Item: Rock Sling (Spell)
Item Type: Sorcery
Item Description: One of the glintstone sorceries that manipulates gravitational forces. Pulls a clump of rocks from the earth and sends them flying. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. A gravitational technique studied by the young Radahn. His master was an Alabaster Lord with skin of stone.
- Caelid – Street of Sages Ruins: In the north-west corner of the big red lake in the middle of Caelid, you can find some ruins. Go down the stairs in those ruins to find a chest containing this spell. It’s one of the best (or most broken) spells in the game. Every 4-5 hits will stun bosses, it homes in, can hit enemies from a very long distance so you can just stand in place and spam it from afar, and it deals a lot of damage. Use it together with the Meteorite Staff, which is found just meters away in the same area and enables you to use Gravity Spells.
For all Elden Ring items check out the Elden Ring Wiki and Strategy Guide.
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