Far Cry 6: Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2.5/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 5-7 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 10 (0
, 3
, 7
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat the DLC on Mind Level 5 (but otherwise doesn’t matter if you play Story Mode difficulty or Action Mode difficulty – the DLC starts on Action Difficulty by default but first thing you should do is to lower it to Story Mode in game options for an easier time)
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No Autopop available.
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: No, after escaping Vaas’ Mind the DLC ends, but you can replay it, can go everywhere right away and everything resets except permanent unlocks that stay
- Release Date: November 16, 2021
Welcome to the Far Cry 6: Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Guide! This is a quick and easy DLC to earn some extra trophies. You need 100% Completion in the DLC which involves finding all Collectibles and beating it on Mind Level 5. You are trapped in a loop of Vaas’ insane mind, the villain of Far Cry 3. To escape you must find 3 pieces of a sword which you locate by following the red lines on the ground from where you spawn, then bring them back to where you started and fend off 5 waves of enemies to exfiltrate. If you die you will respawn at the start and lose your equipment. Weapon Unlocks & Upgrades are permanent and you can also buy other passive character upgrades such as more health and more health syringes. There are 5 Mind Levels, you start at Mind Level 1 and Mind Level 5 is the hardest, but it’s still quite easy and not significantly harder. I did Mind Level 5 with the upgraded starting pistol first try, normal enemies still die in 2-4 headshots (Story Mode difficulty) and you can take tons of damage and refill your syringes by looting chests.
Step 1: Finish Mind Level 1 (Escape Vaas’ Mind)
First, after starting the DLC go to game options and change it from Action Mode difficulty to Story Mode difficulty (Touchpad > System > Options > Gameplay > Game Difficulty = Story Mode). It starts on Action Mode by default, so you must change it manually, which will make everything significantly easier and quicker.
To familiarize yourself with everything, start by doing one normal playthrough and escaping Vaas’ Mind at Mind Level 1. Follow the 3 red lines from the camp where you started. These lead to the 3 Sword Pieces. Bring back the Sword Pieces to the start, this triggers the exfiltration and you must kill 5 waves of enemies. Then you have 1 minute to leave through the gate.
Feel free to already do any open world activities and weapon unlock challenges you come across. Don’t bother with farming lots of Cash or a Highscore here, it’d be a complete waste of time because you earn Cash twice as fast at Mind Level 5 which we’ll use later for farming. Only thing to keep in mind is to not spend too much cash on Vaas’ passive upgrades and instead focus on fully upgrading all weapons, which you need for the Self-Help trophy. If you spend too much on unnecessary passive perks you only drag out the grinding process later. Upgrade the starting pistol first, then the rifle or shotgun which are great for headshot damage.
Step 2: Collectibles (20 Locations, 9 Weapons, 18 Visions, 7 Diary Pages, 10 Chibis)
Restart the map at Mind Level 1 for gathering all Collectibles. Use the guides linked below to get all Collectibles. Along the way focus on fully upgrading the starting pistol if you haven’t already, it’s very good for the Mind Level 5 run later.
- 9 Weapons (all required)
- 20 Locations (all required)
- 18 Visions (all required)
- 7 Diary Pages (all required)
- 10 Chibis (all required)
Step 3: Finish Mind Level 5, Farming Cash to Buy All Weapon Case Upgrades, Having 8,000 Cash at once, Score of 25,000
Now start a new playthrough on Mind Level 5 and make sure you have it set to Story Difficulty in the game options (Touchpad > System > Options > Gameplay > Game Difficulty = Story Mode). Mind Level 5 is unlocked immediately after beating Mind Level 1 for the first time. No need to play through Level 2-4, you can skip them. During your Mind Level 5 playthrough you will automatically get more than 25,000 points (I got 47,000 by just doing the 3 main objectives) and you’ll get more than 8,000 Cash if you don’t spend any during the mission.
Level 5 is actually quite easy. Enemies deal about twice as much damage and have twice as much health compared to Level 1 and there are more armored enemies. However, because they were so underpowered in Level 1, they still feel quite easy on Level 5. The normal enemies die in 2-4 headshots (story difficulty, depending on weapon mods) from the fully upgraded starting pistol and you can take a ton of damage and can always refill healing syringes from chests. As a prerequisite, it helps to have at least 3 upgrades in the Pride category (Health) and 2 upgrades in the Sloth category (4 healing syringes and seeing enemies through cover). There’s no real need for any more upgrades, better to save the cash for maxing out all weapons. I used the fully upgraded starting pistol from start to end and focused on headshots from close range. Go straight for the 3 main objectives, don’t do the side objectives. Enemies become stronger over time, so go for the hardest objectives first. Go to the northern main objective first, then the one in the west (inside volcano), then the one in the south which is the easiest.
Never loot chests right away when entering an area. You always get +1 syringes from standard chests and +4 syringes from chests in the exfil area during the final defense. Spreading out your healing syringes is important. Always stay close to a chest so you can grab more syringes from it if you run out. This is especially important during the main objectives in the north and west and the 5 waves of enemies in the exfil area, leave all those chests untouched until you have 0 syringes left and only use them then.
After you popped the trophy for 8,000 Cash in one run, invest everything in weapon upgrades. After you’re done with this playthrough, the only thing you should have left is fully upgrading all Weapons. Keep farming Cash at Mind Level 5 by doing Trials. You keep all money when you quit to the Main Menu while inside a safe house or at the weapon locker where the game starts. Then start a new Level 5 run and go for the Trials again, keep repeating this.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Vaas Insanity – Armory Weapon Locations
- Vaas Insanity – All Locations in Vaas’ Mind
- Vaas Insanity – Visions Locations
- Vaas Insanity – Diary Page Locations
- Vaas Insanity – Chibis Locations
Far Cry 6: Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Guide
All Far Cry 6 Trophy Guides:
Far Cry 6 Main Game Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Pagan Control DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Lost Between Worlds DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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No, I Won Escape Vaas’ mind |
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Automatic story trophy for beating the DLC at Mind Level 1 for the first time. From where you start, look for 3 red lines on the ground. These lead you to the 3 main pieces of the Sword which are the main objectives. After getting them all, bring them back to the starting area. Then you must defend against 5 waves of enemies to exfiltrate. | ||
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I Rule This Kingdom Escape Vaas’ mind with a score of at least 25,000 |
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This will unlock automatically during your Mind Level 5 playthrough, can’t miss it. Even if you go for only the 3 main objectives you will always get at least 40,000+ score. | ||
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The 1% Carry at least 8,000 Cash at one time |
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Can be combined with your Mind Level 5 playthrough, just don’t spend any money during it and you should easily reach 8,000 from the 3 Main Objectives alone. You must hold 8,000 cash at the same time (unspent money). You can see your total Cash in the top right corner of the screen. At Mind Level 5 you earn twice as much money so it goes faster than at lower Mind Levels. | ||
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This Is Your Brain Discover every location in Vaas’ mind |
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» Vaas Insanity – All 20 Locations | ||
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Freudian Field Day Unlock all weapons in Vaas’ Armory |
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» Vaas Insanity – All 9 Weapon Locations | ||
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Dear Diary Collect all of Vaas’ Diary Pages |
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» Vaas Insanity – All 7 Diary Page Locations | ||
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Puff, Puff, Vaas Collect all of the Vaas Chibis |
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» Vaas Insanity – All 10 Chibis Locations | ||
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So Much For Poetics Collect all of the Visions in Vaas’ mind |
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» Vaas Insanity – All 18 Visions Locations | ||
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Self-Help Fully upgrade all Weapon Cases in Vaas’ Armory |
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This requires you to fully upgrade all 9 Weapons, which can be done via the weapons arsenal where the game starts or from any safe house. The last upgrade level is the golden colored weapon case at the weapons locker.
You need Cash to upgrade weapons. Cash is best farmed at Mind Level 5, it gives you twice as much than at Level 1.Trials in particular give a lot of money quickly. When you find temporary powers, always sell them for cash instead of using them. Open any chests you see on the paths between objectives. This is the slightly grindy part but on Mind Level 5 you can just cycle through the Trials repeatedly and get this done relatively quickly. You keep all money when you quit to the Main Menu while inside a safe house or at the weapons locker where the game starts. Then start a new Level 5 run and go for the Trials again, keep repeating this. |
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Definition of Insanity Escape Vaas’ mind at Mind Level 5 |
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Make sure you set the difficulty to Story Mode in the game options for this! It’s much easier than playing on Action Mode difficulty (Touchpad > System > Options > Gameplay > Game Difficulty = Story Mode). Mind Level 5 is unlocked immediately after beating the DLC for the first time on Mind Level 1. No need to play Levels 2-4, you can skip them and do Mind Level 5 right away. Level 5 is actually quite easy. Enemies deal about twice as much damage and have twice as much health compared to Level 1 and there are more armored enemies. However, because they were so underpowered in Level 1, they still feel quite easy on Level 5. The normal enemies die in 2-4 headshots (story difficulty, depending on weapon mods) from the fully upgraded starting pistol and you can take a ton of damage and can always refill healing syringes from chests. As a prerequisite, it helps to have at least 3 upgrades in the Pride category (Health) and 2 upgrades in the Sloth category (4 healing syringes and seeing enemies through cover). There’s no real need for any more upgrades, better to save the cash for maxing out all weapons. I used the fully upgraded starting pistol from start to end and focused on headshots from close range. Go straight for the 3 main objectives, don’t do the side objectives. Enemies become stronger over time, so go for the hardest objectives first. Go to the northern main objective first, then the one in the west (inside volcano), then the one in the south which is the easiest as you can simply run to the 3 Vaas prisoners and interact with them without having to fight the enemies. Never loot chests right away when entering an area. You always get +1 syringes from standard chests and +4 syringes from chests in the exfil area during the final defense. Spreading out your healing syringes is important. Always stay close to a chest so you can grab more syringes from it if you run out. This is especially important during the main objectives in the north and west and the 5 waves of enemies in the exfil area, leave all those chests untouched until you have 0 syringes left and only use them then. If you happen to have a 2nd fully maxed out weapon, bring the fully upgraded shotgun or fully upgraded assault rifle. Those do good headshot damage at close range and are accurate and easy to aim. The only tricky part is defending for 5 rounds at the end, it’s best to stay in the building on the right side of the area, which is where snipers often spawn. Inside this building you have good cover, let the enemies come to you one by one and headshot them. Don’t run around in the open, you’d burn through too many health syringes. Try to keep a few chests untouched until round 4 and 5 so that you can refill 4 syringes per chest. Before the exfil do not interact with any chests around the starting camp so that you can use them during the exfil. |
Far Cry 6 Trophy Guides:
Far Cry 6 Main Game Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Pagan Control DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Lost Between Worlds DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Vanna says
I was a little worried about the ‘I Rule This Kingdom’ trophy but knowing that you can get it just by finishing M5 is good.
Heiko Kogler says
so dumb when you restart the game is all resetet
Deluziion90 says
You could also repeat the weapon cases on mind level 5. That also upgrades the guns. Saves a hell lot of grinding.
Deluziion90 says
To add up. It did upgrade for my bow but when I just tried to upgrade my blue snipe rifle it didn’t upgrade. Not sure how this works :/
PowerPyx says
I tried repeating weapon challenges on Mind Level 5 but it didn’t upgrade any of the guns for me. However, all my weapon cases were already a minimum of blue or higher. Maybe only upgrades to maximum of blue rarity for free?
Asturgis says
To me, this is harder than a 2.5/10. You gave the main game 3/10 in difficulty, and this is the hardest part of the whole game, by far. You can’t use stealth at all, it’s basically a Firefight/Horde mode. I would give it a 5/10 but maybe that’s just me. The Citra boss fight is hard, and it’s very easy to die from poison or burn, especially on the highest difficulty, and if you die everything you’ve done is negated, which is incredibly frustrating. All the Brody enemies are horrible, particularly the flame-thrower ones. Obviously, this isn’t Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta difficult, but it’s the toughest part of this game.
PowerPyx says
Are you sure you’re playing on Story Mode difficulty like the Roadmap says? You may be on action mode difficulty.
The spec ops trophies in main game were harder than this, e.g. escaping spec ops without battery overheating.
I never died in this unless I intentionally wanted to test stuff. Did Mind Level 5 first try with starting pistol. Citra is super easy with shotgun headshots, each of her health bars can be depleted in 2-4 headshots at close range. With pistol it takes a few more, just be really close to her and don’t use the fire/burning mod because it does little damage. I found it better to use the mods that increase unarmored enemy damage. You have way more health than in the main game, enemies hardly do any damage even at mind level 5, and you have tons of health syringes from the chests everywhere.
PhantomFear94 says
I’m missing something here. Pistol is maxed out, but I’m getting absolutely destroyed on Mind Level 5. 2.5/10 seems way too low. Currently feels harder than Spec Ops on Mastery Level 3….
PhantomFear94 says
The gun isn’t even touching Sitra….
PhantomFear94 says
“The normal enemies die in 2-4 headshots (depending on weapon mods) from the fully upgraded starting pistol and you can take a ton of damage and can always refill healing syringes from chests. ”
This just isn’t the case for me, at all. I die in around 4 pistol shots from regular enemies, and a fully upgraded pistol isn’t touching Sitra. Feels night and day in my game from what you’re describing, so I wondering if something was patched.
PowerPyx says
Reroll weapon mods to get the one that increases damage vs unarmored targets or anything else that isn’t the fire mod. Fire mod sucks because you get burned yourself sometimes and it does little damage.
For headshots, do them at close range (stand 2-3 meters away from the enemies). From far away the damage drops off a lot. Are you sure you actually bought the golden (max level) starting pistol? It doesn’t auto-upgrade when you buy the upgrade. You have to rebuy the whole weapon after putting points in the upgrade. You may be using the non-upgraded weapon if you didn’t repurchase it, which would explain why you don’t do much damage.
PhantomFear94 says
Last comment (feel free to delete others, although this specific comment may be of use) for me, the DLC auto switched to Action Mode. It was only when I re-read your advise and saw about difficulty. I did all the base game on Story difficulty, but for some reason, the DLC default started on Action mode for me. It’s very weird, because I checked base before changing back, and that was still on Story, so I’m puzzled.
Might want to add that the DLC may start you in Action Mode by default. It’s still not a walk in the park, but the above isn’t happening anymore. Mind Level 5 on Action Mode is virtually impossible.
PowerPyx says
Well sounds like you solved it, Story Mode is the way to go of course, as is stated in the overview / roadmap / trophy description
I’ll reword some bits to make this even clearer.
PhantomFear94 says
You were exceedingly clear, completely my fault, although my note was more than the DLC defaults to action mode, at least for me. I know for a fact I was playing the main campaign in story mode, because I dropped it for the new ‘Mastery 3’ achievements.
G says
If I was to play multiplayer is it host only for trophies?
Appreciate all your hard work creating these guides
G says
jjnet123 says
nope. ubisoft just confirmed this on socials, only 1 person needs to own the dlcs and you can just join them and even earn trophies.
PlayStation4Life says
Hi thank you for your time and help with this guide it is very much appreciated as always!
Do we have a check point in the game and it is only resets when we die? For example I can take break and come back later on and I can continue from where I left off and I have the story part collected. Also will it be possible to collect all and leave only one collectable’s of each and transfer save to my PS4 and unlock the collectable trophy that way. Same with level 5 mind and score and cash, just before escaping transfer my save to unlock it on PS4. Thanks again.
PowerPyx says
There are no checkpoints. However, you can do the trials to get a one-time perk that gives you a one-time revive (this can be redone each playthrough to get it again). With this one death wouldn’t be “game over”.
If you want to take a break, the best thing to do would be to pause the game and put the console in Rest Mode. Alternatively, you can enter a safe house, go to pause menu and quit to main menu, it will save your cash but NOT your map progress, if you do it this way you will respawn at the start and it resets your current cycle (Collectibles stay, those are permanent).
As for save transfers; I’m not seeing any option for that on the DLC. In the main game you could click “New Game” and upload your save to the cloud, then download it the same way on another console. But the DLC has no such function as far as I can see. Actually, on 2nd thought, it may sync with the main game save through the main game’s “New Game” screen but I haven’t tested that yet, will try it later and update my findings here.
PlayStation4Life says
I see! thank you. Yeah the idea I had is that its synced with the main save of the game. But I see, so anytime I start the dlc it puts me back at the beginning. At least hopefully the save transfer work for collectables to save us time from collecting all again, collect all on first playthrough/PS4 or PS5, but leave one of each, same with upgrading all guns. Transfer and unlock all quickly on the other platform. but thank you, yes if you test it let us know your findings. Which is same way I did with special operations upon unlocking level 3 not yet completed I upload my save, complete it. Load my save on PS4 beat it once unlock the trophy. Thanks again.
PlayStation4Life says
Hi again, just tested it out.
Collected all diary pages but one, uploaded my save to the cloud loaded my save onto my PS4. I had everything I previously unlocked on PS5, as you staid everything got rest including the trials that I have completed and weapon challenges. Collectables were the same. I even escaped on PS4 to see if I still will get the trophy or will be locked on me. I got the trophy for escaping and the trophy for all diaries as soon as i picked my last one. Same way I did with base game collectibles I’m going to do here. Thanks again.
PlayStation4Life says
HOWEVER, escaping for the second time on Mind Level 5 ON THE SAME SAVE FILE will NOT unlock the trophy. I have beaten it on level 5 on PS5 transferred my save, figured better guns. And escaped on PS4 but no trophy. Apparently it is the same as the operation trophy, you beat it on the highest difficulty and beat it again on anther system (Ps4) my case, won’t unlock the trophy it has to be done in a save file that has never beaten it on Level 5.
Luigi says
Vision 5 does not appear for me
Monkey says
Vision 5 is NOT appearing for several people. Is there something specific we are all missing?
Luigi says
After some attempts she appeared
Silvia de la Rie says
Chibis no 1 is not counting for me.
Anyone else has this problem?
Jon says
I have and i honestly dunno how to fix it
Jon says
Have you found a fix? Other then having to back up your save and start from scratch
PSN-Cunfuzzled says
I have a feeling a lot of this will be identical to the next two DLC. Pagan Min just released today, will you have a guide for that sometime soon?
And as always, PowerPyx, the team always brings excellent guides for Trophy Hunters!
PowerPyx says
Working on Pagan Min DLC, should have guides up today.
Nikki_boagreis says
Thank’s for posting the guide, very useful.