A New Godsway is a main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the A New Godsway main mission.
- Starting Location: Seafloor Shrine
- Requirement: having completed Convergence
- Reward: 35000 G, 6000 XP, Wakestone, Empowered Godsbane Blade
- Quest Description: The Godsbane that Rothais entrusted into your care is no mere blade, but his own soul—the soul of an Arisen. This, it seems, is what Ambrosius has been so desperately seeking.
- Deliver the godsbane to Ambrosius
- Obtain fifteen wyrmslife crystals
- Await the new godsway
Starting Location: A New Godsway
Deliver the godsbane to Ambrosius
You have to bring the godsbane blade to Ambrosius, just follow the quest marker to Forbidden Magick Research Lab in Bakbattahl. You get there by follow the path in the northeast of Bakbattahl to the end, then head south on that path. Alternatively, can go through the corridors in Flamebearer Palace to reach it.
Give the blade to him.
Obtain fifteen wyrmslife crystals
Now you have to get fifteen wyrmslife crystals, there are a few ways to get them and here is how.
- A drop from defeating a dragon.
- A rare item available for purchase from a traveling merchant.
- A rare material randomly discovered by a pawn with the Forager Specialization.
If you already have fifteen crystals (if you killed dragons before), you will automatically proceed to the next objective. If you don’t have the crystals, here are a few dragon locations, kill any one of them. We recommend going to the first Dragon at Dragonsbreath Tower because it also unlocks the Mystic Spearhand vocation.
Dragon 1 – Dragonsbreath Tower southwest of Bakbattahl (drops 15 Crystals) – you also meet Sigurd there to unlock the Mystic Spearhand vocation:
Dragon 2 – At Luz’s location northwest of Bakbattahl (talk to Luz and he’ll tell you of this dragon, drops 15 Crystals):
Dragon 3 – in Ancient Battleground northeast of Checkpoint Rest Town (drops 15 Crystals):
Await the new godsway
IMPORTANT – POINT OF NO RETURN: We highly recommend making an Inn Save here (sleep at Inn). From here you can still clean up trophies/achievements & endings. Most side quests are also still available at this point and can be cleaned up. So now is the last chance to finish up anything you have remaining and prepare for the endings. If you playing on PS5, it’s HIGHLY recommended to make a PS+ Backup Save (PS5 Settings > Saved Data > PS5 > Upload or Delete from Console Storage + under “Sync Saved Data” DISABLE Auto-Sync Data so it doesn’t overwrite your backup). You will need a paid PS+ subscription for this. If you are on Xbox or Steam simply sleep at an Inn to make an “Inn Save”, you can reload this from the Title Screen after the endings to still go back. Before resting at an Inn, dismiss your hired pawns and kill your main pawn (throw it off cliff) so that they can’t get Dragon’s Plague while you sleep, as this would kill all NPCs.
Once you have the crystals and finished up any other side tasks / trophies / achievements, go back to Ambrosius and give him the crystals.
You now have to wait a day. There are no benches inside this location to wait, so you’ll have to go back out to Bakbattahl town and rest on a bench there until the next day.
When you’re ready, talk to Ambrosius again.
HIGHLY MISSABLE TROPHY COMING UP: To defeat Gigantus in a short amount of time for Gigantus, I Hardly Knew Ye you must use an Unmaking Arrow on him for an instakill. You must buy this from the Dragonborne for 8 Wyrmslife Crystals before starting the next quest! You must also switch to Archer class. Otherwise you will not be able to use the arrow and miss the trophy/achievement. Here’s the Dragonborne selling this item, don’t use the arrow until you reach the Gigantus in next quest (will be pointed out in next quest walkthrough).
This finishes A New Godsway main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
For all other Quests refer to Dragon’s Dogma 2 Walkthrough.
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