Prey for the Pack is a side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Prey for the Pack side mission.
- Starting Location: Checkpoint Rest Town
- Quest Giver: Morris
- Requirement: Reach Checkpoint Rest Town
- Reward: 4000 XP, 11,000 G, 2 x Miracle Roberant
- Quest Description:
- Find Rodge and go to his aid
- Report back to Morris
Starting Location: Prey for the Pack
To start this quest, go near Morris’s Apothecary in the Checkpoint Rest Town for an automatic scene.
Find Rodge and go to his aid
Your goal is to find Rodge and help him get back to town. You can speak with some of the people in the marked area for some clues, but you won’t get a specific location. What you are supposed to do is go east of the town and look for the blue Moonglow flowers, and if you are looking during the night you can see a path of glowing petals leading along the road. They will lead you to the Putrid Cave location, which is just past the edge of the lake running along the road. If you want you can just go straight there.
Once you enter the cave you can find Rodge being attacked by wolves, quickly deal with them to save him.
Report back to Morris
Now with Rodge in tow, you can make your way back to the town to lead him to Morris and speak with him to complete the quest.
This finishes the Prey for the Pack side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
For all other Quests refer to Dragon’s Dogma 2 Walkthrough.
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