This guide shows all Elden Ring Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing Locations. Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearings are given to the Twin Maiden Husks merchant at Roundtable Hold to unlock Somber Smithing Stones for purchase. Then you can buy Somber Smithing Stones infinitely. There are multiple tiers of Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearings, each unlocks new levels of stones for sale at Twin Maiden Husks merchant.
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [1]
- Caelid: Sellia Crystal Tunnel – Dropped by the boss “Fallingstar Beast” at the end of Sellia Crystal Tunnel.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Somber Smithing Stone [1]
- Somber Smithing Stone [2]
- Scrap
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [2]
- Altus Plateau: Altus Tunnel – Obtained after defeating the bosses at the end of the tunnel, Crystalian (Spear) and Crystalian (Ringblade).
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Somber Smithing Stone [3]
- Somber Smithing Stone [4]
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [3]
- Mountaintop of the Giants: First Church of Marika – Head out the front entrance to the crumbled church and proceed directly forward and you will see this on a body on the floor not far from the church’s main entrance.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Somber Smithing Stone [5]
- Somber Smithing Stone [6]
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4]
- Crumbling Farum Azula: Tempest-Facing Balcony – Found immediately after this site of grace on a body.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Somber Smithing Stone [7]
- Somber Smithing Stone [8]
- Stone
Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [5]
- Crumbling Farum Azula: Beside the Great Bridge – Found one floor below the site of grace “Beside the Great Bridge”, exactly where that site of grace icon is but one level below. From the site of grace turn around, ride the elevator downstairs, go down the stairs and in the next room you’ll find it on a corpse.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Somber Smithing Stone [9]
For all Elden Ring items check out the Elden Ring Wiki and Strategy Guide.
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Trust me says
Somber ball bearing 5 is located at the first church of Marika on the mountain tops of the giants
Ryan says
Wrong, that is 3