This guide shows all Elden Ring Armorer’s Cookbook Locations. The Armorer’s Cookbooks unlock new crafting recipes. The unlocks for each book are also listed here.
If you are missing a site of grace or other area referenced below, refer to Elden Ring All Sites of Grace Locations.
Armorer’s Cookbook [1]
- Limgrave: Murkwater Coast – From the Site of Grace head Southwest and you will come along a small camp that the royal army uses and inside will be a couple of guards and wolves but be careful as a horserider will patrol through this camp also. This cookbook is sitting on a table inside this campsite.
Knowledge gained:
- Fire Grease
- Drawstring Fire Grease
- Fireproof Dried Liver
Armorer’s Cookbook [2]
- Limgrave: Coastal Cave – Head outside the cave and make a left, hug the wall until you come across a Merchant under some ruins next to a campfire. He will sell you this book for 600 Runes.
Knowledge gained:
- Firebone Arrow
- Firebone Arrow (Fletched)
- Firebone Bolts
- Neutralizing Boluses
Armorer’s Cookbook [3]
- Can be purchased from the Traveling Merchant for 2,000 Runes. Note – The Traveling Merchant doesn’t stay in one place long, one of his resting places is just north of Limgrave: Fort Haight West.
Knowledge gained:
- Exalted Flesh
Armorer’s Cookbook [4]
- Caelid: Chamber Outside the Plaza – From the Site of Grace head West into the main courtyard. The building to the Northwest will be open after defeating Radahn and this book is inside that room tucked away in the back behind barrels.
Knowledge gained:
- Redmane Fire Pot
Armorer’s Cookbook [5]
- Caelid: Chamber Outside the Plaza – From the Site of Grace head West and into the building straight ahead through the door to the north. Head up the stairs and onto the platform above. Once up top kill the dog and head into the room to the south instead of climbing the ladder. it is immediately to the right once you walk inside.
Knowledge gained:
- Immunizing Cured Meat
- Immunizing White Cured Meat
Armorer’s Cookbook [6]
- Siofra River: Siofra River Bank – Jump up on the cliff from the grace to the west and head left. It will be at the end of the path on a body.
Knowledge gained:
- Preserving Boluses
Armorer’s Cookbook [7]
- Mt. Gelmir: Fort Laiedd – Head into Fort Laiedd and inside the castle. Get past the big enemy in the small courtyard and make your way through the door ahead and you will find this cookbook at the back of the room on the floor.
Knowledge gained:
- Giantsflame Fire Pot
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Bridget S says
Armorer’s Cookbook (2) can be bought from Nomadic Merchant, Southeast from Coastal Cave for 600runes.
Nathan says
#2 is sold by the Isolated Merchant in his shack right next to the beach on the west side of Weeping Pininsula. Just below Witchbane Ruins