where you will have another combat encounter against more soldiers. When this encounter is finished head to the back of the ship (the side with the wheel) and go through the door down into the next area of the ship.
Follow the path around the stairs. Before going down the ladder you can grab a chest to the left of it that contains the accessory The Breath of Earth (Earthen Fury).
Follow the path in the next area and deal with the final group of enemies, then interact with the door in the room to reunite with Jill.
Slay Barnabas
Now after a long scene, you will be fighting against Barnabas. Barnabas fights somewhat similarly to Sleipnir’s second phase, with most of his attacks having a range component to them. He likes warping around a lot and sending waves attacks, so when possible you want to try and be near him, as the best way to avoid his attacks is by dodging through them while standing beside him.
He’ll use a couple of named attacks immediately at the start of the fight. The first is called The Lord’s Measure, where a number of lines will appear around the area in a crossing pattern. After a few seconds, a wave of damage will travel in their path, so to avoid them stand between them as quickly as you can.
The other named attack he’ll start using immediately is Gungnir, where he pulls out a familiar spear and throws it into the ground near you, generating a damaging wave you need to dodge through or jump over.
After a while, he will start doing a charging an attack called Iron Flash. When he does this the fight is effectively done, as you can’t deal enough damage to him before the attack occurs. Keep damaging him and avoiding his attacks until he moves to the center of the area and starts the countdown from 5 for the attack occurring, at which point there will be a long scene and the fight will be complete.
Return to the hideaway
After a number of number of scenes you will be back on the world map, and must select the Hideaway to complete this main quest.
This finishes Through the Maelstrom Main Quest in Final Fantasy 16 (XVI).
Next Quest: Across the Narrow
For all other Quests refer to Final Fantasy 16 (XVI) Walkthrough.
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