Dragon Age: The Veilguard Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50-60 hours on Easy if skipping dialogues – 60-80 hours on Normal if watching all dialogues
- Offline Trophies: 53 (1
, 1
, 13
, 38
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 2 –
Clear Minds and Open Hearts,
- Glitched trophies: All trophies are obtainable, but various trophies might not pop. Save in a different manual slot regularly, if something doesn’t unlock reload save and repeat. Especially the bronze trophies from faction questlines are very buggy but they can still be triggered by reaching maximum reputation with the faction. If a trophy repeatedly doesn’t unlock try reinstalling the game.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on ‘Storyteller’ (easiest difficulty)
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop, Save Transfer, Crossbuy: No, game doesn’t have a PS4 version
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, after the story click “Continue” and it puts you back before the Point of No Return in Chapter 11, can still do all quests from that point
- Supports Manual Saves?: Yes, 100 Manual Save Slots + 3 Autosaves + Automatic Temporary Saves before Decisions
- Release Date: October 31, 2024
Welcome to the Dragon Age: The Veilguard Trophy Guide (aka Dragon Age 4, Dragon Age Veilguard)! For platinum you will need near 100% completion. You need to collect all 29 Altars, around 140 of 182 Mementos for upgrading gear to max level, plenty of equipment chests to upgrade gear to max rarity, finish practically all quests to gain max reputation with all factions, and get the best ending where everyone survives. There are also a few missable trophies, but if you choose to help Minrathous in Chapter 6 and keep a manual save at the start of every chapter you can’t mess up too much. Just be thorough, do all side content as it appears, search all areas thoroughly for Mementos and other materials. Technically, you could still do everything after the story, as it sets you back before the point of no return and all quests are still there. The story can be done in 10-15 hours if you rush through on easy and skip dialogues. About 10-15 hours go into companion quests and another 10-15 hours for regional side quests. A couple more hours for collectibles and other trophies.
Important Choices:
There’s only 1 important choice for trophies:
- Side Quest: “Regrets of the Dread Wolf” – at the end of the quest when you talk to Mythal, solve the dialogue peacefully to get
Clear Minds and Open Hearts: I want your help > We must stop the blight > You stood against it > We must stop the gods > They wronged you > We are worthy > Building a safe place.
Also search all areas thoroughly for Mementos and Gear Chests. Some areas are quest-specific and can’t be returned to later. You need around 140 of 182 Mementos for Platinum, to upgrade equipment to the highest level. The Gear Chests are needed to upgrade equipment to the highest rarity (Legendary). Other than that you can’t mess anything up as all quests can still be done after the story and you can repeat the ending.
Step 1: Play until Chapter 11 Point of No Return
First, you will have to create a character. What’s confirmed to work for platinum in 1 playthrough is picking “Past Adventures The Inquisition: Default” (not custom). It probably doesn’t matter but this is what’s confirmed for all trophies. Lineage, Faction, Character Class are confirmed to not matter for any trophies so pick whatever you like.
Now just play through the story any way you like until you reach the Point of No Return in Chapter 11 Story Quest “When Plans Align”. If you want, you can already do side content as it becomes available. The game will give a warning when you reach the Point of No Return. From this point you can still finish all side content. Refer to All Quest Locations.
As you play through the quests, thoroughly search all areas for Mementos. Many are found in quest-specific areas that you can’t return to. Refer to Memento Locations Guide for a list of the missable areas. Merchants also sell Mementos, always check their inventory.
As of Patch 1.000.003 it no longer matters if you help Minrathous or Treviso in Chapter 6 Story Quest “In Peace, Vigilance”. The faction you don’t help in Chapter 6 will have its city partially destroyed and its faction merchant disappears. However, the faction merchant will respawn in The Crossroads in the form of a “Wisp Merchant” and gets marked on the map. You can sell valuables to this Wisp Merchant to reach maximum reputation with the faction that was destroyed, thus can still unlock the faction trophy and best ending. For the best ending you will need a 3-star rating with all factions and must have finished all companion questlines. If in Chapter 6 you help Treviso, then Neve will temporarily leave the team. If you help Minrathous, then Lucanis will temporarily leave the team. Their companion quests will temporarily show as failed but can still be done later at the Point of No Return when everyone has rejoined your team. You can’t pick any “wrong” dialogues during the story. Some dialogues just give XP for companions if they approve of your choice, but this doesn’t impact any trophies, and you can always grind companion XP from enemies anyway.
Step 2: Regrets of the Dread Wolf Quest (Memories), Missable Trophy: Clear Minds and Open Hearts
Prioritize the side questline “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”. This one questline unlocks 7 trophies total. You must collect 6 memories, each gives a trophy. They are all marked when tracking the quest. Then to end the quest you must talk to Mythal. There’s a highly missable trophy here Clear Minds and Open Hearts. To get it you must solve the dialogue peacefully without fighting her. Pick the following dialogue choices when talking to Mythal: I want your help > We must stop the blight > You stood against it > We must stop the gods > They wronged you > We are worthy > Building a safe place.
Step 3: All Companion Quests & Faction-Related Trophies
You will need 100% quest completion for the best ending and to gain 140+ Mementos for upgrading gear to the highest level. This includes doing all companion questlines to make all of them Heroes of the Veilguard. Each companion’s questline gives 1 silver trophy (7 companions total). You must also do all regional side quests to get 3-star ratings with all factions and to unlock their faction trophies (6 factions total). As part of the quests you will automatically slay all High-Dragons.
Step 4: Get the 3 Mysterious Circles for Secret Ending
After having finished all quests, you have access to the areas where the 3 Mysterious Circles are. These items are needed to unlock the secret post-credits cutscene. Refer to The Storm Quelled.
Step 5: Miscellaneous Cleanup
Should you be missing anything else, clean it up before advancing past the point of no return. You might still need some Mementos to upgrade equipment to the highest level. Upgrade all faction shops to rank 4 and you can buy a Memento from each one that gives +200 Caretaker Power. Also check the Black Emporium shop, and the shops in the south of the Crossroads.
Also collect the 3 flowers in Hossberg Wetlands for In Peace.
Step 6: Best Ending (Everyone Survives)
Now that you have 3-star rating with all factions and made all companions Heroes of the Veilguard, you have fulfilled all prerequisites for the best ending. Refer to The Ones That Last for important ending choices.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Quest Locations
- Memento Locations
- Evanuris & Fen’Harel Altar Locations
- Best Ending Guide
- Lighthouse Puzzle Solution
- High Dragon Locations
- The Treasure of Sharksmouth Mountain Solution
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Trophy Guide
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A Complete Deck Made trouble, saved the world. |
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Earn all other trophies in Dragon Age: The Veilguard to unlock Platinum (no DLC required). | ||
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Part 1: The Minrathous Job Technically, the plan worked. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 1, after the Prologue. | ||
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Part 2: Ruin’s Reach Made unexpected acquaintances in the most unusual of places. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 2, after Story Quest “Shadow’s Crossing”. | ||
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Part 3: Awakening Discovered a singing blade, and the awakening of ancient magic. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 3, during Story Quest “Into the Crossroads”. | ||
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Part 4: Tevinter Nights Uncovered a darkness etched deep into the streets of Minrathous and beyond. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 4, after Story Quests “Sea of Blood” & “The Smuggled Relic Case”. | ||
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Part 5: Anvallenim Peeled back the shroud concealing a cult’s dark movements and gained some valuable insight. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 5, after Story Quest “Shadows of Minrathous”. | ||
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Part 6: Old Blood, Older Oaths Faced a howling storm to discover a long-held secret, and found out what it means to be a leader. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 6, after choosing to assist Dock Town or Treviso and defending the selected town (what quest you play will depend on the decision). | ||
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Part 7: Fire, Feather, and Fade Searched high and low to bring together a team unlike any other. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 7, after Story Quests “Where the Dead Must Go” & “The Dragon Slayer”. | ||
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Part 8: No Sacrifice Greater Practiced vigilance, found peace wanting, and witnessed the meaning of sacrifice. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 8, after Story Quest ‘The Siege of Weisshaupt’. | ||
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Part 9: Bonds and Blackened Wings Forged bonds with a family found amidst an unravelling world. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 9, after Story Quest “Fire and Ice”. | ||
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Part 10: The Blood of Arlathan Followed a crimson trail weaving through the heartland of an ancient empire. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 10, after Story Quest “Blood of Arlathan”. | ||
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Part 11: As Shadows Fall Tracked evil through the heart of Antiva, and found that light casts the longest shadows. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 11, after Story Quest “When Plans Align”. | ||
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Part 12: The Best Tales Ascended to the throne of would-be gods under the shadow of their legacy. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 12, after Story Quest “A Cage for Gods”. | ||
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Part 13: The Last Gambit The only thing left to lose is everything. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing Chapter 13, after starting Story Quest “The Dread Wolf Rises”. | ||
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Part 14: The Dread Wolf Rises Faced down demons, dragons, darkspawn, and even the Dread Wolf. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after finishing the story with any ending. | ||
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The Ones That Last Beat the odds and walked into the sunset. |
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This is unlocked by getting the best ending where all possible Companions and all Faction Leaders survive. To do this, you will need to have done all quests in the game so that all companions are upgraded to Heroes of the Veilguard, and all regional quests so that you have 3 stars with all factions. You can sell items to the faction merchants to increase the star rating after having exhausted all quests.
At the Point of No Return, in Chapter 11 during quest “When Plans Align”, you will be shown a screen of your companion and faction strength. This must say they will all support you from a position of strength: The only choices that matter are who you assign which role during the ending in Chapter 12 to 14. Any other choices in the game have no impact on this, you can’t pick anything wrong and none of the companions can die before the ending. During the Ending from Chapter 12 to 14 you can assign teammates to certain positions. You must assign them based on their strengths so that none of them die, and none of the faction leaders die. Save regularly in a different slot and watch the cutscenes, if someone dies or isn’t successful in protecting the faction leaders you must reload and make different choices. One companion will always die which can’t be avoided. Whoever you select in Chapter 12 to lead the distraction team is going to sacrifice themself after the boss fight against “Ghilan’nain’s Blight Shield”. This will be either Harding or Davrin, one of the two is guaranteed to die based on your choice. This is okay and won’t void the trophy. Also in Chapter 12 shortly after this boss fight you must choose who should take down the wards: Neve or Bellara. Whoever you choose will be taken away and temporarily leaves the team. This can’t be avoided. They will show as dead in the companion screen, but you rescue that person later in Chapter 13. They have to be Hero of the Veilguard (by having completed their companion questline) to survive this. Before Point of No Return – Chapter 11 Story Quest “When Plans Align”:
Chapter 12 – Isle of the Gods:
Chapter 13 – The Last Gambit: Back in the lighthouse, after you interact with the table in Lucanis’s quarters, you must assign your companions to specific roles in the upcoming fight. Pick the following:
Chapter 14 – The Dread Wolf Rises: At the start of this quest you must again assign your companions, pick this:
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The Storm Quelled The poisoned fruit ripens. |
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This requires obtaining the secret ending, then it will unlock after the secret cutscene after the credits. You must finish a few prerequisites before the Point of No Return (before Chapter 11 Story Quest “When Plans Align”). You will need to finish the side quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf” and collect 3 “Mysterious Circles”. Step 1: Finish the side quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf” to obtain Mythal’s Essence (automatic quest reward). See Step 2: Find the first Mysterious Circle – found in Arlathan forest on a small island. To reach it you must shine all lasers in the area at the crystals on the island. Then a bridge appears to reach the island. There are 4 lasers total, 3 of which you must shine at the pillars on the island (see the video guide for laser puzzle). Step 3: Find the second Mysterious Circle – found in Necropolis Halls. First you must have done the trophy Step 4: Find the third Mysterious Circle – found in Crossroads. You must finish the Crossroads quest “The Heart of Corruption”. All waypoints will be marked, it requires opening doors and defeating 3 champions, then you can unlock the door at the start of the Crossroads. After completing the quest, check in the room where you fought the “Revenant Dragon”. The Circle will be on the left side where you can climb up. Step 5: Finish the ending. After the credits, you now unlock a secret bonus cutscene that unlocks this trophy. If you have previously finished the ending you can replay it any time. |
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In Peace Found hope in the aftermath. |
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For this you must collect 3 Flowers in Hossberg Wetlands and bring them to the battlefield where you fought the dragon during the story. To do this you must first finish some quests to make flowers grow in Hossberg Wetlands. Step 1: Make Flowers grow in Hossberg Wetlands by completing two side quests “The Cabin in the Blight” & “Something’s Coming”.
Step 2: Collect the 3 Flowers. Flower #1: In the same spot where you finish quest “Something’s Coming”, in the northwest of Hossberg Wetlands (only after finishing side quest “Something’s Coming”). Flower #2: Found in the east of Hossberg Wetlands in front of a chest, where blue flowers are (only after finishing side quest “Something’s Coming”). Flower #3: Found in the southeast of Hossberg Wetlands in front of a chest, where blue flowers are (only after finishing side quest “Something’s Coming”). Step 3: Deliver the Flowers – Return to the battlefield in the south of Hossberg Wetlands where you fought the dragon during the story. There a blue ghost spawns. Talk to it to deliver the flowers and unlock the trophy. |
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No Real Gods Drew out the latent magic in every Altar of the Evanuris. |
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» All Evanuris & Fen’Harel Altar Locations | ||
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Reflections Helped an eluvian tinkerer find herself in a shattered world. |
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Unlocked by completing all 4 of Bellara’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Bellara in the Lighthouse. You recruit Bellara automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Bellara repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
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A New Calling Helped a fearless Warden find his new calling. |
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Unlocked by completing all 6 of Davrin’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Davrin in the Lighthouse. You recruit Davrin automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Davrin repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
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Death Becomes Him Helped an old necromancer define his legacy. |
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Unlocked by completing all 6 of Emmrich’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Emmrich in the Lighthouse. You recruit Emmrich automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Emmrich repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
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A Song from the Stone Helped an expert scout forge a new path. |
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Unlocked by completing all 5 of Hardings’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Harding in the Lighthouse. You recruit Harding automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Harding repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
This trophy has an alternative unlock trigger too. If during the ending in Chapter 12 you choose Harding to lead the distraction team, then this trophy will unlock in Chapter 12 after the boss fight against “Ghilan’nain’s Blight Shield”. In this scenario it will unlock even if you haven’t done Harding’s questline. |
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Blood Ties Helped a master assassin slay his demons. |
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Unlocked by completing all 6 of Lucanis’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Lucanis in the Lighthouse. You recruit Lucanis automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Lucanis repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
Note: If in Chapter 6 you chose to rescue the city of Dock Town instead of Treviso, Lucanis will temporarily leave your team to help rebuild Treviso. He will rejoin you later and all his quests are still doable in Chapter 11 before the Point of No Return. If you helped Dock Town, then after Lucanis’s last quest you must first do quests in Treviso before you can trigger the final dialogue for the trophy. Regardless of your story choices this is still obtainable. The quest names might be slightly different if you chose to help Dock Town in Chapter 6.
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City of Shadows Helped a seasoned detective uncover what lies in the shadows of her past. |
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Unlocked by completing all 6 of Neve’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Neve in the Lighthouse. You recruit Neve automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Neve repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
Note: If in Chapter 6 you chose to rescue the city of Treviso instead of Dock Town, Neve will temporarily leave your team to help rebuild Dock Town. She will rejoin you later and all her quests are still doable in Chapter 11 before the Point of No Return. If you helped Treviso, then after Neve’s last quest you must first do quests in Dock Town before you can trigger Neve’s final dialogue for the trophy. Regardless of your story choices this is still obtainable. The quest names might be slightly different if you chose to help Dock Town in Chapter 6.
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Little Dragon Helped a dragon hunter find the meaning of what burns inside them. |
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Unlocked by completing all 6 of Taash’s companion quests. They are all accepted by talking to Taash in the Lighthouse. You recruit Taash automatically during the main story. The quests can all still be done at the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”). If you don’t get the next quest you must either advance the story or talk to Taash repeatedly at the Lighthouse, travel to another region and come back to unlock the next dialogue.
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A Memory of False Gods Witnessed the first memory of Fen’Harel. |
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All 6 Memories of Fen’Harel are unlocked automatically as part of side quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”.
This quest is unlocked automatically during the main story, it’s unmissable. You get it during Chapter 6 – Story Quest: A Warden’s Best Friend. Simply follow the quest objectives and you will get all 6 bronze trophies tied to the 6 Memories. 2 of 6 Memories are given automatically from story progress:
The remaining 4 Memories come from collecting the Wolf Statuettes as part of side quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”. All of them will be marked when tracking the quest from the journal (Touchpad > Map > 3 of them require opening gates in the Crossroads by defeating Champions in other regions. You will unlock those subquests when following the objective markers of “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”. Complete the following subquests to open the gates: Gate of Lost Ages, Gate of Faded Flories, Gate of Deep Sorrows. The first Memory can be viewed in the Lighthouse during Chapter 8, after starting the Story Quest ‘The Siege of Weisshaupt’. In the round room in the center inside the Lighthouse, go upstairs and there will be a waypoint marker on the wall at the top of the stairs. Interact with it to get a cutscene which unlocks the trophy. Also refer to Clear Minds and Open Hearts, it’s highly missable and requires picking specific dialogues when talking to Mythal at the end of the questline. |
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A Memory of Our Mistake Witnessed the second memory of Fen’Harel. |
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A Memory of Blackened Hearts Witnessed the third memory of Fen’Harel. |
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A Memory of Manifestation Witnessed the fourth memory of Fen’Harel. |
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A Memory of Tranquility Witnessed the fifth memory of Fen’Harel. |
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A Memory of an Old Friend Witnessed the sixth memory of Fen’Harel. |
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A Rook Likes Shiny Things Found at least 20 Mementos and returned them to the Caretaker. |
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See below trophy ![]() |
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A Rook Really Likes Shiny Things Found at least 80 Mementos and returned them to the Caretaker. |
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» Dragon Age Veilguard Memento Locations | ||
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Across the Imperial Highway Visited every district possible throughout Northern Thedas. |
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Unlocked by having visited every named area (as seen on the Local Map top left corner) across the 8 main regions:
The areas unique to certain side quests don’t count for this. Many areas are only visited once during companion quests, which aren’t needed for the trophy. Basically you want to unfog all areas. The trophy may unlock slightly before having fully unfogged some side areas, because they are part of the same named area you have partially unfogged. Basically all that matters is that you visited every district that has a unique name, as seen on the Local Map top left corner. You will unlock this trophy automatically while working through all main quests, companion quests, and regional quests to reach 3-star rank with all factions. You have to finish almost all quests in the game anyway which guarantees you will visit every district for quest objectives. So don’t worry about this, just focus on the other trophies and it will come naturally along the way. |
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The Talons of Vengeance Aided the Crows in sending a message to any who claim Antiva from its people. |
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For this you must complete 2 side quests for the Antivan Crows faction.
Reaching Faction Rank 3 with the Antivan Crows isn’t mandatory for this trophy. Note: this trophy is slightly buggy, if it doesn’t unlock after doing the above quests, push this faction to 3200 points by selling valuables to the faction shop and it should unlock. If in Chapter 6 Treviso got destroyed, you can sell valuables to the Wisp Merchant in The Crossroads (marked on map) to get points for the Antivan Crows and still reach 3200 points. |
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The Light in the Dark Aided the Grey Wardens in finding what remains after hearts turn to ash. |
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For this you must complete 2 side quests for the Grey Wardens faction.
Reaching Faction Rank 3 with the Grey Wardens isn’t mandatory for this trophy. Note: this trophy is slightly buggy, if it doesn’t unlock after doing the above quests, push this faction to 3200 points by selling valuables to the faction shop and it should unlock. |
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The Soul of a City Aided the Shadow Dragons in their fight to reveal the corrupted soul of Minrathous. |
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For this you must complete all side quests for the Shadow Dragons faction in Dock Town.
Note: this trophy is slightly buggy, if it doesn’t unlock after doing the above quests, push this faction to 3200 points by selling valuables to the faction shop and it should unlock. If in Chapter 6 Dock Town got destroyed, you can sell valuables to the Wisp Merchant in The Crossroads (marked on map) to get points for the Shadow Dragons and still reach 3200 points. |
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Annihilation in Arlathan Aided the Veil Jumpers to avert disaster in Arlathan once again. |
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Reach a 3-star rating (3200 faction points) with the Veil Jumpers faction in Arlathan Forest region. You gain faction points by doing quests in their region, upgrading the faction shop, and selling valuables to the faction shop. You can quickly obtain this trophy by selling all of your valuables to the faction shop, if you have lots you can get thousands of points immediately, then can reload the save to get the valuables back. | ||
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Call for Coin and Company Aided the Lords of Fortune in seeking valor, glory, and companionship. |
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Reach a 3-star rating (3200 faction points) with the Lords of Fortune faction in The Hall of Valor & Rivain Coast regions. You gain faction points by doing quests in their region, upgrading the faction shop, and selling valuables to the faction shop. You can quickly obtain this trophy by selling all of your valuables to the faction shop, if you have lots you can get thousands of points immediately, then can reload the save to get the valuables back. | ||
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The Supernatural and the Strange Aided the Mourn Watch in tracking down anomalies demonic, undead, and dangerous. |
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For this you must complete 6 side quests for the Mourn Watch faction.
Reaching Faction Rank 3 with the Mourn Watch isn’t mandatory for this trophy. Note: this trophy is slightly buggy, if it doesn’t unlock after doing the above quests, push this faction to 3200 points by selling valuables to the faction shop and it should unlock. |
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A Most Esteemed Purveyor Few people are worthy of an invitation, you know. |
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Unlocked by completing the Side Quest “The Black Emporium”, given by the Caretaker in the Lighthouse. He’s the upgrade merchant in the hub area where you deliver Mementos to. The quest becomes available automatically from story progression, check back regularly, it will have a yellow “!” icon and gets marked on the map when available.
It’s a very short quest, the Caretaker will say that you received an invitation. Track it from the Journal (open Map, press |
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A New Look Changed the look of an item for the first time. |
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In the Lighthouse (your hub area), interact with the ‘Wardrobe’. There you can change the appearance of your equipment. Change one piece to unlock the trophy. There are over 400 different looks you can unlock, you will get lots of them naturally throughout the game. They are mostly found in chests and bought from merchants. | ||
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Between a Rook and a Hard Place Performed five takedowns. |
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A ‘Takedown’ is performed by pressing ![]() |
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A Faction’s Favor Upgraded a faction merchant for the first time. |
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Talk to any of the faction merchants, they are found at the faction headquarters in all big towns. On the right side of the merchant’s menu, it will show how many resources you need to upgrade their shop to the next rank. Each rank unlocks new items for sale. The first upgrade requires 500 faction reputation, at least 500 gold and different resources depending on the faction.
You increase reputation by doing quests in the area or selling valuables to the faction merchant. The other required resources are found frequently throughout the world. For this trophy you only need to unlock one single shop improvement. You don’t need to upgrade a shop to the full maximum. |
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Rune For Improvement Socketed a rune for the first time. |
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As you advance through the game you will automatically unlock Runes. After unlocking the first one, you will get a tutorial screen explaining how to socket them. You must press Touchpad > Character > on the right side will be the rule slots (to the right of your armor). Click an empty slot and select any rune to unlock the trophy. | ||
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Falling For You Defeated an enemy by knocking them off a ledge during combat. |
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The easiest place to push an enemy off a ledge is in “The Hall of Valor” Arena. In this arena you must fight 10 matches to earn glory. This area is unlocked by talking to your companion “Taash” at the Lighthouse, she gives the quest “The Hall of Valor” that unlocks the area. You recruit Taash automatically during the main story. Then simply follow the quest markers to meet Isabela, talking to her allows you to fight in the arena. There’s a big hole in the middle of the arena, it’s very easy to push enemies into it regardless of what class you play.
If you’re playing as a mage, use the dagger ( |
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Nostalgia Trip Tested for fall damage and survived in the Lighthouse. |
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This is unlocked by solving the Lighthouse Puzzle that requires spinning the 6 statues with levers. You must spin them so 3 pairs of 2 statues face each other, this unlocks the music room in the big round hall inside the Lighthouse. Then you must guide 2 Wisps into the music room, one should appear there automatically, the other will spawn between the two statues you turned on the upper floor outside above the door (they only spawn after reaching Chapter 8, after recruiting Taash & Emmrich as a companion). When both wisps have been placed a portal appears, step through to reach the balcony above the big round room, interact with the object there and jump down the balcony. Here’s the Step-by-Step solution:
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Clear Minds and Open Hearts Let fly your voice to Mythal. |
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MISSABLE – Must gain Mythal’s Favor at the end of the questline by picking specific dialogues (she can’t transform into a dragon)
Unlocked by completing side quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”, and at the end you must gain Mythal’s Favor by picking correct dialogue choices. This quest is unlocked automatically during the main story, it’s unmissable. You get it during Chapter 6 – Story Quest: A Warden’s Best Friend. Simply follow the quest objectives to collect the 6 Memories. 2 of 6 Memories are given automatically from story progress:
The remaining 4 Memories come from collecting the Wolf Statuettes as part of side quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”. All of them will be marked when tracking the quest from the journal (Touchpad > Map > 3 of them require opening gates in the Crossroads by defeating Champions in other regions. You will unlock those subquests when following the objective markers of “Regrets of the Dread Wolf”. Complete the following subquests to open the gates: Gate of Lost Ages, Gate of Faded Flories, Gate of Deep Sorrows. After you viewed all 6 Memories, return to the Crossroads and follow the quest marker. At the end of the quest you will talk to Mythal, pick the following dialogues to gain her favor, she can’t transform into a dragon (other dialogue combinations may work too):
Then you get the peaceful outcome where you don’t fight Mythal in dragon form. You also get Mythal’s Essence which is a prerequisite for |
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Enhancements! Fully upgraded a weapon, armor, and accessory to their highest level and rarity. |
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MISSABLE – Must Collect 140+ Mementos, many are in quest-specific areas that can’t be revisited. Refer to Mementos Guide for list of missable areas.
For this you must have one Weapon, one Armor, and one Belt at Legendary (golden rarity) upgraded to +10. Getting Highest Level (+10): You must first upgrade the Caretaker shop in the Lighthouse to Rank 10, which is the maximum. The Caretaker is automatically unlocked from story progress, he is the ghostly figure who will appear in the courtyard outside the Lighthouse (hub area where your companions are). Rank 10 requires 12,000 Caretaker Power. You get Caretaker Power by collecting Mementos. Some Mementos give +50, some +100, some +200 points. This is sort of the hidden “near 100% completion requirement”. To reach 12,000 Caretaker Power you will need almost all of the 182 Mementos in the game. Completing quests in the Crossroads also gives a couple hundred Caretaker Power (for example, the quest “The Heart of Corruption” which requires defeating all Champions). Completing the trophy Also upgrade all faction shops to Rank 4 to buy the expensive Rank 4 Mementos that cost 700-850 gold, these give +200 each. The best approach is to thoroughly search all areas as you play through all main- and side quests. Also check the inventory of every merchant you find, they often sell Mementos. You will go through all areas while working through all quests, and many Mementos are gated behind side quests in otherwise unreachable areas. Search extra thoroughly in the unique areas during Companion Quests, these areas can’t be revisited and the quests can’t be replayed. After you finished all quests you should be close to 12,000 Caretaker Power. Then recheck all merchants, some of them will have new Mementos in stock after completing side quests. At faction vendors you must press The exact amount of Mementos you need will vary depending on how many of the +100 and +200 ones you find. I had 143/182 (78.5%) when I reached 12,000 Caretaker Power. Because so many Mementos require side quest progression you will need to finish practically all quests in the game for this. For Memento Locations refer to: Dragon Age Veilguard Memento Locations. Getting Highest Rarity (Legendary): Rarity is increased by finding the same item multiple times. These come primarily from equipment chests, but some can also be bought from merchants. Each duplicate you find increases the rarity by one level: Common (Gray) > Uncommon (Green) > Rare (Blue) > Epic (Purple) > Legendary (Golden). The best approach is to open any chests you find while working through quests. By the time you upgrade the Caretaker to +10 you should already have a few items at Epic rarity. Then check all faction merchants if they sell a duplicate of one of your Epic items, this will upgrade it to Legendary. If you already upgraded the Caretaker to +10 then the items you find/buy will automatically be +10. Shop Ranks:
Good to know: upgrade the Caretaker at every opportunity. Then any items you find or buy will automatically be at the current Caretaker Level. For example, if you have the Caretaker at Level 5, every item you find is guaranteed to be +5. Even if you find a duplicate of an old +1 item it will be upgraded to +5 for free. |
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Stacking the Deck Spent at least 52 points in Rook’s skill trees. |
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For this you must have any 52 skills unlocked at the same time. You gain +1 skill point for each level up, and +1 from every Fen’Harel Altar (Wolf Statue). On the ‘Local’ World Map it shows a tracker how many Wolf Statues there are in the region, they get marked when you unfog the area around them. When you interact with the Wolf Statue it will turn to face in the direction where a Ghost-Wolf is, approaching it will drop a small blue Wolf Crystal that gives the skill point. This is a quick way to get skill points from exploration without needing to grind level-ups.
By doing all quests needed for other trophies you will get enough level-ups to buy 52 skills. If you fall short by a few levels you can simply collect a few Wolf Statues. Do note that you can’t ‘cheat’ this trophy by resetting your skills and then buying other skills you didn’t unlock before. You must have 52 unlocked at the same time so a minimum of 52 skill points is required. |
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Bringing Down the Sky Defeated all high dragons across northern Thedas. |
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There are 4 High Dragons in the game. You fight all of them as part of quests, 1 is tied to your companion “Emmrich”, and 3 are tied to your companion “Taash”. You can still fight all Dragons from the Point of No Return (in Chapter 11 before Story Quest “When Plans Align”).
Note: There is a 5th and 6th dragon but they don’t count towards this trophy. The “Revenant Dragon” is fought at the end of Crossroads region quest “The Heart of Corruption”. Mythal in dragon form can be fought at the end of the Crossroads quest “Regrets of the Dread Wolf” but this should be avoided as it cancels |
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The Unbound Broke the seals containing an ancient threat and faced down what lied inside. |
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For this trophy you must complete 2 specific side quests “Restless Spirits” & “Pinnacle of its Kind”:
For “Pinnacle of its Kind”, simply follow the waypoints. You must defeat 3 demons in different areas, you can fast travel to them using the World Map. Each demon has a marked search area, in the search area you must find a brazier you can interact with. Then defeat the demon. After defeating all 3, return to the door where the quest started. Now the door is open, behind it is a big dragon boss called “The Formless One”. Defeat him to finish the quest, which unlocks the trophy. This is a level 40 boss with a lot of health. Come prepared, be fully healed and bring 3 health flasks. Being level 40+ is recommended. Set the difficulty to the “Storyteller” (easiest) in the Gameplay Settings. There are no healing recharges in the boss arena so make sure you dodge incoming attacks to not run out of health. |
Special Thanks / Credits
Couga83 = various info
- 2024-11-12: Patch 1.000.003: Best Ending & Faction Trophies no longer missable. Chapter 6 choice to protect Minrathous or Treviso no longer matters. A “Wisp Merchant” will appear in The Crossroads for the faction that was destroyed (marked on map), you can sell valuables to it to still reach max reputation with the destroyed faction. The patch also changed faction trophies to unlock at 3200 reputation, no longer after specific side quests.
BlackTorito says
Nice! How were enemies in Normal mode wise? Did you try Nightmare?
Dan195479 says
Thanks for the guide – super helpful!
I did have one question, whilst you note that you went Human, Antivan Crows, The inquisition and that it probably doesn’t matter but just wanted to check how changing from this will impact the playthrough compared to the guide? And also why is it worth levelling Antivan Crows as fast as possible?
PowerPyx says
Because their faction vendor disappears after Chapter 6 (explained in Step 1). Then you can only level the faction through quests. Being from the same faction makes you gain reputation faster with that faction. Otherwise you might not hit 3 stars with them and miss out on the best ending (requires 3 stars with all factions). If you pick a different starting faction I’m not sure if you can still get enough points to hit 3 stars with Antvian Crows.
I haven’t tested custom inquisition, better to not take chances with it in case it messes with a trophy.
Dan195479 says
Ah that makes perfect sense – thank you.
Might be worth just adding to step 1 that the vendor is linked to the Crows as I don’t think it explicitly says so. Appreciate once playthroughs begin it might be obvious at that point.
The Pants Party says
Can you use Unbound difficulty with the custom options (such as turning off deaths) and still earn trophies/achievements?
PowerPyx says
Haven’t tried it.
Max says
For the faction 3 stars it seems confusing, so should you max out Treviso before the chapter 6 choice? Since it seems their merchant disappears with that choice
PowerPyx says
You can’t max them out before Chapter 6, there won’t be enough quests by that point in the game. You push them as far as possible then do the rest before point of no return when all quests are available. It will be self-explanatory when you get there 🙂
Max says
So to double check, if you pick crows as your starting faction and sell to them before they go away, the quests left are more then enough to get them to 3 star even with no faction vendor left?
KA says
Yeah, he said as long as you finish all the quest before Point of no Return.
PowerPyx says
@Max: Basically yes, but the quests are by no means “more than enough”. You will just barely hit 3 stars. Companion questlines also give faction points towards Antivan Crows, especially Lucanis.
So: do everything possible for them until Chapter 6. Selling them valuables and upgrading their shop gives faction points. Then do 100% quest completion and you will just barely reach 3 stars.
I missed out on the best ending myself on first run because I chose to protect Treviso which resulted in Minrathous getting destroyed and their faction vendor also disappears. Problem is there are almost no companion quests that give faction points for Minrathous so I ended up with only 1 star (1900 points) for Minrathous which made the best ending unobtainable for me. Couldn’t even get Minrathous to 2 stars after 100% quest completion. The only way to get them to 3 stars is to sell valuables to Minrathous faction merchant, and for that you MUST help them in Chapter 6. When Treviso (Antivan Crows) get destroyed it’s less of a problem because there are more quests to make up for the fact you can’t sell them valuables anymore.
Imagine my joy when 50 hours later I realized I locked myself out of the ending trophy because of a chapter 6 choice :D
Seems like a big oversight by the devs. It makes no sense from a game design perspective and makes me think nobody playtested this. Game gives no indication that the best ending requires 3 stars with factions. I hope they patch it so the faction merchants don’t disappear permanently, or that having just the companions survive is enough, or boost Minrathous faction points from quest rewards by 400%. This would allow players to get the best ending regardless of who they help in Chapter 6. As of right now the only way is to help Minrathous and sacrifice Treviso.
Max says
Ah god im sorry that sounds so annoying! Do you know if you can choose mage class and still go with the crows?
PowerPyx says
Yes. I played as Mage myself. The faction is chosen at the start during character creator, you can pick both the class and faction there. Any class can be in any faction.
Max says
Thanks so much i was gonna run mage too! But basically watch out for mythal quest ending, pick crow starting faction and save dock town and should be all good?
Diughsco says
Thanks for the guide!
There were some leaks being spread that claims Rook always dies at the end, but you say here that Rook survives alongside the 6 companions in the best ending.
Are there actual multiple endings for Rook and do they factor into the best ending trophy?
PowerPyx says
There are multiple endings for Rook. People who claim he always dies are wrong and haven’t gotten the true 100% ending.
Rook absolutely can survive.
A says
Will you be confirming the necessity of picking Antvian Crows in order to get the required ending for the trophy?
PowerPyx says
Someone told me they picked Shadow Dragons and still reached 3 stars with the Crows regardless. So it may not matter, but better to air on the side of caution with this. You won’t know until 50 hours into the game (after you did all quests) whether or not you can reach 3 stars with them. Having your character be part of the Crows faction makes you gain reputation with them faster to make up for the fact their town gets destroyed (which gives a -250 faction point penalty).
Omairi says
Sorry but im little lost, where is the part to load the backup save ? Is it just incase of facing any bugs ? Or trophy related ?
Thank you in advance ????
PowerPyx says
You don’t necessarily need to load the backup save. It’s just so people don’t mess up by accidentally progressing the story and then don’t have a way back.
FrogHermit says
Does picking Minrathous instead of Treviso lock you out of Lucanis’ romance?
Couga83 says
Yes, it does.
James says
Do you have a full spoiler story guide ? All I care about is what happens to Morrigan Mythal and Fleneth. The rest can burn. Nobody has released anything on YouTube or Reddit yet I’m not sleeping until I get the answer and can’t play for a month
Rook says
Is it absolutely necessary to play as an Antivan Crow? I wanted to play as a Grey Warden but don’t fancy a whole new playthrough if you really can’t get the best ending without starting as a Crow ????
PowerPyx says
Probably not but this is what’s tested and 100% confirmed to work. It makes you gain faction points with them faster, which is helpful after their faction merchant has disappeared. It’s a more a precaution to not get stuck at 2 stars with that faction, because you won’t really know until 50 hours into the game (after doing all quests) what your final rating with the faction will be. Feel free to test other factions at your own risk.
Rook says
Thank you for the reply, I think I’ll follow your advice and play it safe as a Crow. And thank you for another excellent day one guide!
B says
I play as a human warrior Grey Warden and have had no problems unlocking anything. Sometimes the faction quest trophies doesnt unlock until I have also finished the companion from the same faction quest. But so far so good. Ill update if I run into trouble.
Calypso says
Dumb question but does choosing a race other than human make it more difficult to do anything? I’ll follow the guide with selecting Antivan Crows and Past Adventures The Inquisition: Default. But I was hoping to play a different race, other than human.
PowerPyx says
It doesn’t make it more difficult as far as I can tell. Human is what’s tested and confirmed to work for all trophies. Feel free to test other races at your own risk. I’m 95% sure it doesn’t actually matter, but won’t know for sure until more people finish the platinum with other character combinations.
Mal says
Obv you know best since you’ve actually done the work, but I saw a few claims that you only need three stars if the Companion you send with the faction is NOT a Hero of the Veilguard, and that 2 Stars is enough for the perfect ending if the Companion paired IS a Hero of the Veilguard. Hope it’s true though, because it makes the city choice less hard-locked! Will do Science, pick Treviso on purpose, find out in 60 hours, and come back to let you know how much of a fool I’ve made of myself. :p
PowerPyx says
2 Stars isn’t enough. Tested it with Antivan Crows 2 stars and all others at 3 stars (companions were all Heroes of Veilguard). It didn’t give the trophy for best ending. Or maybe it’s just very buggy, that’s a possibility too.
If you choose to help Treviso, Tarquin (a faction NPC) always dies during the ending in Chapter 13 which seems to void the trophy. I tested this scenario myself, had done all quests in the game on a run where I helped Treviso in Chapter 6 (Minrathous got destroyed) and reached only 1 star with Dock Town (1900 points, I even played as Shadow Dragons faction to level them faster). All other factions were 3 stars, all companions Heroes of Veilguard.
When companions are NOT Heroes of the Veilguard some of them will die or fail to protect the faction leaders, at least that’s what happened for me – but when I tested this scenario not all factions were 3 stars yet. Maybe if all factions are 3 stars and the companions not yet Heroes it could work out okay, feel free to test that scenario.
Mal says
Yo, I know I said I would Do Science – just checking in to say I’m still working on it, it’s a big game LOL
I did manage to get the Shadow Dragons to 3 Stars/Shop Rank 4 before picking Treviso (don’t ask. I broke a lot of vases. I imagine the vase makers of Tevinter have my poster on a wall and have formed a union with the Cabbage Vendors of The Last Airbender) and am about to hit Weisshaupt. So I’m still going! TBA on Best Ending. Sorry for taking so long!
Mal says
Ok! I did it! Credits are rolling now. I can officially confirm that you CAN get The Ones That Last achievement AND The Soul of a City achievement when you pick Treviso, so long as the Shadow Dragons are at 3 stars when you hit the point of no return. Both The Viper and Tarquin survived the final assault.
Also, I found that one of the Wisp vendors in the Crossroads actually becomes a Shadow Dragon vendor that you can sell valuables to, allowing you to build rep after the choice! I assume that vendor is a Crow vendor instead if you choose Minrathous. Hope this helps PowerPyx, thank you SO much for writing all these guides out!
CarrieAnnie says
How do you know what chapter you’re in? I finished the prologue and would have expected it to say Chapter 1 but I don’t think it did
PowerPyx says
By the story trophies, they show “Part 1” etc.
Lucas says
Hey, thanks for the guides! Quick question: If we choose not to save Minrathous, does Dorian die? I saw that he was a cameo, and now I’m worried.
Max says
For “shadows of vengeance” did it pop for you after the quests or the 3200 reputation? I know you lose the vendor with the suggest choice in chapter 6 so wondered if you could get 3200 even with the vendor gone
PowerPyx says
I think you meant “The Talons of Vengeance”? That popped for me immediately after the quest “A Time to Kill”. I only had 1 or 2 stars with the Crows when it popped.
TwentyUno says
Are we 100% sure that going with Treviso doesn’t lock you out the best ending? I want to romance Lucanis and it seems insane to me that romancing him is mutually exclusive with the best ending. There has to be a way to make it work, surely.
PowerPyx says
I think you have it the wrong way around. “Going” with Treviso (helping them) DOES lock you out of the best ending. You have to “go” with Minrathous and sacrifice Treviso. And yes, it’s 100% confirmed this is the only way to get 3 stars with all factions. No idea if that locks you out of Lucanis romance or not, I ended up with Neve in Chapter 13.
Couga83 says
I’m currently testing this in my second playthrough.
I play a Crow and going to sacrifice Minrathous. Before, I saved up all valuables I could find (including everything the vendors sell) and pushed the Shadow Dragons to two Stars before their vendor is lost. I think it will be possible.
PowerPyx says
@Couga83: Technically, I suppose you could just farm valuables forever and push the vendor to 3 stars before Dock Town even gets destroyed. Not very practicable though, by playing normally (without farming) I only got 330 faction points for selling all my valuables in Chapter 6, which falls way short of the 3200 to max them out. You’d need AT LEAST 1300 faction points from selling valuables in Chapter 6 to reach 3200 total (I ended up with 1900 faction points when Minrathous was destroyed + 1300 = 3200). After I had 100% quest completion I only had about 2800 faction points worth of valuables to sell, and I searched all corners for items and enemies. Also, the faction trophy for Minrathous never unlocked despite doing all their quests, so you’ll need 3200 points for that (or it’s just buggy).
Not sure if Tarquin can survive at all if Minrathous was destroyed. When I had sacrificed Minrathous, Tarquin always died for me in “The Last Gambit”. I have replayed the ending around 10 times with different companion assignments and he always dies. That’s with Minrathous at 1 star however.
Let me know how it goes 🙂
TwentyUno says
I mispoke, I meant it as you said it. It’s been confirmed from other sources that you have to help Treviso in order to romance Lucanis, but as you say it seems that you can’t get the best ending unless you side with Minrathous. It just seems insane to be that you can’t romance Lucanis and also get the best ending in one run, it’s such a weird thing to be mutually exclusive.
Val says
I actually got the trophy for the perfect ending without helping Minrathous. My Rook was an Antivan Crow, before the Chapter 6 choice I had Rank 2 of Shadow Dragons Merchant, I went to save Treviso, only after that googled that I could lock myself out of the perfect ending unless I reach at least 2 star for the Shadow Dragons Faction. After that I grinded all the quest in Dock Town and for Neve. I was missing only 250 points to reach 2000 power and then I met Viper near the Church, he was lighting magic balls for the fallen, helping him gave me exactly 250 points, thus I reached 2 stars. During the last mission I made all the right choices and got the perfect ending, no problem. So I romanced Lucanis and got the perfect ending, it’s possible.
mars says
I have a question regarding the Antivan Crow Merchant, we’ve just reached chapter 6 and are trying to mop things around the map to get reputation. But to level up to 3 we need 5 of an item that we can’t seem to find? Do you know what it is and where you get it. It looks like honey or something
DoccoBell says
It’s called the Vhenadahl’s Tears.
“Most likely to be found in Rivain and Arlathan, it may be extracted alongside Heartwood, found in chests, or salvaged from powerful darkspawn.”
Johnny says
It’s called “Vhenadahl’s Tears”, you can google it for more informations.
Callum says
Do you remember the number of reputation you had for Treviso before you decided to move on with the story in chapter 6 by any chance?
Also I didn’t choose to play as a Crow, so hopefully this doesn’t backfire on me!
PowerPyx says
I don’t remember the exact amount but other players reached 3200 max reputation WITHOUT selling any valuables before Chapter 6. Selling stuff is just a precautionary step, don’t stress over it. You can reach 3200 without this, it’s just better to do it to be safe.
Trevy says
Hey, I’m just curious about how much reputation we need with the Antivan Crows at the start of Chapter 6. Reading this got me paranoid so I’ve been purchasing every single valuable from every shop and I’ve sold every single valuable in the game to them so far. You said to get like +250 reputation by selling the merchant all your stuff, which doesn’t sound like much.
I’m up to 1419/3200 with them. Was this overkill? Haha. How much reputation do you get from their quests post-chapter 6? I guess it was just unclear to me in the guide exactly how much we needed (unless we just needed ~250).
I’m hoping I didn’t shoot myself in the foot with the other factions by selling too much to the Antivan Crows.
Thanks for any clarification!
hawkwind says
I am on Chapter 5 and unfortunately I already sold most of my valuables to other factions (not Antivan Crows). Am I screwed in this case for getting max rep with Antivan Crows? As far as I can tell valuables don’t respawn.
DoccoBell says
I found a farming spot for valuables you can sell in Dock Town (Map Level: 3)
There should be 4 fast travel points there, and I just use the 2nd one (counting from the top fast travel point to the bottom) and turn around to a room full of vases.
Breaking all those gives you a couple valuables to sell, and once the room is wiped clean, I fast travel to like the farthest fast travel point then travel back to level 3 so the vases would respawn and I do that all over again.
It’s not the fastest farming method, but I’m all out of side quests and this is the only way for me to do that besides buying all of the valuables from vendors.
Malekith24 says
How much reputation should I have with the crows before finishing chapter 6?
Because I used the market + potstore breakables in the docks to very easily farm valuables and am currently sitting at about 2.3k reputation, at the very beginning of part 6 and after finishing the parts of lucanis story that I could so far. Farming is boring though so it would be nice to know approximately how much reputation one needs to make sure I can rank em up sufficently.
PowerPyx says
You don’t need to farm anything, just sell what you automatically have in your inventory. You can reach 3200 points from quests alone without selling valuables, it’s just a precautionary step.
littlejay says
I’m in CH6 and didn’t make a Crow character. I didn’t see any more quests and farmed the pot room until the Crow’s merchant was maxed out. Farming is boring, but it’s better than getting locked out of anything.
Mike says
I don’t understand, where i can get 15 or even 20 Vhenadahl’s Tears for 4* Shop before Chapter 7?
King says
Need faction trophies.
Have all quests completed and all factions maxed. Trophies hasn’t popped.
I tried selling valuables to vendors but nothing happens. Seems like once you have them maxed only a quest will pop the trophy.
Any suggestions?
PowerPyx says
Reinstall game, load save before reaching 3200 points, hit 3200 points again.
Bruce85 says
I’m not selling anything to the first merchant, I thought I’d give everything to the one in Treviso as I meet him. I was wondering… is there a maximum limit of points that can be reached by selling? How many points should I earn by selling to the merchant in Treviso before he disappears?
Irwynn says
Any chance you tested map exploration? I can’t reach 100% in Arlathan Forest. 10/11 regular chests and can’t find 11th. All side quests are done and I’m at the point of no return. Wonder if its glitched.
Derblington says
There are more missable Trophies than those that you mention.
I’ve been playing without following a guide and I allowed Treviso to get blighted before I’d completed the available Crow and Lucanis quests that I had open at that point.
The quest ‘a time to kill’ has just disappeared from my game: it’s not listed under completed and I’ve been continuing to complete crow quests since.
Lucanis’ companion quests have also stopped. The game tells me that one of his quests has timed out due to the city being blighted, and I’ve received none past that. I can speak to him over and over but nothing happens.
So I’m now locked out of those 2 questline trophies as I can’t complete all that are required.
PowerPyx says
I was able to do all quests from the point of no return (hadn’t done any side/companion quest before then). Some characters temporarily leave your team after Chapter 6 depending on whether you helped Minrathous or Treviso, but they come back later and you can do their questlines then. It’s pointed out in Step 1 “Your companion Lucanis will temporarily leave the team to rebuild Treviso, but he rejoins you later in the story (can still do his companion quests)”.
DrunkDragoon says
So to my utter horror when I made up my mind up that I wanted to platinum this game I have already beat the chapter with the crows and haven’t sold any of my items. Is my 26 hour playthrough over now and should I just drop the game I only do best ending runs and I don’t reply games.
Roberto says
How can i see my faction rank with the crows after Treviso is destroyed and the merchant is gone?
Jacob says
I did the siege on the grey wardens fortress and afterwards Taashs and Davrins first companion quests auto failed. will it void the trophy for completing their questlines and hero of the veilguard? I can still do their other quests just not the first quests in their questline.
PowerPyx says
I did all quests at the point of no return and it worked fine for me. Hadn’t done a single companion quest before point of no return.
Russ says
So my Memory trophies have not unlocked and I am in part 7, I have done the memories where the screen is hazy but none of the trophies have unlocked, did I miss something or do I get these later?
cory kleckner says
this seems odd but i have crows background but in chp 6 if i sell all valuables to dock town i get 892 and if i sell to crows i only get 792 but i thought as progress faster with the crows.
mars says
Hey! Thank you so much for the guide, it’s worked out perfectly. Unfortunately I’ve gotten two trophies bugged, “The Supernatural and the Strange” and “Call for Coin and Company”. I already have them at 3200 and did all quests related to the factions, I tried selling extra stuff but nothing works. Do you know any other methods or will I just have to replay (I’m planning to anyway but still)
Rook says
for the faction trophies, if it is bugged for u and you’re at 3200 already, make sure you have above 3200 from quests and valuables since u get an extra 200 from upgrading the shops. if u want to see how many points you’re at just go to any faction shop and hit L3.
Sirio says
Do I have to bring the Treviso merchant to ranking 4 for the mementos?
PowerPyx says
No, you can buy his Mementos at the Black Emporium after the Treviso merchant goes away. And you don’t need all Mementos anyway.
eupoh says
Is it possible to still get Soul of the city trophy if im missing Rituals for the Risen, Last Rites and The Tempered Soul quests? It either didnt appear or i somehow missed it but the faction is at 3 stars and i completed Soul of a city quest and upgraded the merchant to max
JukSparks77 says
Got all factions to 3200 and completed all side quests.
Got only Antivan Crows trophy “The Talons of Vengeance”
Tried to sell valuables to vendors even after reaching 3200.. nothing..
Just got everything for Platinum to pop-up at the end…
And can’t get these easiest because of a bug? tried to reload of course many times…
Din’t know what to do and where to report…
JukSparks77 says
Solution found… I just clicked on main world map L3 (left stick on PS5) to trigger extended info about factions and here you can see how much you get from quests and valuables and how much from shops, etc. Just pushed to 3200 first number even if on locations/map screen you already have 3200 total.
Strange thing, but triggered all trophies with factions for me.
AJ Provance says
Do all faction merchants treat valuables the same i.e give the same gold and faction points, or do some factions give more for certain items?
Ruffio says
Are you ever able to go back to the area in the crossroads that’s one of the memory areas? I think there’s a Fen’Herel pointing me up there, but I can’t seem to get up there. The entrance has an archway but there’s not a path there anymore.
Does this mean the trophy is missable, or does it open back up later? It’s not marked as missable in the guide.
BrotherNero says
The Last Rites Mission is bugged. Completed it but it’s not in my mission list. Probably have to wait until an Update
Splicer says
On Xbox, it can be confirmed that factions achievements takes all quests for them and reaching 3-star rating. Progressions bar rises 50% for quests and another 50% for reaching 3-star, leading to unlock. I carefully examined this with all factions and can personally confirm.
ashp says
When did the trophies Annihilation in Arlathan and Call for Coin and Company unlock for you?
I have completed the game and these are the only two trophies I am missing. The others unlocked after doing specific quests in their regions but haven’t had these unlock for the platinum
DerHunter says
I’m missing call of coins too, do you need 100% exploring as well?
Sergio says
The last patch notes mention something about faction achievements, do you know how the trophies change?
Tabion says
Does this very last point of the patch notes effect any thing in a positive or negative way in regards to trophies?
I’m only just starting and following the guide but have seen this.
“• The Faction Achievements will now be gained properly upon reaching max Faction Strength instead of the Faction Cap.“
Thank you for an awesome guide as always.
Lord_AilliK says
lucanis dont become a veilguard in murder of crows, anyone knows why?? i save myrathous
Tabion says
I have this issue as well, I completed A Murder of Crows, and he did not become a hero.
I also cant get his follow uip conversation to appear for this trophy.
Currently sitting at the point of no return, finishing off osme other stuff, checking the lighthouse between every mission i do to see if he has any conversation or quest markers.
I also saved Minrathous as the guide said to do (before the update that made that choice not matter)
Max says
Most recent patch said it fixed the faction trophies not unlocking at the certain point rank so should be good now!
Raymond Montes says
can’t get Neve’s trophy “City of Shadows” to pop up. I’ve got her to hero of veilguard and still won’t pop up. I have a save just before her final mission and I’ve done it a few times to try and get it to pop up but still nothing.
Glenneraal says
It’s a bit later. After her last fighting quest there Will be a golden exclamation talk at lighthouse, after completing minrathous (shadow dragon) quests Neve Will be waiting in dock town for a conversation quest
Orange Lavaburst says
Hey, I’m pretty sure you no longer have to save Minrathous after the most recent update. You can now sell items to a wisp in the crossroads that gives you rep for whatever faction merchant bites the dust.
Orange Lavaburst says
Oop, never mind!
There is still that quest chain that gives you a trophy if you aid Minrathous.
KAdamsy1 says
Of Latest patch faction strength may not a concern. I let treviso burn and obviously lost the merchant. But as of latest patch a wisp merchant now appears in the crossroads for me any thing valuables i sell to it ups my crow faction strength. I assume this would work the other way round as well.
Snake2410 says
Sounds like the 1.000.003 patch fixed the buggy factions trophies.
Chris says
I got the “ones that last” trophy with Shadow Dragons on 2 stars and everyone else was on three, I did save the city and did all of the quests so I don’t know if that had something to do with it
Resolute says
Thank you for making the guide!
I had a question regarding the secret ending trophy. You said in the trophy description, that if we finished the game already, we can repeat the ending anytime. Is there a way for me to just rewatch then ending again, with the new secret cutscene (i found all the mysterious orbs), without having to replay the 4 hours of the last act?
Appreciate the help in advance.
Ed says
Part 9: Bonds and Blackened Wings
This is glitched for me.
I’ve cleaned the mission Fire and Ice twice and no popup. But I got the trophies for part 10. Ahhhhh ????
Roberto says
I have 3 glitched trophies, Bellara trophy, the lords of fortune faction & the high dragons. I’m currently at the point of no return with every companion a hero of the veilguard & every faction at 3.200, i even checked if the problem was the merchant upgrade number with the lords of fortune. This must be extremely unlucky right?
Wolfe says
On my play through I chose to save Trevino instead ofinrathous, hurting is the one who died, and I used davron and emmeick from my party characters. I only had two stars in monrothes, but three stars on all the others. With all of this I still got the achievement for the ones that last. Maybe a little hope for those a picked Trevino to be saved, you can still get the achievement if you did
omakez says
hey all, the trophy Reflections don’t pop. Anyone know anything? Last trophy for me!
DAFan says
Hope this helps anyone else, you do not need to save Minrathous only to get the best possible ending. I did it with Treviso so as not to lock out the Lucanis romance. Spend time maxing up relationships with companions and getting them to Veilguard Hero status then all possible survivables can be done with the right delegations at the end. Shadow Dragons quests can still be done to get their level to moderate. Then you can sell valuables to their faction wisp in the Crossroads to max out Shadow Dragons rank. Their faction specific trophy should pop then
Baz says
So confused by the Enhancements! trophy. I already upgraded care taker to level 10 so every item I find is a level 10 item, how do I unlock to trophy if I cannot upgrade them any further?
Russ says
Yup, massive reports of the reflections trophy not popping for people! I just got to it and it didn’t pop. Not going to progress until there is a fix. I have a save point during the mission so hoping it gets fixed at some point. I would hope Powerpyx would update the guide with this info.
Russ says
Ok Update! I saw someone post about the reflections trophy glitch… they said you have to grab the hidden chest in the area of Bellara’s final mission. I redid it and collected the chest, finished the mission and got the trophy to pop!! So the chest has to be a part of it!
Jay says
It’s not. You have to replay each memory in the Lightbouse once you get to Chapter 8. I got all of these long ebfore finishing any of Bellara’s quests
PowerPyx says
Updated the Guide/Roadmap for the latest patch. It no longer matters if in Chapter 6 you protect Minrathous or Treviso, as the missing faction merchant respawns in The Crossroads in the form of a Wisp (marked on map). Can sell him valuables to still reach 3 stars with the destroyed faction, thus still able to get best ending and all faction trophies even if you didn’t protect Minrathous. This simplifies things a bit and you no longer need to sell valuables to the faction merchant before he goes away.
The faction trophies now seem to unlock at specific faction point requirements rather than after specific quests. I’m still gathering confirmation if they now all unlock at 3200 points (maximum) or at 3 stars.
Vic says
Thank you! So to confirm, we.do not have to choose Human necessarily or sell to any specific vendors? Or?
PowerPyx says
Pretty sure it doesn’t matter what race you pick. Personally I played as Human so that’s what I can 100% confirm to work for plat.
FrostyPanda says
It is worth metioning that we can farm/buy valuables to hit the reputation treshhold needed very early on. Although boring it fixes the wrong choices during character creator and you get some free gold.
Jay says
Hi. Worth noting that for the ending trophy, o ly things that matter are gavong the companion quests done, having max rep with all factions (which is at around 2.9k rep, you dont even need the full 3.2k), and choosing companions that suit the roles in Ch12 to 14.
Your dialogue with Solas in the end doesnt matter for the trophy, in fact, these other factors are what influence what dialogue you get. But only one ensong locks you out of this trophy and you cant gwt it if you have all these things done.
Sceret ending also doesnt depend on any of these factors.
LegacyOfTheAsh says
Hey there. I can’t seem to initiate A Time to Kill. I’ve already completed A Slow Poison but allowed Treviso to become blighted. Since then, I’ve gotten new quests from the Antivan Crows but not A Time to Kill. Am I locked out of the quest? Thanks.
btrlegendix says
( dragon age the vailguard ) i got all faction at 3 stars ( 3200 points ) , all companions are vailgaurd status , all quests are done in every zone ( except main story 11+ )
now when i wanna start the quest of no return ‘ when plans align ” it should say all are supporting me ….etc. but for me it keeps saying ” most wil support me ”
i’m so confused on what more i need to do
PowerPyx says
This is normal, don’t worry about it.
Brett says
Unbound is glitches I defeated the dragon and got kill all dragons but unbound is the only trophy I’m missing. Hope they fix it or find a work around. Yoy can’t replay mission or fight dragon again
Mish says
I saved Treviso, and only had 2 stars with the Shadow Dragons before the Point of No Return and still got the best ending and triggered The Ones That Last trophy. You definitely don’t need 3 stars for EVERY single faction to get the best ending/this trophy. Whether or not The Soul of a City will trigger without 3 stars is another story, as mine didn’t but I’m not sure if I missed a Dock Town quest or if it was just bugged. However, I think the text in this guide that states you NEED to get EVERY faction to 3 stars to trigger “The Ones That Last” and the best ending isn’t exactly true. The exact threshold for how many faction stars and how many “hero of the veilguard” statuses you need in order for the game to grant you the best ending might need some more experimentation.
PowerPyx says
You can probably get away with 2 stars with some of the factions. As long as all their faction leaders survive it’s fine. Getting 3 stars with all of them is the safest method that is guaranteed to work every time. You need 3 stars for faction trophies anyway.
Mattoelite1 says
I didn’t grab all 3 rings before beating the game. Just rolled credits, and grabbed the remaining two that somehow didn’t see, and rolled the credits from the Home Screen again. No secret cutscene. Do I need to play from the point of no return back through the end of the game for the cutscene? If I do, can the guide please be notated to do this before PONR? This would’ve saved myself (and others) hours.
PowerPyx says
You need to replay the ending.
This is already in the guide. Step 4 is to get the 3 circles, Step 6 is to do the ending. If you follow the order outlined in the guide you won’t need to replay anything.
Jarjaxle says
So wait….want the Best end trophy? Have leave Taash alive? ????….welp leave their hero mission last, save before end choice to. Do it, Finish the game and get the trophy. Load the save, play final missions and Let the Traash BURN.