In Evil Dead you can pick from 3 classes of demons, each class contains 1 boss and 2 unit types (basic and elite units). This guide explains the best demons for beginners.
First, let’s quickly go over the difference between class and boss.
Classes & Bosses Explained
- Your class determines the types of monsters that you can spawn during the match. It also determines the class ability, which is triggered with
- Your boss determines the unique boss monster you will play. To summon the boss, you must put at least 1 point into the “Boss” skill during the match. Then you can summon it with
. Do note that while there are 3 demon characters in the selection of each class, only the left one is the boss, the middle one are elite units (summoned through Elite Portals) and the right ones are the basic units that stand around the map (also summoned through Basic Portals or Basic Traps). You can play the middle and right “demons” by possessing them after summon them through portals or traps.
What Classes & Bosses Are There?
Class: Warlord
- Boss: Henrietta
The monsters of this class are zombie-like creatures that can puke poison. They are quick. They are called Deadite Elite & Basic Deadite.
Class: Puppeteer
- Boss: Eligos
The monsters of this class are alien-looking creatures. They can explode to deal AoE damage. They are called Demi-Eligos & Basic Deadite Berserker.
Class: Necromancer
- Boss: Evil Ash
The monsters of this class are skeletons. They have the most armor and longest attack range thanks to their spears. They are called Skeleton Elite & Basic Skeleton.
Best Demon Bosses
- Necromancer > Evil Ash
- Puppeteer > Eligos
- Warlord > Henrietta
1. Necromancer > Evil Ash
The strongest class is Necromancer. Possess a standard skeleton and do Quick Attack, Quick Attack, Heavy Attack, Lunging Thrust (that’d be on PlayStation /
on Xbox, the unique cooldown attack displayed at the bottom of the screen, not the spear stomp that deals AoE knockback damage). This particular combo deals a lot of damage, it takes about half of a survivor’s health in one combo. You can easily land 2 of these combos before your balance breaks (white bar below health bar, then you get stunned). No other class does this much damage in one combo. The spears of the skeletons can also reach far, making survivors easier to hit. The skeletons have good armor and survive much longer than the other class monsters.
When you unlocked the boss skill, place a basic portal first to spawn some skeletons, then recharge some infernal energy, spawn the boss and immediately use his summon ability to spawn even more units. This will quickly overwhelm the survivors and you can single out 1 of them with low health for a quick kill while the others are distracted. Evil Ash’s ability to resummon dead skeletons also comes in handy. What makes him so beginner-friendly is that his summon skill is a “use and forget” skill, the skeletons will automatically attack the survivors. You don’t need to focus on precisely hitting with the skill. Just focus on attacking the survivors with your melee attacks. Evil Ash also has pretty good stats.
2. Puppeteer > Eligos
Puppeteer class monsters have very quick attack speed but they die quickly too and don’t hit very hard. They can be great when you push a survivor into a corner and spam them with quick attacks, leaving them no opportunity to counter-attack (especially when you attack in groups). The ability to explode and deal AoE damage is also interesting, use it when your balance gets low (white bar below health). The Elite monsters can also use a thunder attack that hits all survivors in the area with AoE damage. But because they die so quick and deal little damage per hit they only make 2nd place.
The Eligos boss is a beginner-friendly boss. Simply spam his quick attacks on survivors. It deals good damage and you can warp between the survivors by tilting the stick in the direction you want to attack. You also turn invisible between attacks and are very hard to hit. The quick attacks of Eligos also reach far. After you killed a survivor, watch out when another tries to revive them, then tilt the stick in their direction to quick attack them and stop the revive. Because Eligos is so fast, turns invisible and uses warp attacks he is very hard to kill for survivors.
3. Warlord > Henrietta
While Henrietta has the highest damage/defense stats, the basic Warlord Monsters don’t deal quite as powerful combos as the Necromancer skeletons. Still an overall good pick that can keep up with the other classes. Henrietta’s belly flop and Gas Leak deal good AoE damage and her basic quick attacks deal good damage. However, she is very slow and her melee attacks don’t reach far. Because she is quite slow she’s an easy target for survivors and easier to kill. In comparison, Evil Ash can much better overwhelm survivors by spawning skeletons and Eligos is harder to hit. This lands the Warlord > Henrietta demon in 3rd place.
Summary: Necromancer is best because possessed skeletons deal the most damage of any class. Puppeteer in conjunction with Eligos boss comes in 2nd place due to dealing less damage and having less health.
Remember, you can also buy permanent upgrades for your demons under Title Screen > Collection > Demons > spend your Spirit Points to level up. Each level grants 1 skill point. The Spirit Points are shown under your User XP in the top right corner of the Title screen.
For a step by step guide how to win every match as a demon, check out Evil Dead How To Win As Demon.
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