In Dragon’s Wake is a main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the In Dragon’s Wake main mission.
- Starting Location: Borderwatch Lounge / Borderwatch Outpost
- Quest Giver: Innkeeper at Borderwatch Outpost
- Requirement: having completed Tale’s Beginning
- Reward:
Seat of the Proxy
- Quest Description: You found the village in ruins, rent by the dragon’s claws. Fragments of memory returned to you, but just as you began to piece them together you were cornered by the watchhead. Now you are under suspicion of being an imposter – a false Arisen – and must travel to the capital if you wish to prove your identity.
- Make for Melve
- Look around Melve
- Speak with Lennart
- Speak with Gregor
- Accompany Gregor to the Capital
Make for Melve
Immediately after the start of the main quest, a Pawn named Daniella will approach you, allowing you to decide if you want to hire her or not. Since hiring her costs nothing, do so to add her to your party. Moving forward, other Pawns will often stop you for recruitment. It is up to you if you want to add them to your team or not. Generally, a team of 2 fighters + 2 mages will perform very well. The fighters will distract the enemies at close range, while your AI mage will constantly heal everyone. If you are the other mage you can just focus on attacking with spells. Avoid putting archers on the team, they tend to have poor survivability. Thieves are good damage dealers at close range so if no fighter is available you can take a thief with you. Good to know: Pawns that are 1 level below you can always be recruited for free. Pawns that are your level will cost 31 Rift Points. Pawns that are above your level will cost more Rift Points. The higher the level difference, the more Rift Points the recruitment will cost. You can also hire other player’s pawns if you have online features enabled, and if you play offline there will always be some preset pawns to choose from.
Leave the tent and make it downhill and to your left are two soldiers conversing near the two braziers. They will ask for a favor which you can accept or ignore. If accepted, this will trigger the tutorial on quest prioritization: you can select a quest to prioritize among those you have accepted. If the quest destination is known, a marker will be placed on your map to indicate it. Furthermore, if you have a Pawn in your party who possesses knowledge of that particular quest, they will be able to guide you to your objective. However, Pawns with such knowledge will not offer guidance unless the quest is set as a priority.
You can now make a quick detour to finish the two side quests in Borderwatch Outpost:
There are two side quests in Borderwatch Outpost which you can do now for some money and XP:
It’s recommended to always to do side quests right away when you accept them. Side quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are affected by the passing of time, and will progress even without your involvement. Taking on multiple quests at once comes with a risk of being unable to act in time, and this can result in unintended consequences or making the quest impossible to complete if certain quest-related NPCs have moved elsewhere. Try to bear the factor of time in mind when managing your current quests and taking on new ones.
Now leave the outpost and start venturing out towards Melve. As you do, you will be presented with a tutorial on how to command your Pawn. Read the tutorial carefully and then experiment with the commands on the nearby goblins.
There is another side quest along a side path that you can do right now:
Then, resume your journey towards the main objective’s marker, defeating enemies along the way until you reach Melve.
Look around Melve
Once you reach the ruins of the town, continue down the hill past the merchant and the well, then up the hill on your right again to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will be controlling a swordsman, your Arisen’s former self. Head for the dragon’s paws and hit them a few times until Arisen and a cutscene unlock. After the cutscene, you will be sent for by Gregor asking you to speak with Lennart.
Speak with Lennart
Now make your way to Melve’s Tristan’s Inn and you’ll be stopped by Lennart himself. Lennart acts as a tutorial for Vocations, so feel free to choose the corresponding option if you want to learn more about your Vocation or decline the offer to continue. Here at the innkeeper you can change your vocation and that of your pawn. However, doing so will fill your inventory with the starting gear for the vocation you unlock. If you are happy with your vocation so far, it’d be easiest to stick with it.
The game will also tell you all about the Maister’s Teaching, the most powerful skill that can be acquired by any Vocation. Learning a maister’s teaching requires the use of a special tome, which you will receive if you impress the Vocation-Maister with your abilities. You need to reach high enough a Vocation rank to be unleash the true potential of your Maister’s Teaching. You automatically gain Vocation Ranks by defeating enemies with the Vocation you are playing.
Now leave the Inn to be stopped by Dahlia which triggers the next objective.
Speak with Gregor
Follow the path downhill leading you to Melve’s exit and speak with Gregor who will ask us if we want to go with him to Vernworth.
Accompany Gregor to the Capital
Follow Gregor along the path going north until you come to a gate that will be raised for you. Continue on and you’ll reach an encampment with several chests and items in the tents. Continue down the road and your left you’ll find a Camping Kit and a campfire. Make a camp here at the fire to unlock An In-Tents Adventure.
Good to know: The same Camping Kit can be used infinitely to make camp as often as you want. It only gets destroyed if you are ambushed by enemies while camping and then die during the ambush. If you fend off the enemies you get to keep the camping kit. It’s best to clear out nearby enemies before camping to avoid being ambushed. You can also grill meat at camps to gain positive buffs to your stats. Even if you don’t grill meat your health will be fully restored every time you camp, the only difference is that you won’t receive the stat boost. There are usually some animals near campfires that you can hunt for meat. You must grill all 8 types of meat at day & night for The Barbecue-Maister. Just remember to grill every different type of meat you find, for a list of all meat you can check Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Grilled Meat Locations. If meat is left in your inventory for too long it will rot which results in a different variation of the same meat. Meat can also be put into storage (accessed at some inns) where it will never perish.
Now proceed downhill towards the stone bridge for a brief earthquake interruption. Continue along the bridge and up the next hill where you’ll be attacked by series of harpies. Now follow the main path to the left and continue on until a troll comes bursting through the boulders blocking up the river. Defeat him and then continue on. The troll fight may or may not trigger its own mini-quest called One-Eyed Interloper, which will automatically complete after the fight. It may show in the “completed” section of your quest log later. It’s just an automatic sub-quest of the main quest we are on.
Continue following the main path and you’ll eventually reach Vernworth where upon entering the city we’ll be asked for a permit we don’t own. Try entering the city nonetheless and we’ll be put in the clink and be given a rundown of the events that leads to us being called the Arisen.
This finishes In Dragon’s Wake main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
For all other Quests refer to Dragon’s Dogma 2 Walkthrough.
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