Far Cry 6 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25-35 hours
- Total Trophies: 54 (1
, 2
, 5
, 46
- Offline Trophies: 47 (2
, 5
, 40
- Online Trophies: 7 (1
, 6
) –
Oh No You Don’t!,
Stay Cool,
Hidden Cash,
Termination Phase
- Number of missable trophies: 1 –
Hidden In Plain Sight (no longer possible after end of story)
- Number of semi-missable trophies: 2 –
Didn’t See That Coming! (can’t reset all FND Bases at once, see their trophy descriptions for workaroud)
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on easy difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No Autopop available. You can transfer your save by clicking “New Game” in Title Screen and clicking the Upload icon next to it. Then on the other version click New Game in Title Screen and click the Download icon next to a save slot. However, this doesn’t autopop any trophies. You’d have to manually upload/download your save before every individual trophy and redo the last part that triggers the trophy.
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, there’s free-roam after the story. You can return to all areas, can still do all Quests, Treasure Hunts, Collectibles, Military Targets etc. after the story. All open-world activities are still completely accessible.
- Release Date: October 07, 2021
Welcome to the Far Cry 6 Trophy Guide! This is a relatively easy platinum to get. You can approach the trophies in any order you like and play on lowest difficulty. You only need about 65% game completion. The Collectible type “Hidden Histories” can be ignored and not all Side Quests and Treasure are mandatory for trophies. You don’t need to clear all of the Military Targets either. There are a handful of online trophies, but they are very forgiving, in the sense that only one requires playing with another human player and the rest can be done solo in Spec Ops mode. Crossplay between PS4 and PS5 is also supported, but keep in mind that the joining player can’t earn Story Progress or any “Solo Campaign Only” trophies.
Step 1: Story
Simply finish the story. What difficulty you pick doesn’t matter. The story takes about 15-20 hours depending on how much side content you do along the way. The main thing to keep in mind is the Secret Ending Hidden In Plain Sight which must be done before the end of the story. It’s done by simply leaving the map. You can do this as soon as you finished the first island “Isla Santuario”. After the secret ending it puts you back at your last autosave, so you can keep playing and no progress is lost.
It’s also highly recommended to do two trophies tied to FND Bases as early as possible: Ninjerilla,
Didn’t See That Coming!. You need to conquer an FND Base undetected and use a Security Control Center to disable all alarms. There is no way to reset all Bases. After the story it will respawn only one base per week (but can change date in console settings forward by a week to cycle through them). Not all of them have Security Control Centers though, so it’s better to get it out of the way and not have to worry about it anymore.
Note regarding Co-Op: The joining player won’t have any of their story progress saved and can’t earn most trophies (anything with Solo Campaign Only in description). For trophies it’s best to play in Singleplayer.
Step 2: Collectibles Cleanup
After the story you should already have most fast travel points unlocked so you can use the Airdrop function and quickly fly everywhere with the Wingsuit. This makes getting Collectibles incredibly quick. If you haven’t already, destroy all Anti-Air Cannons now. With the airspace cleared you can use the Wingsuit everywhere and use Helicopters without being shot down.
For trophies you need the following Collectibles, Military Targets and Completion Tasks:
- 15 Criptograma Chests & 30 Criptograma Charts – all needed
- 19 Roosters – only 13 for trophy
- 15 USB Sticks (USB Songs) – all needed
- 49 Unique Weapons – all needed, non-unique weapons don’t count
- 5 Mythical Animals – all needed
- 21 FND Bases (Outposts) – all needed
- 26 Anti-Aircraft Cannons & Depleted Uranium – only 16 needed
- 26 Checkpoints – only 10 needed
- 20 Supply Drops (Recon Points) – only 10 needed
- 7 Supremos – all needed
- 4 Rides – all needed
- 5 Amigos – all needed
- 12 Gran Premio Races – only a few for car parts and unique sniper rifle
- 28 Yaran Stories – only the ones that unlock Collectibles & Amigos
- 21 Treasures – only the ones that unlock Collectibles & Amigos
The 143 Hidden Histories are not tied to any trophies and can be ignored.
Step 3: Miscellaneous Trophies, Insurgency Challenges, Spec Ops
After the story you will gain access to weekly Insurgency Challenges for killing 3 Insurgent Leaders. It spawns one per week. Luckily, there’s an exploit to do 3 in a row immediately, see Oh No You Don’t!.
Then you need to do the Spec Ops online trophies. They can be done Solo, you just need to be connected to the servers to play them. They are all quick and easy. Talk to the Spec Ops NPC at any of your camps to start these missions.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Far Cry 6 Wiki & Strategy Guide – 100% Completion
- Far Cry 6 Walkthrough – All Main Operations, Yaran Stories, Treasure Hunts
- Far Cry 6 – All Criptograma Chests & Criptograma Charts Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Rooster Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All USB Stick (USB Song) Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Mythical Animal Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All FND Base Locations (Outposts)
- Far Cry 6 – All Anti-Aircraft Cannons & Depleted Uranium Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Checkpoint Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Supply Drop (Recon Points) Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Ambush Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Weapon Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Armor Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Supremo Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Resolver Weapons
- Far Cry 6 – All Yaran Stories
- Far Cry 6 – All Treasure Locations & Solutions
- Far Cry 6 – All Wave Jammer Locations
- Far Cry 6 – All Admiral Benitez Billboards
- Far Cry 6 – All Lorenzo’s Children
- Far Cry 6 – All Gabriel Statues
- Far Cry 6 – How to Get All Rides (Cars)
- Far Cry 6 – How to Get All Amigos
- Far Cry 6 – How to Get All Bandido Leaders
- Far Cry 6 – How to Get Gun Powder
- Far Cry 6 – How to Get Supremo Bonds
- Far Cry 6 – How to Get Rocket Launcher
- Far Cry 6 – How to Invite Friends to Co-Op
- Far Cry 6 – Full World Map & Map Size
Far Cry 6 Trophy Guide
DLC Trophy Guides:
Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Pagan Control DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Lost Between Worlds DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Conquistador Unlock all trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in Far Cry 6 to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Yo Soy Dani Rojas Select Dani’s look (Solo Campaign only) |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. During the first cutscene at the very start of the game you will need to choose whether to play the male or female character. After making your choice this trophy will unlock. | ||
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Hidden In Plain Sight Find your way to Miami |
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*MISSABLE* – No longer possible after finishing the main story / after seeing the “real” ending This is unlocked from the secret ending. Simply drive off the edge of the map with a boat, or fly over the edge with a plane/helicopter. It doesn’t matter where exactly or in which direction you’re leaving the map, anywhere will work. When you get close to the edge it will say at the top of the screen “Leaving Yara. Turn Around!”. Just keep going over the edge of the map and a cutscene will trigger with the secret Miami ending. Afterward, you’re put back into the main map with all your progress intact (no progress is lost, the game doesn’t actually end). You can still free roam after this and continue doing the real ending.This can only be done before finishing the main story. If you already finished the main story, the secret ending is no longer available, and instead of “Leaving Yara” it will show “Out of Bounds” when trying to exit the map, hence this is technically missable. However, you could quickly get it in a new game as soon as you find a boat / plane / helicopter. |
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Cutting Foreign Ties Recruit the Legends of ’67 and La Moral |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. For completing all story missions (operations) in El Este. | ||
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Montero Justicia Recruit the Monteros |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. For completing all story missions (operations) in Madrugada. | ||
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Voz del Pueblo Recruit Máximas Matanzas |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. For completing all story missions (operations) in Valle De Oro. | ||
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Viva La Revolución Take back Yara |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. For completing the main story. | ||
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Ninjerilla Capture an FND Base without being detected (Solo Campaign only) |
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There are 21 FND Bases (enemy Outposts). Conquer an FND Base without being seen by an enemy (without the white detection indicator getting full). This is best done with a silenced weapon, such as the MS16 S rifle which you get automatically during the prologue on Isla Santuario. It kills enemies in 1-2 headshots. An easy Outpost to do this is Sureno Shipyards in the south-west of El Este. The enemies are far apart and not directly looking at each other, so they won’t notice your kills. You can do this at any other FND base, too. If you get spotted, reload the last Autosave (System > Load Autosave), or blow yourself up to respawn. » Far Cry 6 – All FND Base Locations NOTE: Everything related to FND Bases is Semi-Missable. There is no function to reset all FND Bases at once. However, after the story you unlock “Insurgency Challenges” which respawn one base per week. You can exploit this by changing the time/date one week forward in PS5 system settings to cycle through different FND bases (close game, disconnect from internet, change date in PS5 Settings to one week in the future, reboot game). |
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Co-Dependent Capture an FND base with a Co-op partner |
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This can only be done in online co-op, either with a friend or via matchmaking. If you don’t have someone to play with, you can use the automatic matchmaking to host a game, or join someone else. Go to any FND Base and conquer it while in online co-op. It doesn’t matter if you alert the enemies or not. You can start co-op by clicking the friends icon in the top right corner of the pause menu or title screen. » Far Cry 6 – All FND Base Locations NOTE: Everything related to FND Bases is Semi-Missable. There is no function to reset all FND Bases at once. However, after the story you unlock “Insurgency Challenges” which respawn one base per week. You can exploit this by changing the time/date one week forward in PS5 system settings to cycle through different FND bases (close game, disconnect from internet, change date in PS5 Settings to one week in the future, reboot game). For this particular trophy you can also join a friend’s game to still get it if you already conquered all bases yourself. |
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Liberty Capture all FND Bases (Solo Campaign only) |
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» Far Cry 6 – All FND Base Locations | ||
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Finders Keepers! Return 3 FND Resource vehicles in mint condition |
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Resource Vehicles are the trucks driven by enemies that carry camp resources such as metal, gasoline, medicine. You must steal these from main roads and drive them to a vehicle pickup point, which are marked by green car icons on the map (the vehicle stations from where you summon cars). It’s important the vehicles are in “mint” condition, which means they aren’t badly damaged, no smoke coming from the engine. You can also repair vehicles with the Repair Tool from weapon wheel. Park them in the vehicle spot and it should give you 50 resources. Repeat 3 times.
This is what a resource vehicle looks like – but they also appear in slightly different designs, always trucks similar to this: Here’s the perfect location for this – in Madrugada > Costa Del Mar. At the road next to the vehicle pickup point there will be resource trucks coming along every minute. You should be able to get the trophy here within 5 minutes: After parking a truck in the vehicle pickup point it won’t go away on its own. So to make space for the next truck, spawn a quad or some other vehicle. This makes the truck go away. Then drive the vehicle out of the pickup point, thus freeing the space for the next truck. |
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Check It Out Capture 10 Checkpoints (Solo Campaign only) |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Checkpoints Locations | ||
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Friendly Skies Blow up 16 Anti-Aircraft Cannons (Solo Campaign only) |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Anti-Aircraft Cannon Locations | ||
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It’s Raining Treasure! Intercept 10 Military Supply Drops (Solo Campaign Only) |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Supply Drop Locations | ||
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Undying Tradition Complete the Yaran Story “Triada Blessings” |
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» Far Cry 6 – Triada Blessings Walkthrough | ||
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Top of the Pecking Order Win a Cockfighting match |
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Cockfighting is a minigame that can be started in Madrugada (West Region) > Montero Farm. That’s the main camp in Madrugada region. Talk to the man at the cockfighting ring, and if you don’t have a rooster yet, collect the one from the crate next to the cockfighting ring. During cockfights you can dodge with An easy strategy is to wait for the enemy rooster to start an attack and dodge back, then do a long range |
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Speed Racer Complete 3 Gran Premios |
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For this you can repeat the SAME Gran Premio Race 3 times in a row. They don’t need to be different ones. There are 12 Gran Premios in total. They are short checkpoint races where you must drive through goals within a time limit. | ||
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Beginner’s Luck Win a Dominoes game |
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Dominoes is the minigame found in El Este (East Region) > Patriotas Peak, which is your main game in that region. Dominoes is a turn-based game, where players must grow the domino chain by matching dots. If a player has no more tiles matching the available dots, they must skip their turn. The game ends when no more tiles can be placed on the board. The player with the lowest value remaining in their hand wins the game. Winning a match on Civilian difficulty is enough for the trophy. |
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Overheated Complete a Special Operation |
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Special Operations is an online mode that you can start via the quest board in your 3 main camps (Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este). It’s only available if you’re connected to the online servers, but can be played solo without other players. The goal is to find a PG-240X battery and bring it back to the starting point. For example, on the first Spec Ops mission “Mesozoico”, you find this battery in a building in the north-east of the area (use your HUD minimap in bottom left corner to see where north-east is). |
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Alpha Guerrilla Successfully complete 5 Bandido Operations |
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Bandido Operations are started from the “Los Bandidos” board found at each of the 3 main camps (in Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este). While at camp, this board will be highlighted by a white icon with 3 people on it ![]() This is what a Bandido Operations Board looks like: These are the 3 main camps where the Boards can be found: |
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Road Rage Perform a Vehicle Machete Kill from a horse |
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Horses are found frequently in the world and can be called at any Horse Pickup Station (green horse icon on map). Ride along a main road until you see an enemy vehicle. While riding alongside the enemy vehicle press |
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Armed to the Teeth Collect 49 Unique Weapons |
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For this you need ALL 49 Unique weapons. There are exactly 49 of these in the game. The generic purchasable weapon variants do NOT count for this. Only the ones that are listed under “Unique” in the Arsenal count. The Unique weapons are basically Collectibles, found in chests around the open world, from Treasure Hunts, and from some other side tasks. | ||
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Hogar Dulce Hogar Fully upgrade one Camp Facility at any Guerrilla Camp (Solo Campaign only) |
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At each of your 3 main camps (Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este), you can talk to the Foreman with the green hammer icon to build Facilities. At each Camp you can build 2 Facilities. Each Facility has 3 levels. For this trophy you must upgrade any one of these Facilities to Level 3.
Building and upgrading them costs Medicine, Metal, Gasolina. These resources are scattered throughout the open world and at enemy bases, so always pick them up when you see them. After building the second level of the ‘Hidden Network’ facility, it will spawn a resource cache at every hideout that gives 10 of each resource per day. Because there are 15 hideouts you can get 150 of each resource per day this way. You can also get resources from conquering FND Bases, from stealing Resource Vehicles (marked red on map), and sometimes from Bandido Operations (started by quest board at your camps). |
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Backpacking Acquire every Supremo in Yara |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Supremo Locations | ||
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Fry Cry Purchase 15 Meals |
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First you must build the building “La Cantina” at one of the 3 main camps of your allied factions. This then allows you to cook meals at La Cantina, if you have the right animal meat for it. You can further upgrade La Cantina to unlock even more recipes, but for the purpose of this trophy you can cook the same meal 15 times. It doesn’t need to be 15 different meals. At La Cantina it will show you what type of animal meat is required for each meal. See the guide below for all animal hunting spots. It’s best to kill the animals with bow/arrows to not damage the meat (or fully upgrade the Hunting Lodge at one of your camps which allows you to use bullets without damaging the meat).
You can’t cook the same meal 15 times in a row (if the meal effect is already active it can’t be cooked again), for this reason you need to alternate between cooking 2 different meals. |
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That’s My Jam Find 15 USB Sticks |
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» Far Cry 6 – All USB Stick Locations (USB Songs) | ||
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That’s Puzzling Unlock 15 Criptograma Chests |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Criptograma Chests & Criptograma Charts Locations | ||
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Car Cry Collect all 4 Rides |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Rides Locations | ||
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Recrooster Find all Roosters |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Roosters Locations | ||
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Loyal Army Recruit 5 Amigos |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Amigo Locations | ||
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@CanYouPetTheCroc Pet Guapo |
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Guapo is the crocodile that you unlock during Main Quest “Juan of a Kind” as your Amigo (companion). This happens automatically very early in the story, can’t miss it. He can then be called to aid you in combat. Simply walk up to Guapo and hold ![]() |
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Strutting His Stuff Equip Chicharrón with the Motherclucker Outfit |
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Chicharrón is one of the five Amigos (teammates). He’s unlocked by playing the Yaran Stories Man’s Best Enemy > Pecking Orders > Wingman. The starting point of this questline is in El Este:
After unlocking him, go to Menu > Amigos > Chicharrón > |
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Secret Weapon Distract 10 soldiers with Chorizo |
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Chorizo is one of the recruitable Amigos (teammates). He’s the little dog in a wheelchair. You recruit him by doing the Yaran Stories (Purple Icons on map) Who’s a Good Boy? > Fetch Quest in Madrugada, Montero Farm.
After this you can summon him from the Amigo Menu by holding |
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Heated Conflict Take out 10 soldiers with active Heat |
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First you must shoot some enemy soldiers to reach Heat Level 2. Your Heat Level is displayed by the two bars next to your HUD in the bottom left corner. When both bars are full they will turn red and you’ll start being hunted by special forces. Now kill 10 soldiers while at Heat Level 2 and you’ll get this trophy. This is easily done at enemy bases, odds are you’ll get it naturally during the story without even trying. | ||
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Jawson Brody Take out a shark with an explosion |
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The easiest option is to kill a Shark with the Rocket Launcher. It’s bought from the Guerrilla Garrison (Upgrade Level 2). This is one of the buildable camp facilities. After you’ve upgraded the Guerrilla Garrison to Level 2 the Rocket Launcher can be bought for 550 Pesos. Now take a boat and drive to a shark hunting spot, stand on the boat and shoot a shark with rocket launcher. It’s okay if your boat explodes from this, you’ll still get the trophy if the shark died. You can jump in the water to attract the nearby sharks to your location, then get back on the boat. A shark hunting spot is found at the west coast of El Este Region: |
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Sophishticated Catch 10 fish |
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For this you can catch the same type of fish 10 times. They don’t need to be different species of fish.
The fishing rod is unlocked automatically after Main Operation “Fuel the Revolution” (Isla Santuario). To cast your line, select the Fishing Rod from the weapon wheel (hold Hold Hold down |
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Outdated Tech Take out a soldier by sabotaging an alarm |
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First you must upgrade the camp facility ‘Bandidos Barracks” to Level 3. Then from the Bandidos Barracks you can buy the Wrist Gear “Techmaster Band”. It has the skill “Security Expert” which enables you to sabotage alarms by holding Now go to any FND Base or Checkpoint, which always have alarm boxes. Walk up to an alarm and hold |
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Oh No You Don’t! Take out 3 Insurgent Leaders |
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Insurgency Challenges only become available after finishing the main story (after Main Operation: The Battle of Esperanza). When pressing Touchpad, you will then see a new tab called “Insurgency”. These are weekly challenges, with one Insurgent Leader per week. You need to destroy some military targets in the insurgent zones that have white map icons, and finish one specific Special Operation. The Insurgency Challenges also trigger offline, but the required Special Operations is only playable online, so this makes it technically an online trophy. You can still play Special Operations solo by yourself, just need to be connected to the internet to start them via the quest board in your camps. Luckily, there’s an exploit to do 3 Insurgent Leaders in a row without waiting 3 weeks real time. Insurgent Leaders Exploit (works for both PS4 & PS5) – fastest method:
Old Method (works for both PS4 & PS5) – this method takes longer, only use it in case the above method isn’t working or gets patched: Note: Before doing this method, it’s recommended to back up your save game via PS4/PS5 Settings. There are reports of targets randomly bugging out when advancing console time.
Note: There are some reports of insurgency targets randomly bugging out for some players (no longer showing up on the map). If this happens, there are 2 ways to fix it: 1) join a friends game who doesn’t have the bug; 2) finish only the spec ops then disconnect from internet, change date to 12 weeks in the future and see if that fixes it |
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Not So Special Take out 10 Special Forces soldiers |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Over the course of the story, you will rank up the different regions in the game, which makes stronger enemies spawn. You will automatically encounter “Special Forces soldiers” as part of Main Quests and have to kill them to get through the story, hence you will get this trophy naturally over time. You can also get them to hunt you by reaching Heat Level 2. They are more heavily armored than normal enemies, usually wearing big face shields, and sometimes carrying rocket launchers or flamethrowers. | ||
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Not So Tough Disable and hijack a tank using an EMP device |
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First you must buy the Supremo “Volta” or the Resolver Weapon “Zeusito”. You can buy them from Juan at Libertad HQ (small island in middle of the map). They cost 100 Depleted Uranium each. The Volta and Zeusito both have the EMP blast ability. Either of the two will do, pick whichever you prefer. Now go near any tank and use the EMP ability. With the Volta Supremo that’s A good spot is the mud track in the north of Madrugada, there’s a tank driving around there. Alternatively, you can frequently find them driving around roads, even after the story. |
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Ultimate Predator Hunt all Mythical Animals (Solo Campaign only) |
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» Far Cry 6 – All Mythical Animal Locations | ||
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Slip Sliding Away Slide 200m at once |
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Hit ‘n Run Run over 10 soldiers in a vehicle |
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Use any vehicle to run over 10 enemy soldiers. Civilians don’t count for this. You can do this across multiple drives with different vehicles, it doesn’t have to be 10 in one drive. You also don’t need to hit 10 at once, you can hit them one at a time. Do note that sometimes enemies don’t necessarily die when you drive into them. Some will only get hurt but not die, especially if driving at low speeds. So if it doesn’t unlock after the 10th, some of them must have survived, so just drive over a few more and it will unlock. Or alternatively, run over each enemy twice to be sure they’re dead for real. | ||
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Didn’t See That Coming! Use a Security Control Center to disable all cameras and alarms |
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Security Control Centers are found at some FND Bases, but not at all of them. They are behind locked doors that usually require the key from the Sergeant at the base. They look like wall panels similar to alarms but disable all security measures in the FND Base. Shooting such a Security Control Center does NOT unlock the trophy, you have to press Here’s what a security control center looks like: Remember that if something goes wrong you can go to Menu > System > Reload Autosave, or blow yourself up to respawn and retry before conquering the base. Here are some locations where this is possible: Valle Prehistorico (recommended) – kill the Sergeant at the helicopters at the cliffs upstairs, then find the security control center downstairs in the cave behind red locked door Roca Pequena Sat Station – kill the Sergeant for his key, then find the security control center in the room with red locked door Espinosa University – as usual, the security control center is in the closed room of the University NOTE: Everything related to FND Bases is Semi-Missable. There is no function to reset all FND Bases at once. However, after the story you unlock “Insurgency Challenges” which respawn one base per week. You can exploit this by changing the time/date one week forward in PS5 system settings to cycle through different FND bases (close game, disconnect from internet, change date in PS5 Settings to one week in the future, reboot game). |
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Death From Above Take out a soldier from 50m above them |
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This can easily be done by jumping out an aircraft, while parachuting down shoot the Rocket Launcher to kill enemies below. The Rocket Launcher can be bought from the Guerrilla Garrison (Upgrade Level 2). This is one of the buildable camp facilities. After you’ve upgraded the Guerrilla Garrison to Level 2 the Rocket Launcher can be bought for 550 Pesos. Other weapons work too, but the Rocket Launcher is the easiest option. |
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Toxic Influence Have poisoned soldiers kill 5 other enemies |
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First you must buy the Supremo “Fantasma” and the Resolver Weapon “El Besito”. You can buy them from Juan at Libertad HQ (small island in middle of the map). They cost 100 Depleted Uranium each. Alternatively, there are also poison ammo mods for weapons but this isn’t recommended.
The Volta and Zeusito both have the poison ability and it’s best to use both together. Use them to spray poison gas at enemies. This will make them shoot each other. After they go berserk, break your line of sight with them, otherwise they may keep attacking you and not their allies. You can weaken some enemies so they will die in 1 hit, then poison one enemy with full health. Only one enemy needs to be poisoned (it doesn’t need to be 2 poisoned enemies killing each other). Just keep using poison and repeat until the trophy unlocks. It may not unlock right after the 5th kill and can take a while, the tracking isn’t 100% accurate on this. |
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Fashionista Equip a full matching Gear Set |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during the final story mission, during which you’ll automatically equip the full Revolutionary Armor Set. | ||
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Do It Yourself Install every Mod on a single Resolver Weapon |
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Resolver Weapons are bought from Juan at Libertad HQ for Depleted Uranium (found at almost every Anti-Air Cannon). They are the “special” weapons in the game, like the flamethrower.
In the same room where you buy the Resolver Weapons from Juan is a workbench (also one at every main camp in Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este). Select a Resolver Weapon and install a Mod in every Mod Slot. They have 3 Mod Slots each (except Discos Locos & La Varita which have 4). The first slot costs 1 Gun Powder, the second slot 2 Gun Powder, the third Slot 3 Gun Powder = 6 Gun Powder total. You can get Gun Powder quickly from Ambushes and Supply Drops. Also see the following guides for the items related to this: » Far Cry 6 – All Resolver Weapons |
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Glamping Build one of each Camp Facility (Solo Campaign only) |
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At each of your 3 main camps (Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este), you can talk to the Foreman with the green hammer icon to build Facilities. At each Camp you can build 2 Facilities. So in total there are 6 Camp Facilities you must build for this trophy (3 Camps x 2 Facilities each).
Building them costs Medicine, Metal, Gasolina. These resources are scattered throughout the open world and at enemy bases, so always pick them up when you see them. After building the second level of the ‘Hidden Network’ facility, it will spawn a resource cache at every hideout that gives 10 of each resource per day. Because there are 15 hideouts you can get 150 of each resource per day this way. You can also get resources from conquering FND Bases, from stealing Resource Vehicles (marked red on map), and sometimes from Bandido Operations (started by quest board at your camps). |
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Furiously Fast Have 10 parts installed on a Ride |
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You can install parts to your “Ride” (Car) in the “Rides” Menu. There are 10 customization slots available on your car, and for this trophy you must have something installed in every slot.
The slots are:
When you scroll over each unlockable item under Rides Menu > click item slot > scroll over unlockable item, it shows how exactly to unlock it. You should get pretty much all of them naturally as you play through the game, so don’t worry too much about this and keep it for later. Many parts are unlocked by bringing other vehicles to vehicle pickup points (the green vehicle icons on map / vehicle stations from where you summon cars). Then a few more are from Gran Premio Races. See Far Cry 6 – All Gran Premio Race Locations. The parts get installed automatically when you unlock something for a previously empty slot. So you will most likely earn the trophy instantly as soon as you unlock the 10th part without needing to install it manually through the Rides Menu. Below is a picture of what a car with all 10 parts equipped would look like: |
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Glorious Leader Reach the Rank of Comandante |
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For this you must reach Rank 14 with your character. You rank up by gaining XP from Main Quests (Operations), Side Quests (Yaran Stories), destroying any Military Targets (red icons on map), solving Treasure Hunts. While working on all other trophies you will get to Rank 14 automatically along the way, so don’t worry about this. The Main Story, and trophy-relevant Yaran Stories/Military Targets are enough to get you to Rank 14, no need to do everything on the map.
You can check your rank at any time under Menu > Arsenal > Top right corner (white number on blue background). |
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Stay Cool Complete any Special Operation without exceeding 50% on the PG-240X’s temperature meter |
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*ONLINE TROPHY* Special Operations can be started from the quest board at your 3 main camps (Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este). It’s only available online, but can be played solo. For this the 2nd Spec Ops map “Maceo” is recommended. Go to the airbase in the north-west to pick up the PG-240X battery. Now you are not allowed to let it go over 50% heat at any point throughout the entire mission until you extract. You must cool it down using water sources on your way back to the starting point. Also run from shade to shade (trees cast shade) to keep temperature low. The battery won’t heat up while in shade. Equip the battery from the weapon wheel to keep an eye on its heat level. The Maceo map has many water sources close together and a lot of shade from trees. Stick to the path at the west edge of the map when you run back to the starting point. Equipping the “Parkour” Outfit also helps, it makes you run faster and increases your stamina recovery. You can buy it from the Bandidos Barracks camp facility. |
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Hidden Cash Locate a stash of hidden Moneda in any Special Operation |
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*ONLINE TROPHY* Special Operations can be started from the quest board at your 3 main camps (Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este). It’s only available online, but can be played solo. Load up the 1st Spec Ops map “Mesozoico”. Go to the building where the PG-240X battery is. In that same building, in a display case with a big dinosaur head on it, you can find a key. That’s the key to the stash. Now head out the main entrance of this building (the circular open area where an alarm and some enemies are) and look straight ahead. About 100-150 meters up the path is an area with buildings and enemies on the left, and the statue of a pterodactyl on the right, on a rock. Behind this pterodactyl statue is the orange chest. Open it for the trophy. See the video above if you have trouble finding it. |
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Termination Phase Free 30 hostages during a Lola’s Informants challenge in any Special Operation |
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*ONLINE TROPHY* Special Operations can be started from the quest board at your 3 main camps (Madrugada, Valle De Oro, El Este). It’s only available online, but can be played solo. For this the 2nd Spec Ops map “Maceo” is recommended. First you must beat it once to unlock Mastery Level 1. You can check difficulty from the mission start screen (bottom right corner). At Mastery Level 1 hostages will start spawning across the map (they also spawn at Mastery Level 2 & 3, but for trophy purposes it’s faster and easier to play Mastery Level 1). These are tied-up people and will be indicated by a red glowing flare in the air. Their locations change each try, just look in the sky for the red glowing flare. When you go near them it will show a popup on the left side of the screen saying “Lola’s Informants Operation Nearby”. Kill the enemies around them and untie the hostages. Then restart the Operation immediately and repeat. No need to finish the mission, it still counts when you restart immediately (press Options-Button |
DLC Trophy Guides:
Vaas Insanity DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Pagan Control DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Lost Between Worlds DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Special Thanks / Credits
Thanks to the following people for helping:
dalailama1989, Archavia, CaptainSellers, SnowNinjaRaccoon = Co-Writers for Far Cry 6 Wiki & Strategy Guide
Mr_PaNtsONh3aD = Termination Phase tip
Chromar = Insurgency Challenges Exploit
Shabyoob = Improved method for Insurgency Challenges Exploit
PowerPyx says
Hello hunters,
Proud to present you with another Day 1 Trophy Guide
Also check out the complete Far Cry 6 Wiki & Strategy Guide that include all Collectibles, Main Quests, Side Quests, Treasure Hunts, Military Targets and more (keep bookmarked for later).
Was my favorite project this year. Nice exploration and creative trophies. Fun trophy hunt. Not too much left this year!
PhantomFear94 says
Thank you so much for this. Very excited. I’m going to be playing on Xbox; if you like, I can confirm if there is a similar time-skip on Xbox for “Oh No You Don’t!” (my instinct is that when you’re online you cannot edit the time of year, but I’ll get back to you on that).
PowerPyx says
Yes let me know please
Christopher says
Hi PowerPyx,
Longtime fan, I had a brief question. Is there any possibility you would be able to include a ” PS4/PS5 Autopop Availability” : Yes/No
in the beginning section of these guides moving forward? Perhaps under estimated difficulty?
Thanks for the consideration! you guys are incredible.
PowerPyx says
Interesting suggestion. I like this! Added it to the overview for FC6 now and will do for other games going forward.
I’ll also add it to older guides in the coming days/weeks.
franky says
1. thank you for all the guides u do!!
the furiosly fast trophy is buged for me… i did a playtrough with a friend in his story and helpd him get the plat but it dosent places cosmetic items in my car even tho i have finished racec in my story. it just does not show any cosmetics for my ride (i should have plenty tho)
Wes says
Confused about obtaining trophies Co-Dependent & Liberty. If I capture an FND base with a joining co-op partner, can I still replay that same base in Solo campaign for the Liberty trophy?
Blaking_Bad says
Isn’t the backpacking trophy missable? I messed up and bought Resolver weapons instead of the supremos and now I only have 4 air cannons left to destroy at rank 14. I have like 4 supremos left to buy which is 400 uranium but 4 air cannons will only give 200 uranium…
PowerPyx says
Not missable. I had 50 Depleted Uranium left after buying everything and having opened every Depleted Uranium at every Anti-Air Cannon. There’s more than you need.
PhantomFear94 says
Been a hot minute – sorry. Can confirm on Xbox the time-skip does NOT work. I suspected as much. However, killing the insurgent leader immediately and dashboarding out (immediately) before you clear that base, then repeating works as a workaround. In fact, this actually seems the easier/quicker method anyway.
Some (including yourself) have reported this is temperamental, but I think it’s more a case of it being buggy than not working. With Xbox tracking, it seems to work more often than not from various people who’ve tried it. It tracked 66% for me this way (2/2), then got stuck and wouldn’t register the final kill. Got it by killing myself and trying it again, “un-stuck” immediately and the achievement after killing the leader again.
Robert says
ohh am i the only one that hates co-op throphies . Can someone add me on ps5. i need help with the co-dependent throphy. PSN: fusinu1
Ricky Blowes says
Hi PowerPyx love your work! With the (Solo Campaign Only) Trophies, if you play the whole campaign co-op will these only unlock for the host? If so how will the co-op partner get the trophies as I believe the progress of the campaign carries across solo and co-op?
PowerPyx says
They would only unlock for the host. The joining player wouldn’t earn those trophies and needs to replay the game from their last solo save.
moneymk33 says
Hey PowerPyx- great stuff. So to clarify for myself, I can play this with a friend but my friend just won’t get the trophy but playing co op doesn’t affect getting the trophy? He doesn’t care about the trophies, only myself. Thanks!
PowerPyx says
That should be fine yes.
Ricky Blowes says
Hey Power,
So to clarify if I do the whole campaign co-op as the host, would trophies like ‘Ultimate Predator’ still pop for me as the host? Or not as I’m technically in co-op?x
jdv95 says
does the “co depentent” trophy not void the trophy for capturing all bases if you
are not a host,since the trophy for capturing them all is a solo campaing only trophy.
PowerPyx says
It doesn’t save your progress if you’re the joining player. It simply reverts to your last solo save after you’re done in co-op, so the bases you conquered (and any other progress) would reset.
PhantomFear94 says
I’m playing this on Xbox, will be interesting to see if I can get ‘Oh No You Don’t’ as I don’t believe you can time-jump like that on Xbox whilst remaining online. I hate achievements/trophies which are based on real-time drops.
Eli says
Thank you for your work. One question: if i get platinum in ps4 version, can I also autopop ps5 one?
PowerPyx says
No autopop.
Aleksandr says
are cross saves possible for double platinum?
PowerPyx says
Currently, no. You can go to Title Screen > New Game to upload/download your save, but it doesn’t autopop the trophies. You’d have to copy it before every individual trophy and then do the last bit again that pops the trophy.
Rob says
Does this game have easy, normal and hard difficulty? If yes how is the hard difficulty?
PowerPyx says
There are only two difficulties – Story Mode (Easy) and Action Mode (Normal). There is no “hard” difficulty.
Roberto says
Anybody who wants to get the co-op trophy out of the way, you can add me. Kweetniet56
Patrick Resch says
You can invite me
markastical says
If you need help for Co-Dependent
Capture an FND base with a Co-op partner trophy add me markastical
Ashley Shenton says
Can I add you man? I just need do the co op stuff! Would appreciate it. Do you need ps plus though?
mohammed says
You can only kill the Leader then die 3 time for ( Oh No You Don’t! ) , i only killed the leader and they killed me did it again then i did the data thing one time and got the trophy
PowerPyx says
Didn’t work, unfortunately. Tested it in the 1st cycle and killing the leader 3 times by dying didn’t unlock the trophy. Maybe it works in the 2nd cycle only, or the method doesn’t work for everyone.
Doing 3 full cycles works for sure though.
PhantomFear94 says
Someone else reported this worked for them (TrueAchievements), by killing the leader, leaving enemies in the outpost and IMMEDIATELY dashboarded. We can’t utilise the clock trick on Xbox.
For others, it worked once, but not twice. So this can potentially work, but it’s buggy. I’m not anywhere close to finishing the story (been doing all the side content first) but will confirm one way or the other once I’m close. The worst case scenario is you need to just sign on for 1-2 hours for 2 consecutive weeks after finish the game.
Familiamyth says
Can confirm this works. No need to go offline, just go to the FND base after finising the 4 prequisites, kill ONLY the leader, then kill yourself (via enemies or explosives), kill the leader, rinse and repeat. I got the trophy on the 5th try, so the kill might sometimes not count.
Declio says
Adding confirmation of this working on PS5. Took 4-5 kills on the leader, but the trophy popped by killing him and then dying to other soldiers without capturing the base.
LeeView says
Can also confirm this works too. I killed the same Leader 3 times, and it unlocked.
You have to be careful though!! Don’t restart the mission!
I just went in the base YOLO, found the Leader, killed him, then allowed them to kill me, even helped by throwing a stick of dynamite on myself.
Once I was dead, I retried the same mission, did that 3 times. Trophy unlocked!
Thanks, PowerPyx for all the useful information in this guide! You are the best!
DeluzZions says
No need to dashboard, kill the leader, wait for the autosave icon in the top right, kill yourself with launcher etc. and repeat.
Got this trophy this way no problem
Luigi says
The ‘Hidden Network’ facility generates 10 resources every day within the game, or every real day (24h)?
PowerPyx says
It’s real time. But I haven’t tested yet if it can be exploited by changing system time in console settings. Works for exploiting the weekly Insurgency Challenges, worth a try.
Luigi says
OK thanks.
Should the resources be collected in the various lairs, or does it load them automatically?
ferociousPingu says
Hey PowerPyx, thanks so much as always for the time and effort you put into your guides. You’ve always been my go to for guides ? I have a question with the Insurgent Leaders Exploit (answer might be obvious): does this work on PS4 or only confirmed with PS5 at this stage?
PowerPyx says
Works for both PS4 & PS5.
Tenko says
Stay Cool
Complete any Special Operation without exceeding 50% on the PG-240X’s temperature meter
Anyway for yaa Co Op partner to carry this while yaa take care of the enemys?
SoraisinSmash says
Planning to play this co op with a buddy, if I’m the host do I have to worry about missing any trophies?
Cameron Walker says
I’m on line now. PSN diazau let’s knock the co op out of the way
Free says
Excellent work on the guide.
Very disappointed with the non support again of co op.
Decided not to buy this but many will and they will love your guide.
Eli says
Looking for a mate to get co-op trophies. Gonna make it in both ps4 and ps5 versions.
PSN: elias_stevens
Sigmund says
Just started the game and plan to finish the coop trophy first using the base in prologue island, anyone interest add my PSN Sigmund92 I’m available for next couple of hour.
Sam Nicholls says
Anyone looking to do the co-op trophy add my PSN SamNickzx
Woolf says
Add me to do the coop base on stealth. I’m in New Zealand and am always willing to help a brother out!
Psn: thekillerwoolf
Hagz says
I’m getting the game today, add me if you wanna knock out the co-op outpost trophy
Please say it’s for Far Cry 6 in message
Majury says
You can get the shark kill right at the beginning. Once you get access to the Supremo, just swing near the coast and find sharks. Once they’re attacking you, go back to the coast and launch your supremo (L1+R1).
Linetto says
How do I recruit new leaders for the “Los Banditos” missions?
PowerPyx says
See Far Cry 6 How to Get All Bandido Leaders. I have guides for everything on the Far Cry 6 Wiki & Strategy Guide
ashkanv2a says
Anyone wanna go for online trophy add me
Psn: ashkanv2a
Predator says
Looking a coop partner to boost the online trophy.
Psn predator1819
Natas says
Amazing as usual! Playing now. Thanks for this, all your guides PP!!
Joketsu says
Co-Dependent partner
Add PSNID: Joketsu82
Paul says
Need someone for the coop trophy
PSN HumorMePlz
Irwynn says
Can I earn Ninjerilla by capturing a base during Insurgency?
PowerPyx says
Personally I did it before the insurgency challenges, but I don’t see why that wouldn’t work. So yes, should be fine.
Silvia says
Where do I find the “industrial circuits” that are used to enhance the “Resolver Weapons”? Thanks
CJ says
I got them at the end of the story on a type of workbench where you can trade it for the excess uranium you have got after you bought all the resolver weapons.
Wodahs says
Hello thanks for the guide.
I leave a few suggestions for some trophies I got on a easier way.
Kill a enemy from 50m above. – use a chopper to take down a Jeep, tank or even another chopper and in the last case watch it come down and the trophie pops up.
Stay cool trophy – use the parkour full set (got it in total really soon in game), this sets gives you “super” speed and stamina, and if you slide you will get a temporary buff to be even faster. I did this on the Dino map and running from water point to water point I did dia without going over 2 bars on the pG-240X
Slip sliding away – when you to chicharrón as a partner, just slide the road where you came up to the last fight. It helps to mark on the map the bottom of the “sliding area” so you know when to star sliding from the top.
Jawson Brody – use a chopper and throw missiles near the coast to the water, sharks tend to come up the water and you can easy spot them.
Hope this helps
Fudger64 says
Need someone for the co-op trophy, PSN:fudger64
Vibby says
Is the liberty trophy locked for me? If somebody joined my game?
Opeams says
the servers are down for me is not even showing the online i cant even login into ubisoft connect please help
Kingkim says
I have this problem
Sapsiker says
Need help for the co-op trophy,
PSN: sapsiker
WolfmanSJ says
Looking for someone to co op, add me on psn: WolfmanSJ
PhantomFear94 says
I’m really confused by ‘Fry Cry’. I have 4/15 meals tracked current (3 unique recipes). However, it’s currently not letting me craft any more meals. It’s ticked green, saying ‘camp meal effect applied’ but it’s not letting me craft anything else, and the duration is not budging from 1:00:00.
careless says
add far outpost trophy : xXCarelleSs___
stormguppy says
i am online till 11-12 ish
if you want to do the co op trophy
my ps4 tag is GuildOfTwilight
add me if you like
no mic but shouldn’t need one
tinclaybabtu says
Need help for the Co-Dependent co-op trophy, PSN: tinclaybabtu
Andrew says
Looking for a Co op partner PSN AndyROOKS123 let me know if you want to help
AllaTheGreat00 says
Need help with Co-Dependent trophy
PSN: AllaTheGreat00
shino47martyr says
Looking for co-op partner for trophy.
PSN: shino47martyr
Dani says
What if I finished 1 fnd base as a host coop with a friend. Will this lock me from unlocking liberty trophy??
Emilio De Abreu Faria says
Did you find the answer to this?
Fring says
Any one need help with co-op trophies just add me: Fring-Qtr
My rank is 6
Dylan says
Annyone wanna help me with the Co-Op Trophy Plz add me and send Message.
PSN: DylanW-1992
beastman2k8 says
Would love some help with the co op trophy, playing on ps5
PSN: beastman2k8
ImAPirateSoSueMe says
You can also unlock Death From Above with a Helicopter. I got it while randomly shooting rockets at enemies while flying. So that would be much easier than even the Rocket Launcher.
Martin Mesjar says
Looking for a co-op partner for Co-dependent PSN Martinm444
Killerwoolf says
Would love a coop partner for the coop trophy.
I’m on ps4
New Zealand Australia time
I’m rank 8
Psn: thekillerwoolf
Paul says
coop trophy
PSN HumorMePlz
Norma says
Need help for co-op, add me: angie2965
Deanseanbean says
Hi powerpyx,
Thanks for this quick and easy guide. Yesterday I did an FND mission with another player coop , I was the host and I didn’t know about the liberating 21 FND solo trophy. Now do I have to restart to an earlier save file.? Am I locked from liberty trophy?? I have a save uploaded 2 days ago on the cloud its like 80% of the story!! It is not a finished story save. And I already finished the story but didn’t upload the save because I thought nothing was missable left to do but turns out that this trophy is missable!! And I tried to change the console time but it didn’t work for me, how do you do it?? Did it work for you? Anyone guys??
Chan says
Hi Powerpyx, I think there is no need to do the Insurgent challenge for 3 three times or the exploit. Because in my case, I died no long after i kill the Insurgent Leader foe the first time while the base havent been conquered by me, so i respawn and kill him again and captured the case. Then i do the exploit and done everything to kill him again(which is the second time i do the weekly insurgent but i kill him the third time). And the trophy pops immediately, so is there a chance we can kill him, and we commit suicide, the after respawn, we go there and do it again, then repeat one more time to get the trophy? Seems like this works for me, sry for bad english.
PowerPyx says
Tested this, doesn’t work. Must be a lucky bug that it works like this for some people, but doesn’t work for everyone.
Deanseanbean says
Thank you so much bro, I got the trophy popping using this method.
Skyysyks says
For co-op trophies, PS5
PSN: Skys sykS
Aiko says
Anyone know a good area to get the Toxic Influence trophy? I have both the Fantasma and El Besito weapon.
PowerPyx says
Can be done anywhere. FND Bases are good if you have any left. Otherwise just cause some havoc to get to wanted level 2 and enemies will come to you automatically.
Aiko says
Can reloading the autosave still count or do you need to do it one way?
Enuelise_Azrangr says
Im having trouble with the ‘Out of date Tech’ trophy. Ive updated the bandito barracks to level 3 and the techmaster band isnt there in the store? Am i missing something or is there another way to get it?
maxx says
same thing but i looked in inventory n found them not sure how i got them b4 upgrading barracks
PowerPyx says
If you already found it from a Libertad Crate (which can contain Supremo Bonds and armor pieces), you’d already have it in your inventory and it’s no longer available for purchase.
Fring says
For Toxic Influence trophy, I uses poisoned bullets on a weak pistol. Just shot one bullet on all enemies, kill anyone has not been poisoned, remove your amigo. Disappear and repeat couple of times. And the trophy is yours.
Good luck ?
Aiko says
Which pistol did you put poison bullets on?
Marty says
Road Rage
Perform a Vehicle Machete Kill from a horse
The enemy can be on a horse aswell. That is the way I got the trophy
Kay says
This is how i got mine as well.
lithium462 says
Can get ‘Not so Tough’ in coop if only one player has emp. You don’t actually need to be the one to disable the tank. Just make sure you hijack it while it’s emp’d.
moneymk33 says
Stay Cool Trophy- is anyone having trouble getting this? I don’t meant completing the task but for the trophy to pop. Powerpyx I followed your guide and did the first zoom place twice and Maceo 3x to no luck. Does the percentage cleared need to be at 100 before it auto completes? I got credit each time though. Thanks
BendyWire91 says
Looking for someone to help with co-op trophy. Add: BendyWire91
FLM_Iaco says
We can do this if you want
Steuyfish says
looking for co-op partner for all multiplayer trophies
PSN – steuyfish
Mike says
Looking for some help with the CO-Dependent trophy
Ironblade says
Looking for Co-op Partner for FND base trophy.
PSN: ironblade-_-
Ricky Blowes says
I did a FND Base without being seen, just sniped all enemies, no white detection at all, however the enemies noticed other enemies dying…I didnt get the trophy -.- why? If i wasnt detected?
InnesJack says
For those that purchased the season pass. Does anyone know how to unlock blood dragon?
Aiko says
Blood Dragon will be available sometime in December, according to the post-launch roadmap.
Bobajob_2K9 says
Looking for a Co-op partner, add Bobajob_2K9
FLS-Nevermore says
Looking for someone to do a base with. I’ll join yours after and help you get the trophy in return. Add FLS-Nevermore
OTPYG says
Insurgence question – I’ve beaten the game, and am not having any FND or checkpoint insurgency targets populate on my map. I did the special operation and the anti-aircraft cannon, but that’s all that shows. I’ve even compared all the locations of FND bases and checkpoints to PP’s guides, and they’re all in my control. Any ideas?
PowerPyx says
Sounds bugged. Can only wait for next week and hope that it fixes itself in new region.
OTPYG says
Follow up: using the method of changing the date 12 weeks ahead didn’t work, it remained the same. Making it a whole YEAR ahead though fixed it and caused everything to spawn as normal. FYI for anyone else that has this happen to them!
wilson says
Looking for a Co-op partner, add willytanger
Mahmoud says
Anyone have insurgent leader ready to kill please add me
I want try to kill him in online mode
Because i did the exploit wrong
And i must wait 1 week
Psn : hefnawy2040
Sid says
Need a partner for ” Co-Dependent “. Guns blazing, rush tactics ! No mic here unfortunately ?
PSN: Sidsan
Hit me up ?
SyntaxTC says
If anyone wants to do the Co-Dependent trophy right now or tomorrow then be sure to hit me up! Note: I don’t have FND bases available anymore so you need to have one.. :p
PSN: SyntaxTC
Dan says
Looking for a Co-op partner PSN: Dant0484
Shaun says
Looking for a partner add me SH4UN-2109 online now and will be all day
James says
Anyone help me for “Co-Dependent” trophy real quick. Online now PSN Imagine-Wagons–
AGuyCalledHarry says
For co-dependent trophy add AGuyCalledHarry (PSN)
CastorTroy37 says
Looking for assistance with co op trophy. On now. PSN: CastorTroy37
Shaun says
Hey just an update I had the hardest time with co dependent trophy everyone kept leaving as soon as they spawned. In the end I did it myself by killing everyone in fnd base but left one person alive then invited a random player waited for the your partner has spawned message then Immediately killed the last guy in the base to complete it and the trophy popped hope this helps others that are having trouble
Nader says
Can you please confirm or disconfirm this ?
For the stay cool trophy , if you die once or multiple times even at the final encounter or exceed the overheat limit (4 bars) and die or kill yourself in order to start from an earlier auto save point) then carry on from there and finish the mission without exceeding the limit would the trophy count or do you have to restart the whole mission and try again without dying ?
GaloWar says
You have to restart
Bardayo says
Hi, Powerpyx. Great job as usual. I assume that if you join another player in coop, when you return to your solo game,you lost all material, uranium, etc you picked. Is this ok?
John says
Looking for a partner for the “Co-Dependent” trophy. My PSN is WakeyGamer89
david says
i need help with the co dependent trophy for playstation add me emopunk3377850
Yazdan says
Add me For online co op trophies
On ID:lonely-gamer99
Aaron says
Co-Dependent trophy
PSN: aarontaha
Rob says
Co-dependent trophy
Psn Id: mola1690
DJ says
For the Oh No You Don’t trophy. When I time skip it gives me a new insurgency mission but it doesn’t give me anything to do in the insurgency province, like it doesn’t give me a FND base to conquer or it won’t give me a checkpoint to capture. I’m on ps4 btw
SepVF says
i am having the same problem
SepVF says
LISTEN (Zelda reference), i solved my problem with not finding any insurgency objectives on the map or insurgency zone. Basically do not close the game when skipping every week/month/year. When doing this offline in the settings when returning to the game you should get shown on the screen the “Insurgency initiated” and “new checkpoints discovered”. Try this method like me know, thanks.
StefanGose says
Didnt work for me
Othman says
Co-dependent trophy
PSN: ll-iOthman-ll
Manvir says
Co dependent trophy
Add psn: Manvir_M16
Daan says
Co dependen trophy
Add psn Footedbody thanks a lot
Jason says
I was able to get the Insurgency to cycle once, now I can’t get it too do it again. I’m stumped. Keep trying 12 week increments and the bases won’t unlock.
Omen66 says
The armed to the teeth trophy unlocked for me when i was missing 3, counted up and there are 52 on mine? Could this be from preorder pack or season pass? If other have these its good to know
Omen66 says
Just looked through guide and the extra ones on my list are
Rifle – Vaquero Del Edpacio
Sniper rifle – Kobracon
Auto pistol – AJM 9
No idea where the first one came from but the other 2 are in the season pass. I have their season pass and libertad pack from pre ordering.
PhantomFear94 says
Mine unlocked a few early too, although I didn’t notice anything track upon booting the game, so I’m not sure if it is the pre-ordered items actually. I pre-ordered, but only the standard version w/o the season pass.
I had 46/49 from the guide and it unlocked early, was my last achievement. On Xbox Series X|S, FC6 has complete tracking, and had it pinned the whole time. I did notice sometimes it would go up 2%, other times 3-4% (you’d expect 2% each time, rounded up for 49 collectibles) so I think this is slightly glitched in a good way where a couple may track twice for whatever reason.
Jon says
Need Co Dependent trophy, PSN: SODA15
Thanks in advance! ?
General_Kev says
Need coop trophy, im on ps5. PSN General_Kev
Nate says
psn: FantasticNato
Fring says
For Oh No You Don’t!
Take out 3 Insurgent Leaders, I killed him then killed myself 3 times and got the plat.
Thank you a lot guys !
PhantomFear94 says
I think this is the more reliable method than quitting out. I got 66% (2/3 kills) to track by killing the leader but not clearing the base, then quitting to dashboard, then re-loading and kill again. I couldn’t get the 3rd kill to register, though, tried 4-5 times. When I killed myself, then got the 3rd and final kill, it worked first time.
Jacen says
For the trophy about taking over the tank (Not So Tough), you can actually unlock sticky EMP grenades and do it that way. Just toss as normal and wait then just do the normal takeover. I unlocked the grenades far sooner than I ever did the supremo.
Zvillsfinest says
Looking for partner for co-dependent trophy.
Psn is Pop-_-son-_-POP
KyloRen says
Hey all! I beat the main story. I am missing the unique weapon “One ping only” after beating the lions den mission. any idea why its missing? thanks!!
DKShadow says
Same issue here. You solve it?
Craig says
Looking for a partner for the “Co-Dependent” trophy On ps5
PSN : chelseacraigcol
Max says
Hit me up 4 Co-Dependent Trophy!
Jonas says
Hi! Do you still need a partner for the Co-Dependent Trophy?
Add me if you’re down c:
PSN: LitleNicky98
RVL says
Not sure if it was mentioned already, if you grab uranium in your game, then join a partner in co-op, have them grab it at the same, it gives you 50 again. I have 700 left after buying everything.
Myssyman says
For me insurgent leaders are bugged New week just started and there is not any Intel objectives on map there was only special operation showing. Does others have same problem ?
Trophy licker says
Same. I’m locked out of the platinum because if this. Tried everything reinstalling the game changing weeks….. nothing. It doesn’t give me all capture missions (white and red) missions. Stupid trophy!
TidusTheGame says
Jake says
Anyone looking for coop help add me
PhantomFear94 says
On Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, you cannot use the time-changing trick (confirmed). However, killing the insurgent leader and dashboarding out does work. It’s slightly buggy, but the consensus is that it does eventually work.
Killing the insurgent leader and not clearing the base, then immediately quitting the game (to dashboard) and restarting worked for 66% of “Oh No You Don’t” (checked tracking) It then didn’t track for the 3rd and final one, until I killed myself, then it worked. I’m not sure if the trophy has tracking on PS5 with the new UI update, but if it does, check to see if it works for you and if you’re stuck at 66%, kill yourself, then kill the insurgent leader again.
Gavin says
Looking to get this online co-op trophy as well. On PS5, have cleared all the FND bases in my game so I need an invite to join someone else’s. Thanks in advance!
PSN: unReaiity
Max says
Anyone looking to take over a base in Co-op for the trophy? It’s my last one before platinum.
PSN: Maxmilian
Shabyoob says
Hey Pyx,
Regarding the trophy ‘Oh No You Don’t!’. The exploit can mess up your game really bad sol I would suggest that people would back up their save before trying that, and I think I finally figured out the method to get the trophy without exploiting. So here are the steps:
1- Finish all the weekly challenges and unlock the mission with the insurgency leader.
2- Move close to the base where the insurgent leader/final mission is.
3- (Here is the trick) once you are close (2m or so) go to settings > gameplay> difficulty, and change your difficulty to the other mode and then change it back to the one you had before. This forces your game to do a manual save.
4- Now that you have the save, listen to the phone call before attempting the base (not sure if this is required but it is what I did), then proceed to kill the INSURGENT LEADER, do not finish the base, preferably just kill the leader on his own.
5-After killing the leader, press start and do the same MANUAL SAVE trick from STEP 3 (Going into settings and changing the difficulty back and forth). this will save your insurgent leader kill count.
6- Then kill yourself with explosives or bombs to reset the base and the insurgency leader.
7- You should spawn back outside the base and the leader will be alive again.
8- Repeat from STEP 4-7 until you get the trophy.
Basically: listen to the call > kill the leader only > force a save by changing the difficulty back and forth > die > repeat
Savantir07 says
I can confirm @Shabyoob’s method works flawlessly. ??
PowerPyx says
Thanks for this!
I think your method is much better and faster. I added this and also added you to the credits section at the bottom of the guide. Nice find!
Shabyoob says
Thank you, happy to help where I can!
Robert says
Thanks for the help, brother! Worked like a charm.
If anyone wanna help me with th Co-dependant trophy I would appreciate it.
PSN ID:Mohamedoo838
Kim Merli Knudsen says
I need someone to help me with the Co-op trophy.
PSN: k-knudsen93
Dennis says
Need help with co-op tophits. PSN Apd055-chiller
Easey14 says
Looking for someone to do the coop base with
Add easey14
cImshan says
Looking for partner to get co-dependent trophy.
Psn: cImshan (capital i)
Thanks in advance!
I’m looking to get the co-op trophy on a PS5. I’m usually online at night time around 11pm British Standard Time and play till late.
Here is my PSN: IB-A-T-M-A-NI (capital i at the beginning and at the end)
I’ll try to help out as many as possible even if I get the trophy myself.
Flamboyant Dude says
Just dropped you a friends request, would really appreciate the help.
PSN: flamboyant_dude
Frank says
Is anyone having issues with vehicle Props? Mirror props, Dashboard props and horns are all empty despite having unlocked some of them.
ramseyt says
need help co-dependent trophy
PSN ID ramseyt89
Alex says
Can anyone help with co op FND base? I have none left in my save file so preferably someone who has some left in theirs ?
Add me: Aesir_grant95
Thank you!
Lauren says
Looking for a partner to do Co-Dependent trophy!
PSN: Laureenn_13
Aaron says
I need help with the stay cool trophy
PSN: aarontaha
Chris says
Looking for a partner to do Co-Dependent trophy!
PSN: Natras2012
just add me
Gatticus says
Need help with the coop FND trophy. PSN is Gatticus57
Eckostar89 says
Need a partner for Coop FND Trophy
PSN: CosmicHeroX89
Jack Bertram says
Coop FND base trophy
PSN: jetmerc06
Yepp2323 says
Need the co op trophy for fnd base if anyone is willing to help
Psn beau_23
Flamboyant Dude says
Happy to help with this one. I’ll be online shortly.
PSN: flamboyant_dude
dustyLou says
Has anyone else had an issue with ” That’s Puzzling ” trophy ? I’ve collected 30/30 Critptograma Charts but the trophy hasn’t popped. Its the last one I need for the Platinum :(((
Scott says
DustyLou last night I finished collecting 30/30 Criptogram Charts but That’s Puzzling did not pop. Have you solved this? I started going back to each chest to make sure I opened it, will finish doing that tonight. Only other thing I can think of will be to start a new game and hope collecting them again works
Scott says
I solved my problem, one of my chests was not opened. Try going back and double checking your chests.
Tidus says
Is the trophy: „Oh No You Don’t!“ bugged??! I don‘t have any icons on my map.. I can‘t do anything.. Do I have to trigger this first? ??
I’ve tried everything, but there’s absolutely nothing …
TidusTheGame says
The insurgency strat to mess with your console clock should be completely removed from reference. There are more than enough reports of it bricking players games (myself included) to where bases no longer spawn no matter what you do.
Johnny Black says
I’ve got a fresh save with all bases looking for the FMD Co-op trophy.
JohnnyxBlack on PSN
Mark says
Struggling finding anyone for the coop online trophy, taking over an FND base. Anyone wanna get it with me?
PSN ID: ma12rk2002
Ondřej Beranek says
Hi everyone, I’m looking for co-players for online trophies today, please …
PSN: Ondrej_Beranek
Thank you very much
Ondřej says
I only miss one online trophy. This trophy can be won after the completion of the story and I don’t have it yet.
Fring says
To whom it may concern,
If you have a problem with insurgency targets not showing, this is probably because you adjusted console time previously.
There are two ways to fix this:
1- join a friend who had not changed his console time
2- finish the required special operation, then disconnect from internet. > change console date manually to 12 weeks in future. Finish all targets, get your reward. And finally set the time and date, connect to internet.
Unfortunately you have to do this solution every week, there are a third final guaranteed way ( to ignore insurgency missions until 21 January 2022) after that date everything will run smoothly.
Hope this help,
Good luck ??
EvilCloud21 says
Tried this and not working for me. Since the 1st time I moved forward time manually it got broken and now I cant do any target any week.
Tim says
The capture all FND bases trophy seems bugged for me. I cleared all 21 bases (got the Ubisoft Connect challenge) but hte trophy didn’t pop.
I did one of the bases during Insurgency that I didn’t cleared before so my guess is this base somehow did not count towards the trophy
bardayo says
Same for me. 21 bases during the story, ubisoft conect achievement pops up, but no trophy.
bardayo says
Edit. Old savedata used. Replay two bases left and trophy pops. Seems semibugged
Chris says
Need help with CO OP trophy. Would greatly appreciate it. PSN CG_Ocelot86
geel_filho says
Hey, did you find anyone? If don’t, add me on PSN geel_filho.
misskass says
I had a huuuuge amount of trouble trying to do Not So Tough post-game in single player, no tanks seemed to be showing up anywhere. I ended up going to the FND Tank Firing Range in the north of Barrial, just to the right of the Del Toro Checkpoint. There were two empty tanks there that the soldiers got into once I started combat with them.
Rodolfo says
I dont know if it was only me. I’ve spent 50 hours to platinum the game.
Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25-35 hours wa not accurate for me
PowerPyx says
All plat time estimates assume you use the guide from the start and don’t do non-trophy relevant tasks. In FC6 you can save a lot of time by ignoring most of the side quests and treasure hunts. Can also skip most of the open world activities (ambushes, races, additional AA turrets, checkpoints etc.).
EvilCloud21 says
My game got glitched with insurgency when I tried to change time manually as the leader base was bugged and now any target appears never, even if I try to go future manually so I believe I wont be able to get my platinum anymore as I cant do any insurgency requirement… can anyone add me so I can try to join him coop for insuegrncy and maybe the bug gets fixed… my ID: EvilCloud21
Fring says
After today’s patch you cannot get plat, except if you join a friend who hadn’t mess with game time and get the trophy legitly (in 3 weeks real time). Good luck
Axel says
I haven’t changed the time. I was about to play it legit and even I got the bug that the air cannon was already blown up. This is a an update failure form Ubisoft. Last trophy I need… thanks.
Johnny Black says
You should be able to do it normally now after the weekly reset. Mine worked fine. It is not permanently lost to you. I tried to add you on PSN to offer to help but your privacy settings do not allow messages from strangers. You might want to fix that if you ask for help on here
Johnny Black says
Have all trophies now except killing insurgent leaders. I got Isla Santuario this week and the one and only anti-aircraft cannon on the island decided not to spawn so I can’t start this last one now legit or otherwise…. No luck changing the date anymore either. If anyone wants to let me tagalong on theirs that would be great. JohnnyxBlack on psn.
The Streets of Whiterun says
Pretty sure I messed up on the secret ending of all things lol.
It’s the final trophy I need before the platinum, but if I make a new save, I’m worried I’ll overwrite my old game and losing my inventory which I bloody need for the Mastery 3’s . Feeling so dumb r n
Nightlord says
If someone still plays this game, i would also need help with co dependant trophy. Thanks in advance. PSN Id: Nightlord1103
Gedel85 says
Sent you a friend request. Could still need some help to get the trophy too.
Amir says
Looking for a somebody to achive Co-Dependent trophy
psn : amirh1380
Fring says
After today’s patch nobody can change game time, and if you did so will never get insurgecy targets on your map.
Only one way to get that trophy (do it legit).
Johnny Black says
I beat the game post yesterday’s patch and my insurgency mission this week didn’t spawn an anti-aircraft cannon. There’s only one in the zone (isla santuario) and it’s already blown up so I can’t complete it this week. This was without changing the date too. I did try changing the date after but it didn’t help. Really Hope it works next week. So tired of having Ubisoft trophies bug out. Hoping to jump in with some other people.
JohnnyxBlack on Psn.
Johnny Black says
I am happy to report that frings comment here and in response to the trouble post patch is inaccurate. I had changed the date previously but after the weekly update yesterday I was able to make the insurgent base pop and do the auto save trick to get kill credit for the trophy.
It is correct though that you can no longer change the time. The insurgent missions no longer show up at all if you are off-line.
I will keep my game installed for a little while. If anyone needs help with the co-op trophies feel free to let me know.
JohnnyxBlack on PSN
Gedel85 says
I‘m looking for someone to help me getting the Co-Dependent Trophy.
PSN: Gedel85
Snow says
Can Stay Cool be done in co-op or does it have to be solo. I keep running into issues clearing the enemies at the end and think the best way is to have a friend hide in the shade while I wreck face.
Glenn says
Need someone for fnd base
Glenn says
Add NismoGTRZ
CharlieB says
Regarding the “Oh No You Don’t” Trophy. I’ve completed the main story and Insurgency’s have unlocked, I’ve completed the first 3 parts of the first Insurgency mission available on Isla Santuario but how do you initiate the 4th part, the special op Los Tres Santos? It’s not available to choose at any of the marked mission givers.
Johnny Black says
Just need to go to one of the main camps and do whatever spec ops mission your insurgency says you need to do with Lola
Paul Cameron says
The “Oh No You Don’t” trophy popped on PS5 exactly the way it was explained here…thanks for all your hard work??
Matt says
Looking for someone to help out in co op for the base trophy. My psn is matt123abcc
More than happy to help anyone else that needs this trophy. Cheers
Mike says
I could use some help to quickly wipe out an FND Base fot the Trophy, i still have a base left for it.
IGN: FoxGodKing
MrHurra says
If you already have cleared all the FND bases and still miss the „didn’t see it coming“ trophy, I found an alternative spot: Go to „Museo de la falsa Revolution“ near Valle Prehistorico. There is also an alarm station that you can switch off and you will get the trophy (I tried it by myself since I wandered around trying to get the trophy otherwise).
Ryan says
Add me PSN: ryan sz
On PS4 trying to clear codependent
Ken says
Looking for someone to get the FND base coop trophy, all my bases are captured.
PSN: liumidsun
Matthew Sims says
Add me to do the co-op trophy. Sik_Simsy
Bill says
If anyone needs help with co-op capture FND Base add me: BillNasty12
Bradley5314 says
Anyone wanna do the capture fnd base co op trophy? Add Bradley5314 on PSN
CerulLiber says
for Vaas sanity, will you release guides for tomorrow’s dlc ?
thanks in advance
PowerPyx says
Yes, working on it
It will be ready within the next 24 hours.
CT says
Need help with co-dependent trophy. Add on PS4 – gokwon
Gassymario says
Bro do you still need help, trying to get this thropy as well added you, username GassyMario.
S says
Add me godzillastanley8 on PSN to do coop trophy
xicution says
Coop trophy add me PSN: xicution
Kazi says
Did you get the trophy already?
Kazi says
Need help with the coop trophy add Psn Kazi_117
ricardo lewis says
can confirm that the save the method listed above for the oh no you dont still works
LiquidSilver_ says
Looking for assistance for the co-op trophy (Co-Dependent). On PS5, PSN: LiquidSilver_
Wit says
need help for Co-Dependent Trophy
add me: znWit
Van_Halen_671 says
Need help with “Co-Dependent” trophy. On PS5.
PSN: Van_Halen_671
Manntje says
need help for Co-Dependent Trophy
PSN : Manntjee
dro2020 says
I am looking for help with all online trophies, specifically the “Co-Dependent” trophy. I am playing on PS5. Please add me, my name is dro2020. I am willing to help with anything you need as well.
Kenneth Berkowitz says
I also need the co-dependent trophy. Psn: Dart11 if you still need help.
SuaSponte75rgt says
Need help with the co-op trophy. I’ll help anyone else who needs it
PSN: SuaSponte75rgt
Yolan says
If you still looking let me know , i need to also complete it . will add you
Richard says
co-op trophy message me… thank you.
PSN; ArtemisEntreri01
Kierewiet says
I’m looking for a co-op partner to capture a FND base. Add me: BrandtsNL
Murad says
Looking for co op partner for the trophy.
PSN: murad394
Vicky says
Anyone wanna do the co-op trophy ? Need help
PSN- vickyyraw
Chris says
I can’t seem to get online, I can’t connect to the Ubisoft server. Has anyone had this problem and or knows a resolution please?
Mutt says
Looking for a co-op partner to capture an FND base
PSN: MuttGyver
Sam Thompson says
Looking for a co-op partner to capture an FND base.
PS5: SAM-T-13
Winx says
Looking for help with the co op FND base trophy for PS5
PSN : Low_ryder0
raithian25 says
The “Oh No You Don’t!” trick in the guide still works as of Jan. 5, v. 1.000.008 on ps5, for those who may be curious
Simone says
Looking for help for FND base co-op trophy.
PS5 name: BumoloSimo
Chikatylo says
Need help with Co-Dependent trophy
Nick: Chikatylo
Miguel Angel Flores says
Looking for someone to do co op trophy with on PS5, my psn is Defuses
Kowsic_J says
Looking for a co-op partner for the Co-dependent trophy if anyone can help please.
Kowsic_J says
PSN: Kowsic_J
KayJay says
For Toxic Influence trophy, this was what I did to get it faster. Go to a resolver workbench, choose Supremo and then select one of the Supremos (I chose Exterminator), then click on one of the Gadget Mods to change it. In the screen that shows up next, install Poison Proximity Charge. Once that’s installed you’ll be able to activate it in free roam by holding L1 and clicking one of the directional button corresponding to the Poison Proximity Charge. You’ll then be able to use it by using the R1 button.
After that, go talk to Lola in one of your camps, choose Maceo map and get deployed there. Right after the map loads, head a short bit between North and North West on the compass where you’ll come across a rather small checkpoint with 2 soldiers and a few civilians protesting. Creep up slowly behind the civilians and try not to get spotted by the soldiers. Once you’re close enough to be able to throw the Poison Proximity Charge, throw it right at the feet of the soldiers (don’t worry if a civilian dies from this). The soldiers will turn against each other. Run away to break line of sight with them and hide somewhere close to confirm the kill. The soldiers will shoot each other and will kill themself. Restart the mission and repeat until trophy pops.
Has says
I need help for the Co-Dependent trophy.
ID: Heave-A-Sigh
I don’t get why they still put these annoying online trophies…. they’re not hard but finding people to do them even with matchmaking is hard… people don’t play these games for long lol
Macija says
Hi, I also want to get that trophy. I have sent you a friend invitation.
Hubert says
Hey, that “oh no you don’t” trophy exploit has been patched, you guys are usually sharp on these things. Now I’m stuck and I have to wait 5 days.
PowerPyx says
The first “exploit” (fastest method) should still work as far as I know. Maybe try killing a few more leaders with that method, could be that some didn’t register correctly.
randomhero116 says
So the “Big Poppa in little Yara” side quest won’t activate for me. Ive been there many times and nothing. Anyone else having this issue?
…Do I even need to complete this, trophy wise?
Kael says
Looking for help on Co Op trophy.
Rafal says
I need help with the coop base capture trophy, my user is Bialywilk1526
Lee says
So I did the Liberty Trophy (Capture all 21 FND Bases) the first one i did was Co-Op but I was the host. So yeah done them all double checked and still no trophy pop up, but the Ubisoft said i did all 21 and got challenge completed, anyway round this?
Lee says
So it seems I needed to do one after the story finished, did it and still nothing but after story you know things take over again, so you have to have all 21 FND bases blue all at the same time, Trophy popped.
Dsvid says
Need a partner for fnd base dethbreed
Jon says
Need a partner for co-op trophy. PSN is Jon-Claus
Justin says
Looking for co-op partner to quickly get the co-dependent trophy.
PSN: Kinger
Nasolini says
If me and my coop friend would want to go for: Check It Out (Capture 10 checkpoints (Solo Campaign on-ly)) in 1 consecutive game session. Is my friend able to achieve the trophy, since his game is not reset to his solo progression? Or is the game not keeping track of his progress during the session?
Nikhil says
Add me for online co-op trophies PSN: Spider-N123K
WaveFader says
Need co op partner for Co-Dependent trophy.
PSN: WaveFader
EST time zone
Kurious says
It’s trophy exploit oh no you don’t fixed by yesterday’s patch? Killed leader like 6 times then suicide and still nothing
Kurious says
not even working go offline and set date in advance, when i load game again, insurgency still marked as finished :-/ I think they fixed it with Rambo update
Just says
Would like confirmation, after I beat the game, this is the only trophy I’ll need. That would suck!
SystemIDentifier says
Just tried it, killed him 5-6 times now, but no trophy pop. Might have been patched :/
Chad says
Can we delete the file and reinstall with disk and not dl patch? I’m going to try it as soon as it’s my last trophy. I’ll let you know.
Tunahan says
did Chad’s method work?
Gooner says
Anyone looking for co-op trophies?
Sean says
Need the co-op trophy, PSN: seaminator01
procitcusthexvi says
Add procitcusthexvi for ps4 co-op trophy
don says
Add procitcusthexvi for ps5 co-op trophy
Procitcusthexvi says
Add procitcusthexvi for ps5 coop
Jibbson- says
Add Jibbson- for the PS4 „Co-Dependant“ Co-Op Trophy
Aaron says
It seems the Insurgent Leader method has been patched? Can anyone confirm?
I’ve went through the manual save step method a half dozen times and no trophy pop. Going to try again tomorrow before I do it the legit 3 week way.
Pk150 says
I think it has been patched.
Didn’t work for me
Tunahan says
Add FelixAndro15 for ps4 Co-Dependant Trophy
Hi i need help to capture a base in Co-op on PS5. I left the last one in Esperanza uncaptured. PSN: AndyL70-YNWA
I will be on from 6pm GMT tonite. Send me a request and we can get this trophy.
Pk150 says
I can’t seem to find random players for the coop trophy fnd base.
Add pk150 to get rid of this trophy
Pk150 says
Forgot tho mention for the ps5
Sal says
Hi, needing help with coop trophy, add discosal (PS5) please. I’m in the UK.
KISSfan81 says
Does assisting co-op partners online with their Insurgent Leader kills count towards your own? Example: If I killed one solo and help 2 online players.
Vincenzo says
Hi, I’m looking for someone for Special Operations Mastery 3.
Nick: Vincenzo_Dig90 (PS4)
Troy says
Hi Need help doing co-dependent PS4 add TheOnlyBushPig
The_BlackZodiac says
looking for a coop partner trophy . Add The_BlackZodiac on playstation
Nathab says
Hey looking for a partner for the coop trophy add ashfordwasp
RJ says
I need help with co-dependent trophy , plz do add me
PSNID : rodjeep
thank you
Shane says
I think the Ninjerilla and Didn’t See That Coming! trophies are now no longer semi-missable with the newest update. FND Bases can now be reset after completing the game.
David says
I’m looking for help with the Co-Dependent trophy on PS5.
Add and message me on psn: KillerUnleashed
luis says
need the co op trophy, on ps4
psn: luis_frndo
Andinoob says
Need teammate for coop trophy. Playing on ps5.
Add me: Andinoooob
doesgo says
Hey all, I need a teammate for the co-op trophy. I’m on PS5. I can help you out, too. I’m doesgo on PSN.
HXCshredder says
Hey everyone, need help for the co-op trophy. If anyone is interested please add me. HXCshredder.
Draelad1n says
hi there, looking for help for Co-Dependent trophy, can help you, too
PSN: Draelad1n
Tohfa says
Hi there, looking for partner to do online trophies.
PSN: X_JumboO_X
Carlos says
Hi there! Anyone available to get the co-op trophy?
Any assistance is appreciated!
Vargo says
I will be available from 18:30 CEST if it’s ok for you!
My PSN: Vargo_TV
Hunter says
Looking for someone in order to get the Co-dependant online trophy in Far cry 6 . Will be able to help you to.
PSN: scorpionhunter3
If anyone wanna help me with th Co-dependant trophy I would appreciate it.
PSN ID: KwstasGaL
Yiuumii says
The Oh No You Don’t! trick to fasten it up does not work anymore. None of the 2 sadly :/
Guess I’ll have to do it in 3 weeks then -_-
GaL says
hi there, looking for help for Co-Dependent trophy, can help you, too
PSN KwstasGaL
Carlos says
Anyone available to run the co op trophy?
Username: ItsCFLo
Ondřej says
I am looking for a partner to help with the COOP special operations and help with the killing of the leader. It will be 1/3 for me. Add me to your PSN friends and write.
Thanks and I’m online now.
PSN: Ondrej_Beranek
GAL says
Please men
looking for help for Co-Dependent trophy
PSN KwstasGaL
Puqwan says
Anyone to help me with the co-op trophy?
Add me PSN: puqwan
I’m on ps4. Message me when you add me please. Thanks.
Brett says
Looking for a partner to quickly do the capture an FND base in co op trophy. I don’t have a mic so just looking for a quick add, and finish the job on PS4 version
Psn: brearc
bmker says
Looking for someone to help get Co Dependent. PS5 Version. Will also help anyone who needs it even after I get the trophy. I understand the grind bro lol.
bmker says
my Psn is: bmker
Bembelknight says
Man, I really hate these Online Trophies. After not even a year to get Platinum is impossible without help. If anybody can spare a few minutes to help with that coop trophy I would really appreciate. My PS name is Bembelknight
Brett says
Still looking for help here to finish the co op FND base trophy to finally get my plat. Playing PS4 version on PS5. No mic
PSN: brearc
ZekTaL says
Same here, looking for help for the online trophies. I’m on ps5 if someone is still available! Thanks
You can message me. PSN: ZekTaL
Tye says
I didn’t get Viva La Revolución achievement finishing the game. I’m on Xbox x. Gamer tag tall610. Any ideas?
Alf says
if anyone wants to partner up to do the co-op trophy, please send me a message. i’m on ps4 and my psn is alfmoney9
Zeke says
If anyone needs a partner for the Co-Op trophy, I’m happy to help!
My PSN in Zekeles19
Daniel says
Looking for/to help for the online trophy also, sent a couple of requests. PSN – D_W_Pilcher
Bartek_PL says
Looking for team for all online trophies. Message me psn: vildem_
Cavrone says
As author mentioned possibility earlier, game Can be exploited by changing system time in the settings whether it would be Pc or a console.
It works well with a 15 hideouts resources as well as with Los Bandidos Operations.
As you know resourse crate in every hideout resets every 24 hours. So. If you manually change your system time adding to it 24 hours or more, resource crate will be full again. So in some repeats you could easily build every facility.
Complete facilities demanding 1370 metal, 1220 gasoline and 1390 medicine.
So. 10 rounds will complete whole goal.
For those, who prefer save some time on repetative collecting crap.
As for Operations. Such maneuver gives resets timers for your operations. For impatient ones.
Cavrone says
Also could be useful for everyone.
To get most of bestest weapons of the game for free even in the very begining, give a try to collect FND crates among with others crates in the main city in the most dangerous region of the game, Esperanza.
That would be enough.
It is simultaniously fun and profitable task.
It works just fine.
Just checked it up with new game start on the most hard level. Right after joining Libertad at the HQ and Meet the legends, as most far spot from the city. After completing it, take helicopter and flight right to the Esperanza capital. Flying right above earth will takeyou outfrom any radar. You may use this lifehack for every other flight.
So there are 15 FND and 5 Yaran contraband reachable crates with 1 unreachable FND in the hotel close on the shore line along with several Libertad crates all over the city and beneath the earth.
It tooks me 7 FND crates to get MBP .50, top sniper rifle, with MP7, top Submachine Gun, and CKC. Another 3 to get RAT4, top Launcher, and another 3 to get RMS-18, top shotgun, with 2 more left to get top rifle, SSGP-58. 15 FND crates in total. 5 unique weapons from Yaran Contraband also could be useful.
At the Rank 2, with MS16S only. A really fun task, especially at the very beginning. In couple of hours in total you could get almost all weapons you may need for the whole game just for free without any constructions or spendings.
Feel yourself free to use and save your time.
Cavrone says
And btw,
For those who didn’t know, if you missed your opportunity to leave Yara when the first time you get to Libertad island, you can actually still be able to leave and get the alternate ending whatever your progress is, just by leaving the map. Grab any water or air vehicle and keep going to any edge of the map and there you go. As simple as that.
Nitrovate says
Looking for a coop partner for the fnd base and any of the special ops if you want
PS4- Nitrovate
Uber says
Looking for a co op friend on PlayStation (I have ps5): theUbermensch2
Chuffpoka says
Looking for a partner for the co-op trophies.
Adam says
Looking for a coop friend on ps5, IPityTheSewell. One of the last trophies I need now.
Stefan says
Looking for a coop friend on ps5, stefanash . The last trophies I need now.
Vootvoot says
I’m curious about something. Why didn’t you do a guide for the Collapse DLC?
PowerPyx says
It released at a bad time and I haven’t had a break to do it yet. That released when Dying Light 2, Horizon Forbidden West, and Elden Ring (and other games) launched close together.
Next months there is also one big game after another so I don’t know if or when I will ever have time to go back to it. I would like to cover it eventually to make the wiki complete.
Arbaaz says
Looking for a coop friend on ps5, Arbaaz_77
Sebastian says
Looking for someone to do “Party Crasher” and “Salt of the World” Trophies. Add me on PS5 “Spawner_86”
Carl says
Looking for a coop partner for Co-Dependent trophy.
PSN ID: cj2mabg
Baris says
Looking for a coop partner to do the co-dependent trophy on PS5.
Jamie says
Looking for a co op partner to do the co-dependent trophy.
Add me
Prezli says
Looking for a coop partner for co-dependent
Andrew says
Looking for a co-op partner for the trophy. My psn is Theloplllaser
Even after I get the trophy I’m still glad to help with your co-op until I finish the game for myself.
Shoyshob says
Looking for a co op partner to do the co-dependent trophy.
Add me
Eliott says
I need help for the co-dependent trophy.
PSN: eliott162
GMT +2
Ravester2k3 says
Need help with the coop trophy please.
Username: Ravester2k3
Chris says
Need help with coop trophy. I will continue to help others as long as I have the game downloaded
Username: wabi20
Ghibransiregar says
Hi bro can u help me?
PSN: Ghibransiregar
RzKetchup says
Could use a buddy to do the co-op trophy capture a FND base
PSN : RzKetchup
AxBrave says
hey . still need help for capturing FND base .
PSN : AxBrave
Shahin says
Hi I need help for online co-op trophy
Ghibransiregar says
Hi,anyone can help me to get co-op trophies?
PSN : Ghibransiregar
rezakoraag says
Need buddy for co-dependent trophy.. I’ll help you too.
PSN: reza_koraag2020
HotShot says
I sent you a message on PSN
HotShot says
I am also looking for help with the Co OP trophy.
PSN: xA-HotShot-Ax
Cruzz says
Yo, both the exploits (neither difficulty change manual save nor the offline date trick) for the three insurgent leader kills seem not to be working, maybe both got patched, maybe update it guide after confirmation maybe
Israel says
Need help with the Co-Dependent trophy.
PSN: IsraelHKoo
Cole says
Also need the “Co -Dependent” trophy.
PSN: ColeDyer
Joel says
Just added you. Can you help with this trophy?
Nick says
Still need?
Sken says
HI guys, I’m looking to do co-dependent trophy on Ps5
PSN: skenchouk
Reza says
Still need for trophy psn: reza_koraag2020
Faraz says
Still need help with co-op trophy. Anyone can help?
Psn: Cr3ativ3Chaos90
Cole says
Got the co-dependent awhile back but if anyone still needs help with it I’d gladly help out.
PSN: ColeDyer
Cole says
I got the platinum awhile ago but if anyone needs help with the “Co-Dependent” trophy I’d gladly help out.
PSN: ColeDyer
RL578 says
Need help with co-op trophy!
Add me RyRi-
Shaz says
Heya, tried to add you. If you still need help, check your requests. ??
Shaz says
Hey guys, trying to wrap up the backlog, got the Co-Dependent trophy waiting on me.
Can anyone help out?
Do message/add me if you’d like.
User: Shehinius
ComaEternal says
Just started this game and unlocked co op. Need a partner for co-dependent.
PSN: rarichmond
Gladiator says
Trying to get the Co-Dependent trophy, and looking for assistance.
PSN: Gladiator00498
Tom says
Can anyone help with co-dependant trophy please?
PSN: iibusbybomb10
Would be greatly appreciated.
Parsa says
Anybody who wants to get the co-op trophy out of the way, you can add me parsa-joker77
Cruzz says
For the trophy “Toxic Influence”, you have mentioned in the second paragrapg in your guide as “The Volta and Zeusito both have the poison ability”, are you sure you meant to say these?
I believe you meant to put:
The Supermo “Fantasma” and Resolver weapon “El Besito” both have the poison ability…
because those were the right ones.
Mike says
Can someone please help me with the co-op trophy?
Add me – vanacolo
Steven Wimmer says
Still need help? I also need that trophy.
Steven Wimmer says
I need help with the co-op trophy.
DaniRojas says
I need help with the co-op trophy.
PSN: wojownik5
PortyDotCom says
PowerPYX is GOAT
Morgan says
Looking for help with the co-op trophy.
PSN: SoullessX
Nero says
looking for coop help
LegoBruce28 PSN
Max says
Looking for help getting the co op trophy
PSN MaxHeadache