The Phantom Oxcart is a side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Phantom Oxcart side mission.
- Starting Location: Vermund (various)
- Quest Giver: N/A
- Requirement: Finished Nation of the Lambent Flame main quest, then return to Vermund
- Reward: 4000 XP, 14500 G, Ring of Momentum,
Are We There Yet?
- Quest Description: The roads are well tended, but they are by no means fit to be traveled anight, and carts are prohibited from leaving after dark. All but one obey: the so-called phantom oxcart.
- Investigate the phantom oxcart
- Question the soldier
- Find out who is behind the phantom oxcart
- Pursue the oxcart
- Gather evidence and report to Captain Brant
Starting Location: The Phantom Oxcart
To start this quest, you first need to reach the second capital city Bakbattahl, then return to Vermund. You can have this quest start from various places by encountering talking NPCs, but the easiest spot is to go to the West Vernworth Oxcart Station in Vernworth. Here there will likely be two NPCs talking about the oxcart, and after their conversation finishes the quest is automatically started.
It can also start by walking past Oxcarts that are driving on the bridge at the northwest exit of Vernworth.
Investigate the phantom oxcart
The Phantom Oxcart only appears at night, so you will need to venture out after dark. You can sleep at the inn in Vernworth until nighttime, then head out the northeast road to the intersection with the other main road.
When you reach it you will see the Oxcart stopped along the path, walk closer for a scene.
Question the soldier
Go up and speak with the soldier you saw during the scene. When you approach he’ll start running away, so you need to run up and grab him with . After the scene you can choose to let him go or escort him to Vermund.
Find out who is behind the phantom oxcart
You’ll receive a document from the man, but need some help determining its origin. You can speak with Brant who will still be hanging around The Stardrop Inn at night.
Pursue the oxcart
Brant suggests finding out where the Oxcart goes to determine the purpose behind it and suggests either following it or disguising yourself as a pawn to ride it. It is suggested you ride it as that is required to earn the trophy/achievement Are We There Yet? Go back to the same spot, remove all of your armor and weapons, and speak with the driver to be let onto the Oxcart, then examine the empty spot on the ground to start riding and earn the trophy/achievement.
You’ll be riding the cart in real-time, so wait for the driver to talk a bit while driving, and then he’ll stop and direct the pawns to attack the monsters on the road. Get off and deal with them but DON’T reequip your items or use pawn commands or he’ll drive away. They’re very low-level Goblins so you can just punch them with the other pawns. When they are dealt with get back onto the cart to continue. When you reach the border gate there will be another scene where the guards punch you and the pawns. Don’t retaliate or they’ll stop you from continuing.
Gather evidence and report to Captain Brant
In the next scene, you will now be outside the giant stone gate near the palace in Bakbattahl. The guards here will immediately spot you as not a pawn, so quickly put back on your weapons and armor and fight back. After defeating one of the enemies you will automatically receive the item Labor Requisition Orders. Return to Brant in Vernworth and turn this in to him to complete the quest.
This finishes The Phantom Oxcart side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
For all other Quests refer to Dragon’s Dogma 2 Walkthrough.
Dante says
All of the soldiers at the last point of the quest seems to be npc that can be revived. Is any other quest affected by their death?
Nikki_boagreis says
Haven’t come across any sub quest that’s been affected by the death of the soldiers at the end of The Phantom Oxcart. You only have to defeat one soldier to obtain the labor requisition orders, I defeated all the soldiers and still haven’t noticed any sub quest that’s been affected.
Seb says
For some reason cannot get the quest. I’ve gone all the way until right before Godsway quest and didn’t start that one yet. I went back to Vernworth and tried talking to the NPCs Dragras and other one and I’ve tried waiting around the bridge and nothing. I saw a video showing you can get it started also by talking to Wilhelmina but she’s gone now out of her business since I did the romance quest. What can I do to get the quest?