Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – How to Unlock Secret Game Ending Mission “Unknown History” and complete the story 100%.
Doing this will also unlock the “Defiance in the Face of Despair!!” trophy / achievement and “Future Super Saiyan” Transformation.
After completing the Time Vault chapter “Warrior from the Demon World” and earning the gold trophy for watching the ending sequence you may notice that the Story completion (in player stats) is not at 100%. That’s because there’s actually another secret mission called “Unknown History”.
To get access to it you must do a series of tedious questlines in the 5 Time Rifts (those big flying things over Conton City).
You must complete all quests in all 5 Time Rifts to earn 5 Eggs. Give the Eggs to the Supreme Kai near the Time Vault and then speak to Trunks.
Here are all 5 Quest Lines in detail. If you can’t progress in a quest line it’s because your power level is too low or you need to wait between fights and do something else (I was level 75 when I did all of this).
Egg #1 Hercule’s House:
Do all 6 Sayamen Quests in Hercule’s House. When you enter the house area turn right and you can find them in the courtyard. If they aren’t there you must talk to them in the Resort District/Kame House first. You can ignore Hercule’s quests, only the Saiyamen matter.
Egg #2 Capsule Corporation:
Do all 4 Vegeta Fights. He is standing in the left side of the area. If he doesn’t offer you a fight your level is too low and you must level up.
Egg #3 Guru’s House:
Defend Guru’s House 10 times (do 10 of Nail’s quest in the House area). After accepting the first quest in this area you will sometimes see a notification in the top right corner of the screen that the house is under attack. When this happens Nail will offer you a new quest here. In those quests you must collect some dragon balls. There are 6 parts of the quest. After doing all 6 they reset to part 1. But you must keep doing these quests until a total of 10 have been completed. Then you can speak to Guru and he powers up your Shenron Wishes.
Egg #4 Majin Buu’s House:
Feed Buu until he has 6 children. Food can be found from blue orbs in Conton City (mostly in the hills). Also see Majin Buu Food Farming Guide.
Egg #5 Frieza’s Spaceship:
Do all 17 Quests in Frieza’s Spaceship. Some of the quests won’t show up right away and you must go away. Let some time go by and do some other fights (e.g. parallel quests). After a few other fights you should see a notification in the top right corner that a new mission is available in the spaceship. You may also need a certain power level for this, so be sure you have leveled up far enough.
Josh says
I beat all of this and completed the unknown history and it says i am at 97% complete. I have no more story mission appearing so how do i get 100%.
PowerPyx says
After doing this ending you should have 100% (and there’s no way around it as you cannot skip story missions). Try talking to everyone at the time nest again. Go into the time vault and make sure all missions were completed. Maybe try replaying a mission to see if it updates the percentage. It could be a bug of some sort. For me it was at 100% right after the secret ending, but my progress counter seems to have glitched out with Hercule (says 95% for his house even though I did everything). I have a feeling those are just display bugs.
Shan says
See if you’re completion % in all of the time rifts are 100%. Because you can get the time egg from Hercule without having 100% completion.
Min says
Same but its at 82 completion?
Chibu says
I only got 76%
Andrew says
After completing this i have a 77 complete
Juels says
If I had all the eggs gave them away but didn’t talk to trunks and bet the game do I have to do it all again
Aaron says
Same here gave kai of time the eggs and trunks didnt talk to me either, must be a glitch?
XavierthePaladin says
dude talk to trunks next to the time nest
Dante1650 says
It says 91 for me
Yumatsu says
Mine also says 91% wasn’t sure if there was anything else that needed to be done.
Darky says
Mine too
Pluto says
You have to create a fighter of each class.once you dee all intro you l be at 100%
Continuer says
You have to talk to everyone in the Capsule Corporation 10 times. I did that and it worked.
manm123 says
mine is at 95% what do i do?
Zeno says
mine says 37 and I did all that?
EzuraJinryuu says
Most comments must be talking about the second page of your data. If you look at it it will give you the info of your most used techniques in battle, your time rift activities and your time rift completion for each one.
XavierthePaladin says
to all who say trunks wont talk you have to go to him next to the time nest after getting the time eggs and then go about and do the stuff after.