Far Cry New Dawn has 25 Animal Locations. Finding and skinning All Animals unlocks the Master Skinner trophy or achievement. This guide shows them in the same order as the in-game inventory. To be safe keep one of each skin to ensure the trophy is tracked properly. The animals show up at any daytime and are all available from the beginning of the game. You can also still find them after the story in free-roam, nothing is missable.
After upgrading the Cartography Center in Prosperity (must have recruited Bean first), you can buy the hunting spot maps from there. Then the icons show up on the world map with the exception of the Skunk, Rattlesnake, Hare, Cattle, Crocodile, Shark, Bull. For these 7 they aren’t selling maps.
For the purpose of this trophy (and this guide) you only need the skinnable animals (including monstrous animals). Not needed are: Birds, Ducks, Fish, Turkeys, Sheep, Goats, Hens, Roosters and anything not listed on this page.
A tip before you start: Unlock Timber (the dog) as a companion by doing his Side Quest Man Eat Dog World (Timber Location). He marks nearby animals automatically, always take the dog with you on the hunt! It makes it a lot easier to spot animals. Also unlock the “Binoculars” Perk to mark animals from a distance, so you can track them if they run off. The Perk “Outdoor Enthusiast” is also helpful as it makes animals less likely to notice you.
Keep in mind that all animals are random but they do have specific hunting spots where they tend to show up within a 200 meter radius. If an animal is not there right away, just walk around with Timber for a minute. If nothing spawns, air drop (fast travel) to the nearest location. Some animals can also be found from expeditions. You can keep track of your skins in the inventory.
For all Fish Locations see Far Cry New Dawn All Fish Locations Guide.
Animal 1: Deer
Animal 2: Pronghorn
Animal 3: Skunk
Found in Expedition “Alcatraz Island” in one of the yellow prison cells with a padlock on it. It’s random which prison cell exactly contains the skunk, so be sure to check all of them. 80% of the time it’s there but in some cases it might not be in any cell or an enemy already killed it. If it’s not there at all just quit the expedition and load it up again, then open all yellow padlock cells again. Finish the expedition so the skin gets saved in your inventory (quitting the expedition will lose the skin).
Animal 4: Rattlesnake
This is always at the entrance of a treasure hunt cave as seen on the location screenshot below.
Animal 5: Hare
The best place to find hares is during Expedition “I.S.S, Crash Site”. They have a 50% chance to spawn somewhere around the map, usually in grassy areas. If you can’t find any hares, restart the checkpoint until they spawn or quit the expedition and restart it.
They can also show up anywhere on the main map of Hope County. See the area circled in red below for the search area where I found it in Hope County. Just walk all over the map with Timber (your dog) by your side and he will mark a hare if one is nearby. They run of really fast so be sure to mark them with the Binoculars and chase after them if they escape. Ideally, kill it with a Bow before it sees you. The best strategy is to look for them in the I.S.S. Crash Site expedition.
Animal 6: Wild Dog
Animal 7: Cattle
Cattle means Cow, but in all Cattle Locations can also spawn Bulls instead. It’s random whether you get a Cow or a Bull in those spots. One spawn chance is at the Old Fang Farm. An alternative spot with a higher spawn rate is during the first Expedition “H.M.S. MacCoubrey”, near the Lighthouse (which is one of the possible starting points for this expedition). If the cow doesn’t spawn here either, quit the expedition and restart it and check again. Repeat a few times until it has spawned. Finish the expedition so the skin gets saved in your inventory (quitting the expedition will lose the skin).
Animal 8: Elk
Animal 9: Caribou
Animal 10: Boar
Animal 11: Wolverine
Animal 12: Wolf
Animal 13: Crocodile
You encounter one crocodile during Selene’s recruitment mission, but a better spot to find them in infinite supply is the Expedition “Government Plane Wreck”. In this expedition are lots of crocodiles in the swamps. Just check the swamps carefully, there will always be several crocodiles there. Finish the expedition so the skin gets saved in your inventory (quitting the expedition will lose the skin).
Animal 14: Shark
Sharks are always found in the first expedition “H.M.S. MacCoubrey”. They swim in the water around the big military aircraft carrier ship. Kill one and dive down to loot it. Finish the expedition so the skin gets saved in your inventory (quitting the expedition will lose the skin).
Animal 15: Demon Fish
Animal 16: Bull
Animal 17: Bison
Animal 18: Moose
Animal 19: Black Bear
Animal 20: Grizzly Bear
Animal 21: Cougar
Animal 22: Monstrous Bison
Animal 23: Monstrous Boar
Animal 24: Monstrous Bear
Animal 25: Monstrous Cougar
That’s all of the Animals in Far Cry New Dawn. You will receive the Master Skinner trophy or achievement for your efforts if you skinned all of them.
redcero says
I can’t find the ducks. I know it is not needed for the trophy, but mind helping me out?
Frasier says
I saw some in the bayou expedition. Think it was the theme park one
Jesse g Noto says
Way to show every animal EXCEPT ducks, which are the only animal I’m actually having trouble finding. Useless.
PowerPyx says
Duck can’t be skinned, it’s not needed for the trophy.
Luna says
The only thing useless is your reading skills.
Lambo says
I found them all and no trophy !!! I mean all of them !! Even the duck !!!
Vaas says
So I just found the monstrous bison and killed him with fire from a molotov…game gave me damaged skin. Am I screwed?
PowerPyx says
It respawns, don’t worry. You can also find it in other locations (buy map from Cartography at Prosperity)
Bee says
I cant get an eagle found the spot but there’s no eagles
Andy says
Same here,did u got it?
taccy76 (nick) says
its annoying but run round .listen for its call with ya binocs out tag it then chase. took me a few trys but so satisfying to see it spiral to the floor lol
Darren says
I’m having some bother finding the monstrous couger, been to both locations and nothing yet, it’s my last animal too lol.
Darren says
Can’t believe after I wrote my above comment, sure enough it spawned, just wait around the area and it will spawned, have patience people?
poetic_justice_ says
Powerpyx, you came through again! I do not know how you find these things. I wasted two hours trying to find the Monstrous Bear on my own (without the Cartogropher Map) before coming here. For anyone else looking for the bear, it is near the broken-down dredge, which you see during your boat journey north (to see Joseph in exile the first time). Once you find the dredge, follow the dirt footpath that borders the river. The Monstrous Bear spawned three times while I was in that area once. I recommend buying the Rage upgrade and bringing an Elite melee weapon (shovel or bat). You’ll get two skins for one kill!
Soj_Sciath says
Psn – Soj_Sciath
Please help with the co-op expedition trophy. Send friend request with co-op in title
Gannon says
Ok, I haven’t seen anyone cover this anywhere. But why does the wolf have 2 skins. One being the white one and then the taller orange one that resembles the maned wolf from South America. They’re not classified at different animals and it’s the only animal that I know of that has this. Someone please explain!!!