Cultist Base is the 3rd mission in Doom Eternal and contains 25 collectible locations (2 Toys, 1 Modbot, 1 Codex page, 1 Cheat code, 3 Sentinel Batteries, 1 Sentinel Crystal, 1 Album, 5 Praetor Suit Tokens, 1 Slayer Key, 1 Slayer Gate, 1 Empyrean Key, 6 Extra Lives). This walkthrough will guide you to all Cultist Base collectibles in Doom Eternal. If you missed something you can get it via mission select.
- Toys: 2
- Modbots: 1
- Codex pages: 1
- Cheat Codes: 1
- Runes: 1
- Sentinel Batteries: 3
- Sentinel Crystals: 1
- Albums: 1
- Praetor Suit Tokens: 5
- Slayer Keys: 1
- Slayer Gates: 1
- Empyrean Keys: 1
- Extra Lives: 6
All collectibles in this chapter are listed in chronological order. If you miss anything you can use fast travel when it unlocks at the end of the mission to go back everywhere.
Codex #1 (Cultist Base) – To your right as you start the level.
Toy (Gargoyle) #1 – After climbing a wall with mines on it early on, you can double dash onto a big skull hanging in the air.
1-up #1 – In the first combat encounter, to the right of where all of the zombies were is a wire hanging down with a large dopefish (frog-like) creature on the end, jump down to the ledge below and shoot the explosive next to the frog to reveal the extra life.
Sentinel Battery #1 – This one is tricky to find. In the same area above, turn right around the corner from where you dropped down and you will see a cracked wall on a platform just above, break this and then hit the switch, it will lower a gate leading to a blue vent which will shoot you high up so you can then dash to the battery ahead.
Praetor Suit Token #1 – Directly in front of you after leaving the first fight with a Mancubus, impossible to miss.
1-up #2 – In the area where you battle the first arachnatron of the level, on the right side is a green target you can shoot that opens a gate leading to a climbable wall, from this wall jump to the platform with the extra life ahead.
1-up #3 – After using the cultist key and killing the first shield soldiers, drop down to the right and you’ll see a platform and a pole, swing from this pole to the left and shoot the frog for another life.
Rune #1 – Directly in your path during the level, impossible to miss.
Modbot #1 – Directly in your path during the level (after the Whiplash demons), impossible to miss.
Praetor Suit Token #2 – Immediately after the modbot halfway down the icy slope with the shield soldiers, look to the left for a cracked wall, proceed through to find the token.
Sentinel Battery #2 – After the large fight in the next area and going up the ramp ahead, this battery is on the left side after entering the building.
1-up #4 – On the opposite of the previous collectible is a green switch you can punch that lowers some timed poles, swing on these and grab on to the grate high up, turn around and jump towards the extra life.
Sentinel Crystal #1 – A bit later in the story you’ll press a switch which opens a gate to the crystal directly in front of you, impossible to miss.
Secret Encounter #1 – In the same room as the above Sentinel Crystal
Praetor Suit Token #3 – Shortly after the previous collectible you’ll come to an elevator moving up and down, go down the elevator and follow the path until you climb up some crates, drop down the other side to see the token.
Sentinel Battery #2 – After climbing out the top of the elevators and fighting some demons, proceed left and into the opening in the other elevator when it moves down and exit when it moves up, drop down to find the battery.
Cheat Code (IDDQD) – In the fight just after getting the Super Shotgun, kill all enemies in the room and some poles will be revealed, swing on them and double jump and turn around mid-air and dash to the secret on the platform in the center of the room.
Toy #2 (Solider Blaster) – In the corridor with the chained axes slamming the ground, look to the right after the 2nd axe and you can punch a vent to reveal this secret.
Praetor Suit Token #4 – In the next room when you raise the large skull object and jump on top, turn around and jump across the gap to find this token.
Secret Encounter #2 – When you reach two spiked walls crashing together, the secret will be behind a breakable wall to the right.
1-up #5 – This will be in plain sight in the room with the clamping spiked walls, once you get to the other side turn around and you can jump to it.
Album #1 (DOOM II Into Sandy’s City) – Just past the previous collectible, go straight ahead and then left past crushing wall once it slams down to find the secret.
1-up #6 – After leaving the room with the crushing walls, go the far right corner of this area and look down, you will see a small cave you can jump down to, press the switch on the right to reveal the extra life.
Slayer Key #1 – In the big room with the giant yellow wall you need to break, look below this wall to the right to see a wall you can grab below. Follow this path until you reach the slayer key.
Slayer Gate #1 + Empyrean Key #1 – After getting the Slayer Key, jump down and head to the right to use it on the Slayer Gate. Win the enemy battle to unlock the Empyrean Key.
Praetor Suit Token #5 – After returning to the area with the statue of Deag Ranak as part of the story and going through another door here, you can find this down the right path of the next room.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Cultist Base of Doom Eternal.
Next Up: Doom Hunter Base
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Doom Eternal Collectibles Guide.
Dunge says
“with a large frog like creature”
PowerPyx doesn’t know about the dopefish?
PowerPyx says
I do, but 95% of players won’t know what a dopefish is. So saying “frog-like” for description purpose gives everyone a better idea. Fair enough though, I’ll reword it as “Dopefish (frog-like creature) so we have the best of both worlds 🙂
Fuzzball says
As always clear consise guides, the best online for a long time. Great work
Chris says
Awesome guide, guys! Thank you so much! AND it is in chronological order!!!