Effie has 18 Relic Locations. Relics are collectibles and can be found in the different worlds and cities – Temple of the Elder Protectors (1), Windmills Town (2), Woodborn (2), the Vineyards (2), and in the game’s main hub, Red Plains of Oblena (11). Finding all of these collectibles unlocks the trophies listed below and it is a requirement for the platinum and some of them are found in locations that you need to visit for their respective trophies.
All Relics are missable! They need to be collected in one single playthrough and their stats don’t carry over to new saves. Later in the game the doors leading to collectibles are closed so you can’t go back! Make sure you grab all of these at the first opportunity or else you’ll miss them!
All Relics are found inside Golden Chests and are well hidden: they are usually behind corners, on top of ledges, among crates, Ghoul encampments etc.
Relics save immediately after being collected. If you get killed, you don’t need to pick them up again.
Below you can find the location of all Relics, area by area. Using the picture’s background is a good way to more easily determine the locations to the Relic Chests. In fact, the game doesn’t come with a map accessible from the pause menu. However, if you go to the south-east area of the map, you’ll find a map carved into the ground. If you need to, you can take some pictures to help you determine where you are and where you need to go.
Trophies unlocked from finding Relics:
Tomb Raider
The Librarian
The Searcher
Taster of Stories
Private Eye Galand
Temple of the Elder Protectors
Relic #1 – After defeating some enemies in the main area of the Temple, you will have to make your way out to the Plains. When you get to the upper part of the main chamber, you’ll find the Relic Chest in front of the large stone door. This is the only unmissable Relic in the game as you need to collect it in order to proceed.
Windmills Town
Relic #2 – In the second area under construction with the wood cranes. The Relic Chest is hidden behind a wall at the very end of the second construction area, near the white house and a large wood building.
Relic #3 – While activating the windmills, you’ll reach a cave-like area. At some point you’ll get to an intersection. If you go straight ahead, you’ll miss the collectible. Instead, access through the broken pipe on your left. The Relic Chest is hidden between some destructible wooden crates that you can get to by walking across the big dining hall with lots of enemies on the first floor of the area.
Relic #4 – As soon you as you enter the main village, head right at the first intersection and then right again. The Relic Chest is between some buildings, near a small pumpkin patch.
Relic #5 – Shortly after gaining access to the fourth and final area inside the Cathedral, you’ll see some pressing traps. The Relic Chest is on a broken wood carriage on the left side of the village, at the very end.
The Vineyards
Relic #6 – When you enter the first barrel building, you’ll have to find three switches to reactivate the elevator. There is a hidden lever near one of the switches, behind some barrels and crates. Pull the lever and enter the hidden room. Here you will find the Relic Chest.
Relic #7 – At some point, you’ll have to operate a three-switch contraption to make your way onwards. If you position the central barrel as shown in the picture below, it’ll lead you to a secret door which, in turn, leads to the Relic Chest.
Red Plains of Oblena
Relic #8 – The Relic Chest is hidden inside the shrine of the Quiet Rock graveyard, near Windmills Town. Pull the four levers to open the shrine’s gate.
Relic #9 – Between Windmills Town and the three towers of Harmony Obelisks there is a Ghoul Encampment in a small forest. Here you can find a Relic Chest.
Relic #10– Atop some wooden watchtowers south-west from Windmills Town.
Relic #11 – On a dock of the fishing village inside the Great Forest, east of Woodborn, north-west of the Coliseum.
Relic #12 – Awarded after completing the Quick Imp Race. The race starts in the east area of the Plains. Enter the stands and go up to the first floor.
Relic #13 – Inside the small forest near the main road halfway through Windmills Town and The Vineyards.
Relic #14 – In the middle of an enemy-ridden swamp area, basically opposite The Temple of Oblena.
Relic #15 – On top of the tallest tower of the Harmony Obelisks, given to you when you complete its related challenge.
Relic #16 – Inside a burned cabin south-east from the Temple of Oblena, basically halfway through the road that goes from the Temple of Oblena to The Vineyards.
Relic #17 – At the top of the wooden tower in the water-surrounded Fisher Fish area.
Relic #18 – Awarded after completing the Combat Challenge inside the Fire Hammer Coliseum, found all the way to east. It’s advisable to leave this Relic Chest as the last one, after obtaining all of Galand’s skills.
These are all the 18 Relic Locations in Effie.
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