In Dragon’s Dogma 2 you must find 50 Cave Locations for The Tourist trophy & achievement. While the trophy description says to find “50 locations” it specifically only counts Caves not other Points of Interest. For this you must find almost all caves in the game. Entering them for a short moment is enough so that the cave entrance gets marked on the map. Finding the cave exit isn’t necessary and you don’t have to fully explore the caves.
The entire map will automatically be unfogged in New Game+ so it’s recommended to gather everything there. It will be easier to reference the pictures below when you have the whole map unfogged in NG+. If you prefer to do it in the first playthrough, the last opportunity is before finishing Main Quest 14: A New Godsway. Afterward you will be put on the ending path.
Region 1: Vermund (Forest)
#1 – Waterfall Cave
#2 – The Mountain’s Secret
#3 – Blackwoods Nest
#4 -Ancestral Chamber
#5 – Cavern of the Forsaken
#6 – Mt. Alles Tunnel
#7 – Indigent Bedlands
#8 – Frightful Hollow
#9 – Nameless Village Depths
#10 – Underbridge Grotto
#11 – Spirit’s Path
#12 – Twilight Cave
#13 – Coastal Cavern
#14 – The Gracious Hand’s Vaults
#15 – Trembling Hollow
#16 -Headwater Cavern
#17 – Trevo Mine
#18 – Stormwind Cave
#19 – Collapsed Mines
#20 – Derelict Mines
#21 – River’s Edge Grotto
#22 – Hidden Cavern
#23 – Rainshelter Cave
#24 – Darkhorde Cave
#25 – Forgotten Tunnel
#26 – Strange Corridor
#27 – Worldsend Cavern
#28 – Ancient Battleground
#29 – Shrine Corridor
#30 – Mountain Shrine
#31 – Guerco Cavern
#32 – Putrid Cave
#33 – Frontier Shrine
#34 – Seafloor Shrine
Region 2: Battahl (Desert)
#35 – Rocky Crevasse
#36 – Rocky Lair
#37 – Dimdark Cave
#38 – Holy Mausoleum Ruins
#39 – Highland Cavern
#40 – Coral Snake’s Hideout
#41 – Tomb of Renu’ Lebarr
#42 – Straggler’s Cave
#43 – Pilgrim’s Peril Cave
#44 – Canyon Cave
#45 – Sandspire Den
#46 – Sal’ Battahl Cavern
#47 – Caliginous Depths
#48 – Dragonsbreath Tower
#49 – Drabnir’s Grotto
Region 3: Agamen Volcanic Island
#50 – Mountain Base Cave
#51 – Moonglint Tower (automatically reached during final story quest – Main Quest 16: Legacy)
For all other collectibles check out Dragon’s Dogma 2 Wiki.
Leif says
How do i get to moonlight tower?
PowerPyx says
You go to Moonglint Tower during the final main quest. I added a note for this one 🙂
Bob says
Hi! Do you know if I need to visit 50 places in one playthrough or I can split them between NG and NG+?
Nikki_boagreis says
Pretty sure it’s between playthroughs, my trophy progress for this specific trophy was at 32% when I started NG+ and now that I’m actually focusing on this trophy the percentage continued where it left off during my initial playthrough.
sportstsar says
I currently have 30 discovered from the list above but my trophy tracker is showing 36/50. A few that seem to count that I didn’t see in the list yet are: Depleted Ore Deposit, Dead-End Curve, Rock Wall Berme (all in Vermund) and Enoa’Battahl Cavern, Tomb of Am’Ranna, Tomb of Ja’Nuwa (all in Battahl)
GuyMont says
Also make sure to enter the cave, if it just on the map, but you don’t have anything on the “inner” cave map then it doesn’t count for the trophy yet.
David says
The list of possible caves is much longer than this. In the “history” section look at the value for dungeon and this the number you have found that count for this trophy. When it hits fifty the trophy will pop. I had about 20 caves that were not listed here.
G. Wong says
Moonlight Tower is the last cave I have yet visited and my stats show that I have 71 Locations, and I am quite certain I already explored the map fully. As a result, the total number of caves could be 72.
Mac says
This was very helpful with the pics. Thanks.