Welcome to the Elden Ring Walkthrough for Limgrave region! As with other souls games, you will start out by creating a character, then having the opportunity to go through an intro tutorial before starting into the game proper. Unlike prior games though, Elden Ring is an open-world game, and after the initial area you can basically just go off and explore wherever you want. There is still an intended story path though, and you should make sure to grab some things in this first area before deciding to blast over to the other side of the map to explore.
The walkthrough will be broken up into two sections for each area. The first section will be the intended story path to reach the major bosses and progress the game. The second section will include major points of interest to check out and search for items.
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
Progression Order:
- Chapel of Anticipation
- Stranded Graveyard
- Cave of Knowledge
- The First Step
- Church of Elleh
- Agheel Lake North
- Gatefront
- Stormhill Shack
- Castleward Tunnel
- Margit, The Fell Omen
- Roundtable Hold
Side Areas:
- Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave Beach)
- Coastal Cave
- Invisible Teardrop Scarab (Limgrave Beach)
- Stormfoot Catacombs
- Groveside Cave
- Stormhill Evergaol
- On top of Stormgate
- Jellyfish Graveyard
- Warmaster’s Shack
- Breakable Smithing Stones Statue
- Golden Rune Graveyard
- Soldier Camp
- Alexander the Iron Fist
- Limgrave Tunnels
- Dragon-Burnt Ruins
- Flying Dragon Agheel
Chapel of Anticipation
After creating your character and watching the intro cutscene, you will be in an area called the “Chapel of Anticipation”. This is technically not the tutorial area yet, and there isn’t anything major to do hear except leave. Interact with the body nearby to obtain the Tarnished’s Wizened Finger, which is the item used in this game to leave messages for other players.
You can then interact with the door to leave the building. There aren’t any other items to find in this area, so to progress just follow the path down to the courtyard with the statue.
When entering the courtyard a Grafted Scion boss enemy will appear. This is the traditional very hard intro boss that you aren’t really meant to beat yet.
It’s not really worth trying overly hard to beat it here, as all you will obtain if you do is a shield and some swords that you can’t really use. Once you either die to the boss or die immediately after you will be taken to the actual starting area of the game.
Stranded Graveyard
You will now wake up in a cave and will have automatically received the Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears items, Elden Ring’s version of the Estus Flasks from the prior games.
Cave of Knowledge
If you take a look down to your right you can see an area below, with the note on the ground telling you “The Cave of Knowledge Lies Below”. This is the actual tutorial area, which you aren’t required to go through to progress. This area runs you through the basic combat mechanics and some game systems, with you having a boss fight at the end against the Soldier of Godrick boss.
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The aren’t any items to worry about grabbing in this area, only on the ledge at the end before dropping back into the area you start in you can obtain the “Stength!” emote.
Continue through the door ahead to reach the site of grace for this area. On the right you can see a fog gate with a statue directly beside it. These statues take Stonesword Keys, which are items you can obtain throughout the game world and open these fogs gates, leading to areas with unique items. Don’t worry about this one for now though, even if you picked the keys as your starting item it’s not worth trying to go in there just yet, as the area is full of poison.
Interact with the body in the corner to obtain the Finger Severer and Tarnished’s Furled Finger items, which are required for co-op. You can then continue up the elevator and outside to the outside world.
The First Step
Head forward and interact with the site of grace just ahead. You are then introduced to the “Guidance of Grace” mechanic, where some sites of grace on the map will point in the direction you are meant to go for progression towards the main story objectives. You can then speak to the man nearby, who introduces himself as Varré. He talks a bit about topics you likely won’t understand but suggests going to Stormveil Castle, which is the first location you should progress story-wise.
Drop off the side of the platform and interact with the white stake to obtain the Small Golden Effigy, another item used for co-op. These white effigies can be found in some locations, and when interacted with activate the summoning pool for the area. These basically function as suggested locations for looking for co-op partners.
You then want to make your way to the church directly to the north. There is an enemy walking along the path in your way, a boss called Tree Sentinel. You can try fighting it now if you really want, but it’s highly recommended you leave him alone and run yourself over to the church, then come back and deal with him later once you get some more important items.
Church of Elleh
At the Church of Elleh, you can find your first vendor, as well as a Smithing Table that allows you to upgrade items.
The main things you want to worry about from the vendor would be the Cracked Pots x3, Crafting Kit, the three Cookbooks, and possibly the Torch. Buying the Crafting Kit allows you to craft items, which are made using items you learn from the various cookbooks. Throwable items are made using Cracked Pots, with you being able to craft as many items as Cracked Pots you currently have, then receiving the pots back after they are used so you can craft more items.
In Elden Ring only Armaments can be upgraded, not armor, similar to how Darks Souls 3 and Bloodborne function, so you should only worry about the base stats of the armor you obtain. Armaments are upgraded using Smithing Stones for normal weapons (which can upgrade to +25), or Somber Smithing Stones for special weapons (which can upgrade to +10). You can obtain 1x Smithing Stone [1] from the Smithing Table, though that isn’t enough to do anything yet as you need 2x Smithing Stone [1] for the first level of upgrade.
Once you’re finished at the Church, you can follow the guidance of grace to the north to continue.
There will be a number of Soldiers in the forest area you can fight if you wish, or just continue forward.
In front of you there will be a ruins area with a number of enemies inside. You can head in if you want, but it’s actually more healful if you rotate around the right side to reach the site of grace on the far road first.
Agheel Lake North
Rest at the site of grace and you will be introduced to Melina, a woman who offers to play the role of maiden for you, allowing you to increase your level using Runes you collect. She also gives you the Spectral Steed Whistle, which allows you to summon the steed Torrent, allowing you to traverse The Lands Between much more quickly. It would be recommended you assign the Whistle to one of your pouch items slots so that you can use the whistle quickly by holding then pressing a directional button.
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You should now open up your map and travel back to the Church of Elleh. There will be a mysterious figure sitting on the nearby wall. She introduces herself as Renna, and you should answer her question with “I can call the spectral steed”, and she will give you the Spirit Calling Bell and Lone Wolf Ashes.
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This allows you to summon NPC helpers from in certain areas to help you out. You will know you are in an area you can summon in by the white tombstone icon that will appear in the left section of the screen.
Warp back over to Agheel Lake North, and you will now be making your way through the “Gatefront Ruins” area to progress. This area will have a number more soldiers wandering around, some with shields, some without. If you are trying to clear out the whole area you will generally want to keep them separated, only alerting one or two at a time.
Watch out for the guy walking back and forth along the path in the middle, because he has a trumpet and if you alert him he will alert all other enemies in the area, and you can end up with everyone in the ruins chasing you.
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The unique-looking enemy with the spear and large shield is the most dangerous in the area. They can do things like perform counter hits against you, so try to hit them after attacks or swing around for backstab. Using the Lone Wolf Ashes you should have received just before is a great idea for clearing this area out, as the Wolves will constantly stagger most of the enemies here.
Once all the enemies are dealt with you can work on clearing out the area of loot. Directly in the center of the ruins you can find a large stone slab with an item in front. These are what the map steles will look like throughout the game. They can be identified by a small orangish pillar in unforgged map areas, then when picked up fill in the rest of the map area around them with actual detail. Pick up this one to obtain Map: Limgrave, West.
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For other important locations in the ruins, you can search the backs of the large black carriages for chest, and you can obtain the Flail and Lordsworn’s Greatsword weapons.
If you go to the south corner of the ruins you can find a stairwell leading down into the ground. Every “ruin” on the map will have a stairwell like this, with a room at the bottom with some loot (though sometimes you need to go through an enemy first). This one contains the Whetstone Knife item, which allows you to assign Ashes of War to your weapons at sites of grace, and also provides your first one, Storm Stomp.
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Once you’re finished searching the ruins, you can go up to the large stone arch to the west and activate the next site of grace.
To continue, you now need to head through the large gate in front and up the narrow path.
There are a number of soldiers in here, but much worse is the Giant that will jump down from above.
You can try to deal with the enemies in this area if you want, riding around on Torrent and swinging at them while you run by. The Giant is pretty slow, so you would just run in and hit its legs after it attacks. If you want to just avoid and run through the area you can jump over the barricades in your way, then follow the road. When you spot the golden tree on the right, make sure you grab the item sitting beside it.
This will be a Golden Seed, and there will be at least 1 of them beside every one of these golden trees that you see. They can be used to upgrade your Flasks, with the seeds increasing the number of uses you have total for the flasks. Once you’ve picked it up, continue up the hill towards the buildings on the right to reach the next site of grace.
Stormhill Shack
At the shack, go inside and speak with the woman in red who is sitting on the floor. Speak to her three times, and you will receive the “Sitting Sideways” emote, followed by the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes.
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Jump up on the nearby platform to also obtain a Stonesword Key.
You can then continue following the road up towards the castle. There will be more soldiers walking along the path, that you can deal with or ignore.
You will also probably see (and hear) a small bug pushing a ball around. This is a Teardrop Scarab, and you can find a few varieties of this around the game world which give different things.
Red or Blue ones will refill your flask charges for the respective type, while White or Gold will drop unique items for you. This White one drops the Wild Strikes Ash of War. Ashes of War are typically what the White ones will drop
Continue up the path and there will be more soldiers along the way, along with a large crossbow at the top of the path that will shoot towards you. You can fight the soldiers here if you want, but it would be recommended you make your way up to the tunnel to get behind the crossbow first as if you get hit it does a pretty big chunk of damage.
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Once you’re done in this area, continue through the tunnel to the final site of grace before the first boss.
Castleward Tunnel
This is the last site of grace before you progress to the first boss, so make sure to get yourself set up before continuing out of the tunnel. There is also a summoning pool statue on the left, and an NPC summon sign on the right where you can summon Sorcerer Rogier.
Margit, The Fell Omen
Reward: 6000 Runes + Talisman Pouch
Margit is basically the first boss if you follow the main path the game shows you on your map (which is really not recommended to do) as well as your first big test of your understanding of the game.
Margit is extremely aggressive and has a variety of moves and follow-ups with literally no cooldown in between. He can throw lightning daggers at you from a distance, plunge attack for massive damage, or rush at you with his spear which can also lead to a combo.
Additionally later on he also pulls out a holy lightning hammer which he also uses in plunging attacks, as well as his grounded ones. What makes the fight difficult is his constant onslaught on you but with the usage of some of the game’s mechanics, it can be a bit easier to defeat him.
Summoning Rogier before the fight can help, as he will pull Margit’s attention for a bit. You should also make use of your Ashes of War – you can summon creatures/mobs to aid you in battle. The combination of both the NPC and Ashes like the Wolf Pack helps a lot since they will both help you with attacking the boss, as well as giving you an opportunity for attacks since the boss will be busy with them.
There is also a unique item that you can purchase from Patches in Murkwater Cave, which can be used a few times to temporarily stun Margit during the fight for 3 – 4 seconds, allowing free damage.
The easiest way after some testing was the combination of ranged spells + ashes of war + the NPC for a less stressful battle.
Once Margit is defeated you gain a new site of grace, then can continue forward into Stormveil Castle.
Roundtable Hold
The Roundtable Hold is the hub area in Elden Ring. You will be prompted to go to it by Melina eventually when resting at a site of grace. The trigger seems to be eventually when resting after having tried to fight Margit at least once, or possibly defeating one of the other bosses in Limgrave. When you agree to go there you gain access to a number of new NPCs and vendors to speak with, so make sure to explore around and speak to whoever is there the first time you travel there.
Side Areas
If Margit is causing too much trouble or you just want to take a look around in Limgrave, there are a bunch of locations you can trek around to with plenty of items to find and enemies to kill. Most side areas within Limgrave is pretty on the level with where you are at the start of the game, just be aware that if you manage to get yourself outside of the Limgrave area (past the bounds of the revealed Limgrave maps) you can find a lot more dangerous enemies and environments. There are some more dangerous bosses that will appear at night in Limgrave, so if you’re worried about fighting them don’t be put off by the idea of just running away or switching the time of day to morning/noon at a site of grace.
Locations will be listed mostly clockwise around the map starting from The First Step site of grace, as that’s where you start out and then some of the harder locations are on the east side of Limgrave.
Nomadic Merchant (Limgrave Beach)
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Make your way down to the beach to the west. Underneath the large stone arch, you can find a Nomadic Merchant (any merchant that isn’t specifically named is called a Nomadic Merchant). The most important item you will want to grab from him is the Armorer’s Cookbook [2], as this allows you to craft Neutralizing Boluses, items used to cure poison.
He also is the easiest place to obtain a bow early game if you didn’t happen to start with one of the two classes who have bows by default.
Coastal Cave
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Near a group of demi-human enemies on the beach, you can find the entrance to the Coastal Cave. Head through the cave and you will spot some more demi-humans along the path, then before going through the opening into the area with the campfire you can find a summon sign for Old Knight Istvan.
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Head into the area with Istvan, and pop some Ashes if you have them (the Lone Wolf Ashes are very helpful).
Demi-Human Chiefs
Reward: 675 Runes, Tailoring Tools, Sewing Needle
You will have to face several Demi-Humans and 2 Demi-Human Chiefs, they are larger demi-humans wielding large daggers and are quite aggressive, so it can be difficult to manage this fight at a low level by yourself.
At first, only 1 of them will attack, with the 2nd one joining in after a short time, they will attack in combos consisting of a few, fairly wide arcing hits, roll or move backward, then move in for 1-2 hits once they do the slam attack, it’s a good idea to take care of the minions first as they go down in a few hits. If you can keep up the offensive you can stun them and move in for a critical hit to deal a good amount of damage.
If you’re using magic the same applies, backup/roll out of the way of their attacks then try to squeeze in 1-2 shots of magic.
After defeating the pair of bosses you will receive the items Tailoring Tools and Sewing Needle, which allows you to change the look of some items at sites of grace. You can then continue through to the end of the cave (don’t interact with the spot on the ground to Return to the Entrance, just continue deeper into the cave until you exit again).
Church of Dragon Communion
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Out the other end of the cave, you arrive on an island off the west beach of Limgrave. Head up on to the hill to find the Church of Dragon Communion. If you interact with the stone pillar with the red flame coming out you will be able to trade Dragon Hearts for some unique Sorceries later on when you obtain Dragon Hearts from killing Dragons.
Head to the south side of the island, and you can find a Teardrop Scarab that drops a Somber Smithing Stone [1] when killed.
Invisible Teardrop Scarab (Limgrave Beach)
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At the north end of the beach you can see a bunch of bright spots moving around quickly in a loop. This is an invisible Teardrop Scarab going in circles. Your best bet to hit it is to just stand along its path, then swing when it comes around near you. When you successfully kill it you obtain the Stamp (Sweep) Ash of War.
Stormfoot Catacombs
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Northwest from the Church of Elleh, you can find a door in a wall that leads to the Stormfoot Catacombs. This will probably be one of the first “Catacombs” areas you discover, which are dungeons that have unique items and a boss at the end. In this location, you can find the unique items Prattling Pate “Hello”, Wandering Noble Ashes, and Noble Sorcerer Ashes from the boss at the end. It also contains some Grave Glovewort and Ghost Glovewart, which are items you will be able to use later to upgrade Ashes.
Erdtree Burial Watchdog
Reward: Noble Sorcerer Ashes + 1200 Runes
While it is standing it can only attack with a very quick overhead strike – you can try dodging it by timing your roll but the move has insane tracking and might hit you anyway. It is simply better to just back away and have it whiff the attack.
While crouching the variety of its moves is much bigger. It can use a flamethrower attack of medium range which tracks your direction, so running around it might still get you burnt. It can jump into the air for a plunge attack or a series of multiple plunge attacks (up to 3) – in this case just keep going backwards and it won’t reach you. The boss also has a variety of sword attacks while crouching which have weird dodge timings.
Your best method for an easy win would be punishing his plunge attack series since it leaves the boss vulnerable for some time once the attack is done.
Groveside Cave
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Directly north of the Church of Elleh, you will be able to find a cave in the wall behind a soldier at a fire. Inside you can find a number of wolves sleeping around the first area. On the lower level basically right underneath where you enter you can pick up a Cracked Pot from a body.
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Continue deeper into the cave and you will reach a gold fog wall, which you can enter for a boss fight.
Beastman of Farum Azula
Reward: 700 Runes, Flamedrake Talisman (Talisman)
This boss is a half-human half-wolf hybrid and is a pushover at best, he will approach you and attack with basic 2-3 hit combos with his blade-like weapon, he will sometimes do a howling attack and a weapon slam attack.
You can easily block or dodge all of his attacks and hit him with magic or melee combos to quickly defeat him, a very easy boss.
Stormhill Evergaol
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At the edge of the cliff on Stormhill, you can find a large round stone basin with a lit-up area in the middle. These locations are called Evergaols, and are basically boss areas that you can find in the environment. When you interact with the circle in the center of the basin you are transported to a different-looking version of this area, with the boss now spawned. These bosses are normally a bit higher level than the area their Evergaol is found in, so you may want to leave this one for later.
Crucible Knight
Reward: 1800 Runes, Aspects of the Crucible: Tail (Incantation)
This boss is a tall knight clad in armor wielding a sword. To start off with his mainly uses medium speed combos of 1-2 hits, a forward thrusting attack which can be dodged by rolling backwards or to the side, an a horizontal slash in front of him, an upwards shield bash, an upwards sword slash, and a stomp his sword with an AOE effect followed up by a 2 handed slash. He is especially vulnerable after this attack for a few hits. Otherwise, you need to block or roll out of the way and hit him once or twice during the openings from his attacks, he is quite aggressive, so you need to time this carefully.
If you’re using magic, keep to a medium distance, if you spam at him too much he will bring his shield up and block almost all of it, instead you should bait his attacks and move out of the way and fire magic at him.
When he gets to half health he will enter the 2nd phase, he will use two new attacks, one where he grows wings at flies at you with a slash which can be dodged or blocked rather easily, sometimes he follows this up with a double tail swing attack which has a very long range and wide arc if you’re too close to him, and also has a tail swipe attack that has less range than the previously mentioned, the strategy remains the same, just be wary of the tail swipes.
On top of Stormgate
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Just beside the Evergaol, you can head over to the upper part of the Stormgate, where there is a door in the side leading to the area above the gate itself. There is the one tougher enemy who walks in and out of the doorway, then two more soldiers on the platform. Once they are dealt with you can grab a chest from the platform which contains the Arrow’s Reach Talisman.
Jellyfish Graveyard
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Head to the northwest corner of Stormhill to the wooded area on the map and you can find a number of Jellyfish spirits floating around a graveyard area. There are two distinct graveyard sections, one farther west than the other. In the west section of the graveyard, you can find a Smithing Stone [1], and in the east section of the graveyard, you can find the Godrick Soldier Ashes.
Warmaster’s Shack
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To the east of Stormhill Shack down the road, you can find the Warmaster’s Shack, inside of which you can find Bernahl. This NPC will teach you some Ashes of War, for a price.
Breakable Smithing Stones Statue
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Just south of the Warmaster’s Shack, there is a large area with a number of Giants walking around. Directly in the middle of this area is a large statue, which if viewed from the front you can see cracks in with light coming out. If you see these statues, they can be destroyed by Giants to allow you to grab a number of Smithing Stones from inside.
Bait the Giants in the area to stomp around near the statue to open it, then sneak in and pick up the item in the middle to receive Smithing Stone [1] x 5 and Smithing Stone [2] x 1.
Golden Rune Graveyard
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Just to the south in between Stormhill Shack and Warmaster’s Shack, you can find an area with a number of stone coffins. On top of the coffins, you should spot a number of items, which are a bunch of Golden Runes, which you can consume from your inventory to be awarded different numbers of runes depending on the level of Golden Rune. These seem to respawn at these graveyards, so if you come by here again later you can check back for more runes to pick up.
Soldier Camp
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Down the road from the Warmaster’s Shack, you can find a Soldier Camp across the road. There are a number of weak foot soldiers and dogs in this area, then one heavily armored enemy. You can try picking off the weak enemies one by one, then work on the big guy, or just go for the lazy way and ride around in the middle of camp with Torrent and take swipes at everyone as you go near them. Once the enemies are dealt with (or if you manage to sneak in) you can obtain the Beast Crest Heater Shield from a chest by the stone structure.
Alexander the Iron Fist
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Further down the road from the Warmaster’s Shack, you will reach the edge of the uncovered West Limgrave map. Climb the cliff to the south where you should hear someone calling to you. There will be a strange pot stuck in the ground, which is the character Alexander. He asks you to help him out, to which you should smack him from behind multiple times to get him out of the ground. Once you successfully extract him from the hole, you’ll receive the emote “Triumphant Delight” and some Exalted Flesh. If you speak to him more he’ll let you know he’s going to Redmane Castle in Caelid, though that’s an area you won’t want to go to until quite a while later.
Bloody Finger Nerijus
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Head north into the ravine along the shallow river, and you will reach a point where an NPC invader spawns further up. If you don’t feel like fighting them, you can run into the cave (next section) or fight them for a unique weapon. If you are early game (haven’t progressed into Liurnia of the Lakes yet) then a friendly NPC will spawn and help out. Nerijus uses two daggers that inflict bleed and also some blood magic. Be careful while guarding because of this, because bleed will buildup even if you have a 100 Physical negation shield. You can try to keep them at range, or get in pokes after they attack. They can heal themselves one time, then when they get low enough will sometimes reattempt to, allowing free damage. Defeating them awards you 1 x Furlcalling Finger Remedy and the unique dagger Reduvia.
Murkwater Cave
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In the ravine at about the same location that Bloody Finger Nerijus will spawn you can also find a cave in the west wall. Head inside, then you will find some Bandits deeper into the cave. There is a line of bells around the tall grass, so you will likely alert them going in. Deal with them, then you can go down the left path for a chest with some Mushrooms, then head down the right path for a boss fight.
Search the chest in the room to trigger the fight. Patches will then jump down from above and start attacking you. He isn’t very tough, only having a spear and shield. He will sometimes spit powder at you, which you can just move away from. When he reaches about half health he will stop fighting, rewarding you with 1 x Golden Rune [1] and the emote “Gravel for Mercy”.
Speak to him and you can choose to forgive him. He then tells you he’ll be available as a vendor later. You can just warp somewhere else then come back to the cave and he will be sitting in the room waiting (you have to go through the bandits in the prior room again). The most interesting item he has is Margit’s Shackle, a unique item that can be used in the Margit, the Fell Omen boss fight to temporarily stagger Margit, allowing some extra damage.
There is also now a chest in the room which you can ask Patches about, and he’ll give some nonsense about it being secret treasure and whatnot. If you open it though it is trapped, and will warp you to a location over in Limgrave Forest by a large bear.
Limgrave Tunnels
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At the north end of the shallow lake, you can find the entrance to the Limgrave Tunnels. These are mine, where you can find some smithing materials (and some enemies mining them). Mines like this function like dungeons, so this does have a boss at the end, which you can reach by jumping off onto a platform halfway down the second elevator shaft.
Stonedigger Troll
Reward: 1800 Runes + Roar Medallion (Talisman)
The Stonedigger Troll is your typical giant Souls-like game boss. It’s big and wields a mace. It’s a pretty straightforward fight – when you get close he will try to stomp you and when you are a bit farther away it will swing its mace at you.
The only other move it will normally do is a charged mace attack which leaves you enough time to get away from it. As a melee fighter you should suggest staying close to his feet and avoiding the stomps for an opening. As a ranged caster, the whole fight is extremely straightforward since you can just shoot it from far away and there isn’t much it can do as long as you avoid it getting closer to you.
Dragon-Burnt Ruins
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These are a set of ruins in the middle of the shallow lake. There isn’t really much here aside from a number of weak nobles muttering about something nearby. You can grab a Stonesword Key off a body in the middle tower of the ruins.
You can go down into the underground area where there is a number of rats you can fight, but you shouldn’t open the chest at the end.
Some chests like the one here are actually transporter traps, and will send you somewhere else if you open them and don’t immediately get out of the way.
Once you are done investigating the ruins you can take a trek slightly north to where the nobles are standing around a burning stake pile.
If you hadn’t triggered it already, you get the fun surprise of Flying Dragon Agheel.
Flying Dragon Agheel
Reward: 5000 Runes, 1x Dragon Heart
It is strongly suggested that you fight this boss on horseback. If you are using a melee character you will need to wait until it lands and then attack its legs and wings for a few hits at a time, it’s unwise to go for the head as it will attack with a few bites. If it starts to wind up to breathe fire get out of the way immediately as the fire can kill you in one hit if you don’t have fire protection armor and are lower level.
This is an easy fight if you’re using magic, aim for the head whenever there is an opening with a few spells, especially when it lands as you can still be out of melee range and attack from a distance. If you inflict enough damage to its head quickly it will enter a stunned state, you can then strike a critical hit on its eye for good damage.
You mainly need to be wary of its fire-breathing attacks, they cover a wide arc and you can see clearly when the dragon is winding up to perform one, dash away on your horse immediately to avoid it. When it lands it tends to breathe fire in a wide arc in front of it, you can back up or move far enough to the left or right to avoid it and fire some magic, if it flies up above move as far away as you can as it breathes fire in a long straight line. It will also sometimes hover above then strike the ground with its claws, this can also deal heavy damage so keep moving to avoid it
Limgrave Sites of Grace & Named Location
The First Step
Waypoint Ruins Cellar
Artist’s Shack
Third Church of Marika
Agheel Lake South
Agheel Lake North
Church of Dragon Communion (reached by going through Coastal Cave)
Seaside Ruins
Mistwood Outskirts
Murkwater Coast
Saintsbridge (may show under Stormhill region after patch 1.02)
Warmaster’s Shack (may show under Stormhill region after patch 1.02)
Summonwater Village Outskirts
Stormfoot Catacombs
Murkwater Catacombs
Groveside Cave
Coastal Cave
Murkwater Cave
Highroad Cave
Limgrave Tunnels
Stormhill Evergaol (Named Location)
Stormgate (Named Location)
Gatefront Ruins (Named Location)
Dragon-Burnt Ruins (Named Location)
Waypoint Ruins (Named Location)
Mistwood Ruins (Named Location)
Siofra River Well (Named Location)
Fort Haight (Named Location)
Forlorn Hound Evergaol (Named Location)
Summonwater Village (Named Location)
Cave of Knowledge
Stranded Graveyard
Fingeefolk Hero’s Grave (Named Location)
Stormhill Shack
Castleward Tunnel
Margit, the Fell Omen
Warmaster’s Shack
Deathtouched Catacombs
Limgrave Tower Bridge
Divine Tower of Limgrave
Continue with the next Region: Stromveil Castle
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
Stanley says
Hi there, wonderful guide as always. Just one thing, is this the complete version of 100% Limgrave? Because it seems like it’s missing some points of interest especially in the Eastern side.
Gage says
The Eastern side is going to be its own section due to the amount of content, and some of the locations in it being more suited for later exploration/required for ending after going to Liurnia of the Lakes and doing some things first.
TheLVT says
Hi, in dragon burnt ruins there’s another stairway to underground, hidden inside walled area that you can jumped over from using your mount. There’s a chest inside contains twinblade