The Lucky One is a Main Story Quest (Operation) in Far Cry 6. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Lucky One main mission.
Region: Isla Santuario
Sub-Region: Quito
Quest Giver: Lita Torres
Requirement: having completed Operation “La Noche de la Muerte”
Reward: none
Mission Info: Lita told me to find the leader of Libertad, Clara García. I need to follow the guerrilla trail to reach her camp.
- Search the beach for supplies
- Find Clara’s Camp
Starting Location: The Lucky One
This Operation immediately starts after the cutscene with Dani & Lita.
Search the beach for supplies
Stranded emptyhanded, Dani needs to get something to defend herself. Luckily, there is a chest next to a palm tree.
Find Clara’s Camp
Now, we need to find Clara’s Camp. Thanks to Lita’s phone, we have a rough idea where to go. Generally, there will be some white and blue markings like arrows along the way.
After a short while, we’ll encounter our first group of enemies. As they are all facing the opposite way, we can sneak up on them using to silently kill them from behind.
Not far from this location is a rockface with a grappling hook on the ground. Pick it up and use it to climb up and trigger a cutscene.
This finishes The Lucky One operation in Far Cry 6.
For all other Main Operations and Yaran Stories, check out the complete Far Cry 6 Walkthrough.
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