Elden Ring has a total of 42 Trophies (1 Platinum, 3 Gold, 14 Silver, 24 Bronze). Below you can find the full Elden Ring trophy list.
Elden Ring Trophies
Elden Ring
Obtained all trophies
Elden Lord
Achieved the “Elden Lord” ending
Age of the Stars
Achieved the “Age of the Stars” ending
Lord of Frenzied Flame
Achieved the “Lord of the Frenzied Flame” ending
Shardbearer Godrick
Defeated Shardbearer Godrick
Shardbearer Radahn
Defeated Shardbearer Radahn
Shardbearer Morgott
Defeated Shardbearer Morgott
Shardbearer Rykard
Defeated Shardbearer Rykard
Shardbearer Malenia
Defeated Shardbearer Malenia
Shardbearer Mohg
Defeated Shardbearer Mohg
Maliketh the Black Blade
Shardbearer Maliketh the Black Blade
Hoarah Loux the Warrior
Defeated Hoarah Loux the Warrior
Dragonlord Placidusax
Defeated Dragonlord Placidusax
God-Slaying Armament
Upgraded any armament to its highest stage
Legendary Armaments
Acquired all legendary armaments
Legendary Ashen Remains
Acquired all legendary ashen remains
Legendary Sorceries and Incantations
Acquired all legendary sorceries and incantations
Legendary Talismans
Acquired all legendary talismans
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Defeated Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Lichdragon Fortissax
Defeated Lichdragon Fortissax
Godskin Duo
Defeated Goskin Duo
Fire Giant
Defeated Fire Giant
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
Defeated Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
Regal Ancestor Spirit
Defeated Regal Ancestor Spirit
Valiant Gargoyle
Defeated Valiant Gargoyle
Margit, the Fell Omen
Defeated Margit, the Fell Omen
Red Wolf of Radagon
Defeated the Red Wolf of Radagon
Goskin Noble
Defeated Goskin Noble
Magma Wyrm Makar
Defeated Magma Wyrm Makar
Godfrey the First Lord
Defeated Odfrey the First Lord
Mohg, the Omen
Defeated Mohg, the Omen
Mimic Tear
Defeated Mimic Tear
Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
Defeated Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Defeated Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Leonine Misbegotten
Defeated the Leonine Misbegotten
Royal Knight Loretta
Defeated Royal Knight Loretta
Elemer of the Briar
Defeated Elemer of the Briar
Ancestor Spirit
Defeated Ancestor Spirit
Commander Niall
Defeated Commander Niall
Roundtable Hold
Arrived at Roundtable Hold
Great Rune
Restored the power of a Great Rune
Erdtree Aflame
Used kindling to set the Erdtree aflame
To sum up this trophy list: get 3 Endings, defeat specifics bosses, get all legendary items. The trophy structure looks relatively straightforward. Yet this has the potential to be quite a complex platinum, depending on endings, how difficult some bosses are, and the complexity of getting all legendaries.
What are your thoughts on the Elden Ring trophy list? Do you like what you see? Are you going for the Platinum? For all solutions check out the full Elden Ring Trophy Guide & Roadmap and the Elden Ring Boss Guide.
Matthew says
Genuinely hope this isn’t to excruciating, Sifu was challenging but fun overall. I’m hoping this is slightly easier than that though honestly ?
Snake2410 says
Apparently one of the hidden bosses is the hardest From Software boss they’ve ever made. I don’t know if it’s I. The trophy list though, I didn’t look too into it. Never have had a lot of interest in these types of games, just a passing curiousity.
tidal_rider says
You missed the trophy icon for Red Wolf of Radagon.
Really appreciate your work PowerPyx. looking forward to the game and your guide. Looks amazing!!!
PowerPyx says
Good spotting, fixed. Thank you! It’s a bronze
Crmotagua says
Looks like we’ll need 2 or 3 playtroughts to achieve platinum.
Teej says
Most souls games you can back up a save for the endings, though they also usually require an extra playthrough for rings or spells or whatever.
Kevin Hiller says
At least 3 you have 3 ending achievements. I always do 1st run collecting spells 2nd talismans etc to not get confused with collecting because some of them require the same souls
Jason says
I’m pretty sure the only one of the Dark Souls games you could save scum to limit playthroughs was the first one. The second one required NG++ to acquire certain spells and the third one required NG++ to acquire certain rings.
Rowe221 says
It’s a good list but it seems like there are too many trophies for beating bosses and not enough for other things like finding secret hidden locations or unique weapons etc.
Nonetheless I’m still excited about the game.
TheBluntChef says
I’d imagine some of these bosses are only in certain areas, and locked behind specific requirements but I agree.
Stalker-NSDQ79 says
I agree. I actually thought there will be much more grind achievements like exploring and finding stuff.
tidal_rider says
The collect all ***** trophies will probably make scrutinize the map for secrets, hidden bosses, etc. Can’t wait to get it, I hope stores will give it out on the 24th.
MohanMC says
A lot of bosses are gonna be hidden in secret locations, alike legendary gear. So the thing is not about “founding great hidden cave of Gods” but completing it with the Boss at the end
Phetikus says
Looking like a typical FromSoftware list which will need at least 1 playthrough but I’m sure someone will suss out how to do a savescum for the endings/artefacts/magics etc for less runs.
CrysisFreak says
Amazing list. So many bosses to fight. It’s going to be fire.
Dingus says
Hopefully you can reload saves to get the different endings, I really don’t like when open world games need multiple playthroughs.
hbk80 says
I hope we don’t have to beat the game 3 times to get all the 3 endings , the world is massive with overwhelming contents according to many leaks , it will be a cumbersome redoing everything 3 times … Thank you PowerPyx for your effort , when we can expect a detailed trophy guide from you ?
21 bosses that’s cool
PowerPyx says
There will be a lot more bosses, some don’t have trophies tied to them. There are already many more bosses known from the alpha which don’t have a trophy. I reckon well over 60 different bosses.
WOW thanks Powerpyx for the info
KennethPN says
Hey Pyx, Do you know if We need to do PvP or Online stuff to get all sorceries and incantations?
Or if we can get it all in SoloPlay?
TM says
Yea, actually looking forward to this one, but like powepyx said. It will depend on how easy it is to get certain spells or to get to certain bosses. Maybe it is a long line of quest, thank god we have powerpyx to sort out the questlines.
Sadly though the trophies were only to kill bosses and get all spells for the most part. I will probably play the game beyond the platinum and upgrade weapons and do some pvp. It was strange that they dident have one trophie for pvp.
I also thought there would be covenents, but from the trophie list it dosent look like it.
See you all fellow tarnished online.
Predator says
Is not strange that they didnt have a pvp trophy. All of their games didnt have online trophies, only some spells can be earned more easily online but you can get them offline. The only souls game from the franchise with 2 online trophies was demons souls remake and because from software was not the developer of that game
AsPaRrOn says
Any idea id the ps4/ps5 versions will have separate trophy lists?
PowerPyx says
Yes, they will be separate (same trophies but different stacks, can earn platinum twice).
AsPaRrOn says
Perfect, hoping to see info about ps4-ps5 auto pop soon so i know which versions to download.
DaFella--Joel says
hopefully they autopop, because i’d like to be rewarded with 2 platinums for beating a souls game ^^’
PhantomFear94 says
FYI, @AsPaRrOn, PS4 and PS5 ALWAYS have different lists. Not a single game since the PS5 launched shares lists, its industry standard. On Xbox they are usually shared because of Smart Delivery (not always, some games have different lists, such as EA Sports titles) but on PS5, they never are. A game which releases on PS4 and PS5 will have 2 lists every single time (more, if there are regional variants).
Kevin Hiller says
Like all past souls games I do it on my common strategy:
1st run collecting all sorceries/incantations
2nd run collecting all ashes
3rd run everything else.
Due to the fact I need 3 runs regardless I will focus on 1 specific achievements every run. So I don’t get confused and I won’t mess up because it is very likely you require the same soul for 2 different items
Xolotl says
Do we know if trophies auto pop when you transfer your save over to ps5?
irriducibile87 says
Hi Powerpyx,
can we expect the trophy guide on release date or do you think you will need a few more days ?
PowerPyx says
Probably a week after release, gonna take a while to figure out endings and legendaries / if any are missable.
I’ll have a boss guide at launch for the bosses, then trophy guide after I figure out the rest.
PhantomFear94 says
I have never finished a Souls game. I really hope I can play this, it looks amazing.
jakdripr says
A little disappointing that so many of the trophies are just for beating bosses. This being an open world game I was hoping there would be more trophies for doing open world sheninagans and finding hidden locations. And that might still be the case, some of these bosses are probably hidden in specific locations or require some tricks to beat(like the giant serpent and great carp is Sekiro).
But on first glance it’s a pretty basic list, which is a little disappointing.
Zsolt says
The trophies auto pop when you transfer your PS4 save over to ps5?
PowerPyx says
Trophy Guide is in progress, but I don’t know how long it will take to complete. Game is quite big and figuring out Legendaries & Endings will take 1-2 weeks. Gonna be a while.
Most trophies are from bosses. For that, see the Elden Ring Boss Guide.
Jocke says
Thanks for keeping us updated! Much appreciated.
Zhukala says
Yes iam going to platinum even take 100 hrs
PowerPyx says
Trophy Guide now available: Elden Ring Trophy Guide & Roadmap
EldenTingz says
PowerPyx, since posting this original list – looking back on the comments, the speculation and the predictions – how did it fair in your opinion?
PowerPyx says
Click the trophy guide to find out :D