Chapter 9: Where Oil Tastes Like Blood in Evil West contains 39 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- Lore: 3
- Chests: 3
- Cash: 29
- Weapon Upgrades: 1
Cash #1 ($ 115): head inside the kitchen and you should see a glowing crate by the waiter cleaning the glass.
Cash #2 ($ 106): get to the headquarters and you can find this right of Vergil’s contraption on a crate.
Cash #3 ($ 116): by the door leading into Vergil’s workshop, on a barrel.
Lore #1 (Grant of Land): in Emilia’s lab.
Cash #4 ($ 163): after using the zipline, destroy the dynamite on your right to reveal some cash.
Cash #5 ($ 121): continue down the main path and you’ll eventually find a glowing crate by a broken telegraph post.
Cash #6 ($ 108): swing to the other side and you’ll find this on a crate in front of you.
Lore #2 (Harrow’s Secretary Report 1/2): go up the hill and you’ll find this lore collectible diagonally opposite the moving wheel, on a toolbox.
Chest 1/3 ($ 128, Ghost Broomstick skin): continue on and blow up the dynamite to reveal an access point going down. Drop down and look to your right for this chest.
Cash #7 ($ 81): after fighting a large enemy spawning cobwebs, crouch down the opening in the area to get to the other side and find a glowing crate.
Cash #8 ($ 142): now retrace your steps and drop down and you’ll find this near a telegraph tower.
Cash #9 ($ 78): now swing across and you’ll find this on a barrel immediately on your right.
Cash #10 ($ 405): now cross the left gap in the oil along the beams, punch down the barricade and continue up the rocks to find a cash chest.
Cash #11 ($ 98): retrace your steps and jump over the oil to the next patch of land and you should see this sitting on a barrel.
Cash #12 ($ 162): after defeating more enemies, crouch down the opening and you should see a man waving at you (mission marker). Halfway through is a glowing crate.
Cash #13 ($ 85): after talking to the man, continue through the barricade until your reach the foot of the bridge. Don’t interact with the counterweight. Instead, keep going until you can knock down a barricaded door. You’ll find the cash on a bookshelf.
Cash #14 ($ 142): now exit the hut and go around and up the stairs to find another glowing crate.
Cash #15 ($ 128): after activating the switch, run all the way to the other side of the bridge to find this sitting on a barrel.
Cash #16 ($ 142): now return to the start of the bridge and destroy the first counterweight. Continue on to find this.
Cash #17 ($ 83): after draining the area, continue down towards the next mission marker and you’ll eventually have to vault over some logs. Defeat the enemies and then check the ledge left of the way you came in from. Drop down and continue down the linear path until you find this sitting on a crate.
Chest 2/3 (1 Perk Point, $ 156): now retrace your steps and head diagonally opposite the ledge you’ve just climbed back up from. Punch down the chained door and then burn the spiderwebs to reveal another opening with this chest.
Cash #18: continue on the main path until you fight a bunch of those werewolf enemies. Right after that it’s sitting on a barrel right in front of you before you head into the factory with the wires.
Cash #19 ($ 99): continue up the main path until you reach an area with a water tower and a white crane with two yellow wires attached to it. Left of the lift and the mission marker is a glowing crate.
Cash #20 ($ 105): from the previous collectible’s location, vault over the fence and head inside the small hut to find this.
Cash #21 ($ 135): now retrace your steps and keep the right side and make it to the red building. Blast the door open and grab the cash.
Cash #22 ($ 70): now leave the building with the previous collectible, turn right and climb up the chained ladder. Continue straight on and destroy the barricaded door and you’ll find a glowing crate with cash at the end of the path here.
Cash #23 ($ 121): after lifting the crates, enter the building and head upstairs. You’ll find a glowing crate past the workbench.
Lore #3 (Harrow’s Secretary Report 2/2): immediately after the workbench, left of the room.
Cash #24 ($ 127): still inside the same room, check the ceiling for a chain you can shoot down. Climb it to reach the cash.
Cash #25 ($ 148): leave the building, destroy the chained barricade and flank the left side until you find another chained barricade to destroy. Cash is on the left side.
Cash #26 ($ 114): after riding the elevator, in plain sight on the right, hard to miss.
Cash #27 ($ 108): after a brief cutscene, you’ll be surrounded by burning telegraph towers. This collectible is found behind the first telegraph tower on the left.
Cash #28 ($ 138): after the previous cash, flank the left side of the area and enter the building immediately on your left to find this on a crate.
Chest 3/3 and Weapon Upgrade ($ 102, Bursting Bolts weapon upgrade): leave the building and keep flanking the left side until you find a bush to burn which is behind a tower on the left. Behind it is the chest.
Cash #29 ($ 541): now head back to the start of the area, but this time take the right path. Go past the collapsed and burning telegraph tower and past the barrels to find this below a wooden structure.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Chapter 9 – Where Oil Tastes Like Blood in Evil West.
Next up: Chapter 10: Bats in the Belfry
For an overview of all chapters refer to Evil West All Collectible Locations Guide.
Daniel says
#26 doesn’t appear for me.
Daniel says
In chapter select, #12 reappeared oddly. #26 still a no-show.