Welcome to the Elden Ring Walkthrough for the Leyndell, Royal Capital region! Leyndell is the main location you are making your way to from the start of the story, and the first area you have to actually fight a boss to get into, as well as requiring you have beaten at least 1 prior Shardbearer boss before you can enter. It contains two major story bosses you are required to fight to progress, then opens up access to the northeastern area of the map that you have to progress through to reach the end of the story.
Leyndell also contains the only missable Legendary Item in the game, the Bolt of Gransax weapon. Be sure to grab it once you have access to the area it is in after defeating Godfrey the First Lord.
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Progression Order:
- Capital Rampart
- East Capital Rampart
- Avenue Balcony
- West Capital Rampart
- Godfrey the First Lord
- Erdtree Sanctuary
- Queen’s Bedchamber
- Morgott, the Omen King
- Elden Throne
- Fell Twins
- Divine Tower of East Altus: Gate
Capital Rampart
From the Capital Rampart site of grace just after the Draconic Tree Sentinel, continue across the bridge and into the building to continue. Take the elevator to the upper area, then continue following the path again until you reach the inner area of Leyndell.
When you reach the pit where you can see the Erdtree directly ahead, continue to the right into another room where you can find the next site of grace.
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East Capital Rampart
When you first rest at this site of grace, Melina will appear and thank you for bringing her to the Capital, then leave. This has implications for the story, but doesn’t matter gameplay-wise as she still allows you to use Torrent and level up with runes without her.
Continue out of the room to reach the ramparts themselves. The door on the right is a shortcut you will want to open in a bit, to get back through, so continue to the left. The white enemies ahead are called Envoys, and you can find them in a few locations throughout the capital. They cast some bubble magic using their weapons and can also swing at your with them, but they are generally relatively easy to deal with.
Continue forward through the first group of Envoys, then you can see a dismembered Gargoyle sitting on the path ahead of you. The Gargoyles like this don’t move, and spit the explosive Perfumer dust towards you when you are near. You can try to avoid the dust it spits to progress, or loop directly around to the left to follow a path going to a room below.
If you’re going through the lower room, watch out for a guard sitting in the right corner who will attack as you move through the room. You can then continue out onto the next path which is down to the right from the Gargoyle guarded path.
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The door to continue further to the right, but if you wish you can go up the stairs on the left first. Watch out for another guard at the top of the stairs, then you can follow the path to a doorway that is directly behind the Gargoyle, allowing you to easily kill it.
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Back through the door on the right, you take an elevator down to a large circular building. On this floor watch out for the Perfumer that is in the middle crouched by a sitting Commoner.
You can take the ladder and then a set of stairs up to the top floor of the building, where you can find a Seedbed Curse from a body in a chair. This will very likely be your first one you find, which you can take back to the Dung Eater sitting in Roundtable Hold, who then allows you to start working on his questline where you free him from the sewer underneath the capital.
Continue following the path, then down the stairs in the next building. Ahead there are two paths, the obvious one to the left and then one ahead behind the group of breakable boxes in the door.
Whichever you go through doesn’t really matter as they both lead to the same location, just going through either a couple Perfumers and a guard, or one Knight who wanders back and forth.
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Continue following the path down, and past one more knight and out on the main road of the capital. To continue you need to head down the road leading to the southwest, but first, you should go in the opposite direction to the northeast and down the path on the left between the statues.
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Head through the doorway on the right, then you will enter a room with a Crucible Knight who is staring at a wall. This one doesn’t really react to you unless you attack them or walk directly in front of them, so you can just ignore them if you want.
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Head through the door on the left and talk the elevator up. This leads to the doorway back by the East Capital Rampart site of grace, and works as a shortcut you can use later.
Head back down to the main road and continue to the southwest. An Ertree Avatar will appear in the middle of the road, you can fight it if you want, or just choose to ignore it and run past. If you do decide to kill it then it drops a Lord’s Rune, which is the highest value consumable rune in the game, giving 50,000 runes if used or being sold.
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Continue down the road a short distance ahead and you can see a set of steps ahead leading to a large door. This door is locked and needs to be opened with a lever, so you can’t progress forward this way yet. To find the next site of grace head through the set of open doors on the right, and the next site of grace at the bottom of the flight of stairs on the right.
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Avenue Balcony
Continue down the next flight of stairs, and you are going to be making your way towards the giant stone dragon corpse to climb up. Watch out just as you leave the building, as there is a knight standing at the end of the path who will start shooting arrows at you.
You can move to the left around the buildings, then follow the path down the avoid getting shot at. But there will be a couple more knights to watch out for as you reach the end of the first building.
Once the knights are dealt with, you can move near the closed gate then start jumping up the dragon wing, moving towards the building that the corpse is sitting on.
Follow it until you reach the spot where the wall of the building is broken, then jump down off the left side into the building.
Climb the ladder up, then watch out for the knight standing at the top of the next flight of stairs. You can then continue forward into the next room to find the next site of grace.
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West Capital Rampart
Continue out of the room, then take the set of stairs immediately in front and lead back into the building. Just you can find a few more Envoys, as well as a switch on the balcony. Pulling this switch opens the large doors at the end of the main road that you couldn’t get in before.
If you did decide to go back and through the doorway, this leads into the lower ash-filled area. You can follow the root at the end of the area up to the next boss.
Back by the prior site of grace, you can continue along the rampart to find a few more Envoys around a phantom tree, along with a fully limbed Gargoyle standing still waiting. You can mostly avoid this Gargoyle if you want, or try to take it out. If defeated it will drop the Gargoyle’s Halberd. It has basically the same moveset as the first Gargoyle in the Valiant Gargoyle fight in Nokron, just you have a comparatively tiny area to fight in. You can sort of cheese the Gargoyle by attacking it from down the stairs closer to the site of grace, just make sure you take out the guard in the room first before focusing on the Gargoyle. It also has a very long melee range that can hit through the walls, as well as a range shout attack that it can get directly through the door more often than you would think, so this isn’t a free win as much as hiding down stairwells normally is.
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Once the Gargoyle is defeated or if you choose to ignore it, make sure to grab the Golden Seed from beside the tree that was directly in front of where it was standing.
Climb on the tree root sticking into the ground, then follow it all the way up towards the next building. There are a number of guardians that are sitting on the root, and you can either ignore them and run by or fight them on your way up. Head into the room at the top for the first boss in this area.
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Godfrey the First Lord
Reward: 80,000 Runes, Talisman Pouch, 80,000 Runes
Strategy: A golden ghost knight wielding a big but slow axe. This is a relatively easy boss for this late into the game, due to his attacks being very slow and easy to dodge, his attacks not reaching very far, so you can run away from him, and his moveset is quite limited. As a mage, simply keep your distance and spam him with spells, when he rushes towards you dodge backward. As a melee character, dodge towards him and slightly to the side to get behind him and deal a few hits between his combos. You shouldn’t have much trouble dodging his slow axe attacks. Sometimes he likes to do a stomp that deals AoE damage but if you are dodging it won’t hurt you, and you can also dodge this by moving towards him to the side to get out of the area it affects. If you try to heal while being away from him he will instantly rush towards you, so it’s better to dodge a combo and heal afterward, this gives you a long enough break without being attacked.
After Godfrey is defeated, you can activate the next site of grace in the middle of the room.
Erdtree Sanctuary
From this site of grace there are two paths you can take, one to the next story boss, or one that leads to more areas to explore in the Capital. You will want to explore a bit first and make sure to pick up the only missable Legendary Item in the game as soon as possible. This is the only missable item because after events that occur near the end of the story it disappears and can’t be picked up without going into NG+ or having someone else drop it for you.
There are two doorways out of the room, go out the one leading to the west.
Down a short stairwell, there is another building with an elevator inside. Take the elevator down to reach an area above where the giant spear is sticking out of the wall. You want to go over to just above where the spear is, and jump over the railing on the left to drop to the end of the spear.
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You may need to take a bit of a running jump to clear the railing or jump on top of it. Once you make it down, carefully make your way along the spear to the point you are blocked by the coils around it to pick up the Bolt of Gransax.
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You can now head back to the Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace, and this time of out the west side of the room.
Climb up the root that stretches from the balcony back into the room, allowing you to reach the upper floor.
Continue following the path leading towards the next building. Watch out to the right of the doorway, as there will be non-boss Black Knife Assassin enemy sitting just beside the door who will attack you as you try to pass.
Once it is defeated (or if you ignore it) you can proceed into the room to reach the next site of grace.
Queen’s Bedchamber
Before leaving the room, you can pick up the Blessing of the Erdtree incantation from the bed.
Continue out of the room to the right, and make your way towards the gold fog wall ahead. Before entering, you can summon Melina from the gold summon sign just to the right.
Morgott, the Omen King
Reward: 90,000 Runes, Morgott’s Great Rune, Remembrance of the Omen King
Morgott is somewhat the same boss as Margit, The Fell Omen (for mechanical and story reasons), as he shares some of the same attacks and looks the same. Particularly his dagger throw is the same, but he also uses some new attacks. He has a lot more health and hits harder, but in one way this fight is easier: the arena is much bigger and it’s easier to get some distance from him. As a spell user this is advantageous to spam him with spells. Before the fight, interact with the yellow sign on the floor to summon the NPC fighter “Melina” to help you. As soon as the fight starts, summon some Ashen Remains. This gives you two NPC helpers to distract Morgott. They should survive at the very least until Morgott’s health is half depleted. During this phase, you should play very aggressively and attack Morgott from behind whenever he is focusing on the other NPCs. Ideally, you can take around 60%+ of his health before your NPC helpers die. This is where it gets trickier because he will then focus on only you, and he is very aggressive and quick at close-medium range. He often throws a yellow spear or holds the spear to stab you. When he throws the spear you must dodge in the very last moment when he releases it, if you dodge too early you can get hit by it. He has a long delay between aiming it and throwing it, so don’t evade too early. He sometimes uses AoE swords raining from the sky, get away to look where the swords fall down, there will be gaps where no swords fall and it’s safe to stand there. He also uses explosive bubbles on the floor which explode after a few seconds, don’t stand in them. If you need to heal, either run to the other end of the arena so far that he won’t throw daggers, or evade one of his combos and heal after that. If you stand at medium range he will instantly throw daggers at you when trying to heal. It’s definitely another test of patience and learning when to evade, due to how much health this boss has and his varied moveset takes some tries to memorize.
With Morgott defeated, the site of grace in this area won’t appear yet. You first need to go forward towards the thorn-covered-door at the top of the stairwell and interact with it.
Currently, you cannot pass the thorns to enter the Erdtree itself, so need to do more story-related things. Go back down the stairwell to where you can activate the site of grace in the middle of the area.
Elden Throne
You need to rest at this site of grace, then Melina will appear again, and say that she is going to rejoin you so that you may both enter the Erdtree.
She gives the Rold Medallion item, which will allow you to use another lift to enter the Mountaintop of the Giants area. You will also have two spots marked on your map, pointing to where you need to go to progress.
You can fast travel back to the East Capital Rampart site of grace and go through the shortcut you would have opened prior, then go to the opposite side of the road you went down originally to reach Godfrey. At the end of the road, there is a large double door that you can open to reach another area of the capital.
Follow the path to the east, continuing up the stairs leading around the water on the right.
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At the top of the stairs and past all the enemies, you can find a large lift that you take you up and out of the main capital area.
Continue forward onto the bridge, keeping mind of the two knights that are here. One is on the horse wandering around, but one is standing off to the left and starts shooting arrows at you if you don’t get close to it.
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Once they are dealt with you can continue to the end of the bridge. In this next building, there will be an elevator that takes you down to the Forbidden Lands, the first area of the Mountaintop of the Giants. If you wish you can first take the other bridge leading towards the Divine Tower where you can activate Morgott’s rune. Note that you are kicked into the next boss fight automatically once you start approaching the enemy in the distance.
Fell Twins
Reward: 29,000 Runes, Omenkiller Rollo (Ashen Remains)
Fell Twins is a double boss, consisting of two “Fell Twins”. When approaching the Divine Tower, the screen will fade to black and you are trapped in a black void with these bosses. However, you can fight them one at a time. One of them uses melee only and will come to you first. The second one uses some ranged attacks but it will hang back and you don’t have to fight it until the first is defeated. Just keep dodging backward for the first melee boss to put distance between you two and the second one. The first Twin’s attacks have a short-range and are super easy to dodge. When the 1st is dead, you repeat the same for the 2nd boss. When it shoots projectiles simply dash sideways, they are easy to dodge. For its melee attacks dodge backward, nothing spectacular here.
When the Twins are defeated you will automatically be returned from the black void on the other side of the bridge leading to the tower, with the site of grace directly in front.
Divine Tower of East Altus: Gate
You can then go through the large doors to enter the tower, then up the elevator to the top. There are no other items or anything to look out for in this tower, just head to the top and activate the rune to power up Morgott’s Great Rune.
You can then return to the tower back on the other side of the bridge and take the elevator down to enter the Forbidden Lands, the first section of Mountaintop of the Giants.
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Summary – Leyndell Sites of Grace
Outer Wall Phantom Tree
Minor Erdtree Church
Outer Wall Battleground
Hermit Merchant’s Shack
Capital Rampart
Auriza Side Tomb
Auriza Hero’s Grave
Divine Tower of West Altus: Gate (accessed through Sealed Tunnel)
Divine Tower of West Altus (accessed through Sealed Tunnel)
Erdtree Sanctuary
East Capital Rampart
Lower Capital Church
West Capital Rampart
Queen’s Bedchamber
Fortified Manor, First Floor
Elden Throne
Minor Erdtree (Named Location)
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
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