This guide shows all Elden Ring Legendary Armament Locations. There are 9 legendary armaments needed for the Legendary Armaments trophy. One of them is missable, but it can still be obtained by having another player drop it for you in co-op. The legendary armaments are the most powerful weapons in the game. Finding all of them unlocks the Legendary Armaments trophy and achievement. There is also an extra 10th Legendary Weapon, but seemingly only 9 are needed for the trophy, potentially allowing you to skip one.
For all regular (non-legendary) weapons refer to: Elden Ring All Regular Weapon Locations
All Types of Legendaries:
Elden Ring Legendary Armaments
Legendary Armament #1: Devourer’s Scepter [SEMI-MISSABLE]
Dropped by the NPC “Bernahl” at Warmaster’s Shack when killed. He’s a merchant in knight’s armor. Simply kill him in the Warmaster’s Shack. He will leave later in the game. If you missed him here you can instead find him in Volcano Manor and help him with his quest until he disappears. He will later appear in Farum, down the ladder from Beside the Great Bridge Site of Grace as a phantom and you can kill him there for the Devourer’s Scepter. However, this can be missed if you defeat Shardbearer Rykard before getting the weapon from Bernahl. Alternatively, you can simply do this in New Game+, head straight for Warmaster’s Shack, which you can reach within 10 minutes in NG+. Therefore it’s not a “true” missable because you can very quickly get to it in the 2nd playthrough and everything else carries over.
Legendary Armament #2: Grafted Blade Greatsword
Reward for defeating boss “Lionine Misbegotten” in Weeping Peninsula: Castle Morne (go through the castle and reach the beach south of it).
Legendary Armament #3: Sword of Night and Flame
From the Manor Lower Level Site of Grace in Caria Manor run outside and head left on the castle walls. Just before you reach the third tower jump to the building below on your left and from there drop once again to a building with a ladder. Climb down the ladder and into the building. There, inside a chest, you will find it.
Legendary Armament #4: Ruins Greatsword
After Shardbearer Radahn (main story boss) is defeated, head back to the Redmane Castle. You will have gone through there to reach the Radahn boss. Talk to the old man sitting on a chair in the Church a few times until all dialogues are exhausted. Then fast travel away and come back here, a yellow mist gate should now spawn. Go through it and a boss fight will trigger in the courtyard against a double boss “Misbegotten Warrior” & “Crucible Knight”. Defeat them and they will drop this armament.
Legendary Armament #5: Marais Executioner’s Sword
Dropped by boss “Elemer of the Briar” in Altus Plateau: The Shaded Castle.
Legendary Armament #6: Bolt of Gransax [MISSABLE]
From the Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace, go out the west door where there is an elevator you can take to the lower level. Follow the path down, then jump over the railing on the left to where the giant golden spear is sticking out of the wall. Climb a short distance up the spear to find this weapon. THIS IS MISSABLE – The Royal Capital gets destroyed at the end of the game and then the weapon is gone for this playthrough, but if you have a friend with the weapon you can have it dropped to you in co-op. Alternatively, you can rush back there in New Game+.
Legendary Armament #7: Eclipse Shotel
Found in Castle Sol. From the Chuch of the Eclipse Site of Grace, it is just around the corner in the church at the altar.
Legendary Armament #8: Golden Order Greatsword
Dropped by the boss “Misbegotten Crusader” found in West Mountaintops of the Giants: Cave of the Forlon (requires 1 Stonesword Key to enter). If you don’t have access to this yet, see How to Reach West Mountaintops of the Giants.
Legendary Armament #9: Dark Moon Greatsword
This requires completing all steps for the Age of the Stars Ending. After your last talk with Renna to finish the last step for the ending, it will spawn where she was, in the cave below Cathedral of Manus Celes. See Elden Ring How to Get All Endings.
Legendary Armament #10: Godslayer’s Greatsword (doesn’t seem to count)
Godslayer Greatsword is found in Divine Tower of Caelid, after the boss “Godskin Apostle” in a chest. You need to climb into the tower via the roots around it. See How to Climb Divine Tower of Caelid. Once inside at the site of grace you need to drop down several ledges to the bottom of the tower (platforming section). Kill the boss and open the chest behind him. This weapon doesn’t seem to be needed for the trophy but it’s unclear if getting it would count as an extra to let you skip another legendary. If you don’t get the trophy try grabbing it, but it’s 100% confirmed to not be mandatory for the trophy (does show as a legendary weapon though when you pick it up).
Note: Patch 1.04 seems to have broken this trophy for some players. Players have reported the following workarounds: make sure you have all weapons in your inventory to pop the trophy. You can also try dropping them all and picking them up again. If you have them stored in the chest (accessible at sites of grace) equip them to the inventory. Likewise, try putting all from inventory into chest. If that doesn’t fix it, try upgrading each Legendary Weapon to +1 at the Blacksmith while having all weapons in the inventory, there are reports that this pops it.
For everything else needed for 100% completion check out the full Elden Ring Wiki and Strategy Guide.
Engorgio says
I accidentally sold two of these items to clear up some space, will it void the trophy by doing this?
MalmaMia says
I’d say to get the rest of them first, and if it doesn’t work then see if someone can join your world in coop and drop them for you quickly for the achievement. Dunno if it’d work but it’s worth a shot
Yeetus says
There’s no limit in the inventory when it comes to weapons and armor, you can also place in the chest if your inventory looks crowded
BigBlu says
I’m also wondering if anyone can confirm whether or not you need all of them in your inventory at the same time, or just needed to have had them all at one point.
erick_terra says
In Dark Souls and Bloodborne, every trophy that requires item aquisitions, you need only aquire them, they dont have to be in your inventory at the same time for the trophie to be earned. In Bloodborne I sold weapons for blood echoes and still got the trophy.
I have no reasons whatoever to believe that Elden Ring would be different. But needs confirmation.
You have to grab them in the same character though. Going to NG+ is fine if you missed any. I believe you only need to have had it in your inventory once at some point.
Soulsboy says
There’s no limited space in your inventory you can have as many weapons as you want.
Test Guy says
its probably too late but Sold my moonlight greatsword still obtain the trophy. i tell my friend to drop everything except moonlight greatsword and it stilll popped.
Xemotei says
theres 1 more legendary armament, black knife which is from the boss at the front of sainted hero’s grave
Cactusimp says
It has an orange border when you pick it up, but it’s not labelled as a legendary armament like the others and don’t think it counts for the trophy either.
Jordan says
That doesn’t count towards the trophy for some reason.
FellOmen says
I’m pretty sure Devourer’s is missable as well, Bernahl won’t invade me at Farum Azula. The reason for this might be because I did all his request and his co-op invasion. He didn’t have the angry dialogue either before he left, so he has no motive to invade me (sadly)
White says
Did you kill the boss of Farum? It prevents invasions in this area, that’s why I missed it, that’s why it should be marked as missable.
Brando says
Same, and I’m bummed
Marloges says
Same here. He’s gone and won’t invade.
Malenia says
I did his request as well and he invaded me.
Have you been at the right spot?
abdullah says
I am facing the same issue, i can’t find him in his shack or in the volcano manor , and i can’t get him to invade me
Q says
Do it with a friend and make a new guy quickly kill the warmaster at his shack before he turns into that invader. Just kill em.and trade it to a buddy then back
TestyPres92 says
its because u are frenzied flame no?
Gdk says
That doesn’t matter. He will still invade
Naryoril says
That alone isn’t it. It might be the thing about not killing the boss of Farum before killing Bernahl. I did his quest line, he left Volcano Manor and left his sword behind (the shop replacement). Then i killed Rhykard. Bernahl still invaded me in Farum and i got the scepter. I hadn’t killed the boss in the area yet though.
Questionkyle says
Do you need to collect them all in one playthrough? I collect them all but no Achievement.
PowerPyx says
Should work in NG+ using same character, as long as you have them all in inventory at the same time.
snabbity says
The weapons don’t all need to be in your inventory at the same time. Just got the achievement after I already gave my friend the Bolt of Gransax back because I missed it. I also think the Devourer’s Sceptre is missable too. After you beat the final boss it seems Bernahl wont invade you any more, although I’m not 1000% sure about that, just the experience me and my friends have had.
Bob says
Devourers scepter is also missable i did his quest and he wasn’t angry at me for killing the boss so he didn’t invade
rawzeku says
I am 99% certain Devourer’s Scepter may actually be missable. I only ever spoke to him in Manor, and he suddenly disappeared. Now he is nowhere to be found. And he does NOT invade me in Farum either. So unless he is hiding elsewhere, this could also be missable if you are really unlucky.
Tiago says
I locked myself out of the Legendarys trophy by selling both the Grafted Blade Greatsword and Devourer’s Scepter by selling them eearly in the game.
I have no freinds that play this game so can someone add me on psn so I can get the weponds via co-op drop? I have the missable Bolt of Gransax if anyone needs that!
My psn is : koto97
PowerPyx says
You can still get them in NG+.
Sakuya says
I think Devourer’s Scepter should be considered missable. There have been reports of people not getting invaded after having killed the boss, Malekith. Regardless if they did his quest.
In my case after doing the second assassination and accepting everyone’s letter I killed Rykard. When I returned to the manor everyone had a bit of dialogue and then they disappeared after reloading the area. Bernahl map mark also disappeared but the other 2 didn’t. Since I’m still far from Farum I cant see if he still invades me, will post an update once I reach it.
While it isn’t a big problem since in NG+ you can get it in the first few minutes by killing the NPC, I feel like it should have a warning.
Sakuya says
Update: Got invaded by him even though I didnt finish/do his assassination quest. When I reloaded the save and killed Malekith first he didn’t invade me.
Bartski says
Devourer is missable because if you don’t kill the invader before killing the boss he won’t invade anymore.
Anybody there who could drop me the item as summon? message me on PSN @ BMSvonSKW
Static777 says
Devours scepter is a missable. If you do his quest or is you kill the boss awaiting you up top his sign won’t pop thus blocking you til ng+.
Static777 says
I meant if you kill the area main boss his sign wont show either.
Rob says
Devourer’s Scepter is missable. I’ve beaten all bosses in the game and Volcano Manor and he will not spawn . Thankfully he is right at the start of the game so you can just go into NG+ to get this quickly
Sparda says
Hi I only need Bolt of Gransax for my final trophy can anyone help me and drop it for me
Psn: Red_devil_sparda
David Marques dos Santos says
I have it, just sent you an invite.
If you can help me with the other items for trophy like talismans, armaments, etc
Atlas says
I don’t think Godslayer’s Greatsword is required; the only one I’m missing on this list is Devourer’s Scepter and the trophy didn’t unlock for me.
B4n6k3 says
Got all 9 except the bolt on the gransax and the trophy not pop on. Seems this bolt on the capital is a must have item…
Tom says
I have completed Castle Sol and there is no item in the church, but I don‘t have Eclipse Shotel in my inventory. Never sold an item, never dropped anything and it‘s not in my chest. Any ideas?
xrobinski says
Great guide as always. The trophy popped for me even though I didn’t have Marais Executioner’s Sword and haven’t fought Elmer yet. Not sure if this one is required.
Maxwell says
I can 100% confirm that you don’t need the Godslayer’s Greatsword beneath the Caelid Divine Tower, I left that for last during my run because I forgot to get it and I got the trophy once I got the Devourer’s Scepter in Crumbling Farum Azula.
Lif says
Godslayers Greatsword is not needed. Got the trophy without having it
Tall_Dave says
Got all the legendary weapons including the Godslayers Greatsword and the trophy didnt pop. Not too thrilled
Teharistocrat says
Leave/drop them and pick them up again. That did it for me. The Bolt of Gransax specifically is what popped the trophy when I picked it up again.
Morgan says
I had them all too. Dropping them each individually and picking them up finally did it. My trophy popped after Mirais Executiober’s so I dunno if there’s a pattern, but it definitely should pop when you pick up the last one you needed instead of doing this…
Teharistocrat says
Just had a minor bug with this. Had all of the items in the inventory but no trophy on PS5. Devourer’s Sceptar was the last item I got, but post patch.
I fixed this by leaving each item on the list and picking it up again. Trophy popped after leaving/picking up the Bolt of Gransax.
Omaha says
Had the same issue. This worked for me as well!
Bill says
Had the same issue as Teharistocrat here. Can confirm this worked and the trophy popped after I picked them all back up. Was a little worried when it didn’t pop so thanks for posting this.
Amity says
Worked for me, but it wasn’t Devourer’s Sceptar it was Grafted Blade Greatsword that finally poppped it.
Morgan says
Worked for me as well. Mirais Executioner’s Blade is when it popped but dropping and picking up each individually finally made it pop
F1LL1 says
I have all 10 weapons in inventory and trophy donť pop
F1LL1 says
9 wp in first game and now take Devourer’s Sceptar in ng+ and nothing…
PowerPyx says
Only started seeing comments of people having problems after 1.03 patch. Not sure if the patch either broke something or now requires another weapon / turned some random weapon into a legendary.
As someone else here pointed out make sure you have them in INVENTORY at same time and not the CHEST. It popped for someone here after moving it from chest to inventory.
Alsark says
This trophy didn’t pop for me while I had the legendary weapons in my chest/storage. So make sure the legendary weapons are in your inventory if you have all of them and the trophy didn’t pop for you.
Juke says
Dropped all legendary weapons and some of them disappeared. Omg. No trophy and now missing more than 4 weapons!
zaar says
I got all legendary items, and I still didn’t get the trophy and I don’t know what to do. I think the trophy might be bug
Jimbo says
Hello , Bernahl invaded me outside of the place where Old Lord’s Talisman is located after i defeated Rykard. So Devourer’s Scepter is not missable. Just wanted to note it out for people.
CassandraGemini says
That’s because it’s not defeating Rykard that prevents the invasion in Farum Azula – it’s defeating Maliketh after which invasions can’t happen anymore in that same area. In fact, I think you have to defeat Rykard before Bernahl will even invade you at all.
That said, I just had the very same issue where I defeated Bernahl as he invaded me and he dropped the scepter, the last weapon I was still missing for the trophy, but it didn’t pop (on ps5). Upon closer inspection I realized I had put the Grafted Blade Greatsword into my storage at the very beginning, so I took it out to have all weapons in my inventory at the same time. Still no trophy. Only putting them back in one by one, as someone suggested here, fixed it. After 4 weapons I had put into my storage, the trophy finally popped.
Lazypleb says
I was missing the scepter having already killed the last boss. Went to Farum and got invaded, he dropped it, but the trophy didn’t pop. I have every weapon (checked the list so many times) and it doesn’t pop. It’s my last trophy too…
Jose says
I have all swords including godslaye’s greatsword and the trophy didnt pop looks like it glitched or it requires other swords
chippy says
Can I barrow two of the Swords for the trophy
Psn: chippygamers
Robert says
Can anyone else confirm Ruins Greatsword is missable if you progress all the way to the end of the game? It happened to me. I could in no way talk to the old man npc to spawn the 2 bosses. Even did the whole questline for him that ends just outside the Raya Lucaria boss room.
Stevensaurs says
Idk if there is a glitch but on ps5 it didn’t pop for me unless I upgraded them at least once.
Grilyo says
All 10, … “Sort chest” in/out help me & achievement pop up
Tyson says
Trophy would not pop so I did as someone else suggested and upgraded each one to +1. About half way through upgrading each one it finally popped.
PowerPyx says
Interesting, I’ll add that to the page as a potential solution. I think the last patch must have broken something with this trophy. People didn’t have these issues before.
Jeff says
Didn’t get the trophy, tried to drop and pick up….. Now the marais sword is gone. Could someone drop it for me please? Happy to do the same for anyone who needs help.
David says
Hello, same situation but with two other weapons. Happy to help. I am in PS5 as med7812. Thanks!
Number 6 says
Popped for me while up grading each one. (1 level).
Teoff says
If you already have all weapons on your inventory and it does not pop up try putting them in the storage. worked for me…
Badir says
Where is storage? I’ve kept everything in my inventory.
PowerPyx says
At any site of grace you have a chest/storage option
Badir says
NM, I found it. And it worked! Thank you very much.
Nacnik says
Had all weapons in the inventory – no trophy. Upgraded all to +1 still nothing.
Then I dropped each one to pick them up again – now I’m missing two.
Badir says
Sadly I confirm the bug with the trophy. I have all 9 weapons and the the other optional one, and it didn’t pop. Damn, I may have gather all 9 again.
I did try leveling all 10 with the smith still didn’t trigger. I also tried equipping each one. All items are in my inventory.
Badir says
UPDATE: I tried putting the weapons in storage after realizing we had one. I put two in there and it popped for me.
Olivia says
Same, putting into chest works for me as well, it pops when I was transferring my 5th weapon. For my friend’s case, he transferred all to the chest, didn’t pop, but it pops during his second attempt of transferring from inventory to chest.
Luna says
Thank you! Your update message worked for me. Added the weapons to my storage and then it popped.
Vanessa says
Putting one of the required weapons in my storage popped the trophy for me also
nai22rolf says
Devourer’s Scepter was still dropped by Bernahl eventhough I killed Rykard before heading to Azula. I guess there are other triggers for him not to invade there.
The trophy also didn’t pop at first. After putting some in the chest, it worked.
WitSkapie says
Trophy was broken for me – ended up putting as many weapons as possible into the chest, then it popped.
esschallert says
For the Devourer’s Scepter can still be obtained still near the end, even after Shardbearer Rykard is killed. For this you still have to talk to him in Volcano Manner, he will not give you a quest, but instead gives you a warning. Travel back to Volcano Manner, he is now gone after the dialogue, but his sword is there (you can learn some skills here). Then proceed as in the guide, go to Farum and down the ladder from Beside the Great Bridge Site of Grave. Go down the ladder, and to the end of the path (where a chest is), he then will invade you there and you can kill him.
B says
Just to clarify on the note. You have to upgrade every weapon once WHEN YOU HAVE ALL THE WEAPONS in your inventory. I had one of them to +5 already and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t popping after making all weapons +1. I had to upgrade the one I already had to +6 to get it to pop.
KentRPG says
I collected all, trophy didn’t pop. I started upgrading to +1 from the top of this list, trophy popped when I reached Marais Executioner’s Sword.
Midnightfall says
After patch 1.04 it did make some of them not register until you upgrade them once but I don’t think you need to upgrade them all, just the ones you got before the update. I was going through all of them upgrading and it already registered for me when I upgraded grafted great sword which I know I got before update and I still had 5 more to go.
Craig says
Hey I can confirm the legendary arnament achievement unlocked for me today, even though i had already sold 2 of the arnaments. So it’s if attained throughout a playthrough, not specifally in your inventory.
Smuddy says
Can anyone drop the Bolt of Gransax for me?
The capital is destroyed and I don’t have time goin Ng+.
My PSN is Smuddy
FrostyDubbz_ says
Could someone please drop me the Bolt of Gransax and possibly rivers of blood? I missed them both unfortunately PSN – FrostyDubbz_
Cameron says
Could anyone possibly drop the Bolt of Gransax for me? I’ve progressed to the point where the capital area changed and so can’t get it.
PSN- Cameron__FD
Jacob says
I found that after finishing the game but before triggering an ending that after I went to Bernahl at volcano manor and he dissappeared. He invaded me at the spot where you go to collect the old lords talisman. He dropped the devourer scepter and this triggered the trophy for me on ps5
BrenMc says
I found this too, I had only Hoarah Loux the Warrior and the final boss fight against Radagon of the Golden Order & Elden Beast left, for bosses and all other trophies besides this.
Sham says
It might be the sword of night and flame specifically. I was going item by item trying to fix the Armament achievement on the xbox one and throwing the sword of night and flame in the box is what did it.
Adam says
Can confirm patch 1.4 issue…
I moved 4 of them to the chest and it popped right as I moved sword of night and flame.
Prior to that I had moved the first 3 in the order listed here.
Seriph says
I’ve acquired all weapons listed, dropped and picked them back up, put them in storage and removed them, upgraded them all and the trophy still won’t appear….
ShinRai says
For Devourer’s Scepter – “However, this can be missed if you defeat Shardbearer Rykard before getting the weapon from Bernahl.” is not applicable as of Patch 1.03+
Chris says
The blasmephous claw legendary weapon that you get by defeating an invading boss (can’t recall name) in Farum Azula also counts towards this trophy.
PowerPyx says
Not needed, I never did this when I got the trophy.
Adam says
I have all the weapons in this list plus a few others that are apparently not required (black knife etc.)
Trophy doesn’t pop even when I transfer back and forth between chest or dropping and picking back up. Even tried upgrading each one. Also picked up a couple on NG+.
Looks like I’m bugged out of the plat :/
jermerm says
Do I need them all on one save or can I switch between?
Tunto says
Can confirm in August 2024 that this is still bugged, but was able to fix by putting all the weapons in storage chest and it randomly popped as I took them out.