Backseat Driver is a Yaran Story (Side Quest) in Far Cry 6. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Backseat Driver side mission.
Region: Madrugada
Sub-Region: Costa del Mar
Quest Giver: Yami Suarez, but you get a call from Juan to go see her
Requirement: having completed either “Meet the Morenos“, “Meet Maximus Matanzas” or “Meet the Legends” and called your first vehicle from the weapon wheel +
Reward: 100 XP, new Ride (Yami’s 2008 KAG TG)
Mission Info: Upgrade that ride of yours, and I’ll give you something that really makes you sweat.
- Secure the FND Tank Training Grounds
- Steal Yami’s KAG TG
Starting Location: Backseat Driver
Secure the FND Tank Training Grounds
Chop-Shop owner Yami had her truck stolen by the military and asks us to retrieve it for her. The area in question has a total of four roaming military jeeps circling the former race track.
Get to the mounted grenade launcher in the middle of the area and you shouldn’t have too many problems with them. Usually, one or two shots do the trick, per vehicle
Steal Yami’s KAG TG
Once they are taken down, step into the garage and get in the car.
This finishes Backseat Driver Yaran Story in Far Cry 6.
For all other Main Operations and Yaran Stories, check out the complete Far Cry 6 Walkthrough.
Revan says
I have all of the requirements and the Yaran story isn’t there and talking to Yami does nothing.
Josh says
Same, glad i’m not the only one with this problem. Did you find a fix? I’m at the end of the story and there’s no “accept and track” button for her quest
Coolestonline says
Same thing happens with me. Please let me know if you find any fix.
Asturgis says
This quest is broken for me. Once I destroy all the cars, Yami tells me to look into the garage, and the game reloads to the beginning of the quest. Literally cannot be done.
Megan says
I have the same problem
April says
Same for me idk what to do
Carmello says
Same for me too! Is there a fix for this?
Tom says
It does same here. Wtf?
Mark sullivan says
I have the same problem
Lauren says
Glad I’m not the only one. I was getting so frustrated
Teucoraix says
I have this issue FIXED. I have done the three “Meet xxx” missions as prerequisites, and just called a vehicle from the weapons wheel. When the ride arrives, GOT INTO THE CAR (I personally entered from the passenger’s side). As soon as I’m in, I got a call from Juan to meet Yami.