Elden Ring Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 6-7/10 (depends on how you play the game – overleveling with runes / gear dropped by other players makes it easier)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-100 Hours (skill dependent, and with save game backups to get all 3 endings in 1 playthrough)
- Offline Trophies: 42 (1
, 3
, 14
, 24
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 5
Elden Lord – only 1 ending per playthrough but can manually back up save beforehand
Age of the Stars – only 1 ending per playthrough but can manually back up save beforehand
Lord of Frenzied Flame – only 1 ending per playthrough but can manually back up save beforehand
Legendary Armaments – weapon called “Bolt of Gransax” is missable (located in Royal Capital), but can also have another player drop it for you
Lichdragon Fortissax – missable if you kill the quest giver Fia (Deathbed Companion) before the boss
- Glitched trophies: 0, no glitched trophies
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No Difficulty Settings, it’s the same difficulty for everyone, but you can level up as much as you want to make it easier
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (with save game backup before ending)
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Save Transfer = YES, Autopop = NO
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Partially – One area “Leyndell, Royal Capital” changes drastically towards the end of the game, locking you out of most things there. But you can still go to all trophy-related bosses after the ending. You can still do all steps for all endings after defeating the endboss (before you pick your ending).
- Release Date: February 25, 2022
Welcome to the Elden Ring Trophy Guide! Elden Ring is a massive open world souls title of developer From Software. Elden Ring takes the well-known Souls formula to brand new heights with a huge open world map, a ton of hidden secrets and more. This guide will help you achieve platinum in a single playthrough which is very much possible if you follow the steps exactly. In order to achieve the platinum in a single playthrough you will have to take advantage of the PS Plus Save Cloud (PS4+PS5) or a USB device (PS4 only).
You do not have to kill every single boss in the game for the platinum, but definitely a big chunk of them. You need all the trophy-related bosses, as well as some of the bosses that drop legendary gear needed for trophgies. The Roadmap is step-by-step walkthrough how to progress and what to look out for on your journey for platinum in one playthrough. Make sure to read through each step before continuing with your playthrough in order to avoid missing anything. For tactics against the bosses check the Elden Ring Boss Guide. For all sites of grace and other named locations, refer to Elden Ring All Sites of Grace.
Before beginning with the Roadmap, here are answers to frequently asked questions that are good to know:
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I get the trophies for legendary weapons and talismans by receiving them from other players? – Yes, other people can drop you the weapons and artifacts and the trophy will unlock. However, legendary ashes and legendary spells/incantations can NOT be dropped so you must find those yourself (only armaments & talismans).
- Can I get the platinum in a single playthrough? – Yes, you can if you follow the steps outlined in the Roadmap.
- Can I get the platinum by playing completely offline? – Yes it is possible. Playing online, however, lets you duplicate items with a partner (see how to dupe items) and you can see messages by other players that can have useful hints.
- Can I duplicate items with other players? – Partially. You can drop Runes, Talismans, Weapons, and Armor (as long as they are not upgraded). You can’t drop Spells, Ashes of War, Smithing Stones.
- Which build should I play? – Astrologer (Mage) is the most beginner-friendly because of the constant distance between you and the bosses. It requires less dodging and many bosses are easily exploitable with certain magic spells. So go with Astrologer for an easier time. As a Mage immediately go for the weapon and spell Meteorite Staff + Rock Sling, this works well against all bosses and is accessible from the start. Later, after reaching Altus Plateau, you can one-shot most bosses with Comet Azur + Cerulean Hidden Tear. Also use the Mimic Tear to summon a copy of yourself to fight bosses for you. These moves are all you need to defeat most bosses with ease.
- Should I just run from one boss to the next one? – No. The Roadmap will explain which areas to explore (steps for endings etc) before heading to the next main objective. You should explore every area carefully to get more items and upgrade materials.
- Can I save after the final boss? – Yes, you can save right after the final boss “Elden Beast” but DON’T interact with the statue after the boss until you backed up your save (statue triggers the ending).
- Are there missable trophies? – Yes, a few of them, mentioned in overview above and in roadmap / trophy guide below.
- Are any bosses missable? – Yes, in particular Lichdragon Fortissax, but only if you kill Fia the Deathbed Companion. You can still do all steps for this and any other boss after picking an ending (just choose to continue your playthrough and don’t start NG+).
- Are all the Shardbearers part of the main story? – No. Half of them are actually optional for a regular playthrough but necessary for the Platinum.
- Does progressing one ending void the others? – The only thing you are NOT allowed to do before beating the final boss is the very last step of the Lord of the Frenzied Flame Ending. You should complete all the steps towards the Age of the Stars Ending and all but the last step of Lord of the Frenzied Flame Ending before killing the final boss.
- Do weapons created from Boss Remembrance count towards Legendaries? – No. Even though they are golden when dropped, only the stuff you can find in the open world counts.
- How do I back up & restore my save file on PS4/PS5? – Console Settings > Saved Data Management > Saved Data > Console Storage > Upload your save to PS+ Cloud [PS5/PS4] or USB flash drive [PS4 only]. If using PS+ cloud (only option on PS5) make sure you have automatic save sync uploads disabled or else it could automatically overwrite your cloud save (PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data PS5 > Sync Saved Data > Auto-Sync Saved Data = Disabled). To copy it back: Console Settings > Saved Data Management > Saved Data > Cloud Storage / USB Drive > Copy to Console > Overwrite console saves.
- How to back up & restore saves on PC? – For Steam it should be C:\ Users\ [username]\ AppData\ Roaming\ EldenRing – but also back up the other Steam folder to be safe – C:\ Program Files (x86)\ Steam\ userdata. Copy and paste these into another folder where you can find it later. To restore the save, paste it back and overwrite.
- How to back up & restore saves on Xbox One/Xbox Series? – disconnect yourself from the internet > move around in-game whilst disconnected from internet for a few seconds > reconnect yourself back to the internet > now it will force a cloud save > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > do what you need without exiting the game (exiting the game may overwrite cloud save) > when done, press Home-Button > scroll down to Elden Ring > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your backup save from cloud.
Step 1: Explore Starting Regions, Defeat Margit, Leonine Misbegotten, Godrick
First of all, if you find the game too difficult you can sort of cheat it by overleveling right from the start. You can make it as easy or as hard as you want it to be by overleveling or underleveling. The best starting class for beginners is the Astrologer (mage). If you want an easier experience you can grind to Level 100+ right from the start, put about 60 points into Intelligence and 50 points into Vigor and the rest into Mind attribute. If you are lucky enough to have a friend who has already beaten the game, they can drop you all their endgame gear and duplicate endgame runes to make you Level 100+ instantly without any work (can get to level 200+ in a few minutes when duplicating runes). Alternatively, you can farm XP by yourself, for methods see Elden Ring Infinite Runes Farming Method & Duplication Exploit.
Now let’s begin our journey!
After arriving in Limgrave, rest at Gatefront site of grace and talk to the lady there to unlock the mount. Then go to Church of Elleh and talk to Ranni (witch) sitting on the ruins next to the smith – she gives you a Bell to summon spirits that you can equip in the item wheel and summon during boss fights. As a reminder, if you are unsure of any location referenced, please refer to Elden Ring All Sites of Grace Locations, there are over 500+ named in-game locations, the links here on location names will jump straight to the mentioned site of grace so you don’t need to scroll.
From Gatefront head up the path north-west to reach the boss “Margit, the Fell Omen“. After dying to Margit a few times go rest at a site of grace and you will be invited to Roundtable Hold by a lady (hub area). Accept the invitation.
Margit is quite hard to defeat. Instead, let’s spend some time getting stronger: make sure to search for Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears to upgrade your health / magic potions. You can spend these items at any site of grace in the flask menu. This makes the game vastly easier because it gives you more flasks, so you can restore health/mana more often during bosses. You can also upgrade weapons with Smithing Stones to level up weapon damage. Everything across Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula, Caelid, Dragonbarrow is accessible from the beginning, giving you plenty of Flask Upgrades early on. General Note: to unfog the map you must find Map Pieces, marked on the fogged map by little pillar icons. Let’s also make a quick detour to Caelid to grab the Meteorite Staff + Rock Sling (accessible from the start). While not needed for trophies this is the best starting staff/spell, making bosses much easier to defeat. The staff cannot be upgraded as it’s already S-tier for Intelligence damage scaling and it further buffs Gravity Spells like the Rock Sling which stuns most bosses after 4-5 hits, it has the longest range and homes in on enemies. This staff/spell combo actually deals more damage than if you fully upgraded the starting staff to Level 25! It uses quite a lot of mana but as you level up your Mind attribute this will become less of a problem.
» Elden Ring All Golden Seed Locations (Flask Amont Upgrades)
» Elden Ring Sacred Tear Locations (Flask Strength Upgrades)
» Elden Ring All Smithing Stone Locations (Weapon Upgrades)
Just spend some time exploring the early game regions until you feel strong enough to take on Margit. During your exploration of Weeping Peninsula (south of Limgrave), go defeat trophy boss Leonine Misbegotten.
If you have trouble with this you can return later. You can still go back to all trophy bosses after the game ending, but for the purpose of this step-by-step walkthrough they will all be pointed out at their earliest appearance, the goal being that by the end of your playthrough you will have all trophies if you follow these steps.
Once you feel strong enough, go defeat Margit, the Fell Omen, after him go through Stormveil Castle and defeat Shardbearer Godrick.
Step 2: After Stormveil Castle, finish Academy of Raya Lucaria
After defeating Godrick in Stormveil Castle your next objective should be Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia region.
To enter the Academy, first grab the Academy Glintstone Key between Temple Quarter and Crytalline Woods behind the green dragon (marked below, number 1 in image):
You don’t need to fight the dragon now, you just want to grab the key behind it to break the blue seal at the academy entrance, at South Raya Lucaria Gate (number 2 in image above). In the Academy are 2 trophy bosses, defeat both of them: Red Wolf of Radagon & Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. If you get lost here, see Academy Walkthrough. After defeating Rennala you are done with the Academy, now head to Caria Manor.
Step 3: The beginning of setting up Age of the Stars Ending
Caria Manor is an important area for you. Not only will you find another trophy boss there – Royal Knight Loretta – but more importantly you want to reach the area behind the Manor itself (immediately after Loretta boss). There you will find 3 towers. In Ranni’s Rise talk to Ranni who really is Renna and accept working for her. Go through all the dialogue options and talk to her 2 servants downstairs as well (Iji & Seluvis). They both look like ghosts (a big giant and a smaller human), both on the ground floor of the tower where you talk to Renna.
Step 4: Defeat Radahn and head to Nokron Eternal City + Steps Towards the Age of the Stars Ending and Lichdragon Fortissax
Now it is time for Shardbearer Radahn (Level 70+ recommended). To get there, go to Impassable Greatbridge in Caelid. If the portal at the bridge is active you can use it to enter Redmane Castle instantly, if not you must ride across the bridge, go up the slope on the left where enemies are, when reaching the castle gate jump down the cliffs to the right of the gate and follow the cliffs until you find a ladder, climb up to the castle walls, jump down right side of castle wall and go straight ahead to enter the Plaza. Talk to the announcer on the walls where people are gathered, then go through the church behind him, use the elevator and step through a portal to be teleported to the Radahn boss.
After defeating him a crater will appear north-west of Fort Haight which will allow you to enter Nokron, Eternal City. You can spot the location easily because of floating rocks in the sky above it.
You can drop down the cliffs around the crater to any point where the fall doesn’t kill you. Then ride further down into the crater and jump from one platform to the next until you get to the underground dungeon. Down there you want to finish the Nokron area completely. It also contains 3 trophy bosses: Mimic Tear, Valiant Gargoyle, Regal Ancestor Spirit.
The whole Nokron area has a lot of secret paths to reach the bosses and is tricky to navigate. At this point we recommend you follow the dedicated Nokron, Eternal City Walkthrough page. Once done, continue here.
At the end of Nokron you will have found a treasure chest containing – Fingerslayer Blade. Give it to Renna (back at Ranni’s Rise behind Caria Manor) and the questline towards the Age of the Stars Ending will continue.
Talk to Renna twice and she will give you the “Carian Inverted Statue”. Now head to Study Hall Entrance, use it at the altar at the entrance, get through the now inverted building (drop down the wooden beams to an elevator), which leads you to the Divine Tower of Liurnia. On top of this tower you will find the Cursemark of Death which is one of the requirements towards the questline of secret boss Lichdragon Fortissax. But you can’t fight him yet, just hold on to this item for now, more on it later.
Step 5: Ainsel River (Nokstealla Eternal City) + Steps towards Age of the Stars Ending
Now head back to the area behind Caria Manor where you talked to Renna. The tower in the north called Renna’s Rise will now be open.
Enter that tower and go up the ladder to find a portal, use it to teleport to Ainsel River Main. For the section that follows you can also use the Age of the Stars video from 14:33 onwards, it’s a long dungeon: After the teleportation, from where you spawn there’s a stone coffin straight ahead of you, on it is a glowing item. Pick it up, it’s Miniature Ranni. Now sit at the next site of grace to the right. You will have an option to talk to Miniature Ranni at the Site of Grace. Keep talking to her until you run out of dialogues (she will keep saying the same). She wants you to kill the Baleful Shadow for her, found deep within this area. Follow the path forward until you reach Nokstella, Eternal City. Continue through Nokstella. When you reach site of grace Nokestella Waterfall Basin you will find a red NPC shortly after – that is the Baleful Shadow. Kill it for the Discarded Palace Key which you can use to open the chest in the room where you fought Rennala in Raya Lucaria Grand Library. Open the chest next to Rennala and you will receive Dark Moon Ring.
Step 6: Securing Age of the Stars Ending
Return to where you defeated the Baleful Shadow NPC and keep following the path, go through the Lake of Rot and reach Grand Cloister (Age of the Stars video from 21:16 onwards). In Grand Cloister drop down and interact with the coffin in the bloody water on the left. It will transport you to the boss fight against Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. After defeating it, head forward and you will reach Moonlight Altar (if the path is sealed you must grab the Dark Moon Ring next to Rennala in Raya Lucaria Grand Library). In this new area, which is actually a plateau in the south-west of Liurnia, head towards the northeastern edge to Cathedral of Manus Celes, in these ruins drop down the right into a cave system. At the end you will find Renna. Talk to her to secure the option to unlock the Age of the Stars Ending AFTER defeating the endboss “Elden Beast” at the end of the story. That’s all the preparation done for this ending (trophy won’t unlock yet, more on in Step 11). Renna also leaves behind the legendary Armament Dark Moon Greatsword, pick it up, then you can leave.
Step 7: Reaching Altus Plateau & Shardbearer Rykard
Now that this is done it is time to head towards The Ravine in the northeast of Liurnia. Go through Ravine-Veiled Village, which will lead to the trophy boss Magma Wyrm Makar.
After this you will reach a new region Altus Plateau. From here you can now head to Mt. Gelmir to go for trophy bosses Godskin Noble & Shardbearer Rykard. You must reach the mountaintop of Mt. Gelmir (side boss “Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast” here but no need to fight it, can ride around it and jump off the big stone right behind it), which leads to Volcano Manor.
In Volcano Manor talk to the lady on the throne to get her key, in the corridor next to her open the first door on the right, enter this room and inside hit the wall on the right to open a secret path to the town behind Volcano Manor. At the end of the town you find a portal to Rykard, or alternatively you can do the quest series for the lady on the throne and she will teleport you straight to him (doesn’t matter which way you do it).
Step 8: The Capital
With at least 2 Great Runes (Godrick’s and Radahn’s are enough), you can now enter into the Royal Capital. Go through the gate in the north-east of Royal Capital, blocked by a mandatory boss Draconic Tree Sentinel (no trophy).
Once inside the Royal Capital, finish the main story path on which you will fight Godfrey the First Lord and Shardbearer Morgott. After defeating Shardbearer Morgott interact with the wall of thorns behind him and sit at the site of grace, this is necessary to advance the story. Afterward make sure to grab the missable Legendary Armament Bolt of Gransax in the Royal Capital.
The last thing here is to head into the sewers and defeat Mohg, the Omen (<– click link to see his trophy/video for the path, it’s tricky to get there). Defeating him is also a step towards the Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending. AFTER defeating Mohg, the Omen fast travel away to exit the sewers, do NOT continue on the path behind him (do NOT go through the secret altar path/platforming section behind him and most importantly do NOT interact with the red door at the end of that platforming path). Interacting with the red door would lock you into the Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending and thus lock you out of the other endings for this playthrough! We’ll return here in Step 11!
Step 9: Mountaintops of the Giants
With the Medallion you got from defeating Shardbearer Morgott head to Avenue Balcony site of grace in the Capital. From the site go up the stairs, follow the path to the east, open the big gate at the end. This leads to a wooden elevator that gets you out of the Capital. Follow the path across the city walls until you reach another big elevator that brings you to Forbidden Lands. There’s only one path forwarding leading you to the Grand Lift of Rold. Here you must show the Medallion that Morgott dropped and it will bring you to Mountaintops of the Giants. Remember this Elevator since it has another important role soon.
In the Mountaintops head north to Castle Sol (also circled in image above). There you fight trophy boss Commander Niall. Follow the path behind him to find Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left). This is one of two medallion pieces needed for some secret trophy bosses.
For the second piece Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) you must head to Village of the Albinauries site of grace in Liurnia region. From this site head up the hill and head straight past the single fire-throwing enemy. At the end of the path is an NPC disguised as barrel, hit the barrel or touch it and the NPC will reveal himself. Talk to him to get the 2nd medallion piece. Head back to Grand Lift of Rold and show the Haligtree Secret Medallion to get to the west Mountaintops. Head to Ordina, Liturgical Town – enter the Evergaol there and light the 4 Statues to reveal a portal that brings you to Miquella’s Haligtree and Elphael. See the video below showing all these steps:
In this area you find 3 more trophy bosses: Shardbearer Mohg, Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree, Shardbearer Malenia. Especially Malenia is a tough one, if you have trouble with her come back later after doing the Endings (you can still free roam to all bosses after the ending). At least you will already have access to the area.
Step 10: Cleanup before the End
Your next stop is the main boss Fire Giant in the south-east of Mountaintops of the Giants.
Behind Fire Giant you can go over a big chain to reach the Forge of the Giants site of grace (head across the left wall on the forge to reach it). Rest at this site of grace, it will give you the option to talk to Melina. Talk to her and she will set the tree on fire (unlocks a story trophy). This also brings you to the last region Crumbling Farum Azula. Now you have access to all regions in the game and we are approaching the end. After arriving there, your fast travel is temporarily blocked but it will unlock again after resting at the first site of grace.
The tree being set on fire also forced Fia (deathbed companion) to move from Roundtable Hold to Deeproot Depths, if she hadn’t already done so in your game. This allows you to do the final steps for the secret boss Lichdragon Fortissax. Fast travel away and do this boss now.
Also make sure you picked up the missable legendary armament Bolt of Gransax in Royal Capital (it disappears after defeating Maliketh).
Head back to Crumbling Farum Azula, this region contains 3 trophy bosses in this order: Godskin Duo (mandatory), Dragonlord Placidusax (optional), Maliketh the Black Blade (mandatory).
Clearing Maliketh brings you back to the Royal Capital where your last trophy boss should be Hoarah Loux the Warrior (he’s NOT the endboss). After him you only have the final boss and endings left. If you are still missing some of the other trophy bosses check the Trophy Guide below on where to find them. Now’s the best time to mop them up.
Step 11: Final Stretch towards the end – securing your save data for the endings
Enter the path behind Hoarah Loux the Warrior to trigger the final boss fight against Radagon of the Golden Order & Elden Beast. AFTER defeating the Elden Beast boss, sit at the site of grace but do NOT interact with the statue or markings on the ground yet (doing so triggers ending and locks you out of other endings). At this point you must back up your save.
For the Endings:
- Back up your Save: Console Settings > Saved Data Management > Saved Data > Console Storage > Upload your save to PS+ Cloud [PS5/PS4] or USB flash drive [PS4 only]. If using PS+ cloud (only option on PS5) make sure you have automatic save sync uploads disabled or else it could automatically overwrite your cloud save (PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data PS5 > Sync Saved Data > Auto-Sync Saved Data = Disabled).
- Reboot the game, interact with the statue after endboss for Elden Lord Ending
- Restore your Save (copy the backup save back onto the console): Console Settings > Saved Data Management > Saved Data > Cloud Storage / USB Drive > Copy to Console > Overwrite console saves.
- Reboot the game, interact with the Blue Summon Sign for Renna on the floor for Age of the Stars Ending
- Restore your Save again (copy the backup save back onto the console).
- Do the remaining steps for Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending – interact with altar behind where you defeated Mohg, the Omen, finish the parkour path there, unequip all your gear and interact with the big red door at the end to get a burned scar. Then interact with the Statue after Endboss for Lord of the Frenzied Flame Ending.
Step 12: Cleanup for the Platinum
Either choose NO when asked for going into New Game+ or restore your save before the ending again. Now you want to collect the remaining legendaries (armaments / talismans / ashen remains / sorceries) for the Platinum. If you are still missing a boss you can still get back to all trophy bosses after the ending. If you did miss something actually missable you can get to it quickly in New Game+.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Elden Ring Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Elden Ring – Boss Guide (All Bosses)
- Elden Ring – Main Walkthrough
- Elden Ring – How to Get All Endings
- Elden Ring – All Sites of Grace Locations
- Elden Ring – All Map Piece Locations (How To Unfog Map)
- Elden Ring – Full World Map
- Elden Ring – All Legendary Armaments Locations
- Elden Ring – All Legendary Ashen Remains Locations
- Elden Ring – All Legendary Sorceries & Incantations Locations
- Elden Ring – All Legendary Talismans Locations
- Elden Ring – All Spells Locations
- Elden Ring – All Incantation Locations
- Elden Ring – All Weapon Locations
- Elden Ring – All Armor Locations
- Elden Ring – All Talisman Locations
- Elden Ring – All Golden Seed Locations (Flask Amount Upgrades)
- Elden Ring – All Sacred Tear Locations (Flask Strength Upgrades)
- Elden Ring – All Ashen Remains Locations (Spirit Summons)
- Elden Ring – All Ashes of War Locations (Weapon Skills)
- Elden Ring – All Smithing Stone Locations (Weapon Upgrades)
- Elden Ring – All Somber Smithing Stone Locations (Legendary Weapon Upgrades)
- Elden Ring – All Merchant Locations
- Elden Ring – How to Use & Equip Skills
- Elden RIng – How to Summon Ashes
- Elden Ring – Where to Bring Great Runes
- Elden Ring – Best Starting Class Guide
- Elden Ring – Best Starting Keepsake
- Elden Ring – Infinite Runes Farming Exploit
Elden Ring Trophy Guide
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Elden Ring Obtained all trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in Elden Ring to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Elden Lord Achieved the “Elden Lord” ending |
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*Missable, doing one ending locks you out of the other endings for that playthrough. As a workaround you must manually back up your save before triggering any ending, then copy it back to do the next ending. Completing the steps for “Lord of Frenzied Flames Ending” would also lock you out of this ending* | ||
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Age of the Stars Achieved the “Age of the Stars” ending |
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*Missable, doing one ending locks you out of the other endings for that playthrough. As a workaround you must manually back up your save before triggering any ending, then copy it back to do the next ending. Killing the questgiver NPC Renna/Ranni (Witch) would also make you miss this ending* | ||
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Lord of Frenzied Flame Achieved the “Lord of Frenzied Flame” ending |
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*Missable, doing one ending locks you out of the other endings for that playthrough. As a workaround you must manually back up your save before triggering any ending, then copy it back to do the next ending* | ||
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Shardbearer Godrick Defeated Shardbearer Godrick |
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This mandatory Boss can be found in Stormveil Castle and will be the first Shardbearer you will have to face. |
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Shardbearer Radahn Defeated Shardbearer Radahn |
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This mandatory Boss can be found in Redmane Castle on the island southeast of Caelid. Head there after progressing through the Age of the Stars questline. At the Impassable Bridge that leads to the castle, use the teleporter to get teleported into the Castle itself. There, after listening to the announcer, talk to him and tell him you are ready. Head through the church and down the elevator and towards the next teleporter, which will take you to the huge boss arena. |
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Shardbearer Morgott Defeated Shardbearer Morgott |
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This mandatory Boss can be found in Leyndell, the Royal Capital. This will be the final boss of the Capital and you will fight him at the Elden Throne. Defeating him will grant you access to the Mountaintop of the Giants. |
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Shardbearer Rykard Defeated Shardbearer Rykard |
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This optional Boss can be found in the Volcano Manor on Mt. Gelmir. There are actually 2 ways to reach this fight. You can either accept all the requests from the head of the Volcano Manor and kill 3 NPCs; or after obtaining the key from her you can navigate through the whole Prison Town in the Volcano and find a teleporter to the arena at the end. It is up to you. In the fight itself you will first have to pick up the sword there and equip it to kill the boss – it has no stat requirements and is just a gimmick weapon. You will first have to defeat the Serpent and then Rykard himself. |
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Shardbearer Malenia Defeated Shardbearer Malenia |
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This optional Boss can be found at the bottom of Ephael at the bottom of Haligtree. In order to reach this area you will have to first head into Village of the Albinauries and not far from the Site of Grace find an NPC pretending to be a barrel (just behind the fire thrower guy). He will give you one half of the Medallion needed. Afterward head to the Lakeside Crystal Cave and after finishing it talk to the Girl with the Wolf on the other side of the cave and go through her dialogue in which she will tell you where to find the other half. Refresh at the Site of Grace, talk to her again and she will turn into Ashen Remains. Now you want to continue the main path, kill Morgott and gain access to the Mountaintop of the Giants. There head to the north, to Castle Sol. Finish the area while killing Commander Niall and you will find the second half of the Medallion after him. With the Medallion head back to the big elevator that brought you to the Mountaintop – Grand Lif of Rold. You will now have the option to show the other Medallion to the Elevator and this will unlock the area leading to Haligtree for you. Here you can also find the teleporter leading to Shardbearer Mohg. In there head to Apostle Derelict in the northwest corner of this area first to finish the questline of the Wolf girl and this will grant you the stone needed for the highest upgrade of a weapon. Afterward head to Ordina, Liturgical Town and activate the Evergaol there. In the alternate version of the town you will have to light up 4 flames, 3 of which are on rooftops. Watch out for strong enemies chasing you and shooting arrows at you. Once done you will finally have access to Haligtree in the very north. Progressing through the Haligtree will have you fight Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree and after that you will reach Ephael where you will find Malenia, the toughest Boss in the game. |
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Shardbearer Mohg Defeated Shardbearer Mohg |
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In order to fight the optional Boss Shardbearer Mohg you will first have to gain access to the western section of Mountaintop of the Giants which leads to Haligtree – see How to Reach West Mountaintops. Once in the western snowy area head to the spot on the map below where you will find a teleporter with a puddle of blood in front of it. Head through it and finish Moghwyn Palace to reach him at the end. |
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Maliketh the Black Blade Defeated Maliketh the Black Blade |
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This mandatory Boss will be the final Boss of Farum just before getting back to the Capital for the final stretch of the game. |
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Hoarah Loux the Warrior Defeated Hoarah Loux the Warrior |
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This mandatory Boss will be your final roadblock before reaching the last boss of the game. After clearing Farum you will be back in the Capital and at the Elden Throne you will fight Hoarah Loux. |
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Dragonlord Placidusax Defeated Dragonlord Placidusax |
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This optional Boss can be found in Farum, the last location of the game. From the Beside the Great Bridge Site of Grace head back to the elevator you came from to this Site. Head outside and drop down the ledge in front of you to a lower ledge. From there follow the rocks and at the floor with skeletons interact with the only empty “grave” to lay down. After a cutscene you will be teleported to the boss area. |
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God-Slaying Armament Upgraded any armament to its highest stage |
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You will have to either upgrade a normal weapon to +25 or a special weapon to +10. Check Elden Ring All Smithing Stone Locations & Elden Ring all Somber Smithing Stone Locations on how to get them. You can get a free highest level Stone while progressing through the game towards the optional Boss Malenia. | ||
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Legendary Armaments Acquired all legendary armaments |
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There are 9 legendary armaments in the game. Legendary Armament #8: Bolt of Gransax is extremely missable because the town it is in gets destroyed at the end of the game and you can no longer reach most items there. Both the Legendeary Weapons and Talismans can be obtained by receiving them from other players in co-op. |
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Legendary Ashen Remains Acquired all legendary ashen remains |
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There are 6 legendary ashen remains in the game: |
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Legendary Sorceries and Incantations Acquired all legendary sorceries and incantations |
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There are 7 legendary sorceries / incantations in the game:
» Elden Ring All Legendary Sorceries & Incantations Locations |
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Legendary Talismans Acquired all legendary talismans |
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There are 8 Legendary Talismans in the game. Both the Legendeary Weapons and Talismans can be obtained by receiving them from other players in co-op. | ||
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Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon Defeated Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon |
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The optional Boss Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon is the final boss of Academy of Raya Lucaria. She grants you a Great Rune which will allow you to respec your skillpoints. While technically being optional you should focus on defeating her early since she is a necessary step towards the Age of the Stars Ending. |
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Lichdragon Fortissax Defeated Lichdragon Fortissax |
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*MISSABLE TROPHY* – can be missed if you kill the NPC “Fia” (non-hostile friendly NPC) after she appears in Deeproot Depths This boss requires several steps to reach it. This is technically missable if you were to kill Fia (friendly non-hostile NPC) at the end before doing the boss fight, but you’d have to intentionally go out of your way to mess this up.
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Godskin Duo Defeated Godskin Duo |
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The mandatory Boss Godskin Duo can be found in the final area of the game, Farum, before the ending and you will run into them while progressing through the area towards Maliketh the Black Blade. |
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Fire Giant Defeated Fire Giant |
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The mandatory Boss Fire Giant can be found in the southeast part of the Mountaintop of the Giants and has to be defeated in order to reach the Forge of the Giants. |
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Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella Defeated Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella |
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The optional Boss Dragonskin Soldier of Nokstella can be found in the west section of Ainsel River. You can reach this area by using the Ainsel River Well in the east of Liurnia. |
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Regal Ancestor Spirit Defeated Regal Ancestor Spirit |
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The optional Boss Regal Ancestor Spirit can be found in the Hallowhorn Grounds in the Ancestral Woods. This is the second version of the deer boss, similar to the one in Siofra River, and for this one you will go through Nokron, Eternal City (you have to go there during one step of the Age of the Stars Ending). Just like with the other Ancestor Spirit from Siofra River, you will have to light braziers in the area and interact with the deer corpse at the Hallowhorn Grounds afterward. There are 6 braziers in the area, see below: |
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Valiant Gargoyle Defeated Valiant Gargoyle |
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The optional Boss Valiant Gargoyle can be found in a hidden area in the north of Siofra River. Head to the northern section or the area and look for floating Jellyfish. They are your lead that you are on the right track. In the Jellyfish area you can drop down to a ledge and follow the path to the aqueducts of the river where you will find this boss fight. It is also your roadblock towards reaching Lichdragon Fortissax. |
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Margit, the Fell Omen Defeated Margit, the Fell Omen |
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The optional Boss Margit, the Fell Omen is technically optional because of the possibility of skipping the Stormveil Castle but in reality he is pretty much your first mandatory boss fight in the game. He can be found at the end of the Castleward Tunnel in Stormhill. |
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Red Wolf of Radagon Defeated the Red Wolf of Radagon |
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The optional Boss Red Wolf of Radagon is the halfway boss of the Academy of Raya Lucaria on your way to Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. You will have to clear the area when going towards the Age of the Stars Ending. |
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Godskin Noble Defeated Godskin Noble |
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The optional Boss Godskin Noble can be found at the Temple of Eiglay in Volcano Manor. You can reach him by navigating through the Volcano town. In order to reach the Volcano Town in the first place you will have to accept the Volcano Manor Request from the Lady with the Bodyguard in the main foyer of the manor and with the key open the first door in the right in the hallway. There you can find an illusory wall which will be the start of your path into the volcano town. |
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Magma Wyrm Makar Defeated Magma Wyrm Makar |
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The optional Boss Magma Wyrm Makar can be found at Ruin-Strewn Precipice Overlook at the end of the Ravine when heading from Liurnia to Altus Plateau. For most players this will be a mandatory fight but you can actually skip the fight by using an elevator, but since you have to get the trophy anyway you shouldn’t bother with the elevator. |
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Godfrey the First Lord Defeated Godfrey the First Lord |
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The mandatory Boss Godfrey the First Lord can be found in the Capital and will be a roadblock towards Shardbearer Morgott. You can find him in the upper area of the Capital. |
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Mohg, the Omen Defeated Mohg, the Omen |
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The optional Boss Mohg, the Omen can be located in the Sewers underneath the Royal Capital. Head to the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace in the Capital. From there head downstairs, through the door and turn immediately left and jump the fence there. Approximately below the foot of the dragon corpse you will find a well. Keep heading down and at the end you will find Mohg, the Omen. Behind the Altar is a hidden path that will lead you towards Lord of the Frenzied Flame Ending as well. When the capital gets destroyed you can instead find a sewer grate that leads you to the sewers. |
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Mimic Tear Defeated Mimic Tear |
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The optional Boss Mimic Tear can be found in Nokron, Eternal City. While it is optional you will run into it while clearing Nokron towards the Age of the Stars Ending. |
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Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree Defeated Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree |
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The optional Boss Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree can be found in the Haligtree area. She will be a roadblock on your way towards Malenia the Shardbearer. Check the description for Malenia on how to reach Haligtree. |
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Astel, Naturalborn of the Void Defeated Astel, Naturalborn of the Void |
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The optional and missable Boss Astel, Naturalborn of the Void can be found in an isolated section in the south of Ainsel River. You will reach this area through a coffin in the Lake of Rot. This boss is optional but you will defeat it when following the steps towards the Age of the Stars Ending. This boss is your final boss on your way to securing the Ending. ![]() ![]() |
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Leonine Misbegotten Defeated the Leonine Misbegotten |
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The optional Boss Leonine Misbegotten can be found at the southmost edge of the Weeping Peninsula. In order to find it you will have to progress through Castle Morne and at the upper levels jump down to a wooden plank to reach the area behind the castle. From there keep heading down towards the beach to find it. |
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Royal Knight Loretta Defeated Royal Knight Loretta |
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The optional Boss Royal Knight Loretta is the only boss you will find in Caria Manor. She is a roadblock towards the Age of the Stars Ending and you will defeat her automatically when progressing towards this Ending. |
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Elemer of the Briar Defeated Elemer of the Briar |
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The optional Boss Elemer of the Briar can be found in The Shaded Castle in Altus Plateau. He is completely optional and does not award you progress towards other bosses. |
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Ancestor Spirit Defeated Ancestor Spirit |
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The optional Boss Ancestor Spirit can be found in Hallowhorn Grounds in Siofra River underground region. In order to fight it you will have to light up 8 Braziers in the area and afterward interact with the deer corpse at the Hallowhorn Grounds. |
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Commander Niall Defeated Commander Niall |
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The optional Boss Commander Niallcan can be found in Castle Sol in the Mountaintop of the Giants. Defeating him is also a step towards finding Haligtree region which will lead you to more bosses. |
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Roundtable Hold Arrived at Roundtable Hold |
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In order to reach the Roundtable Hold you will have to die to Margit, the Fell Omen a few times. Afterward when sitting at a Site of Grace, Melina will offer to take you there. Agree to go with her. Roundtable Hold is a sort of hub area where you find merchants and a smith. | ||
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Great Rune Restored the power of a Great Rune |
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Defeating one of Shardbearers or Rennala will grant you a Great Rune which you will have to then activate at a Divine Tower. Apart from Mohg and Morgott sharing a Tower, every other one has their own Divine Tower you will have to visit. Rennala’s Great Rune has no activation, it simply allows you to respec your stats by talking to her.
Godrick’s Divine Tower (reachable through the Limgrave Tower Bridge Site of Grace in Stormveil Castle) Radahn’s Divine Tower (have to access it from the side of the Tower) Rykard’s Divine Tower (Accessed through the Sealed Tunnel) Morgott’s and Mohg’s Divine Tower (From the elevator leading to Mountaintop take the other path instead) Malenia’s Divine Tower (reachable through the Divine Bridge Site of Grace in the Capital, a teleporter will be on the left side of the area with the Golem right in front of the Site of Grace) |
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Erdtree Aflame Used kindling to set the Erdtree aflame |
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Automatic from story progression. It will unlock after talking to Melina at the Forge of the Giant Site of Grace, you go there after defeating the mandatory boss “Fire Giant”, which is a necessary step on your way to the endboss and cannot be missed. |
- 2022-03-23 – Ease of use improvements to Roadmap: Added Screenshots highlighting the path in red, thus making it easier to see where to go. Relinked all named locations to jump straight to that point on the sites of grace page, thus you no longer need to scroll there. For Lichdragon Fortissax some of the steps turned out to be optional and have further been narrowed down in the Roadmap to minimize what you need to look out for. Everything rechecked and up to date for Patch 1.04!
Fiel says
Regarding missable armament and some option questline.
1. Can it be drop from other player if missed one ? I am sure Warmaster Shack NPC are the most easiest missable here and he is also for optional questline to get iconic armor set (Raging Wolf I believe) as well.
2. Any optional questline decision that conflict with missable trophy ending/items ?
DK says
1. Added it as very first question in the FAQ – forgot about it although it is an important one – yes, you can get the trophies by receiving the weapons and talismans from other people.
2. Was playing without a guide myself before creation of this guide and didn’t run into anything that voided other trophies. Obviously I can only tell from my experience only and since it is a huge game I can neither confirm ond debunk quests that void trophies so far.
Jacko says
Can confirm that regardless of selling the legendary armaments I still received my trophy after acquiring them all. Was worried that it might have been the only one I was missing for platinum but luckily it popped as soon as I picked up the last weapon.
Naymen says
I missed the warmaster shack questline and I found that the npc could invade me in crumbling farum azula right before entering the room with the legendary talisman chest (i forgot the name, but it is on the list of legendary talismans here).
This happend after killing all the main bosses + malenia and placidusax and it did drop the devourer’s scepter + beast champion armor set
Max says
Firstly fantastic guide thank you so much!
The wiki says that killing Renalla before Ranni tells you to will mess up the quest. Are you able to clear the academy right away after godrick?
DK says
I killed Renalla before I reached Caria Manor so I can already debunk that.
Jonathan says
I killed Renalla first, skipped the first boss for now, and finished Ranni’s quest all the way
Fujyno says
You can do the Millicent quest line and get an item after defeating Malenia that allows you to opt out of the Lord of Frenzied flame ending. Meaning that if you accidentally locked yourself into it, you can still use the item and get the other two endings.
DK says
I will look into this, thanks.
JL says
I’ve read that you don’t have to kill Knight Bernahl right away in the Warmaster’s Shack. He will leave the shack once you reach Volcanic Manor and be there. Then once he disappears from Volcano Manor you can find him at the tower near the Beside the Great Bridge grace location in the tornado area as a hostile invader. I’m assuming he would be dropping his armor set and the Devourer’s Scepter then. I haven’t gotten that far yet in the game but that’s just what I read online.
DK says
Thanks, added.
HH says
Yes, I killed him and got the Devourer’s Scepter here even though I had already beat Rykard. So as far as I know you can go back and get it at any time without starting NG+.
Evileye says
Hey powerpyx. The guy who helps you fight Radahn is called Blaidd and not Briarr. I had a hard time searching where to find him in Siofra River because the name was incorrect so please correct it for other people 🙂 Great guide as always though! Thank you very much for it.
DK says
I will, thank you. As mentioned in other comment. I sometimes mix up weird names and appreciate being corrected.
Jonathan says
Fyi: I never saw him in the river because I went into the other city via the crater first. Spoke with him there. My Ranni quest is complete.
Dantia says
Barely anything missable (other than the endings) and no need to do 3 playthroughs for the items? Awesome!
Well done with the guide DK, appreciate your hard work.
2bNs says
Thanks for the great guide, as always.
I defeated the night boss in Warmaster’s Shack, but I can’t find the Devourer’s Scepter in my inventory. Do you have to actively pick it up?
DK says
It is not the night boss, but the NPC that was there before the boss appeared. Check the guide for an alternative ay to get it.
Teucoraix says
Is it safe to kill Knight Bernahl at Warmaster’s Shack right away? Do I need to do any other quest or stuff with him before defeating him for the legendary weapon?
Ben Gunn says
Hi it might be a bit late.
If you want to make sure you don’t miss any future quests will him you can make a save to the cloud, kill him and drop his armour and weapon to a friend and download your save and get your friend to drop it back to you.
Vaughn Jones says
Thank you for all the work you have done for this game!
Jorolos says
I couldnt make Deathbed Companion leave is there a way to fix it or should I start over.
DK says
Make sure to kill at least one Tibia Mariner and deliver the Deeproot / Deathroot whatever it is called, always mixing it up to Bestial Sanctum. With D appearing in the Hold the questline should continue.
Diogo Arez says
Impressed it’s only a 7.5/10 but makes sense considering the many tools available, as a pure melee solo player this game has been way, way harder than any other Souls tho.
DK says
Actually lowered the difficulty to 6 because of all the tools the games gives you for making the journey easier, like duplicating souls online, getting gear from others, etc.
Delken says
Wonderful work as always, PowerPyx and crew! Glad I’ve been taking my time so far and haven’t locked myself out of any endings. Here’s to a long but fun Platinum!
YA BOY says
this was very helpful, thanks!
Mixtract says
For the Devouver’s Scepter you also have the option to complete his quest in Volcano Manor instead of killing him and then he will invade you in Azula and kill him there to get the weapon.
septomor says
You can get Devourer’s Scepter in crumbling city Farum as well, from the grace Beside the Great Bridge, go to the bottom of the bridge and down a ladder. There you can be invaded by the same character who has the scepter and killing him will get you it. Not sure, but you might also have to kill Rykard for him to show up since he’s tied in part to the story there. So only one weapon missable I believe
DK says
Thanks for the info, will add it to the guide.
zulqarmessi says
Thank you so much Mr. DK and legendary Powerpyx for the amazing guide ??. God bless you guys. Now I can purchase the game and follow this guide and enjoy the brutal gameplay. ??????????????????
EvilEye says
Also, entrance to Nokron, Eternal City is to the west of Fort Haight, not to the north.
DK says
Thanks, was typing it late at night :D
ELDEr says
So using boss remembrance runes/souls doesn’t lock is from any trophy right??
DK says
That is correct, you can do with them whatever you want.
AlexSobecki says
The Devourer’s Scepter can still be found from a Red Phantom Invader at Farum Azula if you don’t get it from the Volcano Manor sidequest or killing that NPC.
Also you can still get down into the Shunning-Grounds after the Royal Capital is turned to ash. There is a few buildings remaining with a sewer grate open in between them all that you can jump down as a alternative to the now gone well.
DK says
Thank you for the information. Was waiting on a confirmation for those. That makes the Frenzied Ending unmissable then.
Jocke says
Amazing guide as always! Thank you Powerpyx!
lou mazz says
Briarr does not exist that I can find. He is called Blaidd
DK says
Thanks, will correct it. I sometimes mix up names and go with “wolf guy” or “wolf girl” instead. Especially in a game with so many weird names xD
D says
I read somewhere that even if you miss killing bernahl at warmaster shack you can still get invaded by him somewhere is farmus if you completed the Volcano Manor questline (have to complete before killing Rykard). Can you confirm this?
DK says
Someone else confirmed that in a comment. So it seems you can still get it later. This weapon is not a pain though since you could technically get it in NG+ in 5 min.
Jaydoh says
You should not kill Bernahl if you want to get the raging wolf armour set.
The cover armour and one of the better looking sets in the game.
Shabyoob says
I think the “collect all legendary spells and inactions” trophy might be missable in one play through. If you use the dragon hearts on other unlocks you might miss out on it, as you will not have enough hearts. I don’t think there is enough dragon hearts for all unlocks in one play through.
DK says
There is literally a whole army of dragons in this game which give you Dragon Hearts, so do Magma Wyrms. Even Grayoll himself gives you 10 :D So i doubt the Incarnation is missable unless you purposely want to miss it :P
Shabyoob says
Exactly my point, it’s hard to miss. But it is possible. Though it might worth mentioning. Also greyoll gives you 5 not 10. As well as, not all dragons drop hearts only the main ones.
DK says
I still think it is not missable because not every main dragon unlocks new spells, but every main dragon and magma wyrm drops Dragon Hearts. I think in the end it should be possible to buy all of them – haven’t done the maths though.
David says
Can confirm it is not missable there are enough dragon hearts to unlock all the incantations as I have done so
Tasky says
You first need to visit Altus Plateau for her to give you the Weathered Dagger! They should probably mention that in the guide.
DK says
I trust you on that one and added it to the guide. I can’t remember If I was already in Altus Plateau when she gave it to me.
Shabyoob says
I got it without visiting Altus Plateau
Robson says
If i killed on start “D” i cant get Lichdragon Fortissax and one ending in one playthrought?
DK says
I don’t know… why did you do that? lol
The only way I know of for now includes the part with D.
DK says
UPDATE: Rearranged the steps a bit to eliminate confusion about the Weathered Dagger. Also – don’t panic about the the Fortisax Trophy as much as some of you do :D It is missable because of the wrong choice you can make at the end and not because of strict time limit for the questline.
Robson says
Ye but if i killed D i cant do one story line.
DK says
Another player reported the D part if optional and what only matters is talking to Fia in the Roundtable Hold. She should appear at the Fortissax Location anyway.
Robson says
THX so much. <3
Kub says
I read through the entire Age of the Stars ending reqs and my question is, what is missable about that ending exactly? What can i do to lock myself out of it? Please tell me so i can avoid that, i don’t want to get punished for exploring the game in an unintended way or smth.
DK says
The fact that Renna sometimes decides to not appear in certain places and the fact that you could mess it up yourself if you (for whatever reason) decided to kill her.
It is the better choice to mark it as missable so people pay attention to that questline specifically.
Enix says
Does the Keepsake you choose matter? As in is there any trophy or quest related content locked behind the usage of Stonesword Keys?
DK says
Not at all. I didn’t choose a keepsake at all because I accidentally skipped it.
StonksOnlyGoDown says
Thanks for the great work as always! Not reading through it all to avoid spoilers. Want to go everywhere and do everything anyway.
Just a general question: Can I screw myself out of any of the endings before the endgame by doing/not doing something at the wrong time or wrong order? Apart from killing NPCs, but I never do that anyway.
DK says
You can lock yourself out of Lichdragon if you choose the wrong dialogue at the end of the questline so make sure you check that. The game is pretty mean since the upper dialogue option which usually is the one to go with is the wrong one this time around.
Giovaze says
Guys i tried in every way and followed all the steps, but Renna does not appear at night from the church.
I have already beaten Godrick, you say that skipping the first dialogue with her from the church invalidates the “Age of the Stars” trophy ?
DK says
Added info to the trophy – only if you dont find her in her tower at step 3 you should start panicking. The game doesn’t make it very clear which steps are necessary.
Martin says
Hi, I accidentally activated a site of grace in the atlus plateau and ranni is not in her tower….is that because I’ve triggered the festivel at redmayn Castle? Will she return to the tower once I killed radahn?
Nuzzgok says
I don’t think Fia’s quest is needed for Lichdragon Fortissax, she appeared for me in Deeproot Depths while I only interacted with her one time prior, to be held. None of the stuff with D. Gave her the cursemark and started the fight
DK says
That is indeed interesting. Should make people less anxious about it. Will add it to the guide when I get another confimation of this.
Nuzzgok says
I tested it again in NG+. She moves to Deeproot Basin once you use the forge and the NPCs leave Roundtable, regardless of if you did the quest or not. I was still able to fight the boss. Worth noting as well that she was still there even in free roam after viewing the ending, so it isn’t time sensitive.
However, the Devourer’s Scepter weapon IS missable, as if you don’t kill Bernahl at the shack or volcano manor, he will invade at Farum UNLESS you have killed Malekith, which stops invasions in the area and he is gone for good
Almas says
Hey powerpyx, if i follow ur step from 1-12, can i miss something in missable (legendary armament, lichdragon fortissax, or astel natural born)? I dont hv friend playing this game, so i must finish it myself
DK says
I tried to mention everything you should look out for in the roadmap, so you should be fine when following it.
Tom Hughes says
Great work as always guys.
Quick question – I didn’t meet Renna at the start of the game (Church of Elleh), will that questline still be available later on even though I haven’t met her yet?
I’ve just cleared Stormveil Castle so not that far in, so I’m wondering if I should start a new playthrough if Renna’s quest is now locked, or carry on with this one…
DK says
You should only start panicking if you don’t find her in her Tower – added it to the guide. If you don’t find here there – then you should probably be worried but not before that.
VoltFieber says
Also, people saying she only appears at night, at her Tower.
Toshiro says
Thank you so much. I got the game platinum
Hokinoto says
First and Foremost, excellent work with the guide so far.
I’m a little confused when it comes to the references to Renna and Rani, for the Age of the Stars quest, however.
It mentions in the trophy description before the numbered list “You could decide to kill Renna for whatever reasons + Renna sometimes decides to not appear in certain places. Before panicking finish Step 3 and see if Renna is the tower.”
Yet in step 1 it specifies talk to ‘Ranni’, which I missed, then in Step 3 it says talk to ‘Ranni’ and accept her job—which I have done.
However, when it’s mentions to “see if Renna is in the tower” I can’t get in Rennas tower as it says “Blocked shut for now”. Was it Ranni I should have been worrying about not being in the tower, thus not being able to offer my service to her, thus locking me out of the quest? Or am I meant to be able to get in Rennas tower and talk/offer service to her? Not sure if I’ve messed up or if it’s a typo and it should be “see if ‘Ranni’ is on the tower”?
DK says
Renna and Ranni are one and the same person. The game refers to her as Ranni at first but switches to Renna after accepting her “job offer”.
Sander says
Does any of the questlines interfere with each other in a negative way? Does starting rogiers questline interfere with fia or rannis questlines in anyway if you talk to him first about what lies underneath stormveil castle etc?
Or is it best to just not talk to him at all?
Zs says
Hey just fyi you can’t trade with yourself via a PS5 / PS4. I just tried today, wasting hours, but when I log in on PS5 I get logged out of Elden Ring on PS4 and vice versa. So you CANNOT trade with yourself that way,pkease update this guide.
DK says
Before you ask me to update the guide I ask you to show where I said you could trade with YOURSELF by using ps4 and ps5.
Zs says
“There is PS4 & PS5 crossplay, so if you have a PS4 and a PS5 you can simply do this by yourself. Otherwise you will have to ask a friend to help out.” – Elden Ring Infinite Runes Exploit
PowerPyx says
You need to use 2 different accounts obviously (not the same account).
Zs says
Sorry, that wasn’t obvious to me with what you originally wrote. A clarification like that means buying another copy of the game for that second account (if digital) and buying PS+ for that second account too, no? No harm done, just a little wasted time. I didn’t want other people to make the same mistake I did is all.
Bigdogg says
It doesnt, set the playstation as main playstation for the account you have + and the game on. And you can play with any other account mate
Tiago says
Quick question, If I sold a legendary armament and can’t buy it back am i locked out of the trophy? or do i just need to see them all
Th3p4ws says
I have already beat stormveil castle and have not yet spoke to the deathbed companion is this a problem or can I still talk to her after and not miss anything for the platinum
Meschejre says
I killed like 4 main story bosses and she was still there for me, just finished her questline with no problems
A says
Hey, I’ve been following Step 3 and I’m at the point where I go to the Seluvis’s Rise tower to exhaust his dialogue after accepting Renna’s offer, and in that conversation he told me to get a potion from Nepheli which I accepted instead of refused, so is that side quest important or can be done at anytime with no conflict or issues going forward?
Great guide, and appreciate all the hard work.
Dan says
When you hug fia do you need to keep the debuff active for your whole play through or can you take it off
2bNs says
Take it off! No problem.
Henrik says
I accidentally sold a legendary weapon at the start of my game, will it still count as if i have aquired it? Or do I need to have all the weapons in my inventory at the same time?
Nice guide!
PowerPyx says
Not completely sure on this as I never sold an item. Would be curious to know if you get the trophy in the end, but worst case you can have another user drop you the weapon in coop.
TM says
If I sell some of the legendary armaments after acquiring them, will I still get the achievement?
Declio says
Are there any trophy consequences for killing Kenneth Haight? Safe to kill him for a golden seed?
Andromedas_Fall says
None that I am aware of. I never saw him again after clearing out his fort.
Kevin says
Does one need to have all Sites of Grace discovered? I discovered one last night, but that was as I was brought into another person’s world as a blue summon.. When I got back to my own world, it doesn’t appear as an option to travel to, however I can sit down by the site of grace.. It’s just not showing on the map!
PowerPyx says
You don’t need all Sites of Grace for trophy purposes. But it’s good for fast travel.
Johnny says
So we have to have all weapons at the same time to get the trophy? I sold one of the swords
KAdamsy1 says
Age of Stars Question, Does it matter if i’ve slightly done things out of order as i’d already progressed before you update the guide? I’ve done step 1 but skipped step 2 as i need the key for the academy, but i’ve already killed loretta in caria manor but haven’t gone to the area three sisters yet so was just wondering.
D says
I think you can still get the normal ending even if you go through the red door for the frenzied flame by clearing Millith questline and getting miquella Needle to subdue the flame of frenzy making the normal ending accessible again.
EzLo-Infinity says
This is correct. If you inherited the frenzy flame and still want to see the other endings, just complete Miquella’s quest (do not kill her and choose to aid her instead of fighting her) and you can use the rewarding item (Miquella’s needle) at Malenia’s grave to clear the frenzy flame blessing.
@PowerPyx I’d suggest putting this option on the endings page, as it saved me from doing another full run.
LZero_ says
Got Platinum 67h total thank you so much for guide about missable trophy save me
a lot of time and thanks again for location legendary
Qasim makki says
Do i should fight malenia solo
Because the game refuse summon plyer
Anr i need yo know when exactly i sholf uplode my save to cloud
And thx
JKatarn says
I actually had D appear before delivering any deathroot.
When you do hold a deathroot, and talk to D, he will offer to introduce you to the beastmaster, and give you a portal somewhere more accessible which teleports you to the northeast point of caelid, so steps 3 and 4 of the lichdragon trophy is not absolute, just FYI.
AxM_x9 says
your guides great as always.
can I get all endings after defeating Godfrey the First Lord and Shardbearer Margott in step 8
or it has to be before? because I already defeated them ?
AxM_x9 says
Never mind I was confused,
I thought each ending done in different places. Now I only need 2 legendary collectibles for the plat ?
Thanks for the guide
Shadowlord says
I get most of the progression here. Question, after which step can we safely clear out all of Caelid?
An0nymousBread says
Btw I got the weathered dagger from fia before I even went to liurnia. I think it triggered early because everytime I went to the round table I had her hug me. I think I did it like 6 times and then after killing godrick I came back and she gave me the dagger
Kao says
Doing Volcano Manor Assasinations requests, block any ending?
bersi says
Hello everybody,
I am a little but confused/unsure about the Frenzied Flame Ending preparation. I killed Mohg and secured the Cathedral of the Forsaken grace. Now I am not sure about my status:
1. Is it already too far? I could reload a save still so it d be good to know.
2. Did I progress correctly and have to stop now?
3. Do I have to progress further after the hidden shrine or can this be done later at the end for cleanup?
I would be very thankful if someone could clarify this quickly so I dont get locked out of endings. Thanks a lot in advance!
OT says
I went to Lakeside Crystal Cave long after it says to in your guide and I already had the two secret medallions. The wolf was there but was dead but did have the ash of war on him.
Brandon says
Does killing patches prevent platinum?
Charlie says
h singhhh says
Renna didn’t spawn for me at the church. I guess it’s because I got to the round table first before interacting with her. Is speaking to her at the point required to get one of the endings? Should I restart my run?
Curtis Whynot says
I’ve just beaten the fire giant and got transported to the Azula place. Am I still able to go back and finish all other trophies that aren’t story related?
Cuz I want to go and do the bosses like Rykard and be able to have a backup save to get all 3 endings without needing to make new characters. I also haven’t started the quests for the other 2 endings
PureQulity says
Hello! First of all, thank you for the guide!
My question is, is it better to just kill Bernahl in Warmaster’s Shack asap to get the legendary weapon?
Does his sidequest involve any other trophy?
Robson says
I confirm. We dont need to do mission with “D”. I killed him on world and i could go in to the Lichdragon but you have to talk with woman in base few times to make it dissapear.
AAB says
I’m stuck at Siofra River.
I talk to Blaidd – he says he doesn’t know what to do and better talk to Seluvis.
Killed Ancestor spirit, killed optional boss.
Blaidd stays at the same place, tells that he don’t know what to do.
Seluvis tower is locked.
Completed Seluvis side quest, nothing happens. Blaidd stays, tower is locked. Ranni sleeps.
Any suggestions what to do?
Meemee says
You should try talking to sellen once as this part is connected to her
Can i platinum the ps5 version and then get platinum in ps4 version on Ng+ by save transfer ?
so i will get two versions of the legendary items and need to kill bosses again
hope you understood my question
AxM_x9 says
First platinum the ps4 version then transfer your save to the ps5 version,
But this will overwrite your current progress in the ps5
It doesn’t work from ps5 to ps4
Cunfuzzled says
As far as I have read, there is no Autopop of Trophies for this. Also on a another note, save transfers for Trophy data only work PS4 to PS5.
Klujma says
I accidentally picked up
mending rune after lichdragon, can i still get all 3 ending trophies? Because i read with mending rune its another ending..
Arrcaninee says
I missed the Fortissax boss battle, if a friend is about to fight him, can he summon me on his fight and I get the trophy?
TidusTheGame says
You can get yourself out of the Frenzied Flame ending and keep all that progress on the same playthrough by using Miquella’s Needle.
KUS_SWAT_ says
Hey, you mention multiple times that choosing the other dialog option from fia will lock you out of the bossfight. For me it didn´t matter after I did the first dialog option, I was able to speak to her again and the option was still available.
Thisguy81 says
Can’t you just duplicate the remanats in the Moseliums and get all the remnant items that way?
Curious says
Besides Lichdragon Fortissax who is missable, is there any reason to kill every boss before the ending? or can i finish the ending and go back to kill what I need?
Tiago says
I locked myself out of the Legendarys trophy by selling both the Grafted Blade Greatsword and Devourer’s Scepter by selling them eearly in the game.
I have no freinds that play this game so can someone add me on psn so I can get the weponds via co-op drop? I have the missable Bolt of Gransax if anyone needs that!
My psn is : koto97
Sayed Aboalhassan says
Do I secure my save file after defeating the final boss or before it for the endings ? So should I beat the boss 3 times or I can do all the other endings after defeating it ?
JKBonanza says
You can save your file after defeating the final boss and reload for every ending.
Elden Lord says
You beat the boss once and backup after it.
nasilemakcheese says
I already platinum on PS4, then convert the free roam saved game to PS5 to start ng+ . This is what i got:
Legendary Armaments
– Pop up once i got Grafted Blade Greatsword from Lionine Misbegotten(earliest)
Legendary Ashen Remains
-Didnt pop up after i got Lhutel the Headless(earliest). Then it pop up while i sorting the chest(ash summon tab).The one i got in new game sent to chest. Maybe that’s why is not pop up.
Legendary Sorceries & Incantations
-Earliest is Greyoll’s Roar incantation, i discard the current Greyoll’s and buy the new one then it pop up
Legendary Talismans
-Pop up after i got Radagon’s Soreseal from Fort Faroth(earliest)
ChaoticGoodGamer says
Very nice guide! Will be finishing the last 8 trophies that I’m missing using it!
Veteran-Hunter says
Anybody willing to drop all legendary weapons and talismans ? My psn is Veteran-Hunter. Missing all legendary stuff for plat.
TidusTheGame says
Just verified that you can meet the pre-req’s for all endings including Frenzied Flame then kill the Elden Beast and backup your save. After, you can get the Frenzied ending, re-download your save and go use Miquella’s Needle to nullify the Frenzied lock for the other endings.
AZ says
Thanks for the guide. Can I immediately kill Magma Wyrm without missing up any required quests? I’m desperate to get Moonveil Katana at the start of plat journey.
PowerPyx says
Yes you can go anywhere and play through the entire story first, just don’t kill any friendly NPCs. You can still do everything after the endboss (just don’t trigger any endings yet).
Sledge says
Great guide, now that the game has been out awhile though I would say:
Prioritize grabbing Rock Sling and the Meteorite Staff right away. That will carry you through the early/mid game.
Around mid game, grab the Mimic Tear and fully upgrade it (by the time you find it, you should have the proper Gloveworts to get it to +10 naturally if you pick up all you see). Then get the Comet Azur spell, as well as the the Cerulean Hidden Tear for your Physick.
Once you have that it completely trivializes almost every single boss in the game, no matter their difficulty. Most will be dead in 5 seconds and the ones that aren’t will be distracted by your unkillable Mimic the whole fight so you can just finish them off with the Pebble. Bonus points if you use various other things (Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Carian Regal Scepter +10, etc) that boost the power of your magic even further.
John says
Can confirm. Rock Sling for me takes off nearly a quarter of every boss’s health every time I use it. And the range is amazing. By the time a boss starts to approach me, the Mimic Tear will distract it again and I keep using Rock Sling. Mimic Tear +10 is nearly unkillable, and it has ways of healing itself too. Most of the strategies in the boss guide incorporate that, but it works on everything. Haven’t made it to Malenia yet, about to fight the Fire Giant, but Mohg, the Omen died with four castings of Rock Sling. One of the only rough spots was Commander Niall, because of the two summon spirits he has that can gang up on your Mimic. But it can hold them off pretty well. I would say that using the Comet Azur trick to eliminate one of Niall’s summons right at the start of the battle helps tremendously.
Matthew says
Anyone want to help me on my journey to plat? Would be extremely appreciated, just started a few hours ago… anxious about the amount of missables and steps so having someone by my side here and there may help ??, my PSN is Melange-Addicted.
Klujma says
With your roadmap i did platinum under 40h, thank you!
Samuele says
hi powerpyx, as far as the detailed guide for the game is 100%, are you going to complete with all secondary zones? Because I saw that after the stormveil castle area there are no more secondary areas in the other guides
PowerPyx says
Will add them for all region walkthroughs over the next 1-2 days. It ended up being more time-efficient to cover them all separately in sites of grace guide and then going back to add them in one swoop to the individual region walkthroughs after they’ve all been found. Almost done with that, will update it in all walkthroughs shortly.
Boomboomboom says
Can you do all the endings for the platinum and come back to fight Malenia later? I’m stuck on her fight but want to proceed to do all the endings for a change.
PowerPyx says
Yes, she’s still there after the ending. But you must choose to continue after the end and not start NG+.
Matt says
What if i miss Ranni at the church early on? I went to the round table, am I screwed out of her quest line??
TheFool2077 says
45 hours, many rage quits, finally plat this game
Thanks so much for your hard work
PawRR12 says
Hey thanks Powerpyx, got plat with 53h gameplay. If u guys miss Devourer’s scepter and alrd killing serpant, u can just get envelope and kill the target, after that in front talisman 5, NPC will be there.
Bailey says
Hey! Fellow blogger here. But I am a food blogger.
I platinumed the game today. I gotta say, this guide literally was my quest log. Everything I didn’t know to do, you filled in for me. This was a big part of my game.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, as a first time souls player I was so scared and this saved my ass.
I’m now onto Bloodborne and then sekiro. <3
Flip says
Excelente guide guys.
Just one question, do i need to kill Malenia before kill the last boss or even before a talk to Melina on Forge of the giants? She’s just too hard right now. I’d like to leave her for last.
PowerPyx says
Can still be done after final boss. Anything not marked as missable is doable after the final boss 🙂
Boomboomboom says
Just a comment that Devourer’s Scepter is missable!!!! If you didn’t grab it from Bernahl before killing Rykard, he won’t invade anymore in the late game area, so you can’t get it and have to do it in NG+
PowerPyx says
This is true, HOWEVER you can head there within 10 minutes of starting NG+ so it’s not a problem if you missed it, I wouldn’t really consider it a missable for that reason as it’s still obtainable without having to start over from scratch (everything carries over into NG+).
Jojo says
This is not correct.
I made sure to chat with Bernahl throughout the game. I killed Rykard, and Bernahl invaded me in Farum. So I think you just need to make sure you complete his questline and he will still invade.
Piotr says
This requires further investigation as I was invaded by Bernahl even though I killed Rykard long ago.
The invasion took place when I was going for “Legendary Talisman #5: Old Lord’s Talisman” in Crumbling Farum Azula. Hence maybe it’s not missable and does not require NG+.
Maybe someone else can confirm.
J says
Can I do all of the clean up like the optional shard bearers and bosses before going to the Mountain of Giants?
PowerPyx says
No, only after reaching Mountaintops of the Giants, not before. Shardbearer Malenia and Mohg require going through the Mountaintops.
Adriandeximus says
I accidentally burned the erdtree but did not push throuh the azure place. Will that lock me out of the other endings?
PowerPyx says
No, you can still do all steps for all endings after beating the endboss. Only after choosing one ending (manually done after endboss) it locks you out of choosing other endings, but all steps can still be done from start to finish after the endboss.
Daniel says
Just my 2 cents, I went with moonveil + mimic tear and beat most bosses first try. Malenia took 2, last boss took me probably 20 before I figured out how to dodge and Magma Wyrm took probably 50 tries just because of how ridiculous the fight is.
You can get a lot of good spells relatively early (rock sling ftw), but towards the endgame, enemies do so much damage it’s not really worth trading after doing a spell that takes forever to cast and most of them don’t have amazing tracking (particularly vs the jumping/teleporting/dashing enemies) so I went with weapon skill spam. I went with medium load armour, but in hindsight if you’re using mimic tear just maxing defence might be better.
Definitely try and get any Sacred Tears and Golden Seeds asap since it won’t get easier to collect them and make sure you have enough max FP to use the FP flask.
Also the Prisoner class might be better if you’re trying to min-max and don’t care about faith/arcane (it has 1 less point in faith but 2 points more in endurance, BUT endurance is still useful if mimic tear is tanking a boss, you can just sit back and spam).
TLDR; Once you get moonveil+mimic tear the game is pretty much won.
CharlieB says
In New Game+ is the entire map accessible from the start, including all the Sites Of Grace you unlocked in the first playthrough?
TheFool2077 says
NG+: map is unlocked, grace sites are not
Charlie says
Apparently Hoarfrost Stomp has been nerfed in the latest patch, reducing damage and increasing casting time. It might not be so effective against Malenia now.
dante764 says
Hey is someone here who can drop all for trophy?(PS5) I had all the weapons but I didn’t get the trophy and when I threw them away and picked up it, it didn’t work. Turned off/on game and i lost all of them :((
Ahmed Talal says
Try put them in the storage box may be it works
Corle says
Does Patch 1.3 changes anything in this guide?
PowerPyx says
As far as I’m aware no, they only did some balancing updates for some spells, weapons, ashes of war. Some got stronger, some got a little weaker, but nothing changed for trophies.
Alsark says
There is a glitchable trophy (it’s happened to me). When going for the Frenzied Flame ending, when you’re doing the coffin platforming, there’s a chance that if you miss a jump and fall to your death that the floor will break. This floor does NOT respawn. Meaning when you do finally get down to the bottom, there’s no floor for you to use to get to the lower section, and the drop is too far to make the jump otherwise. So this glitch locks you out of the Frenzied Flame ending/trophy.
I do not know if 1.03 or 1.04 fixed this, but I do not see it mentioned in the patch notes. I did submit a bug report to Bandai Namco.
I would HIGHLY recommend making a backup save before attempting the platforming… even though it seems like this hasn’t happened to very many people, losing an entire playthrough for a glitch really, really stings.
open-seSAMe says
Once you break that floor you could simply jump and descend all the way to the bottom and you won’t die if you land on the bricks no matter how high the jump is. So you won’t be locked away from the frenzied flame ending.
Enuelise_Azrangr says
I’ve almost platinumed the game, Just need to kill Shardbearer Malenia but I’m having a lot of trouble. A lot of guide say to use the mimic frost strategy but that just got nerfed. I’m happy to respec if necessary but currently I’m a 100% magic build. I can easily get to her 2nd phase then things get ugly. If someone could add me then join my world to help defeat her then I’d greatly appreciate it.
Enuelise_Azrangr says
Never mind, managed to get the fight done with Stars of Ruin and Terra Magicus
ItsUlquiorra says
You Guys Are the best, thanks a lot.
Supremesis says
You can dupe Ashes of War and Upgraded weapons so long as the receiver has atleast one weapon upgraded to that level, I.e. I have a +12 to dupe to my friend the receiver he only has upgraded to +10 he wouldn’t see the +12 (Don’t know if this works dependant on the sombered upgraded weapons though) maybe they work in there line unlike the normal weapons.
Samuele says
hi powerpyx, can I finish the game by doing all three endings with the bucikups and then complete the remaining bosses? or do I have to do them first?
PowerPyx says
Yes, you can still do ALL trophy-relevant bosses AFTER doing the endings. They are all still accessible regardless of what ending you pick, can free roam to them afterward.
Jerry says
Thank you so much for the guide! I noticed that previously in step 1, I need to kill Tibia Mariner and deliver deeproot to a NPC. Now this part is no longer there. Can I ignore the deeproot I get and just follow the new trophy guide steps?
PowerPyx says
That was one of the optional steps for Lichdragon Fortissax, but it turned out to not be mandatory. You can safely skip that.
I rewrote the entire Roadmap today based on the most current findings and latest patch of what’s actually mandatory and what turned out to be unnecessary (optional steps that seemed part of a questline but weren’t actually necessary for trophy purposes). I.e. in the case of Lichdragon Fortissax, you can’t really mess it up, all the stuff with getting the Weathered Dagger and doing stuff with NPC called “D” can be completely skipped. Fia automatically moves to Deeproot Depths after the tree is set on fire, no need to do any steps prior. So that makes it even easier, less stuff to worry about.
tHeShaGsteR says
Anyone available to rune drop/dupe?
Nathan says
Elemer of the Briar trophy bugged? Beat the boss and it popped, plus showed in notifications. Checked my trophy list later on and it’s still locked for some reason. Really weird.
PowerPyx says
You need to sync your trophies with PSN. Press Options button in trophy list and press sync. If it doesn’t update immediately just disconnect and view trophies offline to confirm it unlocked (then it’s just a sync problem). It should auto-sync when you earn your next trophy while connected to PSN. Can happen with any game.
Cory says
I got all 9 legendary wreapons but trophy did not pop. I got the hammer only once from the invasion
Luke says
Just wondering why there is no guide for the bearings for ashes upgrades in the shop at hold?
PowerPyx says
There is 🙂
See the Bell Bearings section in our Elden Ring Wiki.
There are guides here for all upgrade materials etc.
Chris Radford says
I’m trying to use the portal at the start of Impassable Greatbridge and it keeps saying ‘Can’t use this right now’. ?
Chris Radford says
Managed to fix the above ^
I read that using the grand lift of dectus and then using a site of grace in the new area will unlock this portal. It worked.
randomhero says
Been following the guide but when I get to usig the portal at the greatbridge to teleport into redmane castle it says “cannot be used right now”. What am I missing?
DWhelan says
Platinum achieved thanks to your magnificent guides. Cheers!
SASI13 says
Thanks you, Powerpyx, for your wonderful and complete guide and platinum roadmap, as always! I would like to ask if searching for Dung eater ashes, giving Selevus’s potion to him, lock me out or in a specific ending or not? To simplify, can I get Dung eater ashes and still get all endings (doing savedata trick, of course!) and platinum? Thank you in advance to anyone that can answer.
Jon says
Really appreciate the excellent guide!
Just wondering if anyone else defeated Leonine Misbegotten without unlocking the trophy.
Is there a known fix for this?
PowerPyx says
Try again in New Game+, you can go there right away from the beginning (or alternatively in a “normal” New Game).
Hideous says
Great guide. Really appreciate the work that has gone into this.
Really helpful for catching up on the trophies I missed and help progressing storylines.
How to achieve all 3 endings was a life saver!
James says
Hi, Any reason 2 trophy bosses are missing from the guide?
PowerPyx says
They are all in the guide… not sure what you mean?
Jepator says
Hi. Could someone give me HOSLOW’S SET?
PSN: Jepator
Thank you!
Speedm says
Hi , I followed the guide up to the impassable bridge but the teleport isn’t turned on , can’t teleport to the boss , have I missed something
Infamous says
Thank you so much for this platinum guide, I followed to a tee, and I just got the platinum. Getting all endings on one play through was slightly overthought on my part but it made total sense after reading the section on it too. Overall thanks again! Really enjoyed the game, I’ll probably end up plaything through again soon haha
Dan says
Maleketh the black blade trophy popped in game but not showing in my trophy list
PowerPyx says
In the trophy list you must press options button > sync with PSN and it will show up. It’s just a PSN lag issue, sometimes it doesn’t update the trophies right away, but you can manually sync and it will update.
Bobby Bacon says
I was actually able to platinum in 51 hours using your guide. Thanks for the incredible effort.
Mark says
Hey can anyone co-op with me and drop the Bolt of Gransax weapon for me? I messed up and and can’t get it anymore without NG plus.
My PSN is king_Mark_XNIRX
Alan says
Can someone please help me real quick with the Legendary Armaments trophy? I don’t want to play the game all over again. I just need the Devourer’s Scepter and Bolt of Gransax. I will give you back your weapons of course. PSN: Alan18SlickRick
rarichmond says
Sorry if someone else asked this above but there are a ton of comments and I didn’t see it skimming through. I think I’d prefer to earn the endings trophies through new game plus, instead of save scumming, assuming running through just the story requirements don’t take too long once you’re over-leveled and everything. I know people have done speed runs, but can it be reasonably done in about 10-20 hours? I know new game plus also gets a little harder, but I imagine I’ll be very high level at that point.
Has anyone earned the platinum through new game plus for the different endings or have any advice/info about taking this route? I obviously don’t want to mess up my chance for platinum because I didn’t get it the first run but I’d rather run through the story a few times for these trophies if it’s feasible.
Bird says
Late to the party but gotta question: do you need Ps+ for the multiple endings? I’m on ps5. Thank you
Dro Mora says
PowerPyx you’ve done it again. I followed this guide step by step down to the word, and I was able to achieve platinum in roughly 85 hours. This was my first souls game, and I am not good at difficult games period. Someone with more skill and experience in these games could knock this platinum out in much less time. Thank you again.
Henry says
Thanks for the outline on how to plat Elden Ring. I did all the endings in one play-through which is really the key in getting the plat-trophy.
Richard says
Can anyone help me by dropping end game runes for me to level up early and also drop talisman and weapons for me. My PSN ID is puqwan, I will be very grateful.
Rich Horth says
Superb guide, thank you very much. I can’t see at any point the guide taking you to the Ancestor Spirit boss yet it is a trophy boss. Am I missing something?
Thanks again!