This guide shows all Elden Ring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing Locations. Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearings are given to the Twin Maiden Husks merchant at Roundtable Hold to unlock Smithing Stones for purchase. Then you can buy Smithing Stones infinitely. There are multiple tiers of Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearings, each unlocks new levels of stones for sale at Twin Maiden Husks merchant. There are 4 Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearings in total.
Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [1]
- Liurnia of the Lakes: Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel – You will get this Bell Bearing after defeating the boss at the end of these tunnels, Crystalian.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Smithing Stone [1]
- Smithing Stone [2]
- Scrap
Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [2]
- Capital Outskirts: Sealed Tunnel – From the Site of Grace locate the illusory wall left of the torch. Once in the new room follow the wall to the right down a path through some rubble and you will come to a chest with this Bell Bearing in it.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Smithing Stone [3]
- Smithing Stone [4]
- Explosive Stone
Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [3]
- Mountaintop of the Giants: Zamor Ruins – Head into the actual Zamor Ruins from this Site of Grace (Will be located south) and find the stairset heading down below the ruins. This Bell Bearing can be found in a chest in this small room.
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Smithing Stone [5]
- Smithing Stone [6]
Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4]
Unlocks these items for purchase:
- Smithing Stone [7]
- Smithing Stone [8]
For all Elden Ring items check out the Elden Ring Wiki and Strategy Guide.
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