The video above shows how to farm Majin Buu food quickly.
There are blue orbs all over Conton City. They often contain food items. You can find them on water, but also also in the hills and countryside near the town. See the video for a farming route. Once you picked up all blue orbs you can play a match and they will respawn. The instructors have some very easy and short matches. I was going around the countryside oustide Conton City, picked up all blue orbs, then played a match against Vegeta and everything respawned. Rinse and repeat. It took me 2 runs (5 minutes) with this method to completely fill up Majin Buu’s stomach.
Feeding Majin Buu at his house will make him bear children. You get access to this area after making a bit of progress in the story. When he has 6 children he’ll give you a Distorted Time Egg, needed for the alternate game ending and to complete the story 100%.
It is also required for the following trophies / achievements:
– The Most Powerful Majin is Born!
– I Feel a Little…Different!
– Defiance in the Face of Despair!!
Feeding his children can yield some good rewards (such as new clothing and super souls). Feed a child multiple times and it will change its color (which unlocks a trophy).
Should Buu stop having children you must level up some more. I was level 75 when he had all six children.
Les says
Everyone says it’s time consuming to comeplete majin boo’s task by feeding him but it was the easiest n quickest one for me. All I did was get 200,000 zeni then go to the item shop n buy 99 bottle waters (99,000 zeni) then take the 99 waters to buu. Every 32 waters fill him up and he will have a kid. Then go back to item shop and do same thing again. After second time he will have all 6 kids n give u egg. Hope this helps.
Matt says
With the buying food at the item shop its not there and idk why? I do have over 200,000 zeni so I’m not sure
Velektor says
It was actually every 34 waters to fill him up for me. Thanks for the tip!
Ty says
It’s every 34
iDGaF says
This is for XBOX ONE right? Or just any console?
Nate Burnside says
Any console
Steven says
Are you online or offline because I looked for the water and it wasn’t there I’m offline.
Manuel Flores says
Ok but after that how many times do you feed the kids
Tyler says
Does anyone know what to do if buy stops having children? I got him three and now all he says is something about hide and seek??
Alexandra says
Is your character a majin? You just need to level up then and he’ll teach about Kid buu Form is all. Then you can keep feeding him.
CDawg says
What level
Ash says
LVL 40 is when my character was summoned by Buu. Anyone have advice for expert quest Extreme Malice I have tried for weeks to beat it
Ty says
Keep feeding him it’s worth ut
Kadhar says
Hii I finished the story mode but I didn’t get the food in item shop please tell me how to get it