Evil Dead: The Game Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-100 hours, highly skill-dependent how fast you win matches to level up (this is based on the trophy for max user level currently unlocking at level 50, not level 100, as of May 22nd 2022)
- Offline Trophies: 0
- Online Trophies: 45 (1
, 1
, 15
, 28
) – game is online only, PS+ is required to play
- Number of missable trophies: 0, nothing missable
- Glitched trophies: 2
Out of the cellar (obtainable but doesn’t unlock for most players) – if it doesn’t keep playing with your fully leveled demon and level up your user level once more
Armageddon (obtainable but doesn’t unlock for most players)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, there are no difficulty settings.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 30 Survivor Wins, 30 Demon Wins, plus a lot more matches to reach Level 50 for the max user level trophy (unlocks at level 50 even though max level is 100)
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No Save Transfer, it imports your level but you need to play the tutorial again, No Autopop (neither from PS4>PS5 nor from PS5>PS4)
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Release Date: May 13, 2022
Welcome to Evil Dead: The Game Trophy Guide! Evil Dead is a 4v1 online-only game. PlayStation+ is required to play. 4 Survivors are playing against 1 Demon. The Demon’s task is to kill all 4 survivors or slow them down enough to let the 30-minute timer run out. The Survivor’s task is to find 3 pages, then fight off waves of enemies at a blue scroll/dagger location, then defeat 3 demonic entities and protect a book from the demon until time expires. The trophy list is designed in such a way that most trophies come naturally through normal gameplay on your way to max user level (which at the time of the game’s release unlocks “early” at Level 50, despite the “real” max user level being 100). Some gameplay with survivors as well as demons is needed but it doesn’t matter what specific characters you pick. Any Spirit Points you earn as a demon can also be used to level up Survivors and vice versa. This means you can get the max level for a Survivor without ever playing Survivors. Likewise, you can max out a Demon by only playing Survivors. Just for the individual trophies such as finding 300 items with your flashlight you’d need to actively play Survivors. Anything you do in Story Chapters and playing with real players vs. AI demons also counts towards your stats. No need to play against a player-controlled demon. The only match types that don’t count for some trophies are “Private” and “Solo vs. AI” (where you have 3 bots following you around), so it’s best to avoid those modes. Playing with 4 player-controlled survivors against AI is fine and counts for all stats and trophies. While it was possible to boost trophies in private matches at launch, this has been patched out as of 2022-05-30 (Patch 1.000.500).
Step 1: Play how you like, most trophies will come naturally on your way to max User Level
The trophy list doesn’t restrict you to a certain character and you can play whatever class you prefer. You will need to play a bit as demons and survivors for their individual trophies. Your main task is reaching the maximum User Level – the trophy for it unlocks at Level 50, even though the real max user level is 100. It was likely increased from Level 50 to Level 100 during the game’s development but they forgot to update the trophy requirement, which is why it unlocks early at only Level 50. Along the way you should get all other trophies automatically without even trying.
The only modes to avoid are “Private” which doesn’t unlock trophies and “Solo vs. AI” because some trophies don’t pop in that mode and it’s unclear if those matches count towards your stats or not. All other modes count towards your stats. The fastest way to level up is the play demons in public matches and trying to win quickly.
- Anything you do in “Missions” (5 Story Chapters) counts towards survivor trophies, for example farming 50 legendary weapon kills is easy in this mode.
- Playing the “Missions” (5 Story Chapters) isn’t mandatory for trophies, but they unlock new characters which are fun to have. You don’t need those unlockable characters yourself for trophy purposes, if another player on your team has them that’s good enough. If you have trouble with the Story Chapters refer to the Evil Dead Walkthrough.
- Anything you do in “Play as a Survivor vs. AI” counts towards trophies (where you use matchmaking to play with 4 real player-controlled survivors against an AI demon).
- No need to play any matches against real player-controlled Demons, can do everything in “Play As a Survivor vs. AI” matches. However, this mode gives reduced XP so keep that in mind.
- Avoid the “Play Solo vs. AI” mode, it doesn’t count properly for some trophies.
- You level up your characters in Title Screen > Collection > select a survivor or demon > hold
to spend Spirit Points. You earn Spirit Points from every match (more if you win) and from leveling up your user level. Spirit points are displayed in the title screen, top right corner below your user XP, left of your User Level. You can spend Spirits Points that you earned with a Demon to level up Survivors. Likewise, you can level up your Demons with Spirit Points you got from playing as Survivors. Each Level-up lets you allocate 1 point into a permanent buff. Always spend these points after each match to get stronger. Put all your Spirit Points into a single Survivor & Demon until you have their trophies for buying all skills.
- Private Matches no longer unlock trophies. These did unlock trophies at the game’s launch but trophies have been blocked in private matches as of Patch 1.000.500 (May 30, 2022).
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Evil Dead Walkthrough (All Story Chapters)
- Evil Dead – How to Win As Demon Every Time
- Evil Dead – Best Demons Ranked
Evil Dead: The Game Trophy Guide
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Savior and Destroyer Collect all trophies |
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Earn all other trophies to unlock platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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The Deadite Slayer Kill 500 Evil basic units |
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*Survivor Trophy*
As a survivor, defeat 500 basic enemies (not elites or bosses). This can be done across multiple matches. Basic units are the most common, the weakest ones that die in a few hits. This will come naturally over time. You have to be the one landing the final hit. It should come within 10-20 matches. In the results screen after the match it shows how many units you killed of each type. |
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Just warming up Kill 50 demon elite units |
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*Survivor Trophy*
As a survivor, defeat 50 elite enemies (not basic units or bosses). This can be done across multiple matches. Elite units can be summoned by the demon player through portals or fully upgraded traps, they have more health than basic units and look different. This will come naturally over time, but it’s reliant on the demon player actively casting elite units. You have to be the one landing the final hit. In the results screen after the match it shows how many units you killed of each type. |
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Who’s laughing now? Kill 10 boss units |
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*Survivor Trophy*
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Hand Shake Hide Ash’s hand in a chest and scare a survivor who opens it |
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*Demon Trophy*
As a demon, you can place traps on chests. Approach a chest in an area where survivors are scavenging, on the chest you can press |
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That’s gotta hurt! Perform 10 special attacks |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Special attacks are performed by pressing |
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Who’s next, huh? Perform 100 finishers |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Finishers are triggered with |
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Never leave a friend behind Revive an incapacitated teammate 30 times |
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*Survivor Trophy*
As a survivor, revive 30 other survivors. This is one of the lengthier trophies if done through normal gameplay. It relies on teammates going down, you surviving and reviving them before other players do, and the demon player actually being good enough to down someone on your team. You may instead want to farm this in a private match, or at least with a friend in a vs. AI match. Just find a normal evil unit, let it attack your friend, revive your friend, let your friend get downed by the evil unit again and repeat. In a private match you can have the demon player possess a unit and kill one survivor that you can keep reviving, kill any other units that attack you so they don’t disrupt your revive. |
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Back from the dead Resurrect 10 teammate’s souls at an altar |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Altars are marked by white rune icons on the minimap in the top left corner: They look like big stone altars: They are found everywhere, spread across the entire map, every few meters. There’s always one nearby. To resurrect other players you must first let them bleed out. Then their soul can be collected by holding This is one of the more annoying trophies to get through normal gameplay, because it’s reliant on the demon player being good enough to down other survivors, and you being quick enough to grab their souls and resurrect them without dying. You may instead want to farm this in a private match, or at least with a friend in a vs. AI match. Just find a normal evil unit, let it attack your friend, let your friend bleed out, grab their soul and resurrect at an altar. You can just stand in front of an altar to repeat this 10 times. In a private match you can have the demon player possess a unit and kill one survivor that you can keep resurrecting, kill any other units that attack you so they don’t disrupt the resurrection. |
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Books From Beyond Successfully collect 20 Lost Pages |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Finding 3 Lost Pages is the first objective in every match as a Survivor. In the top right corner it will say in what map district the lost page is at. Open the map with Touchpad |
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Light-Bringer Turn on 50 light sources |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Light Sources are marked by flame icons on the minimap. Lighting them requires matchsticks which are red item pickups often found in buildings and at benches or camping sites along roads. The light sources reduce your fear level. Try to light a few each game and this will come naturally over time. |
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Swallow this! Kill 10 Deadites with a headshot |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Using a firearm you must defeat 10 Deadites with headshots. It’s unclear if skeletons (Necromancer demon class) count for this or not, because those aren’t called “Deadites” in-game. The ones the game specifically refers to as “Deadites” are the zombie-like and alien-like monsters from the Warlord & Puppeteer classes, those seem to count properly for it. Anyway, you’ll get this pretty quickly as one of your first trophies playing survivors. |
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Knuckle Sandwich Kill a Deadite with your bare hands |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Kill an enemy without having any weapons equipped, using your bare fists. If you defeat the enemy using the |
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Guiding Light Find 300 items with the flashlight |
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*Survivor Trophy*
You can toggle on the flashlight by pressing |
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Not today, demon Free 10 possessed teammates |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Possessed teammates will be shown in red color. You also get a text prompt on the left side saying a teammate has been possessed. This happens when their fear level reaches the maximum and the demon player decides to manually possess the human player (it doesn’t happen automatically). Then the demon can fully control the possessed player. You end the possession by attacking your red-marked teammate, each hit reduces the demon’s energy until it’s expelled from the body. This is reliant on the demon player actually choosing to possess a player near you, which isn’t guaranteed. However, it happens fairly frequently and will come naturally over time. In order for it to count towards the trophy YOU (not another player) have to land the FINAL HIT that brings the demon’s infernal energy to 0. If another Survivor does the final hit, or if the demon’s energy runs out after you hit, or if the demon manually unpossesses the survivor it doesn’t count! The trophy is not bugged, it’s just very specific about it only counting when your hit brings the demon’s energy to 0. This is why it can seem like you need much more than 10 of these because not on each attempt will your hit be the one that expels the demon. The best strategy is to carry big weapons that have slow attack speed and high damage, it the possessed player with This may be one of your last trophies. It can be farmed in private matches with 3 players (2 survivors, 1 demon). You don’t need a full team of 4 survivors to start private matches. Simply have the demon player use demonic dash ( |
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Roadkill Run over 50 Deadites with a car |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Self-explanatory, while driving a car run over 50 enemies. This doesn’t have to be done in one car ride or one match, it counts across all matches as well as solo missions. Will come naturally over time. |
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Classic Ride Drive the Delta while playing as Ash |
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*Survivor Trophy*
While playing the survivor called “Ash Williams” (available with any class), find and drive a “Delta” car. Cars are marked on the minimap but it’s random which car spawns where. A reliable way to get it is in the 3rd solo Mission (choose “Missions” from title screen). There’s a car marked at the start that is marked as a main objective. I got the trophy from there, but if you get a different car or the trophy doesn’t pop you can try restarting the match until you get it. This is the “Delta” car: |
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I’m driving here! Honk a car’s horn |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Find a car (marked by car icon on minimap), enter the car and press |
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Taxi! Drive a car with all your teammates in it |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Cars are marked on the minimap. Enter one and honk near your teammates to alert them to get in the car. You should get it naturally over time. You can also try in a solo vs. AI match, because the teammates automatically follow you around and will always enter the car. |
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OG Survivors Finish a match with Ash (The Evil Dead), Cheryl and Scotty in your team |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Finish a match with the 3 characters Ash (The Evil Dead), Cheryl, Scotty being on your team. The 4th character doesn’t matter. You don’t need to win the match, the trophy also unlocks on a loss or if the demon disconnects. If you see teammates having selected at least 2 of these characters, pick the missing 3rd one. All these characters are available from the start. The characters are highlighted red in the image below: |
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Second Team Finish a match with Ash (Evil Dead 2), Annie Knowby and Ed Getley in your team |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Finish a match with the 3 characters Ash (Evil Dead 2), Annie Knowby, Ed Getley being on your team. The 4th character doesn’t matter. You don’t need to win the match, the trophy also unlocks on a loss or if the demon disconnects. If you see teammates having selected at least 2 of these characters, pick the missing 3rd one. All these characters are available from the start. The characters are highlighted red in the image below: |
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Medieval Mode Finish a match with Ash (Army of Darkness), Lord Arthur and Henry the Red in your team |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Finish a match with the 3 characters Ash (Army of Darkness), Lord Arthur, Henry the Red being on your team. The 4th character doesn’t matter. You don’t need to win the match, the trophy also unlocks on a loss or if the demon disconnects. If you see teammates having selected at least 2 of these characters, pick the missing 3rd one. “Lord Arthur” is unlocked by finishing the 5th Solo Mission. However, you don’t need to have him unlocked yourself, it still counts if a teammate uses him. If you want to unlock him yourself, refer to the Evil Dead Walkthrough for all missions. The characters are highlighted red in the image below: |
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Jacksonville, here we come! Finish a match with Ash (Ash vs Evil Dead), Kelly and Pablo on your team |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Finish a match with the 3 characters Ash (Ash vs Evil Dead), Kelly, Pablo being on your team. The 4th character doesn’t matter. You don’t need to win the match, the trophy also unlocks on a loss or if the demon disconnects. If you see teammates having selected at least 2 of these characters, pick the missing 3rd one. “Ash (Ash vs Evil Dead)” is unlocked by finishing the 1st Solo Mission. Pablo is unlocked by finishing the 4th Solo Mission. However, you don’t need to have them unlocked yourself, it still counts if a teammate uses them. If you want to unlock them yourself, refer to the Evil Dead Walkthrough for all missions. The characters are highlighted red in the image below: |
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The Four Horsemen Finish a match with four Ashes on your team |
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*Survivor Trophy*
There is an “Ash” character in each class (Leader, Warrior, Hunter, Support). You must finish a match with all 4 of these being on your team, Ash is always the character furthest left in character select of each class. You don’t need to win the match, the trophy also unlocks on a loss or if the demon disconnects. If you see teammates having selected at least 3 of these characters, pick the missing 4th one. “Ash (Ash vs Evil Dead)” is unlocked by finishing the 1st Solo Mission. However, you don’t need to have him unlocked yourself, it still counts if a teammate uses him. If you want to unlock him yourself, refer to the Evil Dead Walkthrough for all missions. The characters are highlighted red in the image below: |
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Dark Thirty Win 30 matches as a Survivor |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Win 30 matches playing as survivors. You win a match by completing all objectives or by the demon disconnecting. It also counts the “Play As Survivor vs. AI” matches. You DON’T need to play vs. Real Players. Furthermore, if the demon player disconnects it also counts as a win for the survivors, which is confirmed to count towards this trophy too. You can quickly boost this in private matches with 2 players. Because the game comes with PS4+PS5 download you can even boost it by yourself using a PS4 and PS5 console with 2 different accounts, or ask a friend to help out. You don’t need a full team of 4 survivors to start private matches, they work 1 vs. 1. Have one player be the demon, the other Survivor. Have the demon player quit immediately after loading into the match (after you can control your character). This will instantly count as a win for the survivor. It will also show as “Victory” in the results screen and gives the Survivor 1250 User XP each time. The process takes about 2 minutes per match, so about 60 minutes to boost 30 wins. |
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Back to the Deadlands Defeat the Dark Ones |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Defeating “the Dark Ones” is the 2nd last objective of the survivors. After finding the 3 pages and going to the blue scroll/dagger icons the next step is to defeat 3 big demonic entities by holding |
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Boss of Bosses Kill 20 boss units |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Boss units can be summoned by the demon player a little bit later into the match after they increased their Threat Level and spent a point in the “Boss” Skill. Then the demon player can summon a boss with
Defeat 20 of any of these bosses while playing a Survivor. This will come naturally over time. You have to be the one landing the final hit that kills the boss. In the results screen after the match it shows how many units you killed of each type. To keep better track you can note down your boss kills at the end of each match or keep a screenshot. Because there’s no in-game statistic for this you must keep track yourself. You can also farm this in private matches, which can be done 1 vs. 1 (you don’t need a full lobby of 4 survivors to start private matches). Either do this with a 2nd console by yourself or have a friend help you out. Have the demon scare the increase the threat level. As soon as possible have the demon player press |
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Fully Loaded Fully upgrade 5 survivor categories using Pink F points |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Pink F Points are small pink bottles that are found in chests. Thoroughly search all districts and open all chests you find. They usually contain 1-3 Pink F Points. You also always get a chest with 2-3 Pink F Points from the blue objectives (scroll/dagger). Fully upgrade 5 of 6 Survivor Categories by pressing This trophy can be earned in Solo vs. AI matches where you play with 3 bots. This is the easiest way, the bots are actually really good at marking chests for you and leave them for you to open. Just go from one district to the next. Spend your points immediately after getting them, because the demon can cast Mini-Ashes on chests that can steal 1 Pink F Point from your inventory. Once you spend the points they can no longer be stolen. |
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Weapon of Choice Kill 50 Deadites with a legendary weapon |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Legendary weapons have a golden color, they are the rarest. Since anything you do in the solo missions also counts for trophies, the easiest and quickest way to farm it the 3rd solo mission (select “Missions” in the Title Screen and play to Chapter 3). In Chapter 3 you start out with a legendary rifle. The mission requires you to kill groups of deadites, simply use the legendary starting weapon and repeat the mission a few times until the trophy unlocks. If you fail the mission it still counts. |
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Truly amazing Unlock all of a survivor’s unique skills |
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*Survivor Trophy*
For this you need to reach Level 25 with a survivor and allocate all 25 skill points. You spend the points in Title Screen > Collection > select your survivor. Each level up gives you 1 skill point. The trophy description is slightly misleading because there is no way to buy “all” skills, there are not enough points to do that. It’s capped at 25 skill points. Just reach level 25 and spend all points. You can also spend Spirit Points you earned as a demon to level up survivors by holding Note: if it doesn’t unlock, play another match with your level 25 survivor and it should unlock after the match. |
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Hail to the king, baby Reach the maximum level with a Survivor |
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*Survivor Trophy*
Obtained by reaching Level 25 with a Survivor. The fastest method is to spend your Spirit Points in Title Screen > Collection > select your survivor > hold You can also spend Spirit Points you earned as a demon to level up survivors by holding Note: if it doesn’t unlock, play another match with your level 25 survivor and it should unlock after the match. |
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Puppetmaster Possess 50 basic units |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon, you can press |
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Control Freak Possess 25 elite units |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon, you can press |
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Be the boss Possess 10 boss units |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon, you must press |
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Join us! Possess 10 Survivors |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon, you can press |
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You can’t outrun Evil Run over a Survivor with a possessed car |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon, press |
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Armageddon Win 30 matches as a demon |
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*Demon Trophy*
*BUGGED* – obtainable but currently seems like pure luck whether it unlocks or not. If it bugs out, delete your save (PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > PS5 > Console Storage > Evil Dead > Delete), reinstall the game, then do 30 wins in private matches in one session back to back without closing the game. Win 30 matches playing as survivors. You win as the demon by killing all 4 survivors, by them disconnecting, by time running out (30 minutes), or by destroying the red book during the last objective. You can quickly boost this in private matches with 2 players. Because the game comes with PS4+PS5 download you can even boost it by yourself using a PS4 and PS5 console with 2 different accounts, or ask a friend to help out. You don’t need a full team of 4 survivors to start private matches, they work 1 vs. 1. Have one player be the demon, the other Survivor. Have the demon collect one full bar of energy (250 energy) by collecting red orbs, this is to make sure it registers the win correctly. Then have the survivor player quit. This will instantly count as a win for the demon. It will also show as “Victory” in the results screen. The process takes about 2-3 minutes per match, so about 60-90 minutes to boost 30 wins. |
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Effortless Evil Win a match as a demon without possessing a boss unit |
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*Demon Trophy*
For this you will need some luck to get a weak team, ideally players who split up and walk around on their own so they’re easier targets. You are not allowed to summon your boss unit (do not do the Another quick and easy method is to do this in a private match 1 vs. 1. Have one player be the demon, the other a survivor. Have the survivor disconnect at the start of the match and it will count as a win for the demon and unlocks this trophy. |
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Make like a tree Possess a tree and hit two Survivors at once |
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*Demon Trophy*
Certain trees can be possessed with |
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One by one we will take you Kill a Survivor as a possessed survivor |
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*Demon Trophy*
After a survivor’s fear level reaches the maximum, they will get a red outline around them and can be possessed with |
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Dead By Dawn Kill 10 Survivors as a boss unit |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon, press |
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I may be bad, but I feel good Fully upgrade 4 categories using Infernal Upgrade Points |
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*Demon Trophy*
As the demon you get upgrade points by increasing your threat level. You raise the threat by scaring survivors, e.g. by having them walk into traps or attacking them with possessed units or using the |
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Out of the cellar Unlock all of a demon’s unique skills |
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*Demon Trophy*
*BUGGED TROPHY* – doesn’t unlock for many players. If it doesn’t unlock, make sure you have all 45 skill points spent for a demon and keep completing matches with it until you increase your User Level and it should unlock after the match. If not, just keep winning matches with the demon and it will unlock at some point. For this you need to reach Level 45 with a demon and allocate all 45 skill points. You spend the points in Title Screen > Collection > select your demon. Each level up gives you 1 skill point. The trophy description is slightly misleading because there is no way to buy “all” skills, there are not enough points to do that. It’s capped at 45 skill points. Just reach level 45 and spend all points. You can also spend Spirit Points you earned as a survivor to level up demons by holding |
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We shall be again Reach the maximum level with a demon |
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*Demon Trophy*
You earn this by reaching the maximum THREAT LEVEL (displayed in bottom right corner) during ONE MATCH. For me it popped after a match where I reached Threat Level 37. You build your threat level by scaring survivors, e.g. with traps or attacking them with possessed units or trees or using your To clarify, unlike the trophy for reaching max level as a Survivor, this is NOT for reaching max level in the Collection > Demons menu where you purchase perks. The trophy description is slightly misleading as it refers to the demon level but what is really required is the THREAT LEVEL. |
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Groovy Reach the maximum user level |
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*General Trophy*
You earn this by reaching the maximum user level, displayed in the top right corner of the title screen. The maximum user level is Level 100 BUT this trophy unlocks at Level 50! This is at the time of the game’s launch, confirmed as of May 22nd, 2022. It’s believed that they increased the max level during development from 50 to 100 but forgot to update the trophy requirement. Hence, you should get it as quick as possible before they patch it and require level 100. You can save a lot of playtime right now because of this lucky “bug”. So even though the max user level trophy pops at level 50 you can still keep earning levels afterward, but nothing more than level 50 is needed for trophy purposes. |
- 2022-05-30 – Patch 1.000.500 – “One by one we will take you” is now obtainable, no longer glitched.
- 2022-05-30 – Patch 1.000.500 – Trophies can no longer be farmed in private matches, updated the guide accordingly.
PowerPyx says
Really enjoying this one, best 4v1 game since Dead by Daylight 🙂
Unique gameplay, nice horror atmosphere, good graphics, both sides are fun to play and have a fair shot at winning, trophies come naturally and don’t force using specific characters. One of the hidden gems this year. Haven’t had any server issues or lag or disconnects, which is rare for any online game on launch weekend. Finds matches very quickly and loads quickly.
I still need to confirm what the max user level is, nobody achieved it yet. It takes more XP with each level. Hoping it’s Level 50 or less. If it’s Level 100 it will take a long time. At least it’s fun to play and you can boost everything else in private matches.
If someone could check their trophy clips/trophy screenshots for “Who’s laughing now?” (Kill 10 boss units) & “Books From Beyond” (Successfully collect 20 Lost Pages), whether they popped when you landed the final hit/collected the page or after someone else did. That’d be good to confirm. Based on the other trophies I think it only counts when you yourself land the final hit/collect the page.
“One by one we will take you” is currently bugged or has a misleading trophy description. Tried it for a while in private matches with a friend and never unlocks.
Macleod says
@PowerPyx next guide Vampire The Masquerade Swansong?
PowerPyx says
Not yet 100% sure if I’ll have enough time between Evil Dead & Sniper Elite 5, but I’ll try!
Macleod says
Thanks, love you man!!
DMCry- says
Ok i asume my trophie Armageddon (Win 30 matches as a demon) is glitched got the game since 12 May got 10 Wins in 12 may another 10 Wins 13 May and 18 Wins in 13, 14 May, today already count from 0, 10 Wins so it only can be glicthed on me, im playing player vs player all wins got them there since im playing demon i dont lose a match. Dunno if any else got the same problem.
PowerPyx says
It seems a whole bunch of trophies have the potential to bug out. Some more likely than others.
I didn’t get “Out of the cellar” (Unlock all of a demon’s unique skills) despite being demon level 45 and having allocated all points, having reset them a few times to buy each unique skill icon at least once.
Not sure how widespread the 30 wins trophy bug is. I also didn’t get it yet and feels like I should have it by now.
DMCry- says
Since i post the comment got more 8 wins starting to be annoying, dunno what to do :/
They have any place to talk about the bugs and stuff ?
Realy need to report them this one and the ( One by one we will take you )
PowerPyx says
They have support at support.saber.games
I have an idea for a fix but it will take 60 minutes to test. If you want to try, let me know how it went.
– First back up your save, if using PS+ cloud make sure automatic cloud syncs are disabled so it doesn’t overwrite it. This is just so you can copy it back later in case something goes wrong.
– Delete the save, reinstall the game. There’s a chance it counts the trophy-relevant stats on the console save, not server-side. I think this because it makes you replay the tutorial again after deleting the save, so clearly some progress is not stored server-side. This would also explain why it doesn’t autopop trophies from PS4>PS5 / PS5>PS4 because the stats may be bound to the save and not the servers (and there’s no save transfer). What it does save server-side are your user level and character levels. Making a fresh save and reinstalling may help unbug the trophy.
– Now do 30 wins in a row in private matches by having the survivor disconnect. It takes 2 minutes per match (join private with 1 survivor + 1 demon, load into the match, collect 1 full energy bar as demon to make sure it counts, quit with survivor, disconnect counts as win for demon). Write down each win to keep track. Takes 60 minutes for 30 wins. Doing the 30 wins in one session may further help the game keep count rather than doing it over multiple sessions.
Wish they would’ve made use of the trophy tracking on PS5 or at least have in-game stats. Hard to keep track of some trophies.
DMCry- says
The problem is that i have PS5 disc version, and i dont have any one atm to boost that out so i was trying to get it playing normaly.
Ye they should made use of tracking system on PS5 helps alout on this type of trophies.
HelloZepp9 says
I did the mission 3 for the weapon of Choice trophy but after killing a lot of deadites (at least 50) with the legendary weapon. I didn’t get the trophy. I also didn’t get the trophy for driving the Delta as Ash in that same mission.
Any suggestions?
PowerPyx says
I had the same issue at first, both trophies popped for me while replaying mission 3 (see trophy screenshot under the car trophy). Might be a bit buggy with it not counting some runs. Try rebooting the game or reinstalling and it should work.
LethargicJ says
Are you sure about trophy progress working during missions? I am for sure not earning anything during them and I’ve seen a lot of people on Evil Dead’s social media complaining about this.
PowerPyx says
Yes 100% sure, I got plenty of the kill-related survivor trophies during missions (story chapters). I got the following in story missions: 10 headshot kills, drive delta playing as ash, kill a deadite with bare hands, 50 legendary weapon kills (farmed it in chapter 3), 10 special attacks. I’m also sure running over 50 deadites counted because it popped in my next solo vs. AI match after running over 2 more enemies.
But I think it can be a bit buggy sometimes. First time I played the 3rd mission on an alt account I didn’t get the trophy for driving the Delta as Ash even though it’s a main objective and seems to always spawn. On replaying the mission I got it after entering the car. On my main account I got it 1st time I played the mission. Some of the trophy tracking seems to randomly break in this game.
Solo vs. AI matches are also a bit odd with what they count and what they don’t. I think all the “do xyz a number of times” tasks are *supposed to* count. I did get the 100 finisher kills & upgrading 5 categories with F points in solo vs. AI. But some individual trophies didn’t pop for me there, like defeating The Dark Ones or having 4 people in the car at same time. Those only popped with 4 real people vs. AI for me.
Jay says
“Not today, demon” can be more easily unlocked by using Evil Dead 2 Ashs’ special ability to exorcise the demon from anything possessed.
Andrea says
can someone help me ? ws 37073-0 error, when i sync trophies… help
PowerPyx says
The PS4 Trophy List isn’t live yet for some reason. It’s not on the Sony servers yet so can’t be synced. Only PS5 list is live at this time. They must’ve forgotten about it, normally it goes up at the game’s launch or earlier. You can only wait until Sony puts the trophies live for PS4. The trophies are stored locally on your console in the meantime and can be synced later, they can already be earned and won’t be lost.
HardyBoy says
You should now be able to sync your trophies on PS4.
Mike says
How about online? Is this game is not “dead on arrival”?
PowerPyx says
Finds matches within seconds for me, not having any issues.
Trmmmaa says
hi a friend got the trophy Groovy max lvl is 50 !!!
Abdulmunem says
What is name your friend PSN ID ?
Andrea says
What is name your friend PSN ID ?
Robert says
I have not been able to get the Weapon of Choice trophy by farming kills in Mission 3. Tried multiple times, uninstalled & reinstalled, but the trophy is just not happening.
PowerPyx says
To clarify, you are using the starting rifle to do the kills right? That’s what I did and got the trophy in Chapter 3 by killing those alien monsters in the fields with the legendary rifle.
Robert says
I was using the starting rifle that you start with. I think that’s the only gun available for Mission 3. I did three rounds getting about 17-18 kills each, uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted, tried again, still nothing. I eventually got the trophy by boosting in a private match.
PowerPyx says
On PS4 or PS5? I’m on PS5 and it counted all stats from story missions towards trophies. Wondering if this might be a PS4 issue.
Andy says
Effortless Evil is bugged too, just win a game without using a boss and it didn’t unlock
Trmmmaa says
my friends id is hide on psn but trust me its lvl 50 and you get the trophy maybe buggy because you can lvl more
Matthew says
Anyone looking to boost trophies?? Add my PSN- Melange-Addicted
Zayne says
In reference to the possible solution you gave for the “Armageddon” bug in an earlier comment, I can happily report that it did work. Prior to attempting this solution, I had been keeping count of my wins and had 60+ wins as Demon, but the trophy bugged and never unlocked. To fix it, I followed your suggestion and uploaded my save file to the PS+ cloud, then deleted the save on my console (I did not uninstall/reinstall the game, though). I then launched the game and earned wins in a private match by quitting with the sole survivor player. Trophy popped at exactly 30 wins. Hope this helps someone!
Zayne says
And just in case it affects anything, I did all 30 wins back-to-back in a single session without closing out of the application.
Chris says
Brilliant! What’s next for you, will you make a guide for The Quarry? Thank you.
PowerPyx says
Sniper Elite 5, then The Quarry 🙂
Diogo says
Is this game worth playing alone? I never have anyone to play with, and since is an online game I was worried about it, because this one got my attention.
And the the trophies are okay doing alone or it’s better with another players?
PowerPyx says
It’s all doable alone. Especially if you play demon. As survivor you get paired with random players but no need to communicate with them for trophy purposes. You can just go off on your own and work on the trophy requirements.
SuPaDuPa1337 says
Hey Powerpyx, I just got the Armageddon trophy naturally. You don’t need to do any of the stuff you listed above. But currently it’s bugged so it only counts wins if you end the match in Demon form. (Not possessing any units). This can be done by quickly pressing L1 as you land a killing blow on the last survivor or by possessing the last survivor when they are low HP and killing them like that. Hope this helps some people.
ThreeStripeLOGO says
This definitely works! Thanks for finding this out!
Christian says
Worked for me too ! Many thanks !
I’ve done 2 match to find if this method works, first with unit possession and no trophy, the second without possession give me the trophy
Matthew says
They just updated the evil dead game is it still level 50 for Groovy trophy?? I sure hope so…
Andrea says
good evening, i have 2 ps4 consoles but only one game, how do i invite myself to a private match? thank you
PowerPyx says
If you have the digital download you can download it to both consoles, must use two different accounts to play. If you have the disc it won’t work as only one console can use it.
Andrea says
what if i have 2 accounts on one console?
PowerPyx says
You need 2 consoles.
SuPaDuPa1337 says
They patched the One by one we will take you trophy. Unlocks now just for downing a survivor with possessed survivor.
Toasty Danny says
Good News: One by One will take You and Out of the Cellar trophies are obtainable as they should.
I leveled up a demon to max and the trophy immediately popped. Same for One by One. After downing a survivor with a possessed survivor, I got the trophy. The survivor does not need to die.
Bad news: The max level has been fixed from 50 to 100. If you haven’t got the trophy for that, you are left to grind double what was previously required for this.
A silver lining to this is that a free map will be added soon, so at least some variety will be added.
PowerPyx says
Someone else wrote the max level trophy still unlocked at level 50.
Would be good to have more confirmation on this if anyone can confirm with recent patch.
Trmmmaa says
Private Games the Trophys dont unlock more they have block it !!! 🙁
PowerPyx says
Can anyone else confirm this? That would suck if true.
I’ll retest it after I’m all done with Sniper Elite 5.
Andy says
Have the trophies been disabled in private matches. I tried helping someone get the one by one trophy and it won’t pop for them.
SuPaDuPa1337 says
I can also confirm the 26th of May patch did not fix Groovy unlocking at level 50. I just got the Platinum. Keep farming people!!
PowerPyx says
Glad to hear, appreciate the confirmation 🙂
Andrea says
help Boost trophies Evil dead?
Trmmmaa says
You cant boost more its locked no Private Games more its over….
ThreeStripeLOGO says
Classic Ride isn’t unlocking for me. I go to mission 3 and enter as Ash, no trophy. 🙁
SuPaDuPa1337 says
They only unlock online now.
NSPRG says
has to be done in multiplayer
ThreeStripeLOGO says
yep just got it playing in multiplayer.
Adam Revlan says
Does anyone know if Armageddon can still be obtained through private matches after the patch?
Trmmmaa says
No one of the trophies works anymore in Private Games!
Trmmmaa says
I tried, you only can unlock Trophies now on PVP or Coop vs AI ,,, Solo and Private Games dont unlock any Trophys more …
Andrea says
thanks, what a pity
PowerPyx says
Updated the guide for Patch 1.000.500, see changelog at end of guide 🙂
Stov says
I can confirm 100% that the trophies are not unlockable once again for all players:
I just put down 2 survivors in 2 different parts by letting them die and no trophy obtained. (I specify that I purposely have my infernal energy to the max, to possess as long as possible and see the survivor die of hemorrhage)
Also, for the 30 victories trophy in demon it’s still buggy….
Kacper says
@PowerPyx What do you think it will come out dlc with separate trophies?
Robb says
Just want to clarify for anyone currently going for Platinum. I just started my run last week. I understand that around launch some trophies were buggy leading to confusion on how to properly obtain them. So just to clarify… “We Shall Be Again” is not related to threat level. It unlocks when you reach level 45 as a demon. It unlocks in tandem with “Out Of The Cellar” just like the corresponding survivor trophies do. And for anyone still wondering, Trophies have been disabled in private matches and campaign missions. You can only earn trophies in: Survivor vs. A.I. Demon, Survivor vs. Demon and of course Demon vs. Survivor. One tip for newcomers… You’ll level up much faster playing as a demon, once you max your demon out you’ll still earn XP playing as demon. That xp can be used to level your survivors up.
Spedgie says
Did you get the level 50 max level trophy or did you show e to grind to 100?
Robb says
I haven’t leveled up that far yet so unfortunately I can’t give you an answer. From what I read it unlocks at level 50 still but I can’t confirm. I’ve finished all the demon related trophies and I’m sitting at level 22 right now. Gonna start working on survivor related trophies tonight. I’ll confirm once I hit 50 if I beat you to it.
Dor says
I don’t think survivors vs A.I count, when i win a match there, it doesn’t add to the prestige assignment wins. Can you confirm that?
Robb says
Trophy progress definitely counts in Survivor vs. A I. You don’t earn any progress toward prestige ranks unless you play vs a real demon though. You can however pay your way through the prestige system with spirit points still. But it costs a fortune. I’ll also add, for survivor related trophies, the hardest trophy without question is the “Boss of Bosses” trophy for killing 20 boss units. There’s so many variables at play out of your control when trying to get a boss kill. I wish I would have focused on this trophy from the start. I currently have 11 boss kills. The only other trophy I need is “Groovy”. I’m a level 32. You level faster playing as a demon so trying for the 20 boss kills as a survivor is slowing down the progress on that trophy.
Robb says
@Spedgie. Just wanted to let you know that “Groovy!” does indeed unlock at lvl 50