Far Cry 6 has a total of 98 Weapons (49 Purchasable Weapons & 49 Unique Weapons). Finding all 49 Unique Weapons unlocks the Armed to the Teeth trophy and achievement. The non-unique purchasable weapons don’t count for the trophy and achievement!
The unique weapons are found in the world as collectibles and from doing certain missions and side tasks. The non-unique purchasable weapons can be bought from the Guerrilla Garrison, which is one of the buildable camp facilities. Upgrade the Guerrilla Garrison building to Level 3 to make all weapons available for purchase. You can also get them from Los Bandidos Operations (questboard at your camp where you send your Bandito Leaders to do missions for you), or from FND Caches (black/red chests).
None of the weapons are missable. You can still get all of them after the story in free-roam. You can keep track of which ones you got under Menu > Arsenal > click your weapons and then click the weapon category tabs at the top. When you scroll over a missing weapon it also shows a text clue how to get it. The exact locations are shown here in the guide.
IMPORTANT: For “Armed to the Teeth” trophy / achievement only the Unique weapons count. The non-unique purchasable weapons do NOT count.
For Armor, refer to Far Cry 6 All Armor Locations.
Rifles (non-Unique)
- 45/70-T – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- AK-47 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- FAL – automatically obtained during Prologue on Isla Santuario.
- MS16 S – automatically obtained during Prologue on Isla Santuario.
- AK-M – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- AR-C – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: A Little Birdie Told Me.
- BP-2 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- BP-RUC – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- M16 A1 – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: High Supply.
- AS VAL – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MS16 L – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- SKS – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- SSGP-58 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Rifles (Unique)
- Death Rites – Search Maldito. Found inside a house with a broken roof.
- Fuck Anton – first, you must finish Chorizo’s Yaran Story “Fetch Quest“. During this quest, Chorizo will give you the “Mysterious Key”, which can be used to unlock this weapon chest on Isla Santuario > Quito > Prado Meadows > Casas Cove > on a small island.
- Viva Libertad – Search the Punto Norte Lighthouse in Prado Meadows. In a pink house next to a lighthouse.
- Camo Quinceanera – Complete the Treasure Hunt “A Rising Tide” in Robustas Hills.
- Sharkbite – Search the Roco Pequena Sat Station in Fernando Valley. Behind the locked door in the FND base, key is obtained by conquering the base.
- Noblesse Oblige – Search the Museum of the false Revolution in Isabel Steppes. Inside a display case of the museum (south-west room of museum).
- One Ping Only – Complete the Main Story Operation “The Lion’s Den“. Automatic from story, unmissable.
- Vaya Con Dios – Search Gabriel Castillo Airport in Mirador Cape. In the control tower of the airport, upstairs, in the control room.
- Surf & Turf – Complete the Treasure Hunt “Crocodile Tears” in Cobre Shores.
- Hi-Fi – Search El Rancho Bicho in Cielo Gardens. Inside a house, in front of a bed.
- Urushi – Search the shipping yards in Esperanza. At the docks, behind a building.
- Zona-51 – Search the La Divinidad Cathedral in Old Pueblo. Upstairs in FND Base “La Divinidad Cathedral”, in the outside balcony area, behind a locked blue gate. It will be unlocked after conquering this base.
Submachine Guns (non-Unique)
- BP-SMG – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- BZ19 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MP40 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MP5K – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MP34 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- PPSH-41 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MP7 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Submachine Guns (Unique)
- Iron Curtain – Search the waters near El Tigre Dormido Hotel in Cape Santa Maria. Underwater, must dive down.
- Turn Of the Century – Search Resplandor Agriculture in Palma Forest. In a storage hall, next to a supply drop.
- Carriage Carnage – Search the destroyed railway bridge near the Castillo National Zoo. In the middle of the broken bridge, in a red train container. You can either fly there by helicopter / wingsuit, or climb up via some flower vines from the other side of the bridge.
- Streamline Moderne – Search the FND 2nd Armored Division in Palma Forest. It’s underground in a bunker. Enter the small house in the FND base, seen on the 3rd screenshot below. Inside, you will find a key and the bunker entrance (bunker door on the floor). Grab the key, open the hatch to the bunker and climb down. Inside the bunker you find the weapon cache.
- DIY Death – Search Concepcion. Behind two broken cars in the north-east of Concepcion town.
- SMG-Issimo – Search La Raja Bar in Fuego Valley. Outside on some wooden pallets, in plain sight.
- The Heroic End – Search The People’s Pride Clinic in Dorado Cove. In the tent behind the big clinic building, where a single enemy is.
Light Machine Guns (non-Unique)
- RPD – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- M60 NV – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MG21 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MG42 – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: Sweet Fifteen.
Light Machine Guns (Unique)
- Sink or Swim – Search shipwrecks in the water near Barriga. Underwater, must dive down.
- Impact Driver – Search the Chancletas Resort in Muerte Point. On a shelf in a locked yard, must climb over the walls (or airdrop / fly to it).
- Crackle & Pop – Search the El Rayo Cinema in West Lado. Inside the militarized zone, climb up a ladder on the side of a building (it has a blue eye icon next to the ladder, see image below), on the rooftop is the weapon chest.
Sniper Rifles (non-Unique)
- Yaran SR-A – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- .308 Carbine – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- SVD – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MBP .50 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Sniper Rifles (Unique)
- El Depredador – Build and upgrade the Hunting Lodge Guerrilla Camp Facility to Level 3.
- Sobek Special – Complete the Treasure Hunt “Cache Money” in Oasis Plains.
- Double Clutch – Complete a Gran Premio Race. Any Race will do for this.
- El Tirano – Search the Escila Fort in Ventosa Peninsula. On top of the lighthouse, must use grappling hook to get up there (or fly up).
- The Transubstantiator – Search the True Yaran Academy in Cielo Gardens. It’s underground, must enter the manhole and climb down (see 3rd image below for the manhole).
Shotguns (non-Unique)
- 1887 Sawed-Off – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- M133 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- SBS – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- SPAS-12 – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: Passing the Torch.
- KSG – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- RMS-18 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Shotguns (Unique)
- Humidora – Search the Punto Este Lighthouse in Sagrado. On top of a tower, use grappling hook or fly up.
- El Rubi – Serach the Torre Del Leon. In the lobby / ground floor of the tallest building in Esperanza. You can get there by using the manhole south of it, marked on the map with an eye icon.
- Ciervo Macho – Build and upgrade of the Hunting Lodge Guerrilla Camp Facility to Level 2.
- The True Loyalist – Complete the Treasure Hunt “The Truest Yaran” in Noventarmas.
- Excavation Execution – Complete the Treasure Hunt “The Long Drop” in Catalina Ridge.
- Supercharger – Search the GDP Oil Platform in Cobre Shores (GDP Oil Platform FND Base). This FND Base is made up of 4 smaller oil platforms. Of these 4 platforms, you must first press a red button on the south-west oil platform (the bottom left one on map – see 3rd screenshot below of button in machine room). This opens a shipping container on the top level of the south-east oil platform (bottom right one on map). Go to the roof there and go behind the blue shipping containers, one of them will now be open and you can grab the weapon that’s inside of it.
- COM.PEW.TER – Search the Taino Peak Relay Station in Bandido Escarpment. At the top of a tower, climb up the ladder inside the tower.
Bows (non-Unique)
- Recurve Bow – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- Compound Bow – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Bows (Unique)
- Bullseye – Search the jungles near Lapida Magote. It’s inside a cave, must shoot the cage to open it.
- El Capirote – Build and upgrade the Hunting Lodge Guerrilla Camp Facility (Level 1).
Launchers (non-Unique)
- M-79 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- RPG-7 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- MGL-6 – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: Parting Gifts.
- RAT4 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Launchers (Unique)
- La Guaracha – Search Segunda. On the stage of an outside bar area.
- El Caballero – Search the FND Base “F.I. Escudo Steel Plant” in Corbe Shores. Behind the big production building is a small locked room. Conquer the base to open the door, then you can find the weapon chest inside.
- La Petite Mort – Complete the Treasure Hunt “Sword-Crossed Lovers” in Muerte Point.
- Into Orbit – Complete the Treasure Hunt “Liquid Courage” in Del Toro Port.
Pistols (non-Unique)
- M9 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- PMM – Starting weapon
- 1911 – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: And The Beat Goes On…
- MARK VI – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- Desert Eagle – Reward for completing Treasure Hunt: The Last One to Leave.
- P226 – Complete the Main Story Operation “The Lion’s Den“. Automatic from story, unmissable.
Pistols (Unique)
- Blood Drunk – Search Jose’s Villa in Serpentino Park. Inside the Villa, upstairs.
- The Autocrat – Search Fort Quito in Sagrado. Inside the enemy fort, climb down the ladder, then shoot the explosive barrels in the fenced area where the weapon is. This blows up the fence so you can access the weapon.
- Lethal Dose – Complete the Treasure Hunt “The Mongoose and the Man” in Aguda Cliffs.
- El Florecer – Search Admiral Benitez’s office in Fontana Fort. Found below some metal stairs in the south-east of the Fontana Fort.
- El Regalo De Clara – Complete the Operation “Against the Wall“.
- Pistola Sportiva – Search El Maraton Field in West Lado. In the outskirts of Esperanza, go up the stairs in the stadium to find this in the commentator’s booth.
Auto-Pistols (non-Unique)
- Skorpion – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- SMG-11 – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
- 6P13 Auto – bought from Guerrilla Garrison
Auto-Pistols (Unique)
- Rococo Loco – Complete Los Bandidos Operations. You start Los Bandidos Operations
at the quest board in your 3 main camps in Madrugada, Valle de Oro, El Este. These are passive missions where you send your Bandito Leaders to do tasks for you (timed missions that the AI does for you automatically without your input). After a set time frame they will arrive at their target and you can issue them commands via the Operations Board. Keep doing these Operations until you get one with the Rococo Loco weapon as a reward, which should be one of the first few Operations you get.
- El General – Search the FND Munitions Storage in Vencejo. You must climb down the ladder inside the bunker (circled red in 3rd image below). The bunker key is found in that same room where the ladder is, on the right side.
- Snapshot – Search the Golfo Vasto Lighthouse in Cienaga Nublada National Park. At the top of a tower, can climb up using grappling hook or fly up.
That’s all of the Weapons in Far Cry 6. After getting all 49 UNIQUE weapons you will earn the Armed to the Teeth trophy or achievement.
More Collectibles:
- Criptograma Chests & Criptograma Charts
- Roosters
- USB Sticks (USB Songs)
- Treasures
- Mythical Animals
- Animal Hunting Spots
- FND Bases (Outposts)
- Anti-Aircraft Cannons & Depleted Uranium
- Checkpoints
- Supply Drops (Recon Points)
- Ambushes
- Rides (Cars) Locations
- Amigo Locations
- Bandido Leader Locations
For more Guides, check out the complete Far Cry 6 – 100% Completion Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Sue_xee says
I cannot buy some weapons such as AR-C, Desert Eagle, MG42 etc. from max leveled Guerrilla Garrison.
Saw another guide says that Desert Eagle can be acquired from the treasure hunt The Last One To Leave, but I got absolutely nothing from that treasure hunt, don’t know if my game is bugged.
PowerPyx says
Do you already have them in your arsenal?
You can also randomly get all the non-unique purchasable weapons from Bandidos Operations, and sometimes in FND Caches. If you already have the weapon, it can no longer be bought and disappears from the Garrison shop (can only have each weapon one time in your arsenal).
PhantomFear94 says
Any advise on pesos? I only have 4 achievements left and I’m no where close to having enough pesos. I only have 7,500 and I haven’t been spending them barely at all. I’ll need tens of thousands by the looks of it.
PhantomFear94 says
Ignore me. I was confused, I thought you needed to buy some unique, and find others. My bad.
Jason says
I have all 49 unique weapons unlocked, it showed the trophy unlocked. But now it’s not showing as unlocked and on Ubisoft connect it says I only have 46 of them unlocked. I don’t want to replay the game again. Anyway to get this fixed?
JKatarn says
Funny I got the trophy while still missing my last weapon “The Snapshot”
Belco says
Same here. I still had one ping to get when it popped.
KyloRen says
any idea why the “one ping only” weapon is missing after beating the main story? any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Boi says
Didn’t get One Ping Only after finishing the mission…
KyloRen says
same here….. any fix yet?
NotHighMeh says
The only weapon I’m missing is (bow) Bullseye but trophy still popped.
I also had purchased (LMG) High-Caliber Beats from Ubisoft points or whatever. I believe this counted as one of the 49.
CharlieB says
I think it unlocks if the 49 include weapons you acquired using Ubisoft points. I’d only got 47 unique weapons from the list but it unlocked anyway, then I remembered I’d bought a couple through Ubisoft Connect.
Nikki_boagreis says
I only missed it by one weapon as well, not sure what the trophy requirements are exactly or if ubi points help. But i got the trophy and missed it by one weapon, it might be a bug or the trophy doesn’t specifically say in the description.
Cavrone says
To get most of bestest weapons of the game for free even in the very begining, give a try to collect FND crates among with others crates in the main city in the most dangerous region of the game, Esperanza.
That would be enough.
It is simultaniously fun and profitable task.
For example, I did it in the very begining, right after unlocking main island. It gets me all at once: bestest Rifle, Submachine Gun, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun and Launcher. SSGP-58, MP7, MBP .50, RMS-18 and RAT4. Along with some unique weapons. In less than a hour.
And the whole story and the game itself ahead. Not a big deal.
Cavrone says
Yep. It works just fine.
Just checked it up with new game start on the most hard level. Right after joining Libertad at the HQ and Meet the legends, as most far spot from the city. After completing it, take helicopter and flight right to the Esperanza capital. Flying right above earth will take you out from any radar. You may use this lifehack for every other flight.
So there are 15 FND and 5 Yaran contraband reachable crates with 1 unreachable FND in the hotel close on the shore line along with several Libertad crates all over the city and beneath the earth.
It tooks me 7 FND crates to get MBP .50, top sniper rifle, with MP7, top Submachine Gun, and CKC. Another 3 to get RAT4, top Launcher, and another 3 to get RMS-18, top shotgun, with 2 more left to get top rifle, SSGP-58. Rest crates will contain Gun Powder. 15 FND crates in total. 5 unique weapons from Yaran Contraband also could be useful.
At the Rank 2, with MS16S only. A really fun task, especially at the very beginning. In couple of hours in total you could get almost all weapons you may need for the whole game just for free without any constructions or spendings.
Feel yourself free to use and save your time.