Far Cry New Dawn has 10 Treasure Hunt Locations. This walkthrough will guide you through all their locations with solutions on how to get the treasures.
Treasures are a type of collectible. You can reveal all Treasure Hunts on the in-game map by upgrading the Cartography Station at Prosperity (your home base) and buying the map from there. Finding 3 treasures unlocks the Finders Keepers trophy or achievement. All of them are available from the beginning and they can still be done after the story. Nothing is missable.
You need the Grapple perk to complete some of the treasures, as well as burning arrows or incendiary ammo or the repair torch to set certain things on fire.
Each hidden treasure stash gives you 3 perk points (perk magazines). They also contain Far Cry Credits which is a premium currency used to buy various items such as legendary weapons. You also earn a lot of crafting materials from this.
We’ll go through their locations from south to north. When starting a treasure hunt you can hold the Touchpad (PS4) /
View-Button (XB1) to see the required steps displayed in the top left corner.
Treasure #1 – For Whom the Bear Tolls
Read the Treasure Hunt Note at the FANG Center. Go to the on the rooftop and shoot the bell of the church tower. This will summon a bear. Kill that bear and loot it to get a key. Now head through the hold in the ground, next to the FANG Center and where the bear spawned. This hole leads you to the catacombs under the church, which you can now open with the bear’s key to find the treasure. If the bear doesn’t spawn right away, shoot the church tower bell a few more times.
Treasure #2 – Going Haywire
After reading the note, climb to the rooftop of the house (next to the electric machine). The door to the house is locked but from the rooftop you can aim through an opening and shoot the padlock on the door. Now you can climb back down and enter the house. Inside you find a switch that turns off the electric machine in the yard. Now you can climb down the ladder that was blocked by electricity to find the hidden stash in a bunker.
Treasure #3 – High Art
Read the treasure note and then head around the back of the garage. Shoot the wooden barricade blocking the upstairs window. Then use the Grapple Perk at the end of the zipline to ascend. Use the zipline to get into the garage. Inside the garage turn the valves which will move one car. Climb back upstairs and jump across the blue car to the other side. Here you can turn another valve that moves the orange car which was blocking the path to the stash.
Treasure #4 – Target Practice
After reading the note, follow the zipline up the hill. At the end of the zipline is a hole leading underground. Go through it and follow the underground section all the way to the end. Here you see a machine. Use the lever and targets will start moving on the left and right side. On the left side the targets are moving between the cogs (just behind where you pulled the lever). Shoot them all to trigger a chain reaction that fills the bucket and lifts the door a little bit. Now shoot the targets on the right side (there are 4 of them that only come up for a short moment). This too triggers a chain reaction and fills the second bucket which fully lifts the door and lets you enter the treasure room.
Treasure #5 – Riddle Me Fish
All you have to do here is enter the shed and climb down the ladder. Then press the 6 fish in the gas-filled chamber in the following order: Green – Orange – Purple – Black – Blue – Yellow. Do this in quick succession because if you take too long the gas ignites and you get burned. After hitting all 6 in the correct order the door to the stash opens in front of you.
Treasure #6 – Rescuers Go Under
After reading the treasure hunt note, turn to your right and use the Grapple Perk to get up the hill. There are 5 grappling points in total to get to the top. Then jump into the water and dive through the cave. From here you must follow a series of grappling hooks until the end of the cave. At some point the ground will break under your feet and you get dropped into water. Here you must loosen the breaks from one of the cars (by climbing up to it and interacting with the wheel, it will show you a button prompt to press on PS4 or
on Xbox One). Then the car falls into the water. Jump on the car and from the car to the ledge that has blue ropes hanging from it. There you find the hidden stash.
Treasure #7 – The Best Laid Plans
All you do here is follow a series of Grappling Hooks. This requires the Grapple Perk. After reading the note use the Grapple on the broken train compartments that are hanging from the bridge. From here you can only go one way, always use grappling points until you get to the end of the bridge where the treasure stash awaits.
Treasure #8 – Burning Souls
Read the note and find the bonfire in front of a locked gate at the end of the village. We must find the bodies of 5 dead villagers and put their bodies next to the bonfire. Two are to the left of the bonfire. One is on the right side in a shed a few steps downhill. One is to the right of the bonfire, hanging over a wooden platform. You can go up a wooden ramp and jump over to his body. The fifth villager is on the rocks straight above the bonfire. To get to him you need to take the path to the right of the bonfire up the hill. Pick up the body and jump down into with it. Once all 5 bodies are placed, light up the bonfire with a burning arrow, repair tool, or some incendiary rounds. Then the big gate opens in front of you to reveal the stash.
Treasure #9 – Go With the Flow
This treasure hunt starts in a little cave that has 3 wolves running around in front of it. It’s halfway up a hill where a zipline is attached to. See the second screenshot where the red circle is. The best reference point is the zipline that hangs above the river, just follow the zipline uphill and enter the cave where the wolves spawn. Read the treasure note inside the cave.
Now we must retrieve the key to the stash. Slide down the zipline across the river. It will be right where you land, next to a campfire.
Now we must find the hidden stash. All you have to do is follow the river downhill. Just stay in the river at all times, you don’t have to use the roads. Remember you must go downstream. After dropping down a waterfall you can see a cave opening at the bottom of the waterfall. That’s where the stash is at. See the map screenshot below, the red circle marks the final spot, just head there and you’re done.
Treasure #10 – Light ‘Em Up
Read the treasure note and then destroy the wooden boards at the back of the building. With the boards removed you can enter the building. When you reach a wolverine there will be some wooden boards to destroy. This reveals a new path inside the house that leads to the wolverine nest. Burn it with fire (fire arrow, repair torch, or incendiary ammo). Beware, a wolverine will jump out. Kill it and grab the key from its corpse. Then head back the way you came and the stash will be in the little shed outdoors, next to where you read the note.
That’s all of the Treasure Hunts in Far Cry New Dawn. Along the way you will have earned some Far Cry Credits (premium currency), 30 perk points, lots of materials, and the “Finders Keepers” trophy or achievement.
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