Taras Nabad is the 9th mission in Doom Eternal and contains 32 collectible locations (3 Toys, 2 Mastery tokens, 7 Codex pages, 1 Cheat code, 3 Sentinal batteries, 1 Sentinal crystal, 2 Albums, 5 Praetor Suit tokens, 2 Secret encounters, 1 Slayer key, 1 Slayer Gate, 1 Empyrean Key, 3 Extra Lives). This walkthrough will guide you to all Taras Nabad collectibles in Doom Eternal. If you missed something you can get it via mission select.
- Toys: 3
- Mastery Tokens: 2
- Codex Pages: 7
- Cheat Codes: 1
- Sentinel Batteries: 3
- Sentinel Crystal: 1
- Albums: 2
- Praetor Suit Tokens: 5
- Secret Encounters: 2
- Slayer Keys: 1
- Slayer Gates: 1
- Empyrean Keys: 1
- Extra Lives: 3
All collectibles in this chapter are listed in chronological order. If you miss anything you can use fast travel when it unlocks at the end of the mission to go back everywhere.
Codex #1 (Taras Nabad) – On the first platform you jump down to from the start of the mission. on the left before the bridge.
Sentinel Battery #1 – Drop down to the immediate side of the above Codex and break the wall.
Album #1 (Doom 2016 – BFG Division) – Immediately after you open the gate and kill the Marauder, drop off the side of the platform and dash to the platform underneath.
Praetor Suit Token #1 – Immediately left after killing the Mancubus and other demons, before dropping down the hole in the floor to progress.
Automap Station – In the large courtyard where you first fight an Archville. Assume that the side with the statue you are supposed to push over is North, the Automap Station is on the West side on the upper level.
Secret Encounter #1 – Same courtyard as above. On the west side, drop down and go around the corner and break the wall to find this encounter. For this encounter shoot a grenade into the Cacodemon as soon as possible to get a quick glory kill on it. Shoot the Pain Elemental with the Javelin to kill it, then put whatever you have left into the Doom Hunter. If you fail this encounter it’s probably better to just restart checkpoint immediately, because it will put back right before you broke the wall to get into the room and will have all your ammo back. If you have a BFG shot it’s potentially worth using here. You can also reload the checkpoint after using the BFG to finish the Secret Encounter to get your ammo back (the Secret Encounter will still be complete).
Mastery Token #1 – Beside where the Secret Encounter start point was there is a small corridor with a button inside. Hit that button to open the gate to this Mastery token.
Sentinel Battery #2 – In the top right corner of the courtyard (upstairs) there is a statue you can punch to break (see red arrow on screenshot below). This opens the gates into the room on the right of the area (upstairs). Go in there and climb the wall, then punch the chain to break the floor to get into the roof with this battery.
Praetor Suit Token #2 – Right after the swimming section required to progress, the token is directly beside the hole.
Codex #2 (History of the Sentinels – Part X) – Out in the open in the area after the swimming section.
Toy #1 (Cyber Mancubus) – In the same area, just forward on the right from the Codex is a statue you can punch with a button behind it (red arrow in screenshot). This lights up a cauldron midway up the steps for you to stand on (red circle in screenshot). After doing that the gate to this secret opens.
Extra Life #1 – In the large room where you’re shown the flashback cutscene, just jump down to it in the center of the room.
Codex #3 (The Divinity Machine) – On the story path when you exit the circular room, can’t miss it.
Slayer Key #1, Slayer Gate #1, Empyrean Key #1 – Just after the second swimming part, take the hallway to the left instead of going forward to progress the mission. The gate then opens so you can get to the Slayer Gate right after. The Slayer Gate is in the purple circle as usual. This is the final (and 6th) Slayer Gate & last Empyrean Key in Doom Eternal. It will unlock the Breaker of Gates trophy and you can now get the secret Unmaykr weapon in the Fortress of Doom hub area by redeeming the keys.
Secret Encounter #2 – After the next fight go along the path to progress, then turn left immediately and break the wall to get into the area with this fight. Grab the secret to open the gate before starting this encounter. It spawns a couple of imps and a Marauder, so you basically just need to kill the Marauder as fast as possible. If you have the Super Shotgun reload upgrade you can get two shots in each time you stun him. If you fail restart the checkpoint to get your ammo back.
Cheat Code #1 (Powerup Mode: Overdrive) – Directly left of the above Secret Encounter start point.
Sentinel Battery #3 – After climbing out of the hole into the area with the Titan, turn around to find this in the corner.
Codex #4 (History of the Sentinels – Part XI) – Also beside the hole you just climbed out of.
Praetor Suit Token #3 – Go to the left of the area over the Titan’s leg to find this standing in the water.
Toy #2 (Marauder) – Break the wall to the right of the above Praetor suit token.
Extra Life #2 – After the fifth combat area, continue around the circular room up the stairs instead of jumping out to progress.
Praetor Suit Token #4 – In the building that you dash to and break the wall then go up the elevator, kill all the enemies then go around the back to find this token.
Codex #5 (History of the Sentinels – Part XII) – When you drop out of the above building, turn around instead of jumping the gap to find this on the right.
Sentinel Crystal #1 – Same spot except on the left of above.
Extra Life #3 – After jumping the gap on the bridge, before you reach the door to progress you can drop into the hole and swing off the bar to reach this Extra Life.
Codex #6 (History of the Sentinels – Part XIII) – On the back left in the vault room.
Album #2 (Quake II – Rage) – After using the button behind the skull to turn on the vents, instead of punching the chain to progress, use the vent to propel yourself over and dash to break the wall above where you took the elevator into this room.
Praetor Suit Token #5 – After grabbing the rad suit don’t drop down, go around the back of the room to find this token.
Toy #3 (Pain Elemental) – When you drop down the hole after the above token, while in free fall you need to double dash through a metal gate behind which you can see the secret “?” sign (before you fall down into the water, you must do this in mid-air while falling!). The spot to break is between the 2nd and 3rd sight of lights going down the tunnel. If you miss it first time, restart the checkpoint (or wait to unlock fast travel at end of mission).
Codex #7 (History of the Sentinels – Part XIV) – On the story path, before you drop into the crucible room.
Mastery Token #2 – In the crucible room, on the opposite side of the walkway. Grab this before you grab the crucible.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Taras Nabad of Doom Eternal.
Next Up: Nekravol
For all other Missions, check out the complete Doom Eternal Collectibles Guide.
Ctowndrama says
Super tip to make that free fall toy SOOOOO much easier. Equip the tune that lets you hover while holding Left trigger and equip the rifle. Using the scope, drop down, hold left trigger (which zooms you in and let’s you float) and then dash when you’re at the gate. You can dash while zooming and hovering. Soooooooo much easier and did it in one try after falling once to see its location.
Shuaib Mohamed says
Just a glitch to be aware of for the cyber mancubus toy #1 if you press the switch and don’t stand on the podium you can block yourself out of that toy. I didn’t know what to do so used fast travel at the end of the level to go back but I couldn’t stand on the podium to open the gate and button was already pressed.