Welcome to the Elden Ring Walkthrough for the Acadamy of Raya Lucaria region! The Academy is a large gothic castle, and another “traditional” area like Stormveil, though slightly smaller and with two trophy-related bosses inside. You aren’t required to come here for story progression or the “normal” story ending, but you do need to come here to receive an item required for the Age of Stars ending, so if you want to do everything you will need to come through here eventually. It is a decent place to come directly after Stormveil due to enemy and boss difficulty, but it is up to you if you do it then or leave it for later.
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Progression Order:
- Main Academy Gate
- Church of the Cuckoo
- Schoolhouse Library
- Red Wolf of Radagon
- Debate Parlor
- Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
- Raya Lucaria Grand Library
Main Academy Gate
From the Main Academy Gate site of grace, take the nearby elevator up to enter the Academy proper.
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Follow the path forward, watching out for the two enemies at the top who will shoot Glintstone magic at you.
These will be one of the main enemies you fight throughout the Academy. Continue forward into the church, watching out for one more at the front, along with two Marrionette Soldiers that drop down from the ceiling.
Once they are dealt with you can take the door to the east, leading to the first site of grace inside the Academy.
Church of the Cuckoo
You can then continue out the side of the church to continue. You will need to pass through the large graveyard area, following the lower path across the bridge.
After crossing the bridge, follow the path up to the right. In the graveyard, you need to watch out for the zombie-like enemies that will appear throughout, as they try to grab you whenever you get near and drain your FP.
At the other end of the graveyard, proceed through the hallway to the other side, then jump on one of the platforms on the water wheel and ride it up to the top.
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Head into the building on the left to find the next site of grace.
Schoolhouse Classroom
Continue out of the classroom into the next hallway. There will be more Scholar enemies in here to deal with, and a new type that carries a sword and shield to slightly stop you blasting them immediately.
Continue following the hallway to a larger room with a number more Scholars, and a large Living Jar around the left corner. Deal with them or run past them into the hallway on the right.
Continue down the hallway to where the enemy is ahead, then turn around and continue up the set of stairs on the left of right.
At the top you can continue forward and enter the boss room.
Red Wolf of Radagon
Reward: Memory Stone + 12000 Runes
Red Wolf of Radagon is somewhat like Great Grey Wolf Sif from Dark Souls. Its move set is a combination of magical sword attacks and spells as well as dashing biting attacks.
It is extremely mobile and jumps around all the time making it difficult to hit it, but luckily it is not very tanky. Using spells is a viable option but it is recommended to use spells that do not consume a lot of FP since it will dodge them a lot – Swift Glintstone Shard is recommended. As a melee user you can attack after dodging its red sword attacks.
It will also place blue spells in the air which will turn into homing swords after a short period of time so do not dodge them in advance, wait for the swords to actually start moving towards you.
Debate Parlor
After defeating Radagon, you can continue out into the large courtyard outside.
There are a few paths you can take through here, going to the far left leads to the path across the Academy rooftops, where you can find a number of unique items, along with the Academy Glintstone Key for Thops.
To continue to the next boos you need to get over to the stairwell on the right, but first, you should make sure to go to the northwest corner of the courtyard to pick up a Golden Seed from the tree in the corner.
To proceed to the boss you need to jump onto one of the two struts going from the cliff edge to the stairs, then jump onto the stairs.
Once you jump onto the stairs a large metal ball will start being launched down over and over. You will need to avoid the ball and make your way up the stairs. It will bounce off the walls as it rolls down the stairs, so you can time your movement around when it is bouncing on the opposite railing.
Continue forward into the courtyard where you will find Moongrum, Carian Knight. Moongrum is an optional enemy so you don’t fight him if you don’t want to, but he will try to get in your way if you’re trying to get past. He normally just chases you around trying to attack with his sword, and blocks your attacks using his shield. If he two hands his sword then you should back away, as he will normally try to perform the Crian Greatsword ability, so will do a large swing directly forward. If you defeat him, he drops the Carian Knight’s Shield.
If you wish to do so before fighting him you can take the path to the left, which leads back towards the first courtyard, with a door at the end that opens a shortcut back so you don’t need to run up the large stairs again.
Whether you defeat Moongrum or avoid him, take the elevator behind him up to the next floor, then proceed through the doors into the boss room.
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Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Reward: Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen, Great Rune of the Unborn, 30000 Runes
First and most important info: spells are pretty much useless in this fight so you better have a decent emergency melee weapon. You will enter a library with a bunch of crawling people and a floating figure in a shield.
You can’t damage Renalla in her shield but you can kill the crawling children. However, they will keep respawning infinitely. What you have to do is find the one child that is singing and has a yellow aura around them and hit them. If you do this 3 times Renalla’s shield will break and she will drop to the floor giving you some time to attack her before getting her shield back.
The best method is to basically bum-rush this part of the fight. Run straight to the singing child and hit it, run to the next one and when Renalla is down hit her. When her health is low and you know your next damage phase will kill her, summon some Ashes like the wolves or other Ashes with multiple aids to help out in the next part of the fight.
Once you fully take down her health bar the second phase will begin. Summoning your aids late will allow you to have them in here with full health or close to it. Renalla will now float around in an endless area and will use a variety of spells against you. When she does the laser runs to the side and for every other spell you can run directly towards her. She has very low poise and the combination of your melee attacks and your aids will give you big damage openings, as you can constantly stagger her out of her animations. She can also summon a moon-looking spell which will explode when it hits the ground for big area damage so keep your distance from it if she starts it.
She will sometimes try to place a white circle on the ground around her, which will summon aids of her own. They can be 4 wolves, a fast sword-wielding enemy, a Giant, or a dragon. If she gets any off your best bet is to just avoid them and focus on hitting Renalla instead if she manages to get one of the summons off before you can stagger her.
Raya Lucaria Grand Library
Once Renalla is defeated you return to her boss room and can activate the site of grace. She still just sits in the room now and you can speak with her, where she allows you to respec your character in exchange for a Larval Tear, or change the cosmetic aspects of your character whenever you want.
The chest in the room can’t be opened yet, if you come here early in the game, it contains an item required for the Age of Stars ending.
Academy of Raya Lucaria Sites of Grace
Church of the Cuckoo
Debate Parlor
Continue with the next area Caria Manor.
For all other regions refer to Elden Ring Walkthrough.
Samuele says
hi powerpyx, as far as the detailed guide for the game is 100%, are you going to complete with all secondary zones? Because I saw that after the stormveil castle area there are no more secondary areas in the other guides
PowerPyx says
Will add them for all region walkthroughs over the next 1-2 days. It ended up being more time-efficient to cover them all separately in sites of grace guide and then going back to add them in one swoop to the individual region walkthroughs after they’ve all been found. Almost done with that, will update it in all walkthroughs shortly.