Welcome to the Elden Ring Walkthrough for the Caelid region! Caelid can be found to the east of Limgrave, and encompasses large areas of burnt and rotted land. Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow takes up the northeast corner of Caelid, and includes a number of optional locations and bosses. For story progression, you need to go Redmane Castle in the southeast, where you can fight Starscourge Radahn, which then allows you to progress to Nokron, Eternal City after he is defeated.
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
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Progression Order:
- Rotview Balcony
- Caelem Ruins
- Smoldering Wall
- Caelid Highway South
- Impassable Greatbridge
- Chamber Outside the Plaza
- Starscourge Radahn
- Dragonbarrow West
- Divine Tower of Caelid: Center
Rotview Balcony
Caelid can be reached most easily reached by following the northern large road in Limgrave, heading all the way to the east.
Eventually, you’ll reach a glowing wall blocking the road. Jump over to reach the Rotview Balcony site of grace and enter Caelid proper.
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Caelid has a number of large enemies that hang out in the open world, like the large bird you can see perched nearby. A lot of them hang out in groups so can be hard to deal with if you alert too many. Consider running by them or going around them.
Continue following the road into Caelid, and once you reach the ruins stretching across the road you can find the next site of grace.
Caelem Ruins
The road ahead continues through the ruins. You basically want to head straight south through the middle, still following what remains of the road. Just on the other side you can find another glowing wall going across the area, and the next site of grace on the left.
Smoldering Wall
Past the smoldering wall, you begin to enter the area of Caelid that is infected with rot, causing strange growths everywhere. There’s still a road to follow though, so continue south.
You’ll pass another set of ruins on the right, then the road will start turning to the left. Continue under the road until you just pass under a large tree to find the next site for grace on the right.
Caelid Highway South
Continue following the road, and you will pass the Decaying Ekzykes dragon. This dragon isn’t really in the way and is in a rough area to fix, so you can run by for now if you don’t feel like messing with it.
Further down the road, you can find a split in the path, with the map stelle for the area right in the middle. Here you can pick up Map: Caelid, revealing the entire southern part of the Caelid region.
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You can now see the location you’re heading on the map, Redmane Castle to the southeast. Follow the road continuing to the south, and make sure to grab the Golden Seed from the tree to the left of the road.
Continue following the road through the trees ahead, heading towards the tower on the other side. There are a number more of the large dog enemies in this area, along with a bunch of soldiers who will try to fight them as you run through the area.
At the foot of the watchtower, you can find the final site of grace before you reach Redmane Castle.
Impassable Greatbridge
If you’re coming here with the intention of fighting Radahn, the easiest path into the castle is just taking the portal to the left. If you go across the bridge you can find a number of enemies, then to get inside the castle you need to climb the cliffs around the right side.
If the portal isn’t active, you will first need to pick up the Dectus Medallions: “Dectus Medallion (Left)” is at Fort Haight West, inside the fort go up the wall and climb the ladder in the tower to find a chest at the top. “Dectus Medallion (Rigtht)” is at Fort Faroth, enter the fort, turn left and climb the first ladder, open the chest straight ahead after the ladder. Insert both Medallions at Grand Lift of Dectus, you can reach it by using the blue seal at Main Academy Gate. After activating the Grand Lift of Dectus, you can interact with the portal at the start of Impassable Greatbridge to get warped directly into the center of the castle, then can follow the path in the castle going to the north to find the next site of grace inside the building.
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Chamber Outside the Plaza
Continue along the path into the large courtyard. In here you can find a number of NPCs who are waiting for the festival if you completed the prior requirement to have them waiting.
To continue to the boss fight, you first need to go and speak with the man who is standing on the wall ahead.
He explains a bit more about the festival and why you are fighting Radahn, then provides you with a gesture and allows you to continue through the building ahead to reach the elevator.
Head down the beach to the edge of the water, where you can find the coop pool effigy for the area, as well as a portal. Get yourself prepared before continuing, then activate the portal to head to the boss area.
Starscourge Radahn
Reward: Remembrance of the Starscourge, Radahn’s Great Rune, 70000 Runes
Once the fight starts you will see Radahn in the distance with a greatbow firing gravity arrows at you. You have to try to approach him while dodging the arrows VERY LATE. If you try to dodge them early they will simply track your movement.
All around the arena you will see summon signs to call the other fighters to help you out, so take advantage of them as you really don’t want Radahn’s full attention all the time.
Keep rolling forward a few times and now he will start using a barrage of arrows from the sky. Now you can call your horse to approach him. Once you are close enough he will switch from bow to his double swords and the real fight begins.
Use your horse to circle around him from a safe distance while shooting spells at him and have your summoned minions distract and damage him as well. Don’t let him hit you off the horse with his sword attacks since he will follow up with 2 more hits while you are stunned on the ground and that means instant death.
His move set includes melee attacks at first but after draining a quarter of his health he will infuse his attacks with gravity. He can pull you in with an AoE explosion, shooting tracking balls at you and shooting a wave of sharp blades at you. For the balls just keep riding at full speed to the site, for the blades use the double jump.
At half health, he will disappear and after a short time drop from the sky with a massive explosion which will probably kill some of your minions and deal massive damage to you if you happen to stand where it lands.
You can, however, keep summoning minions as long as there are summon signs on the ground. Make sure to keep resummoning them.
The fight continues in the same with the addition of him being more aggressive and using a few more attacks: he can now cast rocks circling around him who will fly towards you or the minions at a random time, as well as an attack where he leaps into the air does 2 strong attacks while spinning at you.
It is surely a test of patience and endurance and also a bit of luck since getting hit with his melee combo off the horse can kill your attempt immediately and there is not much you can do about it.
After Radahn is defeated you are shown a cutscene of a huge number of falling stars, along with a huge one that causes a giant flash as it hits the ground. You can then turn around and head up the hill where you will find the site of grace for the area, as well as Blaidd if he had been at the festival with you.
He asks you to meet him where the star fell, as it has opened the way to Nokron, the next location you need to go in Ranni’s questline. This is in the southeast corner of Limgrave, and where you should head after activating Radahn’s Great Rune.
You can use the warp point at the top of the hill to leave, or just fast travel away. You will want to travel to the Caelem Ruins location, then will be going to the east.
From the site of grace head to the northeast, following the cliff to the left. You will reach a spot with a bridge going to the left over the where you can also see the tower in the distance.
Continue just up the path to find the next site of grace by the root going over the road.
Dragonbarrow West
Still considered in Caelid, this northeastern section is called Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow. You can find out why if you take a trek all the way east into the area, where you can find a bunch of dragons wandering around. You don’t need to go that far into the area though. Head towards the tower, then follow the path a short distance to the east to find the map stele for this area and pick up Map: Dragonbarrow.
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You can now head back towards the tower, and continue up the hill to the left to where you can see the large root stretching towards the tower itself.
You can’t just walk in a door on this tower, you will be climbing up the outside to reach a walkway, allowing you to enter. Go to the edge of the cliff and look towards the tower, where you can see some ledges with soldiers on the, and ladders going between them.
You will need to drop down to the roots below, then drop onto the lowest ledge on the wall. Then continue to the left, then up the next few tower levels, watching out for the enemies. You will have to jump between the broken sections on the slanted area. If you don’t feel confident making this jump on foot you can still summon Torrent to double jump over the gaps.
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Watch for one enemy hiding around the corner, then you will have one more slanted area to cross. Climb the next ladder to reach the area where you can enter the tower, reaching the site of grace inside.
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Divine Tower of Caelid: Center
Inside the tower, you can go left or right. Going left goes down towards the tower basement, where you can find the optional Godskin Apostle boss located here. To the right goes to the top of the tower, where we are heading. Continue up the stairs and through the large doors to find the elevator going to the top of the tower.
Continue up to the top of the tower, where you can activate the Great Rune in the middle of the two fingers.
Caelid Side Areas – Sites of Grace & Named Locations
Smoldering Church
Rotview Balcony
Caelem Ruins
Fort Gael North
Smoldering Wall
Caelid Highway South
Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank
Sellia Backstreets
(Must unlock the blue magic seals on the gates by lighting the flame in the southeast of the town)
Sellia Under-Stair
Chair-Crypt of Sellia
Church of the Plague
Deep Siofra Well (requires spending 2 Stonesword Keys in north of Siofra River to use the Elevator)
Chamber Outside the Plaza
Redmane Castle Plaza
(after defeating Radahn, return to the plaza and go through all dialogues with the guy in the church, fast travel away, come back and a double-boss will spawn, defeat them and you will get the site of grace here)
Starscourge Radahn
Minor Erdtree Catacombs
Caelid Catacombs
War-Dead Catacombs
Abandoned Cave (from Smoldering Wall head east and jump down the cliff to the cave entrance, halfway up the other mountain wall)
Gaol Cave (requires Stonesword Key)
Gael Tunnel
Rear Gael Tunnel Entrance
Sellia Crystal Tunnel
Shack of Rotting (Named Location)
Forsaken Ruins (Named Location)
Caelem Ruins (Named Location)
Caelid Waypoint Ruins (Named Location)
Fort Gael (Named Location)
Street of Sages Ruins (Named Location)
Sellia Gateway (Named Location)
Gowry’s Shack (Named Location)
Swamp Lookout Tower (Named Location – accessed from Dragonbarrow, Church of the Plague)
Sellia, Town of Sorcery (Named Location)
Sellia Evergaol (Named Location)
Minor Erdtree (Named Location)
Minor Erdtree (Named Location)
Continue with the next region Nokron, Eternal City.
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
JD says
Thanks for the guide! Very useful.
Jeff says
To be honest, against Radahn you can just simply keep on summoning, I beat him with the summons doing 100% of the work